Friday, 10 December 1999

December 1999 Edition.


December 1999 edition
This of course will not only be the last edition of the SCN this year, but also of the millennium. As we look back over the events of the past 50 or so years it is naturally easy to become depressed, as we have witnessed the whole of Africa being abandoned to the forces of darkness, culminating, of course, in the tragic surrender of Rhodesia, SWA, and more recently even our beloved South Africa itself, to the tender mercies of terrorist rule.

Elsewhere around the world, of course, the forces of western civilisation have also been under sustained attack, with internationalist entities usurping the powers of nation states, and the ties of global kith and kin being continually weakened.

But in spite of all these disasters there have been two most encouraging developments during 1999. Firstly there was the significant triumph of the Eurosceptic parties in the Euro-Elections (not only in the UK, but throughout the EU), and secondly, and perhaps more importantly, there was the fantastic victory for the "No" campaign in the Australian Constitutional Referendum, which was a clear vote by Australians in favour of the ties of kith and kin.

Events in world history have a tendancy to move very rapidly, and sometimes in a most unexpected direction (one only has to remember the profound events of the end of the 1980's, when the Iron Curtain came down, the Berlin Wall crumbled, and even the Soviet Union itself collapsed, all within a few brief months). With these recent encouraging events in both Europe and Australia we may well find that the dynamic of world history is once more moving in favour of western civilisation and ethnic kinship, and as a result a return to civilised White rule in Southern Africa may be closer than we think.

As we approach the new millennium we should not be depressed therefore. Events are starting to move in our direction, and we must have full confidence in ourselves and our cause for this new era. The future belongs to us.



As many supporters will know, we were hoping to welcome the Hon. Ian Douglas Smith as our Guest of Honour for our Rhodesian theme meeting in November, as he was in the UK at the time. Unfortunately his tight schedule prevented this, but we were able to make direct contact with the great man, and he confirmed that he would be prepared to address the Springbok Club if he was ever to find himself in the UK again.

As it was, however, we staged a somewhat "low-key" meeting instead, which featured an informative illustrated talk on the history of the "Save Rhodesia Campaign". There was a small but enthusiastic audience, which included a mysterious unknown individual with a "skinhead" appearance, who arrived late and who nobody knew anything about. Does anybody know who this person was we wonder?


For our special "Day of the Vow" commemoration meeting this year we will have the very great honour of welcoming as our Guest of Honour the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Burford.

The Earl of Burford is the eldest son and heir of the Duke of St.Albans. He shot to fame in October of this year when he staged a dramatic protest on the Woolsack in the House of Lords against the plans of the present British Labour government to abolish the hereditary nature of the House of Lords, and against increasing national power being surrendered to the EU. The Earl of Burford studied at Hertford College, Oxford, where he gained a first-class degree in modern languages. He is President of the "Shakespeare Oxford Society" and has lectured on Shakespeare throughout North America. He is also Director of "Freedom in Action" and President of the "De Vere Society". Following his famous protest he has been instrumental in establishing the "New House of Peers", a grouping formed under the provisions of Magna Carta which stated that it only takes 25 hereditary peers to assemble anywhere in the land to constitute a legitimate House of Lords. In his keynote talk the Earl of Burford has agreed to tell us a bit more about both "Freedom in Action" and the "New House of Peers".
The details of this gathering are as follows :-

Date  :  Saturday 18th December 1999

Time  :  18.30 hrs. for 19.00 hrs.

Venue :  The Morpeth Arms, 58 Millbank, Westminster, London SW1.
         (close to the Tate Gallery and Vauxhall Bridge
          nearest Underground Station :  Pimlico)

A full buffet meal will also be provided at this event, and admission will be free for all Full and Life Members of the SPRINGBOK CLUB, £4.00 per head for Associate Members, and £8.00 per head for other friends and supporters. Although payments may be made on the night, we would appreciate it if those intending to attend could inform us in advance so that we can confirm numbers. This can of course be done either by e-mail at:, or by writing to THE SPRINGBOK CLUB, BCM SAPAT, LONDON WC1N 3XX, UK (all payments to be made payable to "Patriotic Press").



As all UK subscribers will now know, S.A.PATRIOT-IN-EXILE No.35 has at last been safely published.
Unfortunately, however, we haven't been able to afford to post out any copies to our South African subscribers so far (or to those elsewhere in the world for this matter), and we estimate that we need to raise approximately another £144.00 in order to complete this task. A good method of helping us in this regard (as well as helping to "spread the word") would be to purchase a bulk quantity of the magazine for re-distribution. Bulk prices are as follows :-

 25 copies        £8.00    R80.00    or    US$24.00
 50 copies       £12.50   R125.00    or    US$37.50 
100 copies       £20.00   R200.00    or    US$60.00
200 copies       £35.00   R350.00    or    US$95.00

All orders should of course be sent to :-
Patriotic Press, BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, U.K.

All payments from South Africa should be made payable to "N. Lamprecht" in Rand, from North America they should be made either in US cash or cheques WITH THE PAYEE'S NAME LEFT BLANK, and from the UK or the rest of the world by cheque or P.O.'s made payable to "Patriotic Press" in Sterling. Also please confirm whether you would like to receive a batch of edition No.35 only, or a selection of all our most recent issues.



Brendon Jones, who was attempting to form a Devon Branch of the SPRINGBOK CLUB, has recently moved from Devon to Wiltshire - but he is now hoping to establish a branch in this new location. We have also been contacted by supporters in both Glasgow and Co.Down who are most keen to form branches in their respective areas, and of course already have embryo branches in Kent, London, Cheshire/Lancashire and Hampshire (as well as co-ordinators in Australia, the United States and Sweden). If you are from any of these areas and would like to become more actively involved then please contact us in this regard at :



Several SPRINGBOK CLUB members attended a meeting staged by the "Conservative Monday Club" in November which was addressed by Lord Lamont of Lerwick on the subject of that great friend of the true South Africa, General Augusto Pinochet.

Although Lord Lamont's speech was by its very nature somewhat depressing, he did however expertly remind us all about the great friendship and achievements of the good General, and how he had now been unlawfully detained by the Blair government for over a year. This speech reminded us all about the terrible injustice being meted out to this great friend of both Britain and South Africa, who was now truly being held as a political prisoner. Hopefully we will now all be encouraged to redouble our efforts to procure his early freedom.


COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

FIREFORCE - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 368 pages, 120 black and white and colour photos, plus maps and sketches. Widely acclaimed as the classic account of counter-insurgency warfare in Africa. Includes the RLI roll of honour, citations and operational orders. Price R185.00.

HOW WE KEPT THE FLAG FLYING, by Donald MacDonald. Hard cover, 213 x 137 mm., 303 pages, with frontispiece and 7 illustrations and various diagrams. This enduring story of the Siege of Ladysmith is the first in a series of Anglo-Boer War reprints. Price R169.95.

PAMWE CHETE - The Legend of the Selous Scouts, by Lt.Col. Ron Reid-Daly. The revamped, rewritten version of the best-selling "Top Secret War". With new, previously unpublished material, including the roll of honour and full schedules of citations and wings. New photo sections. The definitive account of this exceptional unit's short but distinguished service in the field of counter-insurgency operations during the Rhodesian Bush War. Price R225.00.

SURVIVAL COURSE, by Chris Cocks. The sequel to "Fireforce", chronicling the author's fifteen-month experience, up until the advent of Zimbabwe in 1980, as a stick-leader in the specialist PATU (Police Anti-Terrorist Unit), operating on Rhodesia's eastern border. Part 2 deals with the author's traumatic and harrowing transition to civilian life. Price R95.00.
COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

We are happy to be able to announce that the Springbok Club can now supply copies of all these books, prices being £20.00 (Fireforce), £15.00 (How We Kept the Flag Flying), £27.50 (Pamwe Chete) and £10.00 (Survival Course). All payments should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK. (Please add 10% for p.& p.).



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact. (We have been informed that our inclusion of Owen Parvess in this section last month was the second time that we had included him in this section. Apologies for this duplication therefore - so now we will give you a second "No.16"!)

No.16 :  Mr. LANCE TERRY.

Although Lance Terry was born in Surrey in the UK, he emigrated to South Africa with his parents at an early age, and lived with them at Eerste Rivier in the Western Cape, where they evidently ran a dog kennels and cattery. He was reading law at UCT when we knew him during the 1980's, when he was both a good friend of S.A.PATRIOT and an active member of the "Moderate Student's Movement" at UCT (an affiliate of the anti-NUSAS "National Students' Federation"). We are uncertain whether he is still in South Africa or has returned to the UK, but in either case we would like to re-make contact with him.



A 200-hectare farm called "Die Bos" bordering the N2 in Somerset West is being carefully re-developed into an entire and completely secure town called "Heritage Park". This is not some "pie in the sky" scheme like so many of the "Afrikaner homeland" ideas, but a viable and well-planned enterprise which will provide full security and safety to its residents within the increasingly lawless and collapsing South Africa. In a way is can therefore be regarded as a "holding-operation" for its inhabitants to live in safety until civilised rule can be re-established in the country.

Heritage Park has an excellent web-site which can be accessed at :-



We were all of course greatly saddened by the recent death of Pieter Kenyon "P.K." van der Byl. P.K. van der Byl was of course the charismatic and leading member of the Rhodesian Government during the days of UDI, holding at various times the portfolios of Defence and Foreign Affairs. He was a truly inspirational figure, exulting confidence and defiance amongst all Rhodesian troops and citizens who he came into contact with. He was actually the son of a South African cabinet minister under Jan Smuts, and here, alas, lay the root of one of the greatest tragedies to befall Southern Africa. The National Party South African PM John Vorster could evidently never forgive van der Byl for the fact that his father was a leading United Party parliamentarian, and was therefore prepared to stab Rhodesia in the back. If there had been more people like P.K. van der Byl and less like John Vorster in Southern Africa then the world would undoubtedly be a far, far better place today.

We have also recently learnt of the sad death of Eve Brierley a few months ago. Eve Brierley was the Chairperson of the Durban Branch of the "South African/Rhodesian Association" (SARA), and with her eager team of lady supporters was a familiar figure collecting funds for the Rhodesian cause in the Durban area during the 1970's - particularly outside King's Park at the time of big rugby matches! Although she initially worked closely with the more politically-orientated "Save Rhodesia Campaign", there subsequently developed great friction between these two organisations, which of course greatly damaged the Rhodesian cause at a very important moment for the country's existence. It is not our purpose now to accredit blame; all we will say is that here again was a great and avoidable tragedy for Southern Africa. Nothing however can deflect from the sincerity and dedication of Eve Brierley, who furthermore was still a great and active supporter of expatriate Rhodesian organisations in South Africa until her death.

Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!

Tuesday, 2 November 1999

November 1999 Edition.


November 1999 edition
The itinerary for the forthcoming United Nations (eh, sorry, England) Cricket tour of South Africa makes some very strange reading, with some very odd provincial names indeed.

Just as our movement is proving increasingly successful in popularising use of the REAL South African flag (and we understand that there were quite a few spotted at Springbok matches during the recent Rugby World Cup), so our next task must be to encourage people to resume using the REAL place-names of South Africa.

Never forget therefore that it is NATAL, not KwaZulu/Natal, the ORANGE Free State, not simply the Free State, NORTHERN TRANSVAAL not "Northern Titans" or "Blue Bulls" or any such rubbish, VERWOERDBURG, not Centurion Park - and there is no such place as "gauteng"!



Lars Karnestam from Sweden gave a most informative and indeed inspiring illustrated talk at our October meeting. With the aid of colour slides he explained why he originally became so pro-South African and how his belief in the country was shaped and re-enforced by his trips to South Africa during the 1980's.

Unfortunately, however, the attendance at this event was embarrassingly small. We know that there were several other meetings taking place in London that evening (including a big "Save the RUC" rally) which many of our supporters attended, but even so we really must try to ensure that we obtain more decent turn-outs for future functions - particularly when we welcome such prominent overseas speakers.


It was decided at an Exco meeting earlier this year that the Springbok Club would always hold one meeting with a Rhodesian theme once a year. This year this will be held in November, and will celebrate the 34th anniversary of U.D.I.. We are currently still in the process of trying to finalise a high-profile guest of honour, but in any case the event will include illustrated accounts and information about the Rhodesian struggle during the Bush War.

The details of this event are as follows :-

Date  :  Thursday 11th November 1999

Time  :  19.30 hrs. onwards.

Venue :  The Morpeth Arms, 58 Millbank, Westminster, London SW1.
         (close to the Tate Gallery and Vauxhall Bridge
          nearest Underground Station :  Pimlico)

Needless to say, if and when our special guest of honour has been finalised you will once again be circulated with details.



We are happy to be able to report that edition No.35 of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile is now definitely at our printers, so it should ready for distribution in about a week's time. Although we say it ourselves, it looks like being about our best issue ever!

We hope therefore that all our supporters who haven't already done so will now be willing to subscribe.
Once again our subscription rates for 12 issues are :-

UK & Europe     :       £8.00 (second class)    £9.00 (first class)
Southern Africa :       R120.00 (surface mail)  R180.00 (air mail)
North America   :       $18.00 (surface mail)   $27.00 (air mail)
Australasia     :       $20.00 (surface mail)   $30.00 (air mail)

All payments should of course be sent to :-
Patriotic Press, BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, U.K.

All subscriptions and donations from South Africa should be made payable to "N. Lamprecht" in Rand. All payments from North America should be made in US Dollars WITH THE PAYEE'S NAME LEFT BLANK. All contributions from the UK and the rest of the world should be made payable to "Patriotic Press" in Sterling.



Once again there will be an unofficial Springbok Club trip to the Lewes Bonfire celebrations on November 5th this year, in order to commemorate the 394th anniversary of the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot, and the 311th anniversary of the landing of William, Prince of Orange, at Tor Bay.

If any other supporters would like to join our party at this event then simply e-mail us at the usual address, and we will inform you of rendezvous arrangements.



We are happy to be able to report that as a result of our appeal in our October edition we expect shortly to be able to complete an arrangement to supply full-size (4' x 3') real South African flags - as well as a new stock of table-pennants. Needless to say fuller details, with hopefully the exact prices, will be included in next month's edition.

We still have a small stock of real South African flag lapel-badges left however, price £5.50 (including p.& p.). Payments of course to "Patriotic Press" at the usual address.


Congratulations are certainly in order to Springbok Club Exco member Tony Waller upon his appointment to the committee of the influential London Swinton Circle. Springbok Club stalwart Bill Peters, who is also a leading member of the British Weights and Measures Association, has also recently had an excellent letter published in the Sunday Telegraph. The London Swinton Circle can be contacted at:, and the British Weights and Measures Association can be written to at 45 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh, EH7 5JX, UK.

We have also been most pleased to learn that the Springbok Club's co-ordinator in Australia, Nick Maine, has been appointed a "Booth Captain" for the pro-Monarchist "No" campaign during the forthcoming Australian constitutional referendum. We wish him and all his campaign well for November 6th!



COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

HOW WE KEPT THE FLAG FLYING, by Donald MacDonald. Hard cover, 213 x 137 mm., 303 pages, with frontispiece and 7 illustrations and various diagrams. This enduring story of the Siege of Ladysmith is the first in a series of Anglo-Boer War reprints. Price R169.95.

PAMWE CHETE - The Legend of the Selous Scouts, by Lt.Col. Ron Reid-Daly. The revamped, rewritten version of the best-selling "Top Secret War". With new, previously unpublished material, including the roll of honour and full schedules of citations and wings. New photo sections. The definitive account of this exceptional unit's short but distinguished service in the field of counter-insurgency operations during the Rhodesian Bush War. Price R225.00.

COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

We are happy to be able to announce that the Springbok Club can now supply copies of all these books, prices being £15.00 (How We Kept the Flag Flying) and £25.00 (Pamwe Chete). All payments such should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.

No.16 :  Mr. OWEN PARVESS.

Owen Parvess was a Rhodesian from Bulawayo who had a distiguished record in the Rhodesian armed services, but who was also very active politically in the struggle for Rhodesia's right to exist, being a leading member of both the Rhodesian Action Party and the Rhodesia Movement. After the fall of Rhodesia he moved to Pinetown in Natal, where he started his own succesful exterior coating company, and also stood as HNP candidate for the Umhlatuzana Constituency during the 1981 General Election. It is believed that he still lives in South Africa, and that his daughter Cindy has now married to become Cindy Dique, and works for the former Eskom state utility company.



It is not usually our policy to recommend a web-site more than once, but in view of the topicality of Bonfire celebrations, and the fact that it has been upgraded and enhanced quite extensively since last year, we are once again most pleased to recommend Conrad Bladey's excellent "Bonfires and Guys" site.

It can be accessed at :-


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!

Wednesday, 6 October 1999

October 1999 Edition.


October 1999 edition
The Springbok Cyber Newsletter has subscribers all over the world, and one of our strongest places of support has turned out to be Australia. The Springbok Club already has one functioning branch and two other embryo branches in Australia, and have also established friendly links with another pro-South African organisation in Queensland.

In November, however, Australians go to the polls for what is a vitally important referendum - to decide whether Australia should remain a Monarchy or become a republic.

Our organisation, of course, believes totally that the ties of culture and ethnicity are far more important than geography, and we view Australians as our brothers just as much as we do White South Africans and Britons. Criticisms can be made of the present British Sovereign (particularly her willingness to kow-tow to third world terrorists such as Mugabe and Mandela), but this should not obscure the fact that the institution of the Monarchy is far stronger and more important than any particular monarch. It gives a tangible and almost mystic link between our kith and kin throughout the globe, no matter where they may be residing.

In retrospect the result of the 1960 South Africa referendum (on the same subject as the current Australian plebiscite) was even more disastrous for the country than the referenda of 1983 and 1992 - though we of course fully understand the reasons why so many of our Afrikaner brothers wished to establish a republic. The break with the British Monarchy in 1961 meant that the links of kith and kin were also broken, and the eventual descent towards the chaotic tragedy of a multi-ethnic "rainbow" South African identity was thereby perhaps inevitable.   

Australia therefore must not make the same mistake as South Africa. As recent events have only too vividly illustrated, the Asian hordes lie only a few miles north of Darwin. We therefore urge all our supporters in Australia to work tirelessly for a strong vote in favour of retaining the Monarchy in their November referendum.



Production of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile No.35 has now almost been completed, and we anticipate it will be published before the end of the month. Now would therefore seem to be a good time to subscribe - if you haven't already done so. Once again our subscription rates for 12 issues are :-

UK & Europe     :       £8.00 (second class)    £9.00 (first class)
Southern Africa :       R120.00 (surface mail)  R180.00 (air mail)
North America   :       $18.00 (surface mail)   $27.00 (air mail)
Australasia     :       $20.00 (surface mail)   $30.00 (air mail)

Don't forget that all payments should be sent to :-
Patriotic Press, BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, U.K.

(all subscriptions and donations should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", but South African supporters are asked to make everything payable to "N.Lamprecht".)



The Springbok Club will be holding a very interesting and important meeting in London next week, when our guest speaker will be Mr. Lars Karnestam from Sweden, and we hope to see as many of our supporters and their friends there as possible.

Lars Karnestam comes from Solna, just north of Stockholm, and has been an active Swedish patriot since his youth. He has for long taken a keen interest in both South African and British affairs, having visited South Africa twice and Hong Kong once. During one of his visits to South Africa in the late 1980's he spoke for the Patriotic Forum (in a way the predecessor of today's Springbok Club) in Durban, and gave an enthralling address. He is currently in the process of establishing a branch of the Springbok Club in Stockholm and is co-ordinating the growth of the organisation in Scandinavia. In his talk - which will be illustrated by picture slides of his times in South Africa - he will outline what initially made him so pro-South African, his personal experiences in South Africa, and why he believes so firmly in the aims and objectives of the Springbok Club.

The details of this important meeting are :-

Date  :  Tuesday 12th October 1999

Time  :  19.30 hrs.

Venue :  The Morpeth Arms, 58 Millbank, Westminster, London SW1.
         (close to the Tate Gallery and Vauxhall Bridge
          nearest Underground Station :  Pimlico)



Although we still have a small quantity of real South African flag lapel-badges left (price £5.50 each, from BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX - all payments to be made payable to "Patriotic Press"), a number of our supporters have been enquiring about the possibility of obtaining larger flags - both of the "flag-pole" and "table-standard" variety.

Does anybody know where these might be obtained, or anywhere which might manufacture such items? Perhaps some of out friends in Ulster could supply us with the details of any sympathetic flag/bannerette retailers over there?

(Another supporter tells us that he has a quantity of real South African flag stickers available however. Although we don't know the precise details, if anyone is interested please let us know and we'll gladly put you into contact with the gentleman concerned.)



We are happy to be able to report that the on-line magazine "Out of Africa", which we mentioned was in the process of being established a few months ago, is now up and running. It is a truly magnificent and professional achievement which has been produced by the journalist Tom Henshaw in Western Australia. It's basic aim is to keep expatriate South Africans around the world in contact, and to report on all those who have made a success in their new countries of residence. Although of course (for obvious reasons) it is not political in contact, it is even so a most praise-worthy enterprise, and we can certainly recommend it to all our supporters - not only to read but also to submit your own entries. It can be downloaded from the following address :-



COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

FIREFORCE - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 368 pages, 120 black and white and colour photos, plus maps and sketches. Widely acclaimed as the classic account of counter-insurgency warfare in Africa. Includes the RLI roll of honour, citations and operational orders. Price R185.00.

HOW WE KEPT THE FLAG FLYING, by Donald MasDonald. Hard cover, 213 x 137 mm., 303 pages, with frontispiece and 7 illustrations and various diagrams. This enduring story of the Siege of Ladysmith is the first in a series of Anglo-Boer War reprints. Price R169.95.

COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

[UK supporters might also like to know that the Springbok Club is now selling copies of both these books, price £20.00 (Fireforce) and £17.95 (How We Kept the Flag Flying). All payments should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.]



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.

No.15 :  Mr. KOOS BOSHOFF.

Koos Boshoff lived in Montclair, and worked as a security guard in a number of south Durban factories. He was a keen and active supporter of both the Conservative Party and the Civic Action League, and always proved convivial and lively company. He is believed recently to have moved to Pietermaritzburg.



In view of the contemporary importance of events if Australia, we are pleased this month to recommend an excellent patriotic Australian web-site entitled "Proud to be a British Australian". This is worth having a look at for the picture of Ginger Spice alone! It also features an interesting voting feature entitled "Who is the greatest Briton of all time?" - and we know that a number of South African expatriates have already supported the claims of Cecil Rhodes! It can be accessed at :-


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!

Monday, 20 September 1999

September 1999 Edition.


September 1999 edition

No sooner is the Cricket World Cup over than the Rugby World Cup approaches. For South African patriots there is one big difference between these two events however. The South African rugby team does thankfully still play under the name of the Springboks - and they do still wear the traditional Springbok badge (well of sorts). Supporting them in the World Cup is therefore infinitely more easy than supporting their cricketing counterparts.

Of course the rugby Springboks have still tarnished their reputation by bearing the blood-stained flag of the ANC on their shorts, but we believe that this hideous image has recently been dropped. There have also regrettably been a number of so-called "supporters" in the crowd who have waved this same filthy party political flag instead of the true flag of South Africa, but most supporters thankfully seem to take the neutral option by waving an actual Springbok flag. What we need to see in this year's World Cup, therefore, is not only the Springbok flag being waved in abundance, but also the real South African flag as well. If so then the Springboks will undoubtedly receive far more support - and not only from South Africans!



As mentioned in the August edition of the SCN, we have now received sufficient contributions in order to proceed with the publication of the next issue of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile.

Edition No.35 is now therefore well on the way to being completed, and looks like being a very good issue.
Unfortunately, however, we still don't possess sufficient funds to be able to distribute this edition once it has been printed, and estimate that we still need to raise an approximate £300.00 in order to complete the postage of all copies around the world. If you are not in a position to make an actual donation, yet have not already subscribed, then why not take out a subscription ready for this next edition? Our subscription rates for 12 issues are as follows :-

UK & Europe     :       £8.00 (second class)    £9.00 (first class)
Southern Africa :       R120.00 (surface mail)  R180.00 (air mail)
North America   :       $18.00 (surface mail)   $27.00 (air mail)
Australasia     :       $20.00 (surface mail)   $30.00 (air mail)

Don't forget that all payments should be sent to :-
Patriotic Press, BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, U.K.

(all subscriptions and donations should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", but South African supporters are asked to make everything payable to "N.Lamprecht".)



Unfortunately our Summer Braai in Swanley turned out to be a very big disappointment numbers-wise, though those of us who did attend still had a most enjoyable time!

It seems very strange, but our more "serious" events always seem to be better attended than our more "social" activities, and we honestly can't understand why. In discussions at the braai and at an Exco meeting afterwards it was decided that in future years we will plan our itinerary well in advance. We aim therefore to have a full schedule of events prepared for 2000 and distributed to our supporters before the end of the year. Of course many of the speaker-meetings may have to be altered nearer the event if circumstances change, but for social activities such as braais the dates and venues will hold fast - so there will therefore never be any excuses for not being informed long enough in advance!



As you will probably guess, all the work involved in producing the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile means that we have not had the time to organise any national Springbok Club event for September.

The Kent Branch are however holding an informal "pub evening" towards the end of the month, and extend a warm invitation to everybody who can make it to come down to join them. This event will take place at the Monument Pub, Castle Road, Whitstable, on Sunday 26th September from 17.00 hrs onwards. There is no function room booked or anything - if the weather's good then the get-together will take place in the pub garden, but if not there will just be a corner of the bar commandeered. Simply look out for the usual badges and t-shirts!



As mentioned last month, Nick Maine from the Gold Coast in Queensland has now been appointed the co-ordinator for the Springbok Club in Australia. As well as his own Gold Coast Branch we also have embryo branches trying to be established in Melbourne and Perth. If you are interested in becoming actively involved anywhere in Australia then simply drop Nick an e-mail at :-

We are happy also to announce that Ferdi Fourie from Nebraska has now been appointed our co-ordinator in the United States. As well as Ferdi in Nebraska we also have people eager to form branches in Florida and Michigan, so again in you live in the States and would like to become active simply contact Ferdi on :-

Lars Karnestam from Stockholm is also trying to co-ordinate everything in Scandinavia. Unfortunately Lars isn't on-line to the Internet yet, though he hopes to be so very shortly. In the meantime if you're based anywhere in Scandinavia - or anywhere in the UK for that matter - and would like to try to establish your own branch, or would like to be put into contact with your nearest embryo branch, then send us an e-mail to :-



The London Swinton Circle held a most successful Summer Buffet on Tuesday 14th September, at which Simon Heffer - the popular and highly-respected Daily Mail journalist - was guest speaker.

Simon Heffer spoke brilliantly, clearly advocating that Britain should completely withdraw from the EU, and forthrightly condemning the appeasement of the Blair government towards the IRA in Ulster. His underlying message, of course, was that Britain should leave the EU and once more look towards the open seas and the original Commonwealth for trading partners and alliances.

It was good to see that four Springbok Club Exco members were in attendence, as well as many other
prominent personalities sympathetic to our cause, most notably Mr. Derek Turner, the editior of the influential conservative magazine Right Now!.

We also made a most unexpected contact there, for one of the staff, Crystel Reid, turned out to be an expatriate Capetonian, who expressed very great interest when we told her about the aims and activities of the Springbok Club.

The London Swinton Circle, which holds regular meetings with interesting Conservative and Unionist speakers in the Houses of Parliament, can be contacted at :-



COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

FIREFORCE - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 368 pages, 120 black and white and colour photos, plus maps and sketches. Widely acclaimed as the classic account of counter-insurgency warfare in Africa. Includes the RLI roll of honour, citations and operational orders. Price R185.00.

HALT! ACTION FRONT! - With Colonel Long at Colenso, by Darrell Hall. The story of the three batteries of the 4th Brigade Division, Royal Field Artillery (7th, 14th and 66th), and the six "Long 12s" of the Royal Navy, which operated under the direct command of Colonel C.J. Long RHA, commanding the Artillery of the Natal Field Force at the Battle of Colenso on 15th December 1899. These three RFA batteries still serve today in the 26th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, as now 16th, 17th and 159th respectively. Price R150.00.
COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

[UK supporters might also like to know that the Springbok Club is now selling copies of FIREFORCE in this country, price £20.00 per copy. We also still have a small stock of real South African flag lapel badges left, price £5.00 each (please add on 10% for p.& p.). All payments should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.]



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.


Billy Patterson originally came from Glasgow, and worked in the road transport division of SATS in Durban. He was a dedicated Rangers supporter, and became an active member of the Durban Branch of the Rangers F.C. Supporters Association. It is believed that he has now returned to Scotland, but we would very much like to re-make contact with him.



As mentioned earlier, Ferdi Fourie is now acting as our co-ordinator in the United States, and he has managed to produce an excellent supportive web-site under the title of "South African Exiles in the USA". It can be accessed at :-


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!

Sunday, 22 August 1999

August 1999 Edition.


August 1999 edition

With this edition the Springbok Cyber-Newsletter is exactly one year old. Many people thought that we would prove just a "nine day wonder" and would fade away after just a few issues - but we have stood the test of time, and indeed have thrived; our circulation list now is over double what it was when we started.
We have never asked any subscription fee for the SCN (although one supporter bizarrely seems to imagine that he once paid to subscribe!) - and neither do we ever intend to make any charge.

The SCN is only part of our struggle to restore civilised rule to the African continent however. Of far more importance is our magazine, S.A.Patriot-in-Exile. Unfortunately, however, it is now almost three years since we were able to publish our latest edition, and the reason for this is purely the lack of one thing: money.
For months we have had enough material to publish this next issue, and many subscribers from around the globe have (quite naturally) become very frustrated at not receiving what they paid for. Something drastic must be done.

Already we have been promised one donation which will be almost sufficient to print this next issue, but in order to distribute it (and don't forget that we still have over two hundred subscribers in South Africa itself) we estimate that we need approximately a further £300.00.

If you are able to help in any way to assist us in this important task then please send your donations to :  Patriotic Press, BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK. (All cheques, of course, should be made payable to "Patriotic Press"). Never forget that the SCN has never cost you a penny!



Alas our July "pub evening" at the Brown Bear was very poorly attended. We must try to increase attendance figures even for informal gatherings such as these, as a lot of work goes into planning them.
At this gathering it came to light that Mr. Jan Taits (whose connections with South Africa are in any case very tenuous) has had to leave the Executive Committee of the Springbok Club. In his place, we are happy to be able to announce, we have welcomed Mr. Tony Waller onto Exco. Tony Waller is a former employee of Standard Bank, and visited South Africa to see the current state for himself only last year. He will undoubtedly prove a most valuable addition to the Club's Exco.



As we've learnt that Grace Healey won't be returning from South Africa until later than originally anticipated, we've therefore decided to "swap" out planned activities for the next two months around. Our "autumn" braai will therefore become our "summer" braai. Many apologies therefore for having to give everybody such short notice of this event, but we trust you will all appreciate the tricky position that we have found ourselves in. The details of this braai are as follows :-

Date  :  Monday 30th August 1999 (Bank Holiday Monday)

Time  :  Any time from 19.00 hrs. onwards.

Venue :  The Fruiterers Arms, Main Road, Crockenhill, Swanley, Kent.

This braai will be held in the beer garden at the back of this pub. Needless to say both braai facilities and drinks will be available - all you have to bring along is your meat, salads and utensils. Even if you don't want to join the braai yourself still try to come along to enjoy the convivial and friendly atmosphere - it will probably prove an ideal way to end the Bank Holiday weekend! (If you have any problems about finding the Fruiterers Arms then simple drop us an e-mail and we'll forward you more precise directions).



The Kent Branch of the Springbok Club plan to hold an informal "pub evening" during the first weekend of September. Precise details have still to be arranged, but it will probably be held at the Monument pub in Whitstable. If you are interested in attending then please drop us an e-mail and we'll forward you details as soon as everything's been organised.

Nick Maine and Cyril Foley are still busily involved establishing a branch of the Springbok Club on the Gold Coast in Queensland, as well as co-ordinating other branches in Australia. If you're from Australasia then please contact Nick in this regard at :

The writer visited Devon earlier this month in order to see the Total Eclipse of the Sun, and took the opportunity of meeting up with two other good friends in the county. Firstly there was Geoff King from Barnstaple (Geoff, of course, was one of the five young British patriots who visited Rhodesia in 1976 in order to express support for the Rhodesian cause - see S.A.Patriot-in-Exile No.33), and secondly Ian Loram from Tor Bay (Ian was formerly very involved with the now sadly defunct pro-South African Patriotic Forum, and is now very active with the Campaign for an Independent Britain). Both colleagues proved extremely interested in the growth and work of the Springbok Club, but alas employment commitments mean that neither of them are in a position to take an active role in the organisation of the Club in Devon. Hopefully, however, another supporter from Devon will shortly be in a position to establish an active branch there.



The zimbabwe-Rhodesia Relief Fund reception at the House of Lords (which we mentioned in the previous edition of the SCN) proved a great success.

Expertly organised by former Rhodesian cabinet minister Denis Walker and the 7th Lord Sudeley, the atmosphere and the wine and canapes served proved truly delightful, and there were nice little cameo speeches both from our host, Lord Forester, and from Nicholas Winterton MP.

We were pleased to be able to meet several existing friends and supporters of the Springbok Club at this reception including (strictly in alphabetical order!) Peter Fisher from Hampshire, John How from Sussex, Robert Phillips from Somerset, Jim Sinclair from Jersey, Alice Stotter from Amsterdam and Barry Whyman (who looked resplendent in his maroon waistcoat) from Leicestershire. In addition we also made many new friends and gained several new supporters for the Springbok Club - and were able to sell a good number of our real South African flag lapel badges.

All in all a most enjoyable evening therefore - just a pity that Jim missed his flight back to Jersey!



Allan Robertson (the secretary of the London Swinton Circle, and a good friend and supporter of the Springbok Club) has recently launched an excellent new publication titled "Tough Talking from the Right", which describes itself as "A bulletin analysing current political and social policies".

We believe that this is a most admirable enterprise on Allan's part, and can fully recommend it to all our supporters. It costs only £4.00 for four issues, and can be ordered from : Tough Talking from the Right, P.O.Box 29208, London SE8 3UZ (payments to be made to "Tough Talking from the Right"). Please mention the Springbok Cyber Newsletter when making an order.



COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

FIREFORCE - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 368 pages, 120 black and white and colour photos, plus maps and sketches. Widely acclaimed as the classic account of counter-insurgency warfare in Africa. Includes the RLI roll of honour, citations and operational orders. Price R185.00.

ONE COMMANDO - Rhodesia's Last Years, the Guerrilla War, by Dick Gledhill. RLI Publishing 1997. Soft cover, 178 x 111 mm, 218 pages, 20 black & white photos. The author's fictionalised account of his service in One Commando of the RLI during the height of the terrorist war. A cracker of a story; well balanced and intriguing. Price R90.00.
COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

[UK supporters might also like to know that the Springbok Club is now selling copies of FIREFORCE in this country, price £20.00 per copy. We also still have a small stock of real South African flag lapel badges left, price £5.00 each (+ 50p for p. & p.). All payments should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.]



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.

No.13 :  Mr. PAT MOHR.

Pat Mohr was a Rhodesian who became the hard-working and highly-respected Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party in Natal. He fought many elections (both at local and parliamentary level) for the Party, and always managed to obtain a far larger than expected number of votes. An estate agent by profession who lived on the Bluff, he evidently left Durban for Cape Town upon the fall of South Africa, and alas we then lost contact with him. By all accounts he established a number of business enterprises in the Cape, including a revolutionary car safety system and do-it-yourself cardboard coffins (no, we're not making this up!). Pat was such a very good friend that we would be extremely pleased to be able to make contact with him again.



Rhodesian-born Trevor Hutton is the current leading South African exponent of free-diving, having established 3 South African records on 23rd April 1999. The sport of free-diving may be unknown to many readers, but basically it is a form of underwater diving without any form of Scuba equipment. Trevor has furthermore recently been competing in the "Red Sea Dive off '99" in Egypt. He has an excellent web-site about his activities which can be accessed at :-


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!

Saturday, 24 July 1999

July 1999 Edition.


July 1999 edition
Ever since we were forced to leave South Africa following the sell-out and surrender of the traitor de Klerk, it has been our firm belief that the only hope for the salvation of the White Man in Southern Africa lay through overseas western intervention.

We know that this philosophy does not meet with the approval of many of our friends still based in South Africa, particularly with many of our Afrikaner brothers. But we ask them to consider the facts.

What are the alternatives? The recent "elections" have demonstrated clearly that under universal suffrage there is absolutely no hope for a restoration of civilised government via the ballot box. Likewise the fact that practically the whole of the former leadership of the SADF and SAP have been prepared to transfer their loyalty to their previous terrorist adversaries means that there is no hope for any form of armed uprising against the present terrorist regime. The alternative most favoured by Afrikaner nationalists (that of a White homeland or "Boerestaat") is - as we have emphasised previously - a complete non-starter; there is absolutely no way that our present terrorist masters are going to be prepared to surrender one square inch of their ill-gotten gains. Even if such a White homeland was to come into being, moreover, it wuld not last too long, for it would be so successful that the surrounding Black state would covet its wealth and would quickly invade.

But what are the chances of western (European) intervention? In this context the results of the recent Euro-Elections have been extremely encouraging. Not only in the UK (where the increasingly Euro-sceptic Conservative Party won massive gains, and where even the fundamentally anti-EU UKIP surprisingly won 3 seats), but also in other former colonial powers such as France, the Netherlands and Belgium, the anti-EU parties were triumphant. If, as we increasingly believe likely, the EU collapses in the early years of the new millennium, then the result will be that the great nation states of western Europe will once more look towards their traditional spheres of interest - i.e. their former colonies in Africa and elsewhere around the world.

Yes, we know that this means neo-Imperialism, and, yes, we know that this will be anathema to many Afrikaners - but we ask them to consider this. The original European Imperialism of the 19th century was viewed (rightly or wrongly) as suppressors of the Afrikaner people - but the neo-Imperialism of the 21st century will be LIBERATORS from terrorist rule! Even after the second fratnercidal Anglo-Boer War, moreover, colonial rule only lasted for eight and a half years before the independent Union of South Africa was established - heralding 80 years of glorious progress and success. We believe that after liberation by the European powers (probably by Britain alone, though perhaps by both the British and the Dutch) early next century, the period of "colonial" rule will be even shorter, heralding a re-birth of the Union/Republic of South Africa.

There is no conceivable alternative - except a continuation of the humiliation and daily dangers faced by living under the present tyrannical third-world regime.



Our June meeting, which was a good success, was addressed by Mr. Tom Vorster, who had recently returned from a 6-week fact-finding trip to Pretoria and Johannesburg. We had our best attendance for many months, with supporters even squatting on tables at the back of the hall!

In his talk Tom Vorster surprisingly reported that most White South Africans were not only surviving, but indeed thriving - and that there was seemingly a most encouraging increase in the White birth rate. In spite of this, however, most Whites who he had met wanted to leave the country as soon as they could.
During the most informative question-and-answer session Tom Vorster reported a) that most Whites - including many former "hard-liners" - had voted DP at the recent "elections", b) that few people took the idea of a "boerestaat" seriously (even Afrikaners), and c) that in Natal the AIDS epedemic was so serious that there was actually a population REDUCTION during the past few years.

At the end of the meeting, after a brief report on the progress of the Club and other expatriate South African organisations, Mr. Ray Heath (seconded by Mr. John Wright) proposed that a motion of best wishes be sent to the South African Club of the Netherlands - which was passed unanimously!



Unfortunately we have not been able to obtain a guest speaker for July, so we will therefore be staging an informal "pub evening" instead. At this gathering we hope to be able to lay the foundations for a London Branch of the Springbok Club, so we therefore hope that as many supporters as possible from the capital will be able to attend. The details are as follows :-

Date  :  Tuesday 27th July 1999
Venue :  The Brown Bear, Leman Street, London E1.
         (nearest underground station :  Aldgate East - follow the signs for exit 22).
Time  :  19.30 hrs onwards.



Nick Maine and Cyril Foley are not only busy establishing a branch of the Springbok Club on the Gold Coast (Queensland, Australia), but have also offered to act as contacts  and co-ordinators for all supporters in Australasia. Nick can be contacted in this regard at :

Don't forget also that Gillian McKinnon is looking after our Lancashire/Cheshire branch, and she can now be contacted at :

[We also have branches and embryo branches in Kent, Devon, London, Sussex, Hampshire, Jersey, Stockholm, Florida (USA) and Michigan (USA), so if you come from any of these places and would like to become active - or if you have any contacts in these places - then please let us know].



We have recently heard from Gaye Derby-Lewis who tells us that legal moves are still afoot to appeal against the rejection of amnesty for Clive made by the so-called "Truth and Reconciliation Commission", and so she has therefore requested that we do not "rock the boat" at present overseas. We have therefore agreed to abide by her request, and have therefore decided to place the Free Clive Derby-Lewis campaign "on hold" until all legal moves in South Africa itself have been exhausted.

Even so, however, we feel that friends will still be interested in a letter written to the UK press by one of the campaign's supporters, Mr. John Scholey.

It read as follows :-

Dear Sir,

The report (Daily Telegraph 8/4/1999) on the denial of a pardon for those involved in the assassination of the Communist Party Leader and ANC terrorist Christopher Hani must surely show to the world that the ridiculously named Truth and Reconciliation Commission is there only to whitewash ANC atrocities in South Africa.

One of those accused in this matter, Clive Derby-Lewis, was a long-standing and honourable member of town councils, Parliament, and of the State President's Council. He was a person that believed absolutely in his country, just as much as Mr. Hani is said to have been a patriot also. Mr. Hani, however, unlike Mr. Derby-Lewis, did not believe in any form of negotiation but in the bullet. His terrorist groups were very busy murdering quite innocent farmers and their wives and children under his direction. It is unsurprising that he himself eventually died violently.

If western nations are to be convinced that Mr. Mandela's South Africa truly wants truth and reconciliation and are sincere they must release Clive Derby-Lewis now.

Yours faithfully,

John Scholey



The zimbabwe-Rhodesia Relief Fund (sorry for having to use the "z" word, but unfortunately this appears essential in order to qualify for charitable status!) will be holding a reception at the House of Lords on Thursday 29th July 1999, to be hosted by Lord Forester.

Alas we believe that all tickets have now been sold, but a full report of events will appear in the next (August) edition of the Springbok Cyber-Newsletter.



COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

FIREFORCE - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 368 pages, 120 black and white and colour photos, plus maps and sketches. Widely acclaimed as the classic account of counter-insurgency warfare in Africa. Includes the RLI roll of honour, citations and operational orders. Price R185.00.

HOW WE KEPT THE FLAG FLYING, by Donald MacDonald. R169.95 (ISBN 0-620-23342-7) Covos Books, 2nd edition, 1999. Hard cover. 213 x 137 mm. 303 pages. Frontispiece + 7 illustrations and various diagrams. This enduring story of the siege of Ladysmith is the first in a series of Anglo-Boer War re-prints.
COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

[UK supporters might also like to know that the Springbok Club is now selling copies of FIREFORCE in this country, price £20.00 per copy. We also still have a small stock of real South African flag lapel badges left, price £5.00 each (+ 50p for p. & p.). All payments should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.]



One of our supporters from Australia, Tom Henshaw, writes to tell us about a most praiseworthy venture which he is planning concerning an on-line contact "magazine" for expatriate Southern Africans. We wish him well in this most encouraging enterprise. He writes as follows :-

I'm in the final stages of creating a new free full-colour on-line, down-loadable, contact-style magazine, carrying positive news about Southern Africans, mainly who have succeeded outside Africa.

The aim is to show that emigrants can and do make a difference in the countries they adopt. But if it is to succeed I need your help, contributions and comments. So, I'm casting around for stories and pictures of Southern African success "exports". I envision a family-interest, politics-free mag'. If either you or someone you know has made it outside Africa and would like others to know, e-mail me the story. and a couple of pictures. The mag', if it gets off the ground, will be available as a PDF download through a link on a web-page, so its distribution will be global. Once the pilot's complete, I'll let you know where it can be accessed. If you'd like to be included in it, e-mail me at :

You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free download from to open the document once it's downloaded to your computers. It will then be possible to print it, or individual pages for off-computer reading.


Tom Henshaw.



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.

No.12 :  Mr. MARK NISSEN of Hillcrest.

Mark Nissen was one of the founders of the Conservative Party Students Association at the University of Natal, Durban in the mid 1980's, along with our great friends and supporters Darryl Howard and Martin Schonteich. Mark did his National Service in the Army, specialising as a dog-handler guarding SADF radar stations on the Natal North Coast. Unfortunately we lost contact with him after his period of national service, but several of our supporters would very much like to be able to re-make contact with him.



Probably one of the best web-sites which we have seen from South Africa itself has been that of "Southern Cross Africa". Their stated mission statement is "To tell the truth about Southern Africa under the southern cross: past, present and future". Of special praise is their open display of not only the real South African and Rhodesian flags, but also the colonial flags of Southern Africa.

Their excellent web-site can be accessed at :-


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!

Sunday, 20 June 1999

June 1999 Edition.


June 1999 edition
The most surprising feature of the recent South African national elections was not the result, but the fact that so many people took it seriously.

The result was totally typical of all Black African countries; the entrenchment of a one-party state (de facto if not de jure). The result was of course rigged. This was not necessarily by overt ballot-rigging (although reports of stuffed ballot-boxes and "extra zeroes" at the end of voting statistics prove that it was by no means a "free and fair" election in the accepted western sense), but because of the total intimidation of the malleable Black electorate. To put it bluntly, no election involving universal suffrage of all race groups at every stage of development can be regarded as legitimate in an advanced country such as South Africa (or certainly was up until 1994).

The position of ALL opposition parties under the current dispensation is totally irrelevant. In spite their success in obtaining official opposition status the Democratic Party is unlikely to be any more effective than the late and unlamented New National Party opposition. Unlike his predecessor Mbeki is not a convicted terrorist himself - but he is the son of a convicted terrorist, and the head of a party which only gained power through its willingness to use indiscriminate terror. The prospects for the future are therefore just as bleak as they have been during the previous five years, with ever more state oppression, violence and corruption being the order of the day.

The Springbok Club advised support for the newly-formed Afrikaner Unity Movement (AEB) during these elections; they are good and sincere people, but in our heart of hearts we knew that their intervention would be completely irrelevant, and alas so it proved. The electoral process is now a complete non-starter as far as the salvation of South Africa is concerned; the Whites had the opportunity to save themselves by the ballot-box during the referenda of 1983 and 1992, and the general elections of 1981, 1987 and 1989, but alas they "blew it" every time. There will be no further chances.

Likewise the pipe-dream of establishing a "White homeland" is also a non-starter. Now that the terrorist ANC have obtained complete power in South Africa there is NO way that they will ever be prepared to give away one square inch of their ill-gotten gains. No, the only way - repeat ONLY way - that the South African Whites are going to be able to regain what is rightfully theirs is via outside western intervention to prevent the once civilised and commercially prosperous nation of South Africa drifting further and further into anarchy, chaos and savagery. Lobbying for this (temporary) outside intervention to save - and indeed restore - our nation is where the Springbok Club comes in.



The planned Kent Branch "pub-evening" on the 24th May unfortunately had to be postponed, but we even so enjoyed and small and happy "outdoor gathering" at the Monument Pub in Whitstable last Saturday. We tried to contact everyone who we thought might be planning to attend before this postponement, but if any supporter did still turn up on the wrong date then please accept our apologies.



Tom Vorster, an Executive Committee member of the Springbok Club, has recently returned from a six-week fact-finding trip to South Africa, where he visited both Pretoria and Johannesburg. He will be giving a "report-back" on the present situation which he found there at our next meeting, and we hope that as many supporters and their friends and relatives as possible will be able to attend this most informative gathering. Tom Vorster will not be giving a formal speech, but rather will be conducting a longer than usual question-and-answer session, whereat you will all be able to quiz him about the current situation in South Africa. Details of this meeting are as follows :-

Date  :  Tuesday 29th June 1999
Venue :  The Morpeth Arms, 58 Millbank, Westminster, London SW1.
         (close to the Tate Gallery and Vauxhall Bridge - nearest underground
          station :  Pimlico).
Time  :  19.30 hrs onwards.



As well as the Kent Branch and our embryo Devon Branch (which Brendon Jones is doing sterling work in establishing), our Lancashire/Cheshire Branch is now well on the way to being firmly established. This is being organised by Gillian McKinnon, so if you live in this region (or have friends who do) then please contact Gillian at :

It certainly seems that as the Springbok Club develops then the branches will more and more look after the social side of the organisation - bringing expatriate South Africans and friends together and keeping the South African spirit alive "in exile" - whilst the HQ structure looks after the more serious side of things - organising speaker meetings and lobbying for support etc.. There will therefore be a place for everyone in helping to build the Club.

[We also have groups of supporters and other embryo branches in such places as Sussex, Hampshire, Jersey, Stockholm, Florida (USA), Michigan (USA) and Queensland (Australia), so again if you come from any of these places and would like to become active - or from the Netherlands where we also have close contact with groups of ex-patriate South Africans there - then please let us know].



A meeting was held between representives of the Springbok Club and the Western Goals Institute earlier this month concerning the plight of Clive Derby-Lewis, and the following decisions were reached :-

1) That the campaign should be called the "Free Clive Derby-Lewis Campaign" rather than the "Release Clive Derby-Lewis Campaign".
2) That the campaign will only be concerned with proving the innocence - and thus procuring the release - of Clive himself.
3) That a letter-writing campaign be initiated to the media and other powers-that-be around the world emphasising Clive's exemplary record in the army, business and public-service, and the fact that there was not a scintilla of evidence to prove his alleged guilt, as well as the most biased nature of those who refused him amnesty. (Indeed Western Goals Institute stalwart John Scholey has already written a letter to the UK press in this regard, and we hope to be able to reproduce it in the July edition of the SCN.)
4) We will continue to encourage organisations from around the world to pledge their support to the campaign (so far we have 8; 5 based in UK, 2 in the Netherlands and one in Canada).
5) We will try to organise a public meeting in central London later during 1999 with prominent speakers who will advocate Clive's immediate freedom.



Our friends from "Right Now!" magazine staged a meeting at the Institute of Civil Engineers in central London last month, at which the guest speaker was Mr. Jared Taylor, the editor of the magazine "American Renaissance" (with whom the Springbok Club already has friendly ties, and indeed we exchange mutual "links" between our respective web-sites.) In a rivetting speech Mr. Taylor told about the effects of largescale immigration into the United States, and also emphasised the threats to freedom of speech posed by so-called "political correctness".



Our friends at the Conservative Monday Club also staged an interesting meeting earlier this month, where the guest speaker was the former Conservative cabinet minister Lord Younger of Leckie.



One of our erstwhile supporters, a Mr. George Parker, took exception to the fact that in our May edition we stated that we could not support a so-called South African side which had forsaken the "springbok" name and emblem for the blood-stained flag of the ANC, and neither could we support any team which played under the name of "zimbabwe". We won't miss you either Mr. Parker! Interestingly a number of our supporters managed to watch the World Cup match between Scotland and the West Indies at Leicester, and in the pavilion bar after the game we were most impressed to see caps both of Rhodesia and the Rhodesian Midlands clearly labelled and adorning the walls. We also got talking to a Leicestershire member about an earlier match involving "zimbabwe", and when we mentioned the word "Rhodesia" he replied "yes, that's right, Rhodesia!", and from then onwards always insisted upon using the name! It appears therefore that many "pommies" still remember the real name of the country - even if certain born-and-bred Rhodesians don't!



COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

FIREFORCE - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 368 pages, 120 black and white and colour photos, plus maps and sketches. Widely acclaimed as the classic account of counter-insurgency warfare in Africa. Includes the RLI roll of honour, citations and operational orders. Price R185.00.

MAPOLISA - Some reminiscences of a Rhodesian Policeman, by David Craven. The author's memoirs of his service in the BSAP 1948-1969 - capturing an era. R100.00, soft-cover, 222 x 152 mm., 216 pages, black and white photos plus map.

COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

[UK supporters might also like to know that the Springbok Club is now selling copies of FIREFORCE in this country, price £20.00 per copy. We also still have a small stock of real South African flag lapel badges left, price £5.00 each (+ 50p for p. & p.). All payments should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.]



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.

No.11 :  Mr. WALLY CHAPPLE of Durban.

Wally Chapple lived in the Hillary district of Durban, and worked for the Durban Corporation. He was a keen supporter of both the CP and the Patriotic Forum, though alas his employment prevented him being as active as he would have liked.



Some friends have asked us to give some publicity to the web-site of F.A.I.R. (Families Acting for Innocent Relatives). This is a non-sectarian Ulster-based organisation representing those who have suffered at the evil hands of the IRA and other terrorist organisations in Northern Ireland. Those of us from South Africa who have also lost friends and loved ones at the evil hands of the ANC might therefore be very interested by this site. It can be accessed at :-


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!

Thursday, 20 May 1999

May 1999 Edition.


May 1999 edition
As World Cup fever grips the country - and indeed most of the world - our initial instincts would naturally have been to support the two teams from Southern Africa.

Unfortunately, however, the situation isn't as straightforward as that. On the insistence of the unspeakable Ali Bacher the so-called South African side has forsaken their traditional badge, our beloved Springbok emblem, and in its place now plays under a new badge which incorporates the revolting flag of the ANC regime. We must never forget that this is the flag of the terrorists who planted the bombs at Church Street, Amanzimtoti and Magoo's Bar etc., etc., and who killed hundreds of innocent people - including our own good friend and colleague Nick Fourie. We must never forget either that a number of the current World Cup squad were in the tour party to Australia in 1992 when (again under pressure from the wretched Ali Bacher) they all openly and treasonably advocated a "Yes" vote in the Referendum of that year - an outcome which of course has led directly to the current chaotic and horrendous situation in South Africa.

As far as the "zimbabwe" team is concerned the situation is if anything even worse. Not only are they willing to play under the name given to their country by the ZANU/PF regime after they terrorised and destroyed Rhodesia, but they are furthermore prepared to wear the Marxist five-pointed red star of the ZANU and ZAPU terrorists who killed so many of their friends and brothers during the 1970's. This is the emblem of those who shot down the two Viscount airliners and massacred the survivors, who savagely butchered the missionaries and their children at the Elim Mission - and who bayoneted to death the six-month-old Natasha Glenny.

Many might say that today's players are simply young and naive, and that we should therefore still support them out of "patriotism" regardless. There is an important matter of honour and principle at stake here however, and no matter how relatively young these players might be they must surely know something of their countries' recent history. Don't they have any sense of shame?

We're sorry lads, but all the time you are prepared to don the symbols of our enemies there is no way that we can support you. This isn't being "unpatriotic" - indeed we maintain that we are the true patriots, for it is a fundamental aim of the Springbok Club to work towards the day when all South African sports teams will once again be known as "The Springboks" - and when those who represent the land north of the Limpopo will be playing for Rhodesia!


We doubt very much whether any supporter ever saw such an obscure site, but the sinister woman named Jennifer Logan who "ran" the Aida Parker web-site, and who embarked upon an irrational and inexplicable hate campaign against us, recently created a defamatory and libellous web-page attacking us on this site of hers. We were therefore forced to threaten legal action against her ISP if this defamatory page was not closed down - and are happy to be able to report that as a result of this the offending page has now been removed. Alas it seems as if the entire "Aida Parker" web-site has also been closed down as a consequence of this - so we trust that Aida Parker herself now realises the damage that this viper has caused her.

We have for some time been of the opinion that this Logan woman was probably deranged, and the contents of this hate page only tend to confirm this impression. She chose to display the ENTIRE series of correspondence which passed between the Chairman of the SPRINGBOK CLUB and herself - which of course clearly confirmed that all the antagonism and insults initially emanated from her! Even more weirdly, this same correspondence which she saw fit to display clearly showed that she was telling two huge lies in her specific attacks upon our Chairman. Firstly she called him a "liar" for claiming that he was going to initiate enquiries into her - when she had earlier displayed an extract from a previous edition of the SPRINGBOK CYBER-NEWSLETTER in which a request was made for information about her - in other words the start of our enquiries into her! Secondly she denied that she had ever requested that we recommend her web-site in "each issue" of the SCN - yet there, in the very first message which she sent to us, in her own words, was the request that it be recommended in "every issue"! (Supporters will remember that although we offered to establish a link to the Aida Parker Newsletter web-site from our own site - which Logan had not originally requested - and although we promised to make it our "recommended site of the month" for one month, the fact that we were not prepared to give her special treatment by recommending it every month resulted in her starting the campaign of insults, venom and name-calling against us!).

Far more suspicious than the self-incriminating lunacy which she displayed, however, was the fact that she revealed herself as being paranoiacally anti-British - with crude insults being made against the UK and the British people as a whole, and ridiculous references harking back to alleged events of the Anglo-Boer War. For a person with a British surname such as Logan, to display such anti-British hatred is very strange - to say the least! It has always been the policy of S.A.PATRIOT, the SPRINGBOK CLUB and the SPRINGBOK CYBER NEWSLETTER to advocate White UNITY in the South African context of course. Anybody who seeks to divide White Men against White Men must therefore be considered as an enemy of us all.

Finally, just to confirm how simple the Logan woman is, it was laughable to read that she thought that we were "silly" for "forgetting" to remove her e-mail address from our circulation list. Doesn't the poor woman realise that after all her insults and hatred we would go out of our way to make sure that she was kept informed about the growth and success of the SPRINGBOK CLUB in spite of all her wrecking attempts!!!



The SPRINGBOK CLUB's April function, our trip to Amsterdam, turned out to be a great success. Although the numbers travelling from the UK were perhaps a little fewer than we had hoped, we even so enjoyed some most fruitful meetings with Dutch supporters in Amsterdam itself, and some firm and beneficial contacts were made.

We based ourselves at the Cafe-Terras Cul-de-Sac in Amsterdam, which is owned and run by two good Rhodesian patriots, Russel and Alice Stotter. There were plenty of supplies of Castle Lager available and "Super 12" rugby videos on view, and Alice also showed us two excellent scrapbooks which she had collected during her time in Rhodesia, which certainly helped to rekindle our ideals, and reminded us of what we're struggling to regain.

We were joined initially by Marcel Ruter, who was one the earliest subscribers to S.A.PATRIOT from the Netherlands way back in the early 1980's. It was great therefore to be able to meet Marcel in person for the first time. He told us something about the patriotic movements which he is involved with in the Netherlands, including S.O.S. and Voorpost (we believe these titles are correct), and some most useful contacts were therefore cemented.

Next we were joined by Marc van Eck, his wife and two good colleagues. Marc is very actively involved amongst South African expatriates in the Netherlands, so again we made some very good and useful contacts. Although perhaps we had originally intended to start a branch of the SPRINGBOK CLUB in the Netherlands, after these meetings we felt that as the infrastructure for the basic cause is already in place there it will probably therefore be best to liaise and co-operate with these existing movements, rather than trying to start anything new.

During the evening in the bar we met quite a few other expatriate South Africans, and perhaps the most poignant of these was with a girl who studied at the Natal Technikon with the late, great Mike Skelly, and who was able to tell us a lot of details about his final days. Mike, of course, was one of the leading stalwarts of first the SAVE RHODESIA CAMPAIGN and then the PATRIOTIC FORUM in Durban, and was one of the earliest and most dedicated supporters of S.A.PATRIOT. His death in November 1996 at such a young age came as a great and terrible shock to us, but his memory for always serve as an inspiration for the SPRINGBOK CLUB. It was certainly a great help to be able to learn at last the full facts concerning his final sad days, and how he met such an untimely death.



Unfortunately our planned May function - when we were hoping Grace Healey would give a "report-back" on her trip back to South Africa - has had to be postponed because Grace is evidently still in South Africa!

Her "report-back" meeting will be held later during the year therefore - but although the national SPRINGBOK CLUB will not be holding a function during May, the newly-formed Kent Branch will! This will take the form of a "pub evening" in order to celebrate Empire Day, and the details are as follows:-

Date  :  Monday 24th May 1999
Venue :  The Monument Public House, Castle Road, Whitstable.
Time  :  19.30 hrs onwards.

Although we know that it will be very difficult for most of our supporters to attend this function (particularly those from the States and Australia etc.!), there is even so a warm welcome extended from the Kent Branch to everybody else to join them.



Apart from the Kent Branch and our embryo Stockholm Branch, three other supporters around the world are now actively attempting to establish branches in their own areas. They are Brendon Jones in Devon, Gillian McKinnon in Lancashire/Cheshire, and James Taylor in Florida (USA). If you live in any of these three areas - or know any potential supporter who does - and would like to become involved, then e-mail us at : and we will forward your details on to the organisers concerned.
[We also have supporters and other potential embryo branches in such places as Sussex, Hampshire, Jersey and Queensland (Australia), so again if you come from any of these places and would like to become active - or from the Netherlands where we can put you into contact with our colleagues mentioned above - then please let us know].



A a result of the diabolical decision by the so-called "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" not to grant an amnesty to the patently innocent Conservative politician Clive Derby-Lewis (as reported in the April edition of the SPRINGBOK CYBER-NEWSLETTER) it has been decided to launch an official overseas-based "Release Clive Derby-Lewis Campaign" in order to lobby for his freedom. So far the following organisations have pledged their support for this campaign :-

S.O.S. (Netherlands)
VOORPOST (Netherlands)

We are planning to organise a foundation meeting in London on Tuesday 25th May, and provisionally it is aimed to initiate a letter-writing campaign to the media and to figures of influence, and to stage a big public meeting in London later this year. Again if you are interested in becoming involved then contact us at :



A number of SPRINGBOK CLUB members attended a meeting of the CONSERVATIVE MONDAY CLUB in the House of Lords earlier this month, when the guest speaker was Mr. Norris McWhirter C.B.E. (of "Guinness Book of Records" fame). Although Mr. McWhirter's talk was not directly relevant to Southern African affairs, his anti-Euro-Federal theme even so dove-tailed closely with our own policy of closer links between the nations of the old White Commonwealth, and therefore proved a most informative and inspiring address.



COVOS BOOKS of South Africa are specialist publishers of Africana, and offer a range of most interesting and illuminating books which will appeal to many of our supporters. Amongst the titles they stock are:-

FIREFORCE - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 368 pages, 120 black and white and colour photos, plus maps and sketches. Widely acclaimed as the classic account of counter-insurgency warfare in Africa. Includes the RLI roll of honour, citations and operational orders. Price R185.00.

FIRE, FLOOD AND ICE - by Brig. Dick Lord. Hard cover with dust jacket, 228 x 155 mm., 280 pages, 90 black and white and colour photos, plus 6 maps. A compilation of South African search and rescue missions, both military and civil, over the past decade. Foreword by Lt.Gen. Willem Hechter, Chief of the S.A.A.F.. Of heartwarming dedication and courage. Price R140.00.
COVOS BOOKS can be contacted at :  P.O.Box 6996, Weltevredenpark, Transvaal, 1715, South Africa. Tel.: +2711-4769926, fax.: +2711-4769927, e-mail :

[UK supporters might also like to know that the SPRINGBOK CLUB is now selling copies of FIREFORCE in this country, price £20.00 per copy. We also still have a small stock of real South African flag lapel badges left, price £5.00 each (+ 50p for p. & p.). All payments should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.]



A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.

No.10 :  Mrs. COLLEEN KERR of Durban.

Colleen Kerr lived on the Bluff, and together with her two grown-up sons was an energetic and dedicated fighter for the patriotic cause in South Africa, being a firm supporter of amongst other organisations, the CP, the CIVIC ACTION LEAGUE and the PATRIOTIC FORUM.



As will have been seen, one of the first overseas organisations to pledge their support to the "Release Clive Derby-Lewis Campaign" has been the CANADA FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE. Although this movement is by definition mainly concerned with Canadian affairs, we even so believe that their web-site will be of great interest to many of our supporters, particularly those with a keen interest in White Commonwealth unity. Of particular interest will be their web-page on "Our History, Our Culture, Our Heroes", and the sub-section entitled "The Maple Leaf for Ever" - as also will be their keen advocation of the use of the original - real - Canadian flag! It can be accessed at:-


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!