March 1999 editionDuring the recent election campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party in Wales we witnessed a smarmy creep constantly hovering at the heels of the Blairite candidate Alun Michael - one Peter Hain, the Under-Secretary of State for Wales.
But Hain is not Welsh, he is a renegade South African. Those with longer memories, moreover, will remember that it was this same individual who orchestrated the anti-South African campaigns against the 1969/70 Springbok Rugby tour to the UK, and the 1970 Springbok Cricket tour of England.
During these campaigns increasingly violent tactics were used in order to disrupt these perfectly peaceful and legitimate activities, and to deny the democratic rights of Britons to watch sporting matches of their choice (alas in the case of the cricket tour successfully). Tin-tacks were spread over pitches; spectators and police were violently assaulted; sporting premises vandalised (in some cases by arson); a team coach hi-jacked - and the threat was even made to use rifles to shoot at wickets. Such activities can accurately be described by only one word: terrorism.
The vermin Hain never disowned any of these terrorist activities employed in support of his anti-South African aims - and yet now he sits as a junior minister in Blair's Government (is it any wonder therefore that his government colleague, the wretched Mo Mowlam, is prepared to release convicted IRA terrorists?).
We must never forget the background of this odious little man therefore - and we must constantly remind people of the facts concerning his evil past.
Our informal gathering at Pat Mountford's "Brown Bear" pub last month proved a small but most pleasant and happy event. Let's try to have a bit larger turnout at future such activities however!
[Incidentally, we have been informed that a gentleman was seen wearing a Springbok shirt at the bar later that evening, but who never introduced himself to us. Was he one of our newer supporters we wonder? If it was you, or if you know who it might have been, please let us know.]
Our March function will take the form of our Spring Braai. This will be held on Sunday 28th March at Swanley in south-east London, commencing at 14.00 hrs.. Admission will be free for Full Members, £2.50 per head for Associate members, and £5.00 per head for non-members. Everyone attending is asked to supply their own meat and drink, but all other facilities and requirements will be provided. Please let us know by e-mail if you are keen to attend as soon as possible therefore, so that we can then inform you of the precise location.
Our excursion to Amsterdam in order to meet some of our Dutch supporters has now been re-arranged for the weekend of 24th/25th April. We will be basing ourselves at a cafe run by friends in the city, but we would ask everyone interested in attending to organise their own travel plans and accommodation arrangements (though we may be able to assist with advice and recommendations in both these directions). Again we would ask all those interested in attending to let us know as soon as possible, so that we can inform our friends in Amsterdam of the numbers to be expected in order for them to make catering plans accordingly.
There will be another attempt to found the Kent Branch of the SPRINGBOK CLUB on Friday 12th March in Whitstable. This of course will be the first branch to be officially launched since we formally constituted the Club in January. If you live in Kent and would like to attend - or if you would like to try to form your own branch in your part of the world - then please let us know by e-mail at the usual address : springbk@netcomuk.co.uk
A number of SPRINGBOK CLUB members attended a most interesting meeting staged by the LONDON SWINTON CIRCLE in the Houses of Parliament last week, where the guest speaker was the influential Conservative back-bencher, Nicholas Winterton MP. Mr. Winterton spoke brilliantly, but most significant from our point of view was a question posed to him by a member of the Club's Exco advocating Western intervention in South Africa (and in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia - where Mr. Winterton evidently has a special interest) in order to protect our kith and kin (particularly the White farmers) who are presently being slaughtered in such great numbers under the current chaotic dispensation. Although he was of course not in a position to make any commitments, his reply even so was most revealing, and clearly demonstrated his concern about what is currently taking place in Southern Africa.
By such lobbying the SPRINGBOK CLUB is fulfilling one of its main aims, that of alerting the powers-that-be in the West to the present plight of our kith and kin in South Africa, and pressing for intervention to end the current appalling situation there.
Short notice though it is, we believe that many supporters may be interested in attending a meeting to be staged by RIGHT NOW! magazine in Committee Room 4 of the House of Lords next Monday (March 8th), commencing at 18.30 hrs..
This meeting will be addressed by Prof. Arthur Jensen of the University of California, Berkeley, the renown psychologist, and his theme will be "General Intelligence and Society". Through his academic studies and publications Prof. Jensen has perhaps more than anybody demonstrated the vital importance of hereditary to general intelligence, or the "g factor" as it is called, and by so doing has not been afraid to emphasise the significant differences in general intelligence between the various races. His talk will therefore be of particular interest to White South Africans.
This meeting will be open to all, and entrance will be via St. Stephen's Gate.
We have also recently learnt that the CONSERVATIVE MONDAY CLUB will be staging a meeting at the same venue on Thursday 18th March, to be addressed by Dr. Ferdi Hartzenberg (leader of the CONSERVATIVE PARTY of SA) and the Rev. Cassie Aucamp (a leading member of the FREEDOM FRONT).
Dr. Hartzenberg of course gave a most inspiring address to the SPRINGBOK CLUB during his previous trip to the UK in October 1997, and we feel sure that many supporters will be most keen to hear him again. Evidently recent political developments in South Africa have seen the formation of a grouping between the CP, the FF, and even a faction of the NP, to form a new Conservative umbrella organisation called the AEB. We have of course often been critical of the FF's apparent appeasement policy in the past, but we know that many subscribers of S.A.PATRIOT-IN-EXILE in South Africa are keen supporters of the movement even so. At present we do not know too much about this new umbrella organisation, but no doubt we will learn far more about it at this meeting.
Alas admittance to this meeting will be by invitation only, but if you are interested in attending then we suggest that you contact the CONSERVATIVE MONDAY CLUB direct at : BCM CONSERVATIVE, London WC1N 3XX, or by 'phone on : 01279-461456.
We still have a small stock of real South African flag lapel badges left, price £5.00 each (+ 50p for p. & p.), and we still need approximately £300.00 in order to publish the next vitally important edition of S.A.PATRIOT-IN-EXILE.
All payments and contributions should be made payable to "Patriotic Press", and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
A regular feature in which we ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of a friend or colleague who has lost contact.
No.8 : Mr. Barry Noot of Durban.
Barry Noot was very active with the Durban-based CIVIC ACTION LEAGUE, and was also a keen member of the DURBAN PARLIAMENT. He stood for Council under the CAL banner for the North Beach ward in 1988, and was only just unsuccessful.
We have recently come into contact with an excellent American-based organisation called AMERICAN RENAISSANCE which fully supports the aims and objectives of the SPRINGBOK CLUB. They themselves are a cultural organisation, fighting for the preservation of the traditional way of life of American society, and publish an excellent magazine as well as having a very interesting web-site, which can be accessed at :-
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our "Springbok" mailing list then simply send us an e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in it. Alternatively, if you liked this Cyber-Newsletter and think that any of your friends would like it also, then please let us have details of their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!