Monday 10 June 2024

June 2024 Edition.


June 2024 Edition

2024 has accurately been called “the Year of Elections” as so many important elections have taken place or will be taking place around the globe this year. At the moment, however, the two most important national elections to us are that which recently took place in the “new” South Africa and that which is about to take place in the UK early next month.

We include later in this SCN a link to an expert analysis of the “new” South African General Election by Geoff Hill, but we would also like to add a few comments ourselves. All elections in that unfortunate country ever since the new dispensation was enforced in 1994 have of course been a farce, as upon the insistence of the egalitarian string-pullers there has been voting equality between the most primitive in society and the most elite. Be this as it may, this year’s “new” South African General Election was fascinating for psephologists. For the first time the terrorist ANC were unable to intimidate their minions sufficiently in order to give them complete control of Parliament, and even with their most logical ally, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) – often described as the ANC on steroids – they still cannot muster an absolute majority. The only viable alternative outcome of the election would have been a “Ribbentrop/Molotov” coalition between the business-friendly Democratic Alliance (DA) and the new MK Party formed by the corrupt (but therefore easily malleable) Jacob Zuma – but in order for such an alliance to claim power, relatively desirable though this undoubtedly would be, they would have to gain the support of all of a myriad of smaller parties in Parliament. The outcome has therefore been stalemate, with the country now therefore facing even more chaos and disintegration.

The outcome of the forthcoming British General Election will clearly be both a lot more predictable and a lot more hopeful. Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is on course for a landslide victory, probably even greater than that achieved by Sir Tony Blair in 1997. Such a Labour victory will not be as disastrous for the UK as many believe however. Sir Keir has successfully re-invented the Labour Party so that it no longer resembles either the “red in tooth and claw” crypto-Trotskyite party of the Miliband and Corbyn era, nor the more moderate “trendy-lefty” socialism of the Blair/Brown years. Furthermore Sir Keir has successfully managed to remove most of the more vile extremists and anti-Semites from his party – including even the unspeakable Jeremy Corbyn himself!

The biggest question of the General Election however will not be who wins, but who comes second – for it now appears that the ReformUK party which has emerged from both UKIP and the Brexit Party is set to make massive gains – in number of votes if not in actual seats. As a result of ReformUK’s escalating popularity the Conservative Party – previously the most successful political party in the western World for the past two centuries - now seems to be in free-fall, and could conceivably be heading for a wipe-out of the same proportions as that of their Canadian counterparts in 1993, when the Progressive-Conservative Party was reduced from 156 to just 2 seats! Perhaps significant to this comparison is the fact that the newly-emerged patriotic party in Canada which took most votes from the incumbent Progressive-Conservative Party was called the Reform Party! Another interesting factor regarding the forthcoming British General Election is the surprising re-emergence of the Liberal Democrat Party (the LibDems), who seem to be taking votes from all the other established parties. Any one of three parties could therefore finish up as the official opposition in the next Parliament.

We therefore make no bones about advocating to all our readers in Great Britain full support for ReformUK (and for those in Northern Ireland support for either the DUP or the UUP, whichever of these two Unionist parties seems most likely to win in any particular constituency). ReformUK will not form the next government of course, but a significant showing could signal the death-knell of the Conservative Party in its present form (and the cause of their death will clearly be suicide!), but it could conceivably provide a springboard for complete victory in 2029. Furthermore, a big swing to ReformUK in the UK could provide significant impetus to similar patriotic parties around the Western world – particularly for the GOP in the United States in November!



On Saturday 29th June the Springbok Club will be holding the first in a trilogy of visits being planned to sites associated with Frederick Courtney Selous (after whom the Selous Scouts were of course named). This first event in the trilogy will be staged in north London close to Regent’s Park, where Frederick Selous was born, and will consist of trip to see the place where he was born, followed by a stroll along a near-by canal which he undoubtedly knew as a small boy, before adjourning to a neighbouring hostelry where a PowerPoint presentation about his early life will be shown. Rendezvous will be in the early afternoon close to Camden Town Underground Station, and all members and supporters of the Springbok Club will be notified of the precise details very shortly. If any other readers would like to attend this event then please let us know either by e-mailing: or by ‘phoning: 07711188430.

In July the Springbok Club will be holding a meeting to be addressed by a well-connected South African guest speaker, and the organisation will be staging an informal get-together featuring a long-standing supporter of the movement in August. The Springbok Club will of course be honouring our pledge to Peter Sladden by maintaining the “Raising of the Flag” celebration in September, which this year will be held in Oxfordshire, where Cmd. E.C. “Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe (who of course first raised the Union Flag at the site which became Salisbury, Rhodesia, on 13th September 1890) was born. The precise details of all these events will be announced in future editions of the SCN as soon as finalised.



A special meeting of the Patriotic Forum was held last month both in order to celebrate Empire Day and to re-structure the organisation after a short break. The new Committee of the organisation was formally confirmed and a list of potential guest speakers for future meetings was agreed upon. It was further proposed and accepted that the annual membership fee for the Patriotic Forum should be increased from £12.00 to £15.00. It is hoped therefore that both lapsed members and other readers will be prepared to renew their membership or to join the organisation as soon as possible, in order to help build up funds so that the planned itinerary of future meetings featuring interesting guest speakers provisionally planned for the next few months can come to fruition. Once again, payments can be made by direct bank transfer, the relevant bank account details being as follows :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138

Last month Mr. Bob Vinnicombe, an Australian friend of the Patriotic Forum and a leading member of the Australian One Nation Party, made a short-notice visit to the UK, and met up with some Patriotic Forum supporters whilst in the country. The group enjoyed a short but most memorable time together, and Mr. Vinnicombe was shown both the bust of Admiral Arthur Phillip (who of course founded Sydney and became the first Governor of NSW) where Dennis Delderfield’s New Britain organisation always celebrated Australia Day each year, a tradition now continued by the Patriotic Forum, and St.Mary’s Church in Putney where the Putney Debates took place in 1647. It is hoped that when Mr. Vinnicombe next visits the UK he will be able to address a Patriotic Forum meeting again to tell more about the current political situation in Australia.



Following the report in last month’s SCN that we had been informed that the Conservative Monday Club (colloquially known simply as the Monday Club) was to be wound-up following the death of their hard-working and greatly respected Chairman Mr. W. Denis Walker, we have now heard from two separate sources that the organisation is indeed to be wound-up – though strangely those who have taken over the reins of the organisation are stating that they still intend to stage a regular mid-summer gathering and an annual Christmas dinner!

We believe that it is a mistake to wind-up the Monday Club, albeit that it will evidently continue in a limited form, as the organisation has such great “name recognition” which is of benefit to the patriotic cause as a whole. If however those who were left in control after the sad death of Denis Walker are not prepared or able to continue functioning regularly then we call on them to consider joining forces with the Patriotic Forum – not necessarily to enact a full merger, but certainly to liaise closely together to advance the common patriotic cause.

We also repeat our offer of a warm hand of friendship to all current and former members of the Monday Club who wish to maintain more active support for the patriotic cause to join the Patriotic Forum.



We have recently received the following most distressing report from the Network for Animals organisation concerning the plight of donkeys in Kenya. It reads as follows:-

“In Naivasha, Kenya, 62 rescued donkeys are enduring severe hunger and life-threatening respiratory illnesses after surviving a nightmarish experience. These animals were confiscated by local authorities during an investigation into the stealing and slaughtering of donkeys for the illicit donkey skin trade.

“Recently, our partner, the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (KSPCA), discovered that at the government holding facility, the donkeys were deprived of food and veterinary care. They were left emaciated and covered in untreated, agonizing wounds.

“The situation took a turn for the worse when a sudden, devastating torrential downpour flooded the facility - leaving the already weakened animals to wade around in ankle-deep water. Donkeys are not well adapted to cold, wet conditions, and many contracted pneumonia as a result of their severely weakened immune systems.

“It breaks our hearts to tell you that two innocent donkeys died at the facility before we could get to them. 62 made it to safety at the KSPCA’s sanctuary in Naivasha, and with your help, we can ensure their future survival.

“We are shocked too, but not surprised that the donkeys were badly treated by the authorities supposed to look after them, because time and again, in many places where we work, the authorities just don’t care about animals. The police did their job and confiscated the donkeys from the donkey skin killers, but then the donkeys became the government’s responsibility, and the government people who were supposed to care for the donkeys did not have the capacity to do so. As so often in our work, it was left to us and our supporters to pick up the pieces and provide hope for the animals.

“Our partner, the KSPCA, is the only organization in Kenya with trained staff and a legal mandate that allows them to seize abused animals. They were able to respond quickly to this emergency, but transporting 62 donkeys is not easy or inexpensive, and they turned to us in despair. It is animal lovers like you that will ensure these creatures get care.

“The most critical needs right now are food, veterinary care and security.

“If we can raise $10,000 (£8,125), we can fill their tummies, treat their wounds and provide them with safety and the tender loving care they truly deserve following their traumatic experiences. Please, will you help us?

“Donkeys are in crisis all around the world. This is almost entirely due to the demand for their skins in China, where they are used to make a cosmetic called ejiao. Although donkey slaughter is illegal in Kenya, it still continues. In February, police discovered an unlicensed slaughterhouse with fresh donkey meat and severed heads from 30 donkeys. The skins were missing, no doubt already rendered down for ejiao. Ejiao sells for approximately $783 (£630) per kilogram/$400 (£320) per pound, and the Chinese market for it increased from roughly $3.2 billion (£2.7 billion) in 2013 to $7.8 billion (£6.4 billion) in 2020. Against money like that, we have an uphill battle to save donkeys, but we will never give up.

“The practice of donkey slaughter is prohibited in Kenya following the dramatic decline in donkey populations in the 2010s. However, the KSPCA has evidence that illegal donkey slaughter continues in the country.

“Your donation today will provide essential food and medical treatment for the 62 malnourished and injured donkeys and support KSPCA's crucial investigations into illegal donkey slaughter in Kenya. This is critical in our fight to end the appalling donkey skin trade once and for all.

“For the animals,

“Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!) “Founder, Network for Animals.

“P.S. The ever-growing demand for ejiao is causing donkeys across Africa to be brutally killed and sometimes skinned alive. With the current rate of slaughter, the species could be extinct within four years.”

To contact Network for Animals, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to help the donkeys in Kenya. visit their web-site at:



It has of course been good to see the two giants of North America, Canada and the USA, competing – and in the case of the USA co-hosting – this year’s Cricket T20 World Cup. But why, we wonder, have these two potential giants of the game been relatively so absent ever since global tournaments began in the 1970s?

It should never be forgotten that the first ever international Cricket match took place between the USA and Canada in 1844 (33 years before the first England v. Australia Test Match!), and that the Philadelphian Cricket Team made an acclaimed tour of England in 1897, when their fast bowler John “Bart” King was considered the best bowler of his type in the world! In a recent docu-drama about John Adams (the first Vice-President of the USA and the second President) he compares the title of the President of the country to a president of a Cricket club (not a baseball club!) and when Newfoundland volunteers were told to assemble at the start of WW1 it was at the St.Johns’ Cricket Ground (not Ice Hockey stadium!).

So why did the MCC and other Cricketing authorities neglect North American Cricket for so long, rather than nourishing it as they did in most other parts of the Empire/Commonwealth during the 20th Century? The reason is unfathomable, but the end results of this neglect are now alas coming to light, for not only have the states of the pitches in the US during the current tournament been lamentable (particularly that in Long Island, New York!), but both national teams seem to be comprised of almost exclusively imported mercenary players from the West Indies and the Indian sub-continent.

We of course wish both countries every success in re-developing the game in their respective lands – but hope that they will start importing top-class groundsmen rather than players!



In the March 2024 Edition of the SCN we reported the death of Mrs. Heather Woodgate (née Stevens and formerly Watson) who had previously threatened to shoot those who had earlier re-circulated a humourous picture poking fun at the late ANC terrorist leader “Nelson” Mandela. It was actually not Mrs. Woodgate who this amusing picture was intended for however, but rather her second husband, Herbert George Woodgate, who it was believed shared most people’s abhorrence of international terrorism (he spent his entire working life in the employment of the Ministry of Defence) and had a sense of humour, so would therefore appreciate it. Now comes the news that Mr. Woodgate has also now died, only a few short months after the death of his awful wife. It is just a pity therefore that he couldn’t have lived just a little longer free from the influence of this appalling woman.



We have recently received a copy of the post-South African General Election article which Geoff Hill (the Africa correspondent for both The Washington Times and The Spectator, who gave such a sparkling speech to the Springbok Club in April) wrote for The Spectator. It reads as follows :-


“Beginning in the year 2000, Robert Mugabe began snatching white-owned farms for ‘redistribution’ and giving them to the black majority in Zimbabwe. The best properties were given to ministers, generals and retired ambassadors. Many used them as weekend retreats from the city. Mugabe’s wife, Grace, took a vast citrus estate east of the capital, Harare.

“In a short time, a country that for half a century had fed itself and exported the surplus was bankrupt, and hungry.

“The president’s plan was not so much about agriculture as politics. Young people in the city voted mostly for the opposition. He would put them on five- or ten-acre plots way out of town where they couldn’t join in strikes and riots and they would stop telling journalists that even with their O or sometimes A levels, they couldn’t find work.

“Today, many of the farms lie empty and an estimated three million have jumped the border to South Africa where locals say they are taking jobs and driving up rents in townships around the cities. There’s now a saying popular with black youth in Zimbabwe and South Africa: ‘I don’t want to be on the land, I want to be on the Internet.’

“South Africa is already 60 per cent urban and every day, long-haul buses pull into Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town and other cities from rural areas. Young men and women climb off with their possessions in a suitcase or wrapped in a blanket. Most have finished high school, many can quote Shakespeare and solve simultaneous equations, but few will find a job.

“Rather they will join the millions who live in the towns, sometimes sleeping five-or-more to a one-room shack, usually made of wood and iron, boiling in summer and cold in winter, when there is snow on the mountains. Several of these dwellings share a single shower, toilet and kitchen.

“Long before sunrise, the shacks start emptying as young people mostly between 18 and 30 make their way to the roads, not to catch a taxi but in the hope a passing motorist may pick them up for a day’s work: cleaning, painting, anything.

“Johannesburg is 5,000 feet above sea level, and in the pre-dawn chill they huddle at a roadside fire, rubbing their hands. From a car, they look like shadows around the flame as they turn and wave. Most will go home with nothing. This in the country that has Africa’s largest economy.

“At the election on Wednesday 29 May, South Africa had the chance to vote for a Mugabe land plan, offered this time by Julius Malema who leads the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a party he formed when he was thrown out of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) in 2012 for indiscipline. Malema, now 43, had led the ANC Youth League where he peddled the same argument about getting black people onto the soil.

“The EFF vote fell below 10 per cent, though it had only been a point higher before last week’s election. Malema in Parliament is like a young Mick Jagger on stage: loud, bouncy, vulgar but hugely talented. For 60 years, the Rolling Stones knew how to read the public mood. Malema thought he had done just that with his promise to nationalise all land without compensation and divide it up for the people. The voters thought otherwise.

“Former president Jacob Zuma also wanted to do a Venezuela, taking over farms, banks and mines, again without paying the current owners and shareholders. His uMkhonto we Sizwe party (MK) — Zulu for ‘spear of the people’ — is only six months old and won 15 per cent of the national vote.

“The ANC, for the first time since democracy came to South Africa in 1994, lost its majority and in a parliament of 400 seats now has just 159, well short of the 201 needed to form a government. Despite the talk of socialism on their website and literature, they have been business friendly. In their early years of rule under Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki, they had a stab at buying commercial farms and dividing them up, only to see once thriving operations collapse in ruin.

“There is even a Land party that wants to strengthen property rights but transfer state-owned acreage to the poor. The land they want to give away is known for its long dry winters and frequent droughts. Just what the poor were meant to do with it is hazy. Voters thought so too and the party failed to win a seat.

“Polls before the election varied but few thought the ANC would get such a low result. What all the surveys agreed on was why voters had turned against their rulers, and topping every list was ‘unemployment’.

“It was a simultaneous election last week for central government and an administration in each of the nine provinces, headed by a premier with powers similar to a state governor in the US. Provincial names speak to the blend of cultures that make up this country of 62 million people. Gauteng which includes Johannesburg and the capital Pretoria, is from the Tswana language and means ‘place of gold’, a key export. Western Cape refers to the Cape of Good Hope mentioned in the diary of Sir Francis Drake when in 1580 he became the first person to sail around the globe. And Limpopo province — home of Ramaphosa’s Venda people — recalls an ancient chief who gave his name to what author Rudyard Kipling described as the ‘great grey greasy Limpopo’, the river dividing South Africa and Zimbabwe.

“The land-grabbing parties didn’t win a province but Jacob Zuma’s MK clocked up 45 per cent in his home region of KwaZulu Natal. Zuma faces dozens of charges in court over his time as president and the state says it has witnesses ready to tell of bribes here and there … and wholesale embezzlement. For now, none of that has been proved and Zuma denies any wrongdoing.

“Why 45 per cent in KwaZulu Natal? ‘KwaZulu’ means ‘place of the Zulu,’ home to the country’s largest racial group, accounting for one-in-four of the population including Jacob Zuma. And Natal? It’s Portuguese for Christmas because on that day in 1497 the navigator Vasco da Gama became the first European to eye this part of the continent from his ship. For history buffs, the future King Henry Vlll was just six years old.

“From the start of his troubles in 2018, Zuma has claimed to be a victim. And he has sought succour among his own people. So far, peace has prevailed but some in MK have warned of violence unless they are part of a future government.

“Just about everyone in South Africa has a phone, often second-hand. Sometimes it is a counterfeit Nokia or Samsung, used for calls but also for WhatsApp, Facebook and to stay in touch with family in the rural areas or friends in town. And to search what few ads there are for work.

“Mobiles have made riots more common because word spreads and people join in. Most of the protests in recent years have been urban, and focused on the hideous levels of unemployment. Such anger can turn to violence here very fast.

“The election has changed who sits where in parliament but done nothing for youngsters standing patiently by the road. How much longer before they take to the streets?”



A colleague from the pro-Commonwealth CANZUK organisation has recently informed us about, and has fully recommended, a masterful new book entitled: “The Enduring Crown Commonwealth: The Past, Present, and Future of the UK-Canada-ANZ Alliance and Why It Matters”, which can be ordered through the web-site: using the promo code: RLFANDF30.

He writes: “I am honoured and pleased to recommend purchasing this book written by authors Michael J. Smith & Stephen Klimczuk-Massion. It is the most meticulously researched and written book on CANZUK or a Realm Union to date, and is a most monumental and important historical contribution to the development of the Commonwealth, and to the nations of the world at large.”



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-

Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit or write to for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.



No.307: “Maggie from Glasgow” of the Wild Coast Casino.

“Maggie from Glasgow” (her surname was rarely used, although it is believed to have been a “Mac” name) was on the fringe of the “Roper Set” (see Edition No.40 of The Imperial Patriot), and worked as a croupier on the baccarat tables at the Wild Coast Casino in the Transkei. An outstandingly attractive woman, it was however impossible to engage her in conversation when she was on duty at the casino! Her most spectacular appearance was when she turned up dressed as a whore (complete with exposed plastic breasts!) at Paul Roper’s fancy dress birthday party in 1981. It would be very interesting to learn where she is now.



Many readers will be familiar with the famous 1976 Rhodesian Tour, when a group of five (then) young British patriots toured Rhodesia in order to express their solidarity with their Rhodesian kith and kin. A FaceBook page was created in order to celebrate this tour, and can still be viewed and comments added to at :-




On this side of the pond, I was really taken aback by your memorable, fitting “obituary” of this Sam Swerling fellow (see October 2023 SCN – Ed.).

Of course I never met him, but I know you're not the kind of person to misrepresent someone who cannot defend himself. Really though, he reminded me of Kevin McCarthy, the recent Speaker of The House whom Rep. Matt Gaetz heroically threw out.

There are many similarities: Every promise was broken. Every word was a lie. An Impeachment Inquiry was arguably betrayed as we have no subpoenas. To quote young Matt Gaetz, "Chaos is Kevin McCarthy."

Worst of all, since a small number of brave Republicans like Gaetz (who the Deep State and Medicrats now brand a paedophile and suspected terrorist) had to abruptly throw out McCarthy, that meant the U.S. Congress could not function when Israel was attacked.

I actually view Israel's tragedy as, for us, a stroke of luck because that stopped McCarthy from trying to pry his way into power. That may have occurred, or we might have gotten a treacherous Democrat, but there was suddenly no time and that meant the GOP had to make a quick decision; limiting treachery.

Now, we have Steve Scalise as Speaker. I would prefer Matt Gaetz, but Scalise was shot by a possessed socialist a few years back. I'm pleased because Scalise has seen the savagery which is unfolding in Israel firsthand when bullets entered his body a few years back.

Most Americans still are too stupid to get what the Israeli's learned the hard way: You can't live with these people and, as you import them here, they do intend to kill, enslave and abuse us in the end.

This stupid 'diversity' is so far out that I happen to have been told that an Iranian national - Nazzanine Manni - allegedly got a 4-month contract at Blue Origin; one of America space companies. I was incredulous and laughed when a 21-year-old African-American said she has a right to the job because of 'diversity.', OK, you mean to say that it is in America's best interest to have an Iranian national, only a citizen by a questionable marriage now ending in a vengeful divorce for a matter of only months before she got the job, have potential access to ballistic re-entry technology, America's top aerospace experts, potentially privileged technology, etc., when it is known that Iran built the drones and bombs now dropped upon Israel; which faces potential genocide from a lot of Iranian aerospace technology?

...gee, I wonder what that broad might do with such knowledge if she has to return to Iran, whose leaders chant 'Death to America!' ...still, as America loads its universities - Satan's private lair - with Iranians; one of whom I sat next to on the way back from Bangkok, who also admitted to using drugs (what a great immigrant!), Americans are too arrogant to get it. Unlike me, who lived with Malaysians who now support Israel's genocide, I know what the foreigners really say about America, usually not in English, and it's only a matter of time before this happens here.

Long story short, when someone commits sustained treason, rather like this Swerling fellow, I think it's okay to be honest and cross a rare line. He tried, apparently to destroy the movement or hijack it, and that is why Matt Gaetz had to destroy Kevin McCarthy. Only 517 more corrupt Congresspersons to go!

Yours etc.,

Prof. Jason Jellison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.




Geoff Hill and Nick Russell used to produce a good magazine in Australia, called 'African Safari.' I wrote for it, including an article on Breaker Morant and another on Jonty Rhodes (that also had my photo of him coming off after making 69, First Test, Wanderers, March 1994). I have Geoff's book on Mugabe.

Yours etc.,

John Elsegood, Melbouurne, Victoria, Australia.




I am sick of all the attacks on GBNews. The broadcaster represents the views of the MAJORITY in this country. We are now fighting against the “woke” nonsense that is infecting our great Nation: “Just Stop Oil” criminals, “Net Zero” nonsense, immigration displacing our own people, “Black Lives Matter” nonsense from the USA, anti-Monarchy and anti-our once great Empire. As for slavery reimbursement nonsenses: A pox on your house!

Yours etc.,

George Fraser, Petersfield, Hampshire, U.K.




I saw a screening of the film "In search of My Sister" last night about the ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs of East Turkestan by the Chinese Communist Party. Powerful and informative film. Everyone should see this film.

Yours etc.,

Bob Vinnicombe, Sefton, NSW, Australia.



A few years ago we started receiving constant anonymous mail through the post containing only leaflets from some more far-Right organisations. There was no clue as to who was sending these missives, except that they all bore a Lancashire and South Lakes postmark, so we therefore assumed that they must have been sent by someone from the north-west of England. This continuous stream of unsolicited mail did not cause us any problems of course, but it did strike us as a rather childish thing to do. More recently, however, there has been a slight change in the material which was sent, for it no longer consisted of pamphlets emanating from the British mainland, but instead election leaflets from the TUV Party in Northern Ireland – and all of them relating to none other than John Hiddleston!

Longer-standing supporters will of course recall that John “Porky” Hiddleston (he obtained the nickname of “Porky” after a schoolboy howler when he maintained that mint sauce should be served with pork!) was the original editor of S.A.Patriot magazine – but that he subsequently disappeared from the scene under a very black cloud! When the White Rhino Club (Mark 1) was founded in early 1980 it was decided to launch a patriotic magazine to be called South African Patriot, but alas none of the founding members of the White Rhino Club (Mark 1) were in a position to take on the editorship of the publication, either because of employment or business reasons, or because they were slating for South African citizenship at the time. Hiddleston, who had only recently arrived in the country from his native Northern Ireland, jumped at the opportunity however, citing his previous editorship of the National Front’s Northern Ireland magazine The British Ulsterman as his suitability – but he never told anyone that one of the main reasons why he had fled Northern Ireland was because he had run up a large debt for the printing of The British Ulsterman!

There were however great misgivings among the founding members of the White Rhino Club (Mark 1) about his appointment, not only because he arrogantly portrayed himself as an “instant expert” on South African affairs, but more particularly because he opened up a bank account for the magazine with himself as the sole signatory – and these concerns soon proved to be very well-founded, for after producing only eight editions of the magazine he disappeared from Durban down to Cape Town, taking all the publication’s funds with him, and then unilaterally closing down its bank account, even though a cheque to the printers still hadn’t been cleared! “Porky” never apologised in any way for this thoroughly dishonest behaviour, and neither did he ever return any of the funds which he’d misappropriated. Not a very nice man was Mr.Hiddleston!

His subsequent movements were however very sinister. After just a short while he returned to the UK, but was exposed by one of the Loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland who had been sent documented evidence of his shocking dishonesty, and as a result he thought it best to flee again back to South Africa. Weirdly he settled again in Durban, the scene of his misdemeanours, but kept a very low profile and made no attempts to re-contact any of his former associates. It is unknown precisely when he returned to the UK again, but during the late 1990s he unbelievably emerged as an Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) candidate in a Northern Ireland local election. Needless to say he did not fare very well in this election, but the UUP hierarchy were quickly informed about his nefarious behaviour in South Africa, and as a result he was levered out of the party, with certain leading members expressing great suspicion about him in view of the fact that although he claimed to have a B.A.(Hons) degree in economics his only employment seemed to be the driving of a chemists’ delivery van!

The next that anything was heard about “Porky” was when he dumbfoundingly turned up as a Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) candidate in a Northern Ireland local election during the 2010s. Again he predictably didn’t fare very well, as also was the case at a subsequent election. The big mystery still remains however, namely who have been acting so childishly by inundating us with regular anonymous mail? Has this been “Porky” himself in view of the fact that it has been his own old election leaflets which have been sent to us recently, in which case perhaps he has a contact who has been prepared to post them for him from the Lancashire and South Lakes postal district? If so it certainly fits, as his disgusting behaviour in South Africa was not only totally dishonest but also extremely infantile – just as the posting of masses of anonymous mailings is similarly extremely infantile.


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Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L

Sunday 12 May 2024

May 2024 Edition.


May 2024 Edition

To say that the results of this month’s local elections in the UK were dramatic would be an understatement. The massive losses suffered by the ruling Conservative Party have confirmed beyond all doubt that they are heading for a landslide defeat at the forthcoming General Election on a scale even more catastrophic than their 1997 drubbing. The Conservative Party only have themselves to blame of course, for it is obvious that the main reason for their unpopularity is the fact that they elected an alien as their leader, with an array of other foreigners appointed to top cabinet positions.

The main beneficiary of this collapse in support for the Conservative Party has of course been Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party. Sir Keir Starmer has skilfully managed to neutralise the Left-wing extremists in his party, so that the spectre of a Labour Government with a massive majority is no longer the threat to the well-being of the British nation that it would have been under either Miliband or Corbyn. Furthermore, the fact that several former Conservative MPs have now crossed the floor to Labour means that the extreme Left-wing of the party has now been even further weakened.

But the most electrifying beneficiary of the disintegration in Conservative Party support has been that of the ReformUK Party – the successor party of UKIP and the Brexit Party. Although ReformUK didn’t contest many council seats at this latest round of municipal elections in order to reserve funds ready for the forthcoming General Election, they still managed to win ten seats, including a place on the London Assembly. Most significantly, however, in the Blackpool South By-Election they came within only 117 votes of beating the official Conservative candidate into second place! Clearly ReformUK are going to be a very influential force at the forthcoming General Election.

There was however one extremely disturbing aspect regarding the latest round of elections, and that was the gains made by the unspeakable George Galloway’s pro-Islamic-terrorist “Workers Party of Britain”, and other candidates with clear pro-Muslim links – most notably the astonishing re-election of the hated Sadiq Khan as “Mayor” of London, even in spite of his despicable war against London motorists! The received wisdom was that the election of several Mohammedan candidates was because they now formed a majority in certain wards and constituencies, but in some off-guarded moments certain media commentators admitted the truth, that in the unspeakable Galloway’s Rochdale Muslims only comprise just over 10% of the population, and even in the wards where extremist Mohammedan candidates won their numbers in the electorate were mainly only between 10 and 20%. 10 to 20% too many in our opinion of course, but it shows that the main reason why so many non-British candidates were elected was because of the actions of British voters themselves – either by treasonably being prepared to vote for alien trouble-makers, or by apathetically staying at home.

The late, great Owen Parvess stated at an HNP meeting in Durban during the early 1980s that South Africa didn’t have a Black problem, it had a White problem, as so many Whites were prepared to sellout and surrender - and of course he was subsequently proved completely right! Alas Britain (and indeed most Western nations) are now suffering from similar problems caused by the worryingly high numbers of their own citizens who have been prepared to side with their immigrant foes. It has not only been at recent elections where this sickening manifestation has been demonstrated however, but also during the pro-Palestinian-terrorist demonstrations which have taken place in dozens of Western cities, where it has been clear that the majority of faces on display were White rather than Brown. These traitors must be destroyed.



The Springbok Club has enjoyed a very busy and successful series of activities since the last edition of the SCN appeared. On St.George’s/Sigurd’s Day the organisation staged a most illuminating and eye-opening meeting addressed by Mr. Geoff Hill, the Africa correspondent of The Washington Times and The Spectator. This talk proved to be a true tour de force, but alas as it was conducted under Chatham House rules the full details cannot be revealed here, suffice to say that Mr.Hill gave an expert analysis of four important elections due to take place in southern Africa later this year, and made some extremely revealing predictions about the likely outcomes in both Botswana and South Africa, which could prove epoch-changing. He also explained the great significance of the little-reported two new rival train lines currently being planned for the sub-continent. There was a pleasingly good attendance at this meeting, including several new attendees, and it was particularly encouraging to welcome back two erstwhile supporters who hadn’t been able to attend events for several years!

Shortly after this meeting the Springbok Club organised a trip to Portsmouth for a group of enthusiastic supporters. During this visit some of the members went on a boat trip around Portsmouth Harbour, and then the party toured round both HMS Warrior and HMS Victory, before visiting the fascinating Mary Rose museum. On the way back the following day the party called in at Petersfield, the home of the Springbok Club’s former Chairman Peter Fisher, where he was presented with an ornate certificate appointing him as the organisation’s Honorary President, which caused an outpouring of much joy!

The following weekend some members of the Kent Branch of the Springbok Club staged a most enjoyable trip to the famous annual Rochester Sweeps Festival.


In June the Springbok Club will be holding the first in a trilogy of events being planned for sites associated with Frederick Courtney Selous (after whom the Selous Scouts were of course named). This first event in the trilogy will be staged in north London near to Regent’s Park, where Frederick Selous was born.

In July the Springbok Club will be holding another meeting to be addressed by a well-connected South African guest speaker, and the organisation will be welcoming two currently overseas-based supporters as guest speakers during the following few months. The precise details of all these events will be announced in future editions of the SCN as soon as finalised.



A large contingent of Patriotic Forum members and supporters gave their active support to the big St.George’s Day march and rally in central London last month, when it was particularly uplifting to see the streets of Britain’s capital city thronged with flag-waving enthusiastic patriots, thus giving the lie to those pessimistic doom-mongerers who claim that the city is “totally” overrun with alien immigrants!

Happily it can be reported that sufficient members have now volunteered to serve on the Executive Committee of the Patriotic Forum for a provisional new Committee to be formed. A special meeting will be held at a venue in central London during the evening of Tuesday 21st May 2024 in order to confirm the new Committee and to discuss future plans and activities for the organisation - and as this will only be a couple of days before Empire Day it will also provide an opportunity to celebrate this illustrious date in a convivial manner. If anyone would like to attend this gathering then please e-mail:



We have recently been most saddened to learn that following the death of the Chairman of the Conservative Monday Club (colloquially known simply as the Monday Club), Mr. W. Denis Walker (see Obituary in the February 2024 Edition of the SCN), it has been decided to wind-up the organisation.

The Monday Club was founded in 1961 as a Right-wing pressure group within the Conservative party which opposed Prime Minister MacMillan’s increasing liberal tendencies, particularly his betrayal of Britain’s kith and kin in southern Africa. It quickly gained much support and “name recognition” and grew in both size and influence during the 1960s and 70s, with dozens of Conservative MPs and Peers becoming members. Alas during the 1980s factionalism and power-struggles took their toll, and the organisation’s support and reputation began to decline as a result. Matters came to a head in the late 1980s/early 1990s when a small clique of egocentric political extremists plotted to gain control of the organisation – the same group of malcontents who a decade later attempted to infiltrate and seize control of the Swinton Circle, now of course part of the Patriotic Forum. It was then that Denis Walker managed to rescue the Monday Club and brought it back to respectability, but alas his over-cautious approach to links with other like-minded patriotic organisations (he spurned all attempts by the Swinton Circle/Patriotic Forum to liaise closely together – even though both bodies had suffered at the hands of the same “sickly clique” in the past!) meant that it never regained its power and influence of the 1960s and 70s.

We sincerely hope of course that not only will the Monday Club not be wound-up, but also that strong and fraternal links can now be established with the Patriotic Forum, so that in these testing times there will be a united patriotic force operating in Britain. If however those who have now succeeded Denis Walker are not willing or able to continue operating then the Patriotic Forum is more than prepared to pick up the baton on its own, and furthermore extends a warm and enthusiastic welcome to all Monday Club members who wish to continue the patriotic struggle to join the organisation.



We have recently received the following worrying, though still somewhat hopeful, report from the Animal Survival International organisation concerning the plight of elephants in the “new” South Africa. It reads as follows:-

“The elephant population in Africa is in the midst of a devastating poaching crisis. At least 20,000 African elephants are killed each year for the illegal ivory trade, driving them headlong to extinction. Routinely, we have to deal with the harrowing sight of the bloody, butchered carcass of a once magnificent animal, its tusks hacked from its face and its body riddled with bullets.

“The situation is utterly horrific, but we have good news. A brilliant scientist has come up with technology that, using artificial intelligence (AI), will completely revolutionize the way we track and monitor endangered wildlife species and save countless lives.

“Existing tracking devices are fitted around the neck, and are heavy, cumbersome and expensive. They can tell you where an elephant is, but nothing else. The new devices fit around an ankle; they are lighter, cheaper and provide a mass of detailed vital information. The AI will monitor every movement the elephant makes, in real time, while continuously monitoring its vital signs to tell you how it is feeling. At the first sign of anxiety, the AI will send a message via satellite to anti-poaching teams, who can then respond instantly. At the moment, using the old tracking devices, it can take days to realize something is wrong, and by then, it is far too late. The elephant will be dead, and its tusks on their way to China.

“The new devices were invented by Dr. S.P. le Roux, a scientist at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, who was awarded a PhD for his work. There is no doubt that the devices will usher in a new era and the day can’t come soon enough for elephants in poaching areas. There is an upsurge of poaching in the area around Addo National Park and elephants are in danger. With your help, we will fit Addo’s elephants with the new devices. We have set ourselves a deadline of one month to do so - that’s how urgent the need is.

“Today here are only about 415,000 elephants left in Africa - a staggering decline from over 5 million less than a century ago. Both species of African elephant are listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The African forest elephant is critically endangered, while the African savanna elephant is endangered.

“If we can raise $16,000 (around £13,000), we can purchase seven state-of-the-art tracking devices for endangered African savanna elephants of the Addo Elephant National Park.

“The illegal wildlife trade is one of the most lucrative illicit trade sectors globally, with thousands of wildlife species, worth billions of dollars, being poached annually. Apart from the loss of a culturally significant icon, elephant poaching threatens the vital role that elephants play in maintaining healthy ecosystems as keystone species. Please donate as generously as you possible can.

“Saving animals and the planet,

“Campaign Director, “Animal Survival International

“P.S. African savanna elephant populations have dwindled by at least 60% over the last 50 years. Alan, every animal counts, and we simply cannot leave their survival to chance. With poaching reaching catastrophic levels, elephants need these new AI tracking devices yesterday.”

To contact Animal Survival International, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to purchase tracking devices to help save the elephants, visit their web-site at :



Dean Elgar captained the “new” South African Cricket Test team from 2021 until 2023, although he acted as “stand-in” captain earlier. In early 2024, however, it was announced by Cricket South Africa (the South African governing board, which is on good terms with the ANC regime) that he would be replaced as captain by a Black named Temba Bavuma. The reason given for his replacement wasn’t anything to do with his form, but rather because the time he spent playing Cricket in England (where over the years he has played for Somerset, Surrey and now Essex) was considered to be interfering with his commitment to South African Cricket. Whispers are now evidently circulating that this isn’t the real reason for his replacement, but rather because the authorities were determined to appoint a Black as captain.

We of course do not know the true reason for his replacement, but all we can do is to repeat the advice which we have given to all White South African sportsmen and women ever since the ANC regime came to power, and that is to leave the disintegrating “new” South Africa completely, and to concentrate their skills in the lands of their ethnic origins. South Africa’s loss will be Essex’s gain!



Our very good friend and supporter Jerry Wraith recently sent the following Freedom of Information request to Rishi Sunak. Not surprisingly he evidently received no reply! :-

“Dear Prime Minister


“’Climate Change’ is being blamed on human production of CO2 Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). This is obviously an outrageous and dangerous lie as shown below.


The earth produces CO2 naturally. 140 million years ago the CO2 level in the earth’s atmosphere was 2,500 ppm (parts/million). CO2 is essential for life on earth. If the CO2 level falls below about 150 ppm plant life cannot exist. Hence, all animal and human life will expire with it. More CO2 means more and greener vegetation. Commercial growers increase CO2 levels in their greenhouses to increase plant growth. Global CO2 level in 1850, beginning of the industrial revolution was 280 ppm. Global CO2 level in 2021 was 410 ppm. Hence, total increase of CO2 over that period, natural and man made, was 130 ppm. 130 ppm increase over 171 years gives an average annual increase of 0.76 ppm. Mankind is responsible for about 3% of that annual increase, or approx. 0.02 ppm. There are about 200 countries in the world. This gives an average of 0.0001 ppm/country/annum! This gives some idea of the small quantities of CO2 involved, even on a global scale.

“HENCE: Based on these average numbers it will take:


However, some countries produce far more CO2 than the average. 70% of annual global CO2 emissions are produced by China, the USA, the EU, India, Russia and Japan combined. The UK produces only 1% of total man made annual CO2 or 0.0002 ppm.

“HENCE: Based on these average numbers it will take;


However, the CO2 level was possibly rising faster more recently than the average, perhaps about 2.13 ppm between 2021 and 2022. The man made element of that would be 3% or 0.064 ppm of which the UK’s contribution to that at 1% would be 0.00064 ppm. So, even taking one extreme result for CO2 increase it will still take:


“So, to avoid adding 1 ppm to the worlds CO2 level over the next 1,560 years the UK’s Conservative government, (supported by the Labour, Lib Dem and Green parties) is;

“1 Banning the use of our diesel and petrol cars by 2035.

“2 Making us buy EV’s at a much higher cost and which are liable to burst into flames if their batteries get wet or damaged. (EV cars have numerous other disadvantages)

“3 De-carbonising the national grid which National Grid (NG) estimates will cost £3 trillion to decarbonise the Grid alone – by 2035 – i.e. at an average cost of around £120,000 per household – to which must be added the cost for industry, transport and agriculture.

“4 Banning the use of our efficient gas boilers and making us buy inefficient heat pumps at great expense.

“5 Making our homes unusable and un-sellable by insisting on unreasonably high and extremely expensive insulation properties.

“6 Decimating our power supplies by abolishing coal fired power stations.

“7 Relying for our electricity supply on unreliable and costly wind and solar farms which require substantial subsidies to be paid by UK consumers. All fossil fuelled and nuclear stations will have been decommissioned by 2035 and the national grid will be unable to meet the additional load of millions of EV chargers and heat pumps. By then the Grid will be almost totally dependent on solar and wind power - when on some days the output from those sources is less than 1GW, i.e. 2% of grid maximum demand - a demand which is expected to reach around 90GW by 2035.

“8 Making householders install smart gas and electricity meters, so that they can be switched off when electricity supplies are overloaded. It will also enable the supply companies to charge exorbitant prices during periods of high demand.

“N.B. The use of these meters on householder’s health, (due to high energy pulses they emit) is highly suspect and has not been adequately investigated and proved safe by the authorities.

“9 Threatening to fine objectors £15,000 with a possible 12 month jail sentence if they refuse entry AND legalising the use of brute force by fitters and the police to make householders let smart meters be installed.

“10 Forming “15 minute” cities and severely restricting residents and visitors rights to travel and move around their cities.

“11 Banning practically all air travel and preventing people from enjoying foreign holidays and seeing their families based abroad.

“12 Severely taxing air travel to put people off from taking holidays abroad.

“13 Scrapping good farmland to re-wild it!

“14 Putting taxes on meat to encourage people to eat bugs.

“15 The key materials needed to meet net zero, range from copper, aluminium, nickel and silicon to rarer metals such as lithium All of which require substantial increases in their production to produce the quantities required for the expected demand in 2035.

“16 The irony is that increasing CO2 greens the planet more: which will increase the global plant life, which will increase the uptake of CO2 by the vegetation and produces more Oxygen!

“17 Paying £billions of UK taxpayers money to UN carbon funds and paying “reparations” to other countries for “polluting” the earth with CO2 during the industrial revolution and afterwards. A totally despicable lie as adding CO2 from 1800 to the present day has had a negligible effect on global warming, (see Figs below).

“N.B. In fact, of the total 130 ppm increase in CO2 between 1850 and 2021 the 3% man made element was only 3.9 ppm. Of that the UK contribution of approximately 1% was 0.039 ppm over 171 years.

“Yet you, Mr Sunak, have already donated $2 billion of our, taxpayers’ money to the UK climate change fund. Was that penance payment really just for adding 0.039 ppm to the global total over 171 years?


“Hence, in view of the above I would like to ask you to justify why each of the points listed above are required and why:

“1 You still insist on applying “net zero” when it is so obviously a totally unjustifiable, unattainable and horrendously expensive scam and making the UK taxpayers and residents so utterly persecuted, all for nothing.

“2 You gave away $2 billion of taxpayers money to the UN for just adding 0.039 ppm to the global total over 171 years when doubling the global CO2 from 400 to 800 ppm has a negligible effect on global warming.

“Please treat this as a Freedom of Information request.

“Yours faithfully

“J. G. Wraith”



We have recently been sent several YouTube videos showing the massive anti-immigration protests in Dublin, where the crowds can clearly be heard chanting out “Sinn Fein are traitors”! This follows support by the pro-international terrorist party Sinn Fein/IRA for increased immigration into the Republic of Ireland. Of course we – and all other decent and civilised people - have been condemning SF/IRA for even more evil activities such as murder and terrorism for decades, but even so it is pleasing and re-assuring to learn that masses of Dubliners now at last realise the true satanic nature of this monster in their midst. YouTube videos can be viewed at :-




A very good friend has recently alerted us to an excellent posting made on X by Andrew Bridgen MP, where he displays a most observant letter sent by Frederick Forsyth CBE to the Daily Telegraph, which read as follows :-


“Not long from now, when we all have the magic gift of hindsight, pundit after pundit will explain our country’s degeneration in these past three years. Allow me to pre-empt.

“It all stems from Covid, but not the virus. The pandemic was the cause of the panic which caused a weak Government with a sick premier to hand over the management of our country to an incompetent Civil Service. Since then, failure after failure, botch after botch and fiasco after fiasco can be traced directly to a bloated self-rewarding bureaucracy, which costs the taxpayer billions and affects every moment of our lives.

“We are no longer a real democracy. The only cure is a radical reduction in red tape and its costs. But that would need political leadership of steely will not possessed by any major party. We have not seen such steel in high office since Margaret Thatcher, and nothing similar is on the horizon.

“Frederick Forsyth

“Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire”

The full X posting by Andrew Bridgen MP can be found at :-



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-

Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.



The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts.

For more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail:, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!


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No.306: Mr. CLIFF MOORE of Poplar.

Cliffe Moore, who lived in the Poplar area of London, came into contact with the Springbok Club during the early 2010s, and indeed addressed the organisation with an account of his experiences in South Africa, Rhodesia and other African countries shortly afterwards. He seemed a good and keen supporter of the organisation, but alas disappeared from the scene after a few years, and worryingly the latest invitation sent to him has been returned as he evidently is no longer living at the same address. We would therefore be very keen to learn what has become of him.



Turning Point UK is a right-wing conservative activist and political organisation that aims to challenge the left-leaning bias in our institutions and wider society; expose the far left and end the tyranny of woke ideology. We made contact with a reporter of theirs at the big St.George’s Day/Sigurd’s Day march and rally in Whitehall, and were very impressed with what he had to say. Their web-site can be accessed at :





I am forwarding you a personal message which I sent to retired Prof. Hugh Murray. It is in response to California's attempt to remove Pres. Donald J. Trump from the ballot.

I can expand upon these comments, but it looks very much like my prediction of a civil war and/or break in the Union of States is now far more likely. Missing from the comments below is also that, quite like the late 1850's in the much-maligned, misunderstood Buchanan Administration days, Americans also have lost faith in their institutions; directly leading to succession :-

“Hello Hugh,

“I read your message. It only reinforces what I said to you over the ‘phone the other day- I see no way to exactly predict how it will happen, but the country is simply going to have to either have a break-up, or at best, one side simply has to win everything and the other lose - there may be blood, sadly.

“What you have here, Hugh, is no different than a bad marriage near its end that is barely held together by money. There inevitably comes a point of divorce or violent solution.

“You and I are simply unable to fight this out. We both did use the papers to warn of this for years, if not decades. Only smart people, who are few & far between listened, and, the money soon will clearly run out. About 12 years ago, Paul Ryan released a very sober meta-analysis which indicated the Federal Government had until around 2030 before the USA would go off the cliff. However, that analysis missed a number of other key factors.

“For one, it did not account for America's unusual dual-sovereignty system. 46 out of 50 State retirement programs don't have enough money. State debt was also not counted; meaning we are already worth less than $0.

“The debt increase from Covid/The Wuhan Flu also could not be foreseen, and that accelerates the process in uncountable ways.

“Additionally, the sanctuary city policy and Biden open border policy simply could not be foreseen. The analysis did not count that, or the legacy costs (pensions) which cities must pay as municipal pensions largely negate Social Security. Thus, the fate which New York and Chicago, etc. now face will probably soon befall most major American cities.

“Then there is the looming collapse of the U.S. Dollar, as well as the rising efforts abroad to replace it with a new reserve currency. That may end what economists call America's ‘privileged economy’ just when we need it most.

“Worse still, our largest generation is now beginning to retire and new immigrants simply don't often have the language skills and education to step in; meaning a massive economic loss. The only Federal Program left which is solvent for 100 years is FERS; and that's only enough to run the country for 2 months.

“We're also very low on our oil reserve, red-line on our diesel reserve, and it would take 5-15 years to undo that. If an enemy strikes there now; it will be worse than 1929.

“I could go on but what will generally happen is clear. The days of running to the suburbs and ignoring our problems are really already about at their end, and as you heard from the blaring sirens two days ago, even Waukesha, Brookfield, Rochester, MN, etc., are starting to have city problems.

“I may not be around and I wish the next generation well, but this clearly will end in disaster; little different than the end of a bad marriage.

“The United States and much of Western Europe is not just bankrupt, but clearly doomed. The only question now is how and when.

“What a damned shame.



Yours etc.,

Prof. Jason Jellison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.




I have not been in contact for several years, although I do read your SCN as it comes out. This is because at 84 old-age has caught up on me. The brain is not the same as the old days back in South Africa. I want to thank you for your editorial in the November 2023 SCN. The Jews have suffered so much over the many years. Even in South Africa Jews were looked down on. My father was born at Verde in the O.F.S., so I decided to visit the village when I was 50 years old. I asked folk in the old age home if they had heard of William Absalom, owner of shops etc.. One gent said go to a 96 year old lawyer still alive. During my visit I asked if he knew my grandfather, his reply was yes but we had nothing to do with him because he was a Jew. During my early schooling in Durban, children wrote ‘Jew Boy’ on my shirts. My grandparents were both born in the UK in 1847, and left for South Africa because they were not able to register births, marriages and deaths in the British Registry. I am a Jew by birth, but never attended a Synagogue - in fact I am a Christian.I moved to New Zealand in 2003, only to find Jews are not popular here either.Enough is enough.

Thanks again for your SCN.

Yours etc.,

Ray Absalom, New Zealand




Many thanks for my copy of the latest SCN.

Just a little feedback:-


My first Middle East projects were in Cairo in 1967. The Israelis had driven the combined Arab forces out of Sinai, across the Suez Canal and into Egypt. The boy soldiers did their "snake dance" around the streets of Cairo singing "We will push the Israelis into the sea even if it takes 1000 years". I have witnessed many groups around the world who believe that "The end justifies the Means", Northern Ireland, Iran, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Lebanon for example. "There will be collateral damage": Israel is surrounded by groups, even nations, who would love to see their destruction. The military strength of Israel and its support from the US deters them from taking more dramatic action. I met Osama Bin Laden in Jeddah in 1978. His older brother, Salim, was my company's business partner in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He and his followers and many other groups are, as far as they are concerned, "doing God's work". One must have worked/lived in the Muslim world and/or have a good knowledge of the Islamic Trilogy (the Koran, the Sunnah and Sharia) to understand what motivates these people and why ALL true Muslims must live their lives in strict accordance with these laws, they are not simply guidelines, they are not negotiable. What I do know is that living in London or now here in British Columbia, Canada, very very few people, including MP's and journalists, have any real understanding of Islam. The UK had around 100 Sharia Courts operating when I lived there. ALL devout Muslims must take their problems to their local Mosque/Ulama for a ruling under Sharia and not the court of the Kafir. I hope that some deal is done that ensures that the hostages are released but cannot be optimistic.


Subscribers to the SCN complain about government policies and failings. Nothing can improve under the present Party political system. Politics is reduced to marketing and spin. All about "market share"!! These parties have their marketeers and strategists just like any commercial company. Presentation, being politically correct at all times, and good with the media are essential in winning votes. It is now illegal to apply one's experience, verifiable facts and figures, common sense and the lessons of history to society's problems be it there in the UK or here in Canada. Every society has what is a sustainable or optimum level of population. The economy will support a certain population for a given standard of living. Exceed that number and, even just to maintain the status quo, the government must either go deeper into debt, sell off even more government/taxpayer owned industries and services, print more money or cut services. The Westminster government has used all of these tactics over the past years. The last time I looked around 8 local governments in England were bankrupt and under section 114 protection. Westminster alone had around £2.5 Trillion of debt. Still the UK's population will grow by around/up to 1 million this year. That figure includes the 8 categories of immigrant plus births minus deaths. It is a simple fact of life that certain faiths, religions, cultures etc cannot integrate. Their rules do not allow integration. For some countries like the UK, USA, Canada etc are "The work of Satan" but to raise these subjects is to break the laws concerning racial and religious hatred. Nothing can change under the present system. One MUST give one's total commitment to the party. To do otherwise brings suspension or deselection and, even if one survives, then there is no hope of high office, a title/seat in the upper house. Of course being "economic with the truth" is essential at times in politics and diplomacy but we have reached a new low. To make any progress this party system must be replaced by a meritocracy and government of national unity. Very clever people are required slowly to undo the damage that has been done. This must be achieved whilst keeping all of those interfering organisations/lobbyists satisfied and "out of the loop" (the EU, UNHCR etc).

Yours etc.,

Paul Rhodes, Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada.




It was with great sadness that we learnt of the recent death of Derek Leslie Underwood. Derek Underwood was one of the greatest slow bowlers of the latter part of the 20th Century. He first played for Kent in 1963 and gained his first England cap three years later. His bowling action was unique, managing to spin the ball with a far longer run-up than most spinners, to such an extent that some analysts even described his bowling style as Left-arm Medium rather than Slow Left-arm. His main bowling strength wasn’t variation however, but rather deadly accuracy – hence his nickname of “Deadly”!

His boyish appearance (which he kept all his life) meant that he didn’t look like a typical sporting super-hero, but he was still intensely popular amongst Kent fans, with countless schoolboys eagerly writing down “B Underwood” dozens of times on their scorecards throughout the season! The high-spots of his career were his 7 for 50 in the second innings to defeat Australia at The Oval in 1968, and his match figures of 10 for 82 again to defeat Australia at Headingly in 1972. His best Test figures however were his 13 for 71 against Pakistan at Lords in 1974, and he also played significant roles in Kent’s Gillette Cup Final victories of 1967 and 1974.

Derek Underwood was also brave enough and principled enough to take part in Graham Gooch’s “rebel” tour of South Africa in 1982 in order to express his solidarity with his South African kith and kin, his best figures on this tour being 2 for 35 against South African Colts. He played his last Test in 1982 and retired completely from the First-Class game in 1987. In all he played 900 matches for Kent, taking 2523 wickets at 19.04, played 86 Test Matches taking 297 wickets at 25.83 and 26 ODIs taking 32 wickets at 22.93.

He was a highly intelligent person with a quick and subtle sense of humour. This present writer was asked by a female journalist friend to accompany her to a Kent Open Day at the start of a season in the early 2000s as she was not a great expert on Cricket. I managed to introduce her to Derek Underwood and one of her first questions was “When was your heyday?” He instantaneously replied “Today!”. Derek Underwood was appointed the President of Kent C.C.C. in 2006 and had the great honour of serving as President of the M.C.C. for 2008/09.

Our sincerest condolences are extended to Derek Underwood’s widow Dawn, and to his two daughters.


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Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L

Monday 15 April 2024

April 2024 Edition.


April 2024 Edition

It goes without saying that we were shocked and dumbfounded by the news that Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), had been arrested and charged with alleged historic sexual offences.

We of course have had good contact with Sir Jeffrey in the past. He twice spoke at meetings of the Swinton Circle (one of the component organisations which merged to form today’s Patriotic Forum) and this present writer once had business contact with him in relation to his position as chairman of the WW1 Centenary Committee. A more honest, decent and pious man it would be impossible to know.

As the charges against Sir Jeffrey are currently sub judice it is probably best for us not to say anything further about his arrest, suffice to say that the whole situation seems sinister in the extreme, even in the context of the extremely heated cauldron of Northern Ireland politics, with warnings already have been made against unfounded speculations. Sir Jeffrey is of course a skilled Parliamentary debater, and his staunch Protestantism and resolute Ulster Loyalism has for long made him a target for the enemies of the Union who see him as a formidable foe.

Wise words have however been spoken by Jim Allister, the leader of the Traditional Unionist Voice party (TUV) – not always a person who we have agreed with fully – when he reminded all concerned that everyone was innocent until proven guilty. We call upon all concerned to remember this fact therefore. Undoubtedly we will be commenting further once more complete revelations about this disturbing case come to light.

Meanwhile in the Republic of Ireland a far more encouraging development has taken place. Leo Varadkar (a person with openly professed controversial sexual proclivities!) suddenly resigned as leader of Fine Gael, and therefore also as Taoiseach last month, in a move which had been completely unexpected. Varadkar, who as his name suggests is Indian in origin rather than Irish, is believed to have been approached by the “men in green suits” who were alarmed at the fact that Fine Gael was languishing in the polls, and looked set for a complete wipeout at the next Dail elections, and simply told him that his time was up!

We know little about the new Fine Gael leader and Taoiseach, Simon Harris. His initial statements that “Irish Unity” would not be his top priority and would probably prove far too expensive, and that he would be seeking far more friendly and closer links with the United Kingdom, were of course very encouraging. Furthermore the fact that he hails from Co.Wicklow (one of the least republican counties in the RoI traditionally) and - even though he is a Roman Catholic by faith - he seems to have significant Anglo-Irish ancestry, is a further reason for hope. We wish him well.



The Springbok Club will be staging a very important meeting later this month, which we hope all will make every effort to attend. The details of this events are as follows :-

Date : Tuesday 23rd April 2024 (St.George’s/Sigurd’s Day)

Time : assemble from 18.30 hrs, meeting to commence at 19.00 hrs.

Venue: THE CIVIL SERVICE CLUB (the Elizabethan Room), 13-15 Great Scotland Yard, Westminster, London SW1A 2HJ.

(Great Scotland Yard stretches between the top of Whitehall and Northumberland Avenue. The nearest tube stations are Charing Cross and Westminster).

Guest Speaker : Mr. GEOFF HILL

Geoff Hill runs a private intelligence company but you won’t find it on the Net. His firm doesn’t track down missing wives, or clients who haven’t paid their dentist! Instead he sells the kind of "intel" about Africa you might get from the CIA or MI6 ... but quicker, cheaper and without the leaks. You’ll also see his articles in the press, including The Spectator and The Washington Times and he has worked on all six continents. He was the first non-American to win a John Steinbeck award for his writing, along with the BBC’s top prize for African fiction and, in 2011, more than 300 judges and professors of law elected him vice-president of the world’s leading organisation for the study of genocide - and he is a regular guest on CNN, BBC and other networks. Geoff has reported on mass-killings in Somaliland, Rwanda and Iraq and is recognised as an authority on Robert Mugabe’s genocide against the Matabele in the 1980s. He says what you see on TV or read in the press is not fake news, but it’s also not the whole truth. Why? Either because the story is uncomfortable to tell, or doesn’t sell, or journalists truly have little idea of what is going on - and governments spend huge amounts trying to cover things up. This makes business difficult for investors, which is why they call Geoff. Geoff will discuss the elections due this year in South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique (and 20 other African countries), and why billions are being spent on new train lines across the region. Chatham House rules will apply.

[ Geoff Hill’s latest article in The Spectator about Jacob Zuma’s re-emergence can be found at : ]

As this meeting will take place on the same day as the big St.George’s Day march in London during the afternoon (leaving from Waterloo Station at approximately 13.00 hrs and culminating in Whitehall), this meeting will therefore give everyone the opportunity to attend both events during their same trip to London.

In order that we can gauge numbers as accurately as possible please let us know if you intend to attend this meeting – even if this is only a possibility.


The Springbok Club will also be staging a visit to Portsmouth later this month, in order to view both HMS Victory and the Mary Rose. The main activity will be on Saturday 27th April, though some members and supporters aim to make a weekend of this trip, arriving on Friday 26th April and returning on Sunday 28th. All those wishing to participate should therefore rendezvous in the main bar of The Lady Hamilton (21 The Hard, Portsmouth, PO1 3DT – opposite Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station) during the evening of Friday 26th April, or between 11.30 hrs and 12.30 hrs on Saturday 27th April.


On Sunday 5th May the Kent Branch of the Springbok Club will be making a trip to see the famous Rochester Sweeps Festival, and during the summer the organisation will be staging the first in a trilogy of events being planned at sites associated with Frederick Courtney Selous (after whom the Selous Scouts were of course named). The organisation will also be welcoming two currently overseas-based supporters as guest speakers during the next few months, the precise details of which will be announced in future editions of the SCN as soon as finalised.


Unfortunately the Springbok Club’s planned trip to see a rugby match featuring a club with strong South African connections has had to be postponed, but it is still hoped that this event will take place early next season.



The long-awaited re-constitution meeting of the Patriotic Forum is still expected to take place during the next couple of months. In the meantime members of the organisation will be giving their full support to activities taking place on St.George’s/Sigurd’s Day, firstly the big St.George’s Day march during the afternoon (see below), and then the Springbok Club’s meeting in the evening (see Springbok Club News section above).



We have recently received the following most worrying report from the Network for Animals organisation about the plight of cats and kittens in “Zimbabwe”. It reads as follows:-

“A few days ago, a tiny, starving kitten was caught in an illegal snare in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Now named Princess, this little flea-infested animal was likely scrounging for scraps to fill her empty belly when tragedy struck.

“From the shocking injuries to her neck, it is clear Princess must have fought desperately to free herself - but to no avail. The wire tore into her flesh as she thrashed around, in terror, for hours or perhaps days. The trap left a raw, gaping wound where skin and fur should have been.

“She must have been petrified, and in excruciating pain.

“A passerby spotted seven-week-old Princess and rushed her to our partner, MARES, for life-saving care.

“Besides Princess’ terrible neck wound, vets also found that she had a broken tail and was being eaten alive by hundreds of fleas. Can you imagine the agony and fear she must have been experiencing? And barely old enough to be away from her mother.

“Princess’ wounds were immediately treated, and she was fed and given a warm, fluffy blanket to sleep in. She is in a truly wretched state, but we have faith that with your support, we can save the life of this little fighter. Once she heals, she will be found a wonderful forever home carefully vetted by MARES.

“Little Princess faces a long, painful road to recovery - but with your support right now, Alan, we will ensure that she (and 23 other unwanted kittens and cats) can continue to receive life-saving treatment, food and shelter.

“In dirt-poor Zimbabwe, people set traps to catch small wild animals to eat. Unsuspecting street cats get caught in these snares, and if they are not found in time, they suffer a slow and agonizing death.

“Our long-standing partner MARES (Matabeleland Animal Rescue and Equine Sanctuary) is the only animal shelter in Bulawayo helping kittens and cats. The local domestic animal shelter does not care about felines at all - they callously euthanize them as soon as they are brought in - so MARES has stepped in to help.

“Just last week, during an NFA visit, the shelter officially opened the MARES Community Cats (MCC) sanctuary alongside their established equine sanctuary.

“Already, MCC is inundated with four-legged felines desperately clinging to life. Kittens like Princess - who faces a lengthy and difficult recovery - and Sheba, a street cat found with such terrible wounds that she was unable to walk. While MARES conducted a trap-neuter-release program not too far from their shelter, Sheba used every last ounce of energy to drag herself out of a ditch, her lame back legs dragging behind her, and managed to get the attention of the MARES team.

“Fortunately, Sheba is not permanently paralyzed – ‘just’ severely injured. Her wounded legs and paws are infested with maggots. Sheba, too, is currently receiving critical care from the dedicated MARES team.

“MARES works in extremely challenging conditions to save every little life they can. They work for days on end without electricity in impoverished Zimbabwe, treating animals like Princess and Sheba by torchlight. They are desperate for funds - but no matter how stretched they are, they NEVER turn an animal away.

“We are proud to partner with MARES and have supported their work since 2018. Now, we urgently need you to open your hearts to the kittens and cats who are in the care of this wonderful team.

“Please donate as much as you possibly can now and help us give hope - and a happy new life - to Princess and Sheba, and all the other felines in need of care.

“For the animals, “Davies (and Max and Flora!), Founder, Network for Animals”

For more details about the Network for Animals organisation, or to make a donation to them and the MARES organisation, visit their web-site at:



In the July 2017 Edition of the SCN, in the Sports Article entitled “Northern Kings”, we expressed surprise and some doubts regarding the fact that two South African teams, Southern Kings and the Free State Cheetahs, were going to be allowed to join the Northern Hemisphere orientated Pro-12 Rugby Championship (as it was then called). Although we voiced certain misgivings about this move as it clearly presented great problems, both in regard to the travel distances involved and the differences in climatic conditions, we even so observed that it could have advantages if it enabled the majority of the South African players to move back closer to their ethnic cultural roots.

Since then all the major South African teams have joined this Northern Hemisphere based league, now of course re-named the United Rugby Championship. Even though at least one of the problems which we predicted, the difficulties presented by long travel distances, has been proved true (Vodacom Blue Bulls [Northern Transvaal] players were initially booked on eight different flights in order to reach their final destination for their Investec Champions’ Cup match against Northampton!) our more positive prediction that this move could enable players to return closer to their ethnic cultural roots is also perhaps coming to fruition. Big changes are predicted in the “new” South Africa during the next few months, as will undoubtedly be explained in more details at the forthcoming Springbok Club meeting, and these changes could – and we repeat could – mark the beginnings of South Africa’s return towards First World standards. If such a beneficial state of affairs does eventually come about then the South African Rugby authorities should be congratulated upon the small part which they played in it.



A big march celebrating St.George’s Day is being planned for London by a number of patriotic parties and organisations for St.George’s Day this year, Tuesday 23rd April.

Assemble outside Waterloo Railway Station between 12.00 noon and 13.00 hrs, from where the march will then set off towards Whitehall. A stage is to be erected in Whitehall ready for the arrival of this march, upon which a number of prominent personalities will address the marchers from approximately 15.00 hrs onwards.



Although the original motivation for the foundation of the Notting Hill Carnival was undoubtedly well-meaning, over more recent years it has become a magnet for crime (particularly muggings and sexual offences), drug-taking and assaults upon Police. So bad has the anarchy and lawlessness become that many people are now calling for the carnival to be banned, and the British Freedom Party have accordingly initiated a petition to this effect. This petition can be accessed at :-



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-

Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.



The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts.

For more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail:, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit or write to for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.



No.305: Mr. MICHAEL SMITH of Durban.

Michael “Mike” Smith (no relation to the unspeakable Mike “Scruffy” Keith-Smith!) was a leading member of the Sons of England organisation in Durban, and a close associate of Don Gilliatt (see August 2016 SCN) in this organisation. As we stated in the previous feature on Don Gilliatt in this section, we had become very impressed with the Sons of England organisation (a patriotic organisation for those specifically of English ancestry) whilst still based in South Africa, though unfortunately it seemingly became defunct during the chaos of the change in dispensation in South Africa during the early 1990s. Alas we never received any response to our request for information about Don Gilliatt, so wonder now whether anyone could help us locate Mike Smith, or indeed anyone who was associated with the Sons of England in South Africa. We are particularly keen to discover more information as we have recently been asked by contacts who have uncovered details about the Sons of England’s origins in Canada if we could provide any further information.



Many readers will undoubtedly remember Mark Steyn, the former Daily Telegraph journalist and GBNews presenter, who alas was dropped by GBNews because some of his views and comments about the Covid-1984 lunacy – which we agreed with completely! – were evidently not viewed too favourably by the GBNews management! Mark Steyn has now established his own all-encompassing web-site which is well worth visiting regularly, and which can be accessed at :-





Ian Smith came and sat next me - years ago - on a flight from Washington D.C. to London. I had introduced myself to him before the flight as the Director of the Institute for the Study of Terrorism and we had had a short chat before we boarded the plane.

I was interested in what he wanted to tell me about his UDI, the terrorist wars in his country, the hostility he faced from the deliberately uncomprehending Western powers.

He seemed to me to be sincere and sensible. I believe he was then, and still is, unjustly maligned.

Yours etc.,

Jillian Becker, California, U.S.A.




It was great news to learn that the Australians weren’t so stupid to vote “Yes” like the White South Africans did and ruin their country.

The Australian numbers of Aborigines really mean nothing in the context of the Australian population, but look what happened to us here! You’d have thought the numbers would have convinced White South Africans not even to think of voting “Yes”, but they were brainwashed and bombarded into believing that somehow it would work, and they fell for it.

Yours etc.,

“South African Aussie”, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa.




The ANC say they fully support Hamas on the news. Can the USA please sanction South Africa now. Gaza is on the roast racks of Hell now. Mossad will spend years hunting down the Iranian planners or any financiers of the October 7th attack. 1300 died, many were South-East Asian workers - maids and farm workers. My God, the terrorists will pay for this for years. 17 from the UK were killed or abducted, 14 from the USA, 12 from Thailand, 21 from France – and a Mexican kid aged 12 was abducted. Gaza should be full of ANC members as well! Mossad stop at nothing. They will hunt down every last one, outside in Europe or Iran. It’s show time!

Yours etc.,

Richard Windsor, Canterbury, Kent, U.K.



Perhaps one of the worst tragedies to occur in South Africa prior to the collapse of civilised rule in the country was the terrible fate which befell Michelle Thomas. Michelle Thomas was from Durban, and was a popular personality on the Durban club scene, where her superb disco dancing talents did not go unrecognised.

She was given a contract by the Southern Sun Group as a professional dancer, and in 1981 entered the South African Disco Dancing Championship whereat she was victorious, and even though only being 18 at the time thereby became South Africa’s official entry for the World Disco Dancing Championships (one of the few competitions where South Africa was not subject to international leftist-orchestrated sanctions at the time!). The finals of this competition were held at the prestigious Empire Ballroom in Leicester Square, London, and Michelle’s brilliant gymnastic dancing performance resulted in her winning the Singles category, even though, like most of the competitors, she faced a very hostile reception from the biased fans of other competitors!

This victory of course catapulted Michelle to fame in South Africa, and she took up a position as a resident dancer at the Wild Coast Casino as a result. It was here where this present writer was most privileged to see her perform, not only her individual act in a burlesque stage show, but also a spectacular outdoors performance by the pool’s edge. The dexterity of her movements were mesmerising and a wonder to behold.

Michelle Thomas was evidently in a relationship with a serving SAP officer at the time, he also being a highly-talented disco dancer, who indeed represented South Africa at the World Disco Dancing Championship the year after Michelle’s triumph – though without the same success. Shortly afterwards, however, their relationship turned sour, and following an altercation in the Wild Coast Casino car-park Michelle’s erstwhile boyfriend shot her dead with his police service pistol – before turning the gun on himself.

This cruel end to Michelle Thomas’s life at such a young age was actually a tragedy for the whole of South Africa, as she had brought such huge enjoyment and great pride to the country. Her name and her achievement should therefore never be forgotten. A YouTube video of her victory at the 1981 World Disco Dancing Championship can be viewed at :-


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Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L