December 2008 edition
The received wisdom has been that the current world economic crisis has been caused by too much debt and borrowing being undertaken by the banking system in the West, particularly in the sub-prime mortgage market. Such an explanation is far too simplistic however, especially when it is born in mind that debt and credit have always been an intrinsic part of the Capitalist system ever since mankind advanced sufficiently to organise economic systems firstly on a national and now on a global basis - particularly since the Bretton Woods Agreement. One or two individual banks might suddenly fail because of irresponsible lending policies, but not the whole system.
What has changed over recent decades however, and what has been largely overlooked by most commentators, has been the rise of two significant economic players on the world stage independent of the West - namely the oil-rich Arab states and China. Both these new players have been gifted with enormous economic clout by the West (unnecessarily we would argue), yet both by the very nature of their societies are opposed to the Western Capitalist system - the one for theological reasons and the other for ideological reasons. We are not saying that both or either of these players deliberately set out to destroy the West economically (though this must remain a possibility), but rather that they both have had their own agenda in which the economic well-being of their own people - let alone the people of the West - has not been paramount.
Although the West's abdication of global political and military power following the end of WWII has been clear for all to see, what hasn't been so noticeable up until recently has been the abdication of the West's global economic power - and it is this which has led directly to the current instability.
Over recent years, of course, there have been some very encouraging signs that the West has woken from her slumbers in the global military and political arenas, firstly by Britain's action in the Falkland Islands and more recently by joint Western intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. The signs also seem to point most encouragingly to forthcoming increasing Western military and political involvement in Africa, hopefully especially in Zimbabwe.
But this will not be sufficient to re-establish the West's benevolent global hegemony completely however. What is also vitally important is for global economic power to be removed from Mecca and Tiananmen Square and restored to the City of London, Wall Street and Paris/Frankfort. We don't know precisely how this will be achieved, but we are confident that there are sufficient financiers of genius and vision in the West who should be able to expedite this aim.
The Springbok Club was most honoured to be able to welcome Mr. Michael Shrimpton, the renowned barrister and national security advisor, as guest speaker for its annual UDI Day celebrations this year. Although Mr. Shrimpton spoke under Chatham House Rules (which means that details of his speech cannot be published in full) we can report that he gave a most captivating and highly informative speech in which he outlined the sinister and often misunderstood forces which have been at play in the world for the past century or so (naming many of the individuals concerned), and how they survived in spite of WWII to cause the dismantlement of the great European colonial empires, which of course culminated in the destruction of the great state of Rhodesia. He also went on to inform everyone of a lot of unreported facts about the main players in the recent US Presidential election.
There was a packed turnout for this event, confirming clearly that in spite of slight set-backs earlier this year the Springbok Club continues to grow in both size and influence. Mr. Robin Willow once again started off the evening with some excellent musical entertainment, and the event was rounded off with a most succulent array of buffet snacks.
Details of the Springbok Club's forthcoming Day of the Vow commemorations are as follows :-
Date : Sunday 14th December 2008
Times : Assemble from 13.00 hrs onwards, main activities to start at approximately 14.30 hrs.
Venue : THE LONDON DOCKERS' CLUB, 6 Boulcott Street, Stepney, London E1 0HR. (Nearest station: Limehouse on the DLR. Turn right out of Limehouse Station, then immediate left into Commercial Road. Boulcott Street is then the second major turning on the left, with the London Dockers' Club then being on the right-hand side.)
The day will commence with a "bring and braai" (i.e. braai-ing facilities will be provided, but please bring all your own meat, condiments and utensils etc.). The braai fire will be started at approximately 13.00 hrs.
The main event of the day will take the form of a Victorian era military re-enactment display given by :-
The Diehard Company is an award winning re-enactment group formed out of members of the Victorian Military Society (www.thediehards.co.uk). It recreates the British Army on Home Service during the 1880s, but due to popular demand the group also gives presentations of the Zulu War. In 1999 the Diehards took part in the 120th Anniversary celebrations of the battles of Isandlewana and Rorke’s Drift which resulted in a one-hour programme on Channel 5. Correct Victorian drill is demonstrated as well as the firing of their Martini Henry rifles. The military re-enactment display by The Diehard Company will commence at approximately 14.30 hrs.
The London Dockers' Club will provide a bar which will be open throughout the afternoon and evening, which stocks a large range of drinks and packaged snacks (crisps etc). Everyone is reminded, however, that as this is a private members club and licensed premises it is illegal to bring in alcoholic beverages. For more information please 'phone 07711188430.
The Springbok Club/ELC's 2009 AGM will take place in mid-January 2009. All fully paid-up members will be informed of the details of this meeting in due course.
The Springbok Club/ELC is planning to organise a visit to Gibraltar in late February 2009 in order to witness the Freedom of the Rock being granted to the Royal Marines. If any supporter is keen to join this trip then please e-mail us at: springbok@falklands.org or 'phone: 07711188430.
In March 2009 the Springbok Club/ELC will be staging a meeting to be addressed by a prominent soldier who fought with both the RLI during the Bush War and subsequently with the SADF. More details will be given in future editions of the SCN.
Mr David Williams has temporarily been re-appointed to the Springbok Club/ELC Executive Committee up until the next AGM, and will be in charge of branch development until that time. He will be aiming to activate activities by both the London and Kent Branches of the SC/ELC during the next few months, as well as re-establishing the Chilterns Branch.
In early February 2009 the Kent Branch of the Springbok Club/ELC is planning to hold a social get-together, at which a former Rhodesian serviceman will give an informal talk about his Bush War experiences.
The recent leaking of the complete membership list of the neo-fascist "British National Party" (BNP) was not only of interest in itself, but also confirmed that three of the five unwelcome and uninvited attendees who turned up at the London Swinton Circle meeting of 22nd July and who the Chairman tried to have removed, were definitely members of this extremist organisation. As the London Swinton Circle is a society which adheres firmly to Conservative and Unionist principles and which has enjoyed close links with both the Conservative Party and the mainstream Unionist parties in Northern Ireland, any association with members of extremist parties such as the BNP would therefore be extremely damaging to its reputation. The actions of the Chairman of the London Swinton Circle in trying to eject these undesirable characters on 22nd July have therefore been completely vindicated.
New Britain will be holding an Australia/New Zealand Festival on Saturday 24th January 2009.
This event will start at 14.15 hrs when a wreath will be laid and the Australian National Anthem sung at the statue of Admiral Arthur Phillip in Watling Street, just behind St. Paul's Cathedral. Admiral Phillip was born in the City of London, and became the first Governor of Australia and founder of Sydney. A procession will then take place through the City of London led by the Australian and New Zealand flags to the ancient church of St. Katharine Cree in Leadenhall Street, where at 15.00 hrs a service will be held followed by a reception in the adjacent hall. Alderman Sir David Brewer CMG, the 2006 Lord Mayor of London, will be present, as will Sir Michael Savory, the 2005 Lord Mayor of London and Chairman of the Admiral Phillip Memorial Trust, who will speak about Admiral Phillip. The Director of Music will be Alderman Andrew Parmley, a top international organist, and Britannia in full costume with her escorts will be on the procession.
On Sunday 25th January 2009 New Britain will be holding a reception at the Chamberlain Room, Council House, Victoria Street, Birmingham, commencing at 15.00 hrs. The current Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Birmingham have accepted an invitation to attend this event, as has Councillor Peter Hollingworth, the 1982/83 Lord Mayor of Birmingham.
For further information about these events please contact New Britain at: 02072472524.
The following most revealing report appeared in a recent edition of "Preparing South Africa for the World" - the official newsletters of the 2010 Soccer World Cup organising committee :-
"It's no secret that FIFA, the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and other key 2010 World Cup role-players are observing the political developments in South Africa closely. Following the axing of President Thabo Mbeki, Deputy Minister of Finance Jabu Moleketi, who also heads the LOC's finance and procurement committee was one of 14 ministers who tendered their resignations. Other casualties included Finance Minister Trevor Manuel who has worked closely with Moleketi with dealing with the cost escalations of 2010 construction projects. LOC chairman Irvin Khoza said the committee is discussing the situation with the various ministries. He added that the LOC will seek assurances that the departure of officials who have been driving World Cup projects will not destabilise the country's preparations. Nevertheless, it's likely that FIFA President Sepp Blatter and the rest of global football governing body is concerned about the current turmoil in our politics - and the fact that the Jacob Zuma corruption trial may only be heard in 2010. As the International Herald Tribune noted: 'For Blatter, who could eat a head of state for breakfast every day of the week, the diplomacy required to steer South Africa through such a mammoth global event less than two years down the road is tricky.' Blatter held briefings with the previous three heads of state during his brief visit earlier this month. And, for the second time this year, he met privately with Zuma. South Africa is not the first host of a mega sporting event facing major political challenges. Argentina, in 1978, hosted the World Cup under a military dictatorship while China overcame international condemnation to produce an almost flawless Olympic Games just two months ago. Nevertheless, the ANC would do well to get its house in order to ensure that the country is as stable as it was when it was awarded the rights to host the event four years ago."
We have recently received the following quite disturbing reports from the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force :-
"Our elation over the arrest of the 4 poachers responsible for the deaths of 18 rhino, including the 3 killed at Imire Safari Park, was short-lived because they have been released on bail and have absconded. This is a great disappointment Zimbabwe's so-called 'legal system' which we thought, incorrectly as it turns out, was starting to show signs of working. It seems nothing has changed.
"According to a report released by the WWF, 70 rhinos have been killed in Lowveld conservancies since the land reform programme started in 2000, 20 of which have been killed this year alone. This means that 27 rhinos have been slaughtered countrywide this year so far, and these are only the ones we know of.
"We received a report last month of a pregnant rhino that was shot at Chipangali by a ZANU-PF official with a high powered rifle. The poacher allegedly removed the horn and left the carcass behind.
"Further to our August report where we stated that National Parks have issued permits to South African hunters to shoot elephants inside Hwange [Wankie] National Park, we have now received information that the average monthly salary for a National Parks employee is 5000 Zimbabwean Dollars per month. At today's exchange rate, this is equivalent to less than one US cent! In a desperate attempt to supplement their salaries, the National Parks Authority has offered to give each employee 10 kilograms [22 lbs] of game meat per month in addition to their paltry $5000. It is expected that about 30,000 kilograms [33 tons] of meat will be harvested for this purpose every month. Along with the elephants also being shot to feed crocodiles, it is obvious that the survival of our wildlife is now being seriously threatened by the very people who are supposed to be protecting it.
"Photographic safari operators in Hwange [Wankie] are extremely concerned about the situation. Professional hunters have been seen in Hwange and Victoria Falls National Parks for the past few months and reports have been made of shots being heard by tourists, hunting vehicles continually sighted at Nyamandlovu Platform and Makwa Pan in Hwange [Wankie] and carcasses being seen next to tourist roads and water holes.
"It is alleged that Headman Sibanda, a Zimbabwean professional hunter whose name has been linked to illegal and unethical hunting, has been issued a quota to shoot 100 elephants in Victoria Falls National Park. It has been reported from Kariba that National Parks have decided to kill 50 elephants, in and around Kariba as part of 'the cull'.
"Just to make matters a bit worse, the National Anglers' Union have ignored our petition to try to have the venue of the annual New Years' party changed, and have decided that it will be held again this year in Charara, as usual. We intend to take any steps necessary to prevent this from happening."
For more details about the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force e-mail: galorand@mweb.co.zw or access their web-site at: www.zctf.mweb.co.zw
On Saturday 27th September 2008 at Hatfield, Hertfordshire the Rhodesian Light Infantry Association unveiled and re-dedicated the RLI Trooper Statue. This service was carried out in the Chapel and the Armoury of Hatfield House by kind permission of the Marquess of Salisbury. Salisbury in Rhodesia was named after his family, and the Marquess's brother, who was a member of the RLI, was killed in action. The Sunday started at the 'Comet Hotel' in Hatfield town centre. The hotel was named after the world's first jet engine airliner which was manufactured by the local De Havilland aircraft company. Although the hotel is called the 'Comet', the king size model of an aircraft sitting on the top of a pole in the forecourt is that of a De Havilland 'Dove'. There were over one hundred and fifty RLI members and visitors registered, receiving a complimentary bag containing a souvenir programme, an RLI glass tankard and given a clip-on lapel name-tag, plus the extra security protection of a plastic RLI wrist band. This tag was green and had the picture of the trooper statue on it. At the main entrance of Hatfield House the steps were graced by six standard bearers holding the flags of the Rhodesian Light Infantry, and also eight buglers of the 'Rifles' who played a fanfare. The chapel is big for the household but was too small to seat one hundred and fifty 'botties', so well over one hundred were seated in the armoury. Col Ron Reid-Daly was present in the upper echelon of the chapel. There were four large television screens in the armoury so that everyone could see and hear the service. The two venues were next to each other and connected by a short passage - so short in fact that when Pipe Major John Spoor in his splendid Scottish regalia played the bagpipes and marched from the armoury into the short passage to the chapel; in doing so he disappeared from sight and immediately re-appeared on the television screens. After this part of the service everyone went back to their coaches and were transported to the bank of the River Lee where the Trooper statue was draped in the Green and White. After a short service and speeches which mentioned the Rhodesian Air Force and its air cover and helicopter transportation into forward areas, the Marquess of Salisbury unveiled the Trooper Statue, with the Last Post played by the buglers of the Rifles Band. Many wreaths of flame-lilies were laid at the base of the statue. Following this all were entertained by the playing and marching of the Rifles Band and Buglers. The Trooper Statue is sighted on a wide grass bank with its back to a commercial forest of tall straight pine trees, fronted by a copse of deciduous trees.
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and ...... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, as soon as possible, but in order to do this we need to clear our existing stock of back-issues first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
"WAY OUT OF LINE" by Trisha Jackson
A novel which tells the story of the profound impact that an innocent youthful love affair has on the lives of two young lovers. The plot moves from a cult and a maximum security prison in the US to the savannah grasslands of Mozambique and Zimbabwe - this makes for adventure, suspense and melodrama. Packed with conflict and sexual tension, anyone who loves romance, passion and excitement should enjoy reading this story.
Trisha Jackson was born and grew up in Rhodesia. She immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990. She and her husband live in a unique, rural community in the Tonto National Forest in the eastern mountains of Arizona.
Copies of "Way Out of Line" can be ordered from Amazon.com.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa. It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
271 pages, some illustrations. Soft-back £5.00 including p&p. (r.r.p. £10.00)
The compelling story of what really happened in a defeated Japan following the end of World War II. Merchant seaman James Mackay, whilst travelling in the east, started to hear stories of massacres and other atrocities committed by Japanese forces, not just against enemy troops, but against innocent civilian populations. His subsequent investigations revealed reluctance amongst Allied governments to discuss these incidents that seemed to amount almost to a cover-up. Why would the Allies want to overlook the crimes of a former enemy, especially when the leadership of another former enemy was being liquidated at Nuremburg? Using his own research, as well as material prepared by Australian Army war crimes investigator Capt. J.G. Goodwin, Mackay exposes the cover-up and names the guilty. Not only were the Japanese keen to sweep the past under the carpet, but the US government of the time also had its own reasons for preserving the political and industrial elite in Japan. A provocative book, which calls into question the morality of US policy towards Japan after WWII.
Payment can be made by credit or debit card. To order on line, log onto www.paypal.com and enter postmaster@gcartwright.demon.co.uk as payment destination.
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"WINSTON CHURCHILL BY HIS PERSONAL SECRETARY" recollections of the great man by a woman who worked for him, Elizabeth Nel
Elizabeth Nel served as Winston Churchill’s personal secretary during World War II. The vivid and human details of her experiences, of her impressions and memories of the irascible and loveable war hero, take up the story of Churchill’s life at No. 10 where the BBC’s impressive drama, 'The Gathering Storm', leaves off — when Churchill took over the reins of Government at the outset of the war. Finally, the author, Elizabeth Nel, at 90 years of age and just before she died, looks back across the years.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com/churchill.htm
[You may like to see details with photos regarding the launch of this book, which can be viewed at http://www.diadembooks.com/celiamurray.htm]
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
"LETTERS FROM AFRICA" by Mandy Retzlaff
A collection of short stories documenting Mandy Retzlaff's extraordinary life in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Her letters are full of hope, despair, extreme courage and a remarkable sense of humour needed to face the everyday difficulties of living in a politically and economically unstable Africa.
For more details visit Mandy's web-site at: www.mandyretzlaff.com
No.121 : Ms. CATHY DREYER of Durban
Cathy Dreyer was a great friend of Jenny Humphries (see October 2008 SCN's "Where are they now?") and also trained as a nurse at Addington Hospital, Durban, during the mid-1970s, and was another most beautiful woman. She was last seen in central Durban during the late 1970s, and a number of old friends would like to know what became of her.
We have recently been informed about a most revealing blogspot entitled "The Death of Durban" which demonstrates clearly just what an environmental disaster zone and a muggers' paradise the City of Durban has become since the advent of ANC rule. It makes very depressing viewing for all those who remember the noble City of Durban during the days of civilised rule, but even so provides much useful information about the true situation now prevailing. It can be accessed at :-
Having just read "Mandela: The Legend and the Legacy" by Sarah, Maid of Albion, all we can say is: Hear Hear!! The man was a terrorist. He was not put away just for political crimes, he was a hands-on bomber!
Yours etc.,
J, K & I, Mercia, U.K.
Thanks for publishing the article "South Africa wakes up to growing White poor". Personally I saw the White squatters outside Pretoria and have a couple of photos of them.
Thanks again.
Yours etc.,
Mike, Sussex, U.K.
I very much doubt the figures of 4 million Whites left in South Africa [see SCN, October 2008]. People are leaving for especially Australia and New Zealand (and elsewhere to a lesser extent) so fast that it is doubtful if there are 2 million left.
Yours etc.,
"Wolf", Pretoria, Transvaal
The recently leaked membership list of the so-called "British National Party" (BNP) certainly makes most interesting reading. In among the strange and eclectic mix of teachers, ex-servicemen and retired midwives we find, for instance, a certain Mr. Ian Underwood who apparently will not be renewing his membership because he "objects to being told he shouldn't wear a bomber jacket"!
There are those, alas, who still dispute that the BNP is a neo-fascist party. To them we suggest that they read the excellent article entitled "The Evil at the Heart of this List of Names and Shame" written by Michael Gove MP (the Conservative Shadow Minister for Children) which appeared in 23rd November edition of "Scotland on Sunday", in which, inter alia, he stated :-
"It is important to remember just what the BNP really is. At its heart. It is not a movement of disheartened, working class voters, bewildered by global capital's fickleness, nor is it a society of nostalgic solicitors and mildly eccentric vicars who dream of an England before chicken tikka massala. It's a Nazi party. Pure and simple. Its leaders are simply incapable of abandoning an ideology of pure wickedness. When you penetrate to the heart of what the BNP's leaders say and believe, you discover that their racism is much more than a reaction to recent immigration levels, or a plea for a return to a Britain of their youth. It is even bleaker and more blinkered, familiar to us from history and remarkable in its persistence. [Nick] Griffin is an anti-Semite and Holocaust denier. In 1997 he published a pamphlet, alleging Jewish control of our mass media, called 'The Mind Benders'. He has argued that belief in the Holocaust is no more sustainable than belief that the world is flat and the extermination of six million is a mix of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter-day witch hysteria. When the world's most famous Holocaust denier, David Irving, acknowledged that some Jewish lives may have been lost in a programme of Nazi elimination he was denounced by Griffin for weakening. 'True Revisionists', he argued, would 'not be fooled by this new twist to the Hoax of the Twentieth century'. There aren't many people in British public life who can claim to have been sickened by Irving's moderation. And that tells you almost all you need to know about the ideological moorings of Griffin and his party. Holocaust denial was the itch he could not resist scratching, the hate which had to speak its name."
Although much play has been made of the respectable descriptions given to many of the revealed BNP members, the fact remains that the vast majority of them have no description whatsoever. Make no bones about it therefore, for every naive ex-serviceman listed there are a couple of dozen or so neo-nazi thugs; for every retired midwife listed there are a couple of dozen or so anti-Semitic conspiracy-theory cranks.
As stated above, it has been very interesting to note that three of the five infiltrators at the troubled meeting of the London Swinton Circle held on 22nd July turned out to be on the BNP list - Messrs. Gregory Lauder-Frost, Andrew Slade and Sam Swerling. Furthermore two other individuals who have waged a vicious and irrational hate campaign against our movement are also on this list - Francis "Fruitcake" Andrew (formerly living in Jordan, but now listed as a resident of the Sultanate of Oman - why did he move Arab countries we wonder?) and Arthur "White K@ffir" Kemp (currently living in Flintshire, but believed to be planning to move to the United States). We now know the nature of the most persistent enemies of our movement therefore - and they are not from the political Left as might be expected!
We believe that Mr. Lauder-Frost has subsequently tried to deny his membership of the BNP, claiming that his name was on the list by mistake (very hard to believe when it is remembered that his name also appeared on an earlier list of central London BNP members "given" to a reporter from "The Guardian" newspaper by Mr. Nick Eriksen - also on the current leaked list incidentally - in 2006). Perhaps if Mr. Lauder-Frost wishes to disassociate himself from the BNP he should start to wear a bomber jacket.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
Monday, 8 December 2008
Monday, 10 November 2008
November 2008 Edition.
November 2008 edition
Chou En-lai was once reported to have replied when asked whether he thought the French Revolution had been a success: "It is too early to say". His response was greeted with laughter around the world - but much the same question could have been asked of the American Revolution, and only answered for certain in the negative on 4th November 2008.
After two and a quarter centuries of seeming success and progress, and rising to the position of leader and defender of the Western World, the United States electorate chose to reject John McCain - a true American, war hero, and man of dedicated service to his country - and instead elected a half-alien with known origins and upbringing which were the total antithesis of all that the original American colonial pioneers stood for, to be their next president and commander-in-chief.
But could anything else be expected in the long-run from a nation founded upon rebellion against the Crown? To be sure big mistakes were made by the British Government of the time in the run-up to the American War of Independence, but the Jeffersonian ethos behind it would lead inevitably to the "Bring me your huddled masses" mentality which could only be the long-term destroyer of the WASP-colonial culture which had established civilisation in a previous wilderness, and which for two and a quarter centuries created the most powerful nation on earth.
In this regard it is most significant to realise that at the 2008 Presidential Election 75% - one in four - of the electorate were non-White. It goes without saying that the vast majority of these voted for Barrack Hussein Obama. Add to these all the other hyphenated Americans with a "chip on their shoulder" towards WASP America (significantly Obama chose as his VP running-mate Joe Biden, a proclaimed Irish-Catholic-American) and it can be appreciated what a difficult uphill battle the McCain/Palin ticket were faced with, for all their patriotism, proven abilities and charm.
But give credit to Obama where credit's due. He made no secret of the fact that his father was a Kenyan Muslim. He never denied that his middle name was Hussein. He never hid the fact that his initial education took place at a Muslim madrassa in Indonesia ("Give me a child until he's seven"!). He now surely cannot believe his luck that the American people could have been so stupid not to comprehend all the writing which was on the wall, and is unquestionably laughing behind their collective backs - just as Muslims throughout the Middle-East are now evidently openly shrieking with delight at this development in their streets and bazaars.
We must repeat, however, that our objection to Obama isn't because of the colour of his skin. As we've stated before we believe that Condi Rice, for example, would make an excellent US president, for despite her African origins she quite clearly has a firm and genuine American mindset and has the best interests of Western Christian civilisation at heart. For all of Obama's protestations that he is now a Christian and a real American it should never be forgotten that his "pastor", the Rev. Wright, once proudly proclaimed "God damn America", and that his wife openly stated that the first time she was proud to be an American was only after the Iowa Caucuses! We therefore believe it to be self-evident that Obama will not seek to serve the interests of the United States if he is allowed to take office, but rather will be seeking to change the very character of American society.
There are those who will say that as non-Americans we should not be commenting upon the domestic affairs of that country, but it must be remembered that ever since WWI the United States has been the leading nation in the Free World. It is not just the future of America which is at stake from this impending nightmare therefore, but the security of every Western nation. The State of Israel would indeed seem to be particularly threatened. We might not agree with the precise phraseology used by Klaus Emmerich, the Austrian political commentator, when he expressed grave concern at Obama's election, but his words echoed the dread and trepidation felt by the majority of people throughout the Western world.
But what of the future? Only the American people can now act to save themselves, and this they must clearly do - not only for their own safety and freedom, but also for that of the West as a whole. There are surely many constitutional avenues which can be explored to challenge Obama's election prior to January, not least in view of the widespread rumours about his actual place of birth. Of course the prospect of Joe Biden becoming the 44th President of the United States is not much more appealing - so perhaps, hopefully, legal grounds could be discovered to disqualify the entire ticket?
In the long-term, however, America must return to the ideals of its roots - and by its roots we mean the PRE-revolutionary colonial pioneer era. Means must be found to repatriate all those of unassimilatable origin - be it to Kenya or wherever. Most importantly, however, that largest group of hyphenated Americans, that which so far doesn't seem to have a collective voice - the British-Americans - must reassert themselves. A vibrant movement of Americans of British stock must be established which will ensure that the national humiliation of 4th November 2008 will never happen again. Our own movement, and no doubt others around the British Commonwealth, will of course be eager to co-operate closely with such a movement in order to ensure the ascendancy of our beloved mutual civilisation.
The Springbok Club held a most pleasant and informative meeting in conjunction with the official wing of the London Swinton Circle last month, at which the guest speaker was Mr. Bob Vinnicombe from Sydney in Australia. Mr. Vinnicombe (who spoke previously to a joint London Swinton Circle and Springbok Club meeting in 2006) is a leading NSW official of the Australian One Nation party, and stood as an independent candidate for the Bankstown Municipal Council earlier during the year, receiving a very creditable vote. In his well-received speech Mr. Vinnicombe detailed much about the current Australian political and sociological situation, emphasising specifically the great problems caused by ethnic minorities (particularly Muslim Lebanese) being allowed to enter Australia. He also laid great stress on the importance of Australia remaining a monarchy, and that links between kith and kin from the core Commonwealth should be strengthened.
The Springbok Club will be holding its annual UDI Day celebrations on Monday 17th November, which this year will take the form of a buffet, and which will also be held in conjunction with the official wing of the London Swinton Circle. The guest of honour at this event will be a prominent national security consultant who will be speaking, inter alia, about the international forces which were behind the abandonment of Empire post WWII, which culminated in the betrayal of Rhodesia.
Official invitations to this event have already been posted out to all members of the Springbok Club, and a further circular e-mail giving full details will be sent out to the full SCN circulation list later during the week.
On Sunday 14th December the Springbok Cub/ELC will be marking the Day of the Vow with a special event featuring a display by a Victorian-era military re-enactment society. Further details will be given in next month's edition of the SCN.
The Springbok Club/ELC's 2009 AGM will take place in mid-January 2009.
In early February 2009 the Kent Branch of the Springbok Club/ELC is planning to hold a social get-together, at which a former Rhodesian serviceman will be giving an informal talk about his Bush War experiences.
The Springbok Club/ELC is provisionally planning to organise a trip to Gibraltar in late February 2009 in order to witness the Freedom of the Rock being granted to the Royal Marines. If any supporter is keen to join us for this visit then please e-mail us at: springbok@falklands.org or 'phone: 07711188430.
Alas we have learnt that Mr. Allan Robertson recently held what he termed an "AGM" for his breakaway faction of the London Swinton Circle. Needless to say this so-called "AGM" had absolutely no constitutional validity whatsoever. Two observers were present at this event, and reported that the turnout only numbered one dozen (including Robertson himself and the two observers). Furthermore also allowed to be present were two of the main instigators of the problems which engulfed the last official meeting of the LSC on July 22nd, one of whom being a known member of the neo-fascist BNP (whose membership it had previously been decided would not be allowed to be renewed by the LSC leadership because of his known extremist affiliations), and by all accounts he also brought along two unknown non-members of the LSC with him, both of whom made comments which seemed to suggest that they were also members of the neo-fascist BNP.
As we have stated previously, an official Emergency General Meeting of the LSC will be held in December at which, inter alia, the actions of Mr. Allan Robertson on July 22nd and subsequently will be discussed and appropriate decisions taken. No doubt this latest unilateral action of his will now also be taken into account. Mr. Robertson will of course be given full notification of this EGM, and will be allowed to attend to defend himself and to give explanations regarding all charges which may be made against him.
The following two most interesting reports appeared in a recent edition of "Preparing South Africa for the World" - the official newsletters of the 2010 Soccer World Cup organising committee :-
"More than 30% of people living in the vicinity of Loftus Versfeld [Pretoria] have fallen victim to assault, rape or violent armed robbery. This is according to a 2007 crime survey report released earlier this month. The report, dubbed 'Perceptions on Crime in a South African Metropolis: Tshwane [sic] 2007', saw 1,200 people living and working in Hatfield, Arcadia and Sunnyside being surveyed by the research team. The Pretoria News notes that the report was presented by Professor Andre Horn at the International Geographical Union's Urban Commission cities monitoring conference in Tunisia. According to Horn the aim of the survey was to establish people's personal experiences, opinions and their perceptions of crime in the stadium's vicinity ahead of the 2010 World Cup. 'Of those surveyed, 84% believed that crime was becoming more violent with 72% believing that crime would increase in the build up to the 2010 World Cup,' he said."
"A German man appeared in court last week after allegedly defrauding people of thousands of Rands through a bogus soccer academy. Bernd Wulfen was arrested in Johannesburg in May while allegedly representing a false sports academy, the German International Youth Academy. The Cape Argus reports that he appeared before magistrate Wellington Rixana in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court on a charge of fraud last week, his fourth appearance since May. He is on R2,000 bail. Prosecutor Cecil Engel said the investigations were complete and the case had been postponed to allow Wulfen's 'new lawyer' to get hold of all his statements. When he arrived in South Africa last year, he said the 2010 World Cup offered potential, and he planned to open an academy to unearth 'hidden' young soccer talent."
Imire Safari Ranch are absolutely delighted to announce the capture, prosecution and sentencing of the perpetrators who slaughtered and killed our three rhino - Amber, DJ and Sprinter - and the unborn calf which was due to be born on November 7th 2008.
We would like to thank and congratulate National Parks in particular who have been extremely supportive and persistent in the face of serious adversity to catch the perpetrators.
The perpetrators have been sentenced to 28 years imprisonment. They were responsible for the death of 17 rhino.
Imire would also like to take this opportunity to thank the public both in Zimbabwe and from fields afar for their endless support over that tragic time. The response and concerns to the horror of the deaths of these endangered species was incredible and extremely humbling for us all on Imire.
We cannot thank enough Johnny and Cheryl Rodrigues who are devoted to the plight of the wildlife of Zimbabwe. Johnny and Cheryl have sourced, found and collected the generous donations of skimmed powered milk from South Africa for Tatenda.
Tatenda grows from strength to strength, now 11-months old and Poggle the wart hog is still the love of his life, how blessed and privileged are we to have these wonderful animals weaving their colourful thread into our life's tapestry?
The Argentine newspaper 'Clarin' recently carried an article announcing that Argentina will make a submission to the United Nations to counter the British submission reserving Britain's right to claim sovereignty over seabed resources beyond 200 miles around British claims in Antarctica. The article says that Argentina will also do this to counter an anticipated move by Britain at the UN to extend its marine sovereignty around the Falklands, South Georgia, etc. The article says that all the necessary technical work will be completed by May 2009 which is the deadline for such submissions. It also mentions that Argentina's claim in Antarctica overlaps the Chilean claim there. The article mentions that Britain has just claimed seabed resources around Ascension Island.
We recently received the following most interesting report via the ORAFs' circular e-mail posting of the Rhodesian Air Force Association. We'll report on further developments regarding this venture as we receive them :-
"Arising from a recommendation given by Rev. Terry Mesley-Spong in 2006, Brig. David Heppenstall very recently brought about the establishment of a committee to investigate the desirability and interest for a medal to be known as 'The Rhodesian Independence Commemorative Medal' (RICM).
"Clearly the introduction of an RICM is very late in coming but there is a need to accept that ‘late is better than never’.
"The purpose of the RICM is to give to those who gave services in support of their cherished country the opportunity to declare and expose their pride in having done so. Such service came not from the military alone, but from every walk of life and from Rhodesians of all colours. Each knows where his or her heart and efforts lay through the troubled years in which Rhodesia’s affairs were a focal point between antagonists either side of the Iron Curtain.
"The RICM is not an official, government-approved and gazetted item. It is one being developed by a Rhodesian joint forces committee in UK with associates in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Once available, interested individual Rhodesians will be able to order and pay for his/her own medal. The cost of the RICM and postage is not yet established but it is hoped to keep this as low as possible, without producing a cheap and inferior quality medal.
"There is no limit to who can own and wear an RICM, providing he/she expended efforts to the benefit of Rhodesia’s well being. Consider the farmers and their wives facing perils whilst continuing to uphold the agricultural sector upon which we were all dependent, railway operators, firemen, Red Cross and field catering volunteers, doctors, nurses, hospital workers, civil servants, postmen, electrical maintenance men and water engineers are just a very small cross-section of a society that provided vital inputs to keep our independent country running efficiently for 15 years during which the world at large sought to destroy it.
"Whereas our servicemen gained medals in service and proudly wear them on appropriate occasions, there is nothing for other deserving Rhodesians to show on those same occasions. Consider the wife who upheld her serving husband through the troubled times. Was she awarded for her vital but silent service? No! But maybe she would like to stand next to her be-medalled man when next he wears his gongs and proudly display her own.
"The Committee will keep the various Rhodesian Associations around the world up to date on progress and hope to be in a position to circulate a drawing of the proposed medal, showing both obverse and reverse in the very near future."
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and ...... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, as soon as possible, but in order to do this we need to clear our existing stock of back-issues first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
"WAY OUT OF LINE" by Trisha Jackson
A novel which tells the story of the profound impact that an innocent youthful love affair has on the lives of two young lovers. The plot moves from a cult and a maximum security prison in the US to the savannah grasslands of Mozambique and Zimbabwe - this makes for adventure, suspense and melodrama. Packed with conflict and sexual tension, anyone who loves romance, passion and excitement should enjoy reading this story.
Trisha Jackson was born and grew up in Rhodesia. She immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990. She and her husband live in a unique, rural community in the Tonto National Forest in the eastern mountains of Arizona.
Copies of "Way Out of Line" can be ordered from Amazon.com.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa. It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
"OF RICE AND MEN", by Jimmy Walker
111 pages. Illustrated. With excellent cartoons by Fusilier Norman Lambert, produced whilst in captivity. Soft-back £5.00 (cover price £10.00)
An irreverent, left of centre, look at life as a POW by Jimmy Walker, who was captured by the Japanese following the fall of Singapore in 1942. Jimmy takes us through incarceration at the notorious Changi jail, forced labour on the railroad, and deportation to Japan, where the Japanese exploited the mining skills of the boys from Northumberland. Norman Lambert’s sketches are both amusing and frightening at the same time. Through the bitterness and resentment, and physical trauma of captivity shines the humour and the indomitable spirit of the British soldier. An enjoyable and educational read, with a surprise ending.
Prices include p&p. Payment can be made by credit or debit card. To order on line, log on to www.paypal.com and enter postmaster@gcartwright.demon.co.uk as payment destination.
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"THE THOUSAND STEPS" by Dr Helen Anderson
Dr Anderson spent what she describes as "26 privileged years in Africa, privileged because life was never dull and medical practice never ceased to be truly exciting and fulfilling." It is a personal account of practice, both in Entebbe, Uganda, and the Sudan, Congo and Botswana. She describes her fascinating experiences. She married in Gulu, Uganda, where she ran the local Hospital, dealing with surgical cases never before described in textbooks. She also describes her time in Serowe, Botswana, and the problems with the resident ghost in the Residency.
The book is copiously and superbly illustrated with numerous colour photographs. Available at £20.00 direct from the author at Lake Hawea, R.D.2., Wanaka, 9382, New Zealand, by cheque or money order.
"THE RAPE OF ZIMBABWE" by Ricky Wilson - which tells it like it was (and is)!
Rhodesia was once a prosperous and thriving country, and the story of the author's enterprising and entrepreneurial spirit in that land, followed by his desperate escape from the country when, as Zimbabwe, it became ruled by a tyrant, imparts a realistic perspective of the present desperate plight of many exiles from a country that was once a paradise and the breadbasket for so much of Africa.
You can order this book via http://www.diadembooks.com/zimbabwe.htm
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
"LETTERS FROM AFRICA" by Mandy Retzlaff
A collection of short stories documenting Mandy Retzlaff's extraordinary life in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Her letters are full of hope, despair, extreme courage and a remarkable sense of humour needed to face the everyday difficulties of living in a politically and economically unstable Africa.
For more details visit Mandy's web-site at: www.mandyretzlaff.com
Robert Shipley has many items of memorabilia of special interest to Southern African and other patriots for sale, including :-
An old brochure of Worcester in South Africa for £10.00
A State President's Guard Plaque 1980/81, Lt.Grobler, for £15.00
(postage and packaging included).
For more information or to make orders please 'phone 07527277406, or e-mail: robertshipley1729@yahoo.co.uk
No.120 : Mr. ROGER BROOKENS of Glasgow
Roger Brookens was a staunch Scottish Unionist and Rangers supporter who was one of the earliest subscribers to S.A.Patriot. Although brought up in Glasgow he moved to London during the early 1970s, where he became a keen member of the Rangers F.C. Supporters Association's London Branch. He then moved to Lancashire, and was last known to be based at Darwen near Blackburn, although he evidently no longer lives there. A number of former colleagues would be very keen to make contact with him again.
We have recently been forwarded the following most eye-opening web-cast video featuring the Rev. James David Manning - a Black America clergyman who is firmly opposed to Barrack Obama. This demonstrates conclusively that Black Christians as well as Whites are deeply concerned about what an Obama administration might usher in. It is well worth a view, and can be accessed at :-
I've just received your latest newsletter and read the section about the Argentinians demanding their flag be forced upon Falkland soil after their aggression; imagine the Germans demanding the same in Belgium and France!
I cycled for two months (losing a stone in the process!) throughout England and down around the Ypres Salient and the Somme. I took some pictures of the South African National Memorial and CWGC at Delville Wood (would love to contact the chap who made the South African red ensign to add to my collection!). The statue of Castor and Pollux on the memorial itself represents the bond between South Africa and the UK.
Yours etc.,
Keir Heath, currently working overseas.
Most readers will probably recall the name of young Mr. Arthur Kemp, the former keen supporter and writer for S.A.Patriot and active member of the Conservative Party of South Africa, who subsequently betrayed our movement and indeed circulated a number of hurtful and unsubstantiated smears about us. Although clearly a mainstream Conservative like ourselves during the 1980s, young Mr. Kemp suddenly adopted an overt neo-Nazi image during the mid-1990s, though many observers have speculated that this was only a front in order to discredit the mainstream resistance movement in South Africa by association, and that he was really working for the "new" South African authorities. Suspiciously, however, young Mr. Kemp turned up in the UK on a number of occasions during the late 1990s and 2000s, though without making any effort to contact his former friends. It was also then revealed that he had joined the so-called British National Party, and indeed had gravitated to a leading position within the neo-fascist party - though evidently many BNP underlings were highly suspicious of him, referring to him as "that South African spook". Now comes news that young Mr. Kemp is planning to re-marry an American woman, and to relocate yet again to the United States. Whether this proposed marriage is authentic or whether it's just a wheeze to obtain residence in the United States is uncertain. Any further information would be gratefully received.
Another highly sinister character with a strikingly similar story is Deirdre Fields (nee van Heerden). Ms. Fields is the niece of the late and great Tom Hawkins, who was a staunch supporter of our movement in Durban during the 1980s. Tom Hawkins served with distinction in the South African army during WWII, and was a strong Anglophile with a deep hatred for the Nazis and Nazism. His niece, however, emigrated to the United States during the early 1990s, where she apparently married an American neo-Nazi. Here she evidently obtained employment with a Texan oilman, before being fired after being caught photocopying and distributing anti-Semitic material using office equipment. She then split from her husband who then moved to California, whereas she herself went off to live in a neo-Nazi commune near Pittsburg, where she has evidently set herself up as a self-styled pro-Afrikaner-spokesperson, and continues to circulate her anti-Semitic poison. Undoubtedly dear old Tom Hawkins would be turning in his grave if he was to learn what his niece was now doing. It would be very interested to learn whether young Mr. Kemp and Ms. Fields are in any way connected however. Again any information would be gratefully received.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
November 2008 edition
Chou En-lai was once reported to have replied when asked whether he thought the French Revolution had been a success: "It is too early to say". His response was greeted with laughter around the world - but much the same question could have been asked of the American Revolution, and only answered for certain in the negative on 4th November 2008.
After two and a quarter centuries of seeming success and progress, and rising to the position of leader and defender of the Western World, the United States electorate chose to reject John McCain - a true American, war hero, and man of dedicated service to his country - and instead elected a half-alien with known origins and upbringing which were the total antithesis of all that the original American colonial pioneers stood for, to be their next president and commander-in-chief.
But could anything else be expected in the long-run from a nation founded upon rebellion against the Crown? To be sure big mistakes were made by the British Government of the time in the run-up to the American War of Independence, but the Jeffersonian ethos behind it would lead inevitably to the "Bring me your huddled masses" mentality which could only be the long-term destroyer of the WASP-colonial culture which had established civilisation in a previous wilderness, and which for two and a quarter centuries created the most powerful nation on earth.
In this regard it is most significant to realise that at the 2008 Presidential Election 75% - one in four - of the electorate were non-White. It goes without saying that the vast majority of these voted for Barrack Hussein Obama. Add to these all the other hyphenated Americans with a "chip on their shoulder" towards WASP America (significantly Obama chose as his VP running-mate Joe Biden, a proclaimed Irish-Catholic-American) and it can be appreciated what a difficult uphill battle the McCain/Palin ticket were faced with, for all their patriotism, proven abilities and charm.
But give credit to Obama where credit's due. He made no secret of the fact that his father was a Kenyan Muslim. He never denied that his middle name was Hussein. He never hid the fact that his initial education took place at a Muslim madrassa in Indonesia ("Give me a child until he's seven"!). He now surely cannot believe his luck that the American people could have been so stupid not to comprehend all the writing which was on the wall, and is unquestionably laughing behind their collective backs - just as Muslims throughout the Middle-East are now evidently openly shrieking with delight at this development in their streets and bazaars.
We must repeat, however, that our objection to Obama isn't because of the colour of his skin. As we've stated before we believe that Condi Rice, for example, would make an excellent US president, for despite her African origins she quite clearly has a firm and genuine American mindset and has the best interests of Western Christian civilisation at heart. For all of Obama's protestations that he is now a Christian and a real American it should never be forgotten that his "pastor", the Rev. Wright, once proudly proclaimed "God damn America", and that his wife openly stated that the first time she was proud to be an American was only after the Iowa Caucuses! We therefore believe it to be self-evident that Obama will not seek to serve the interests of the United States if he is allowed to take office, but rather will be seeking to change the very character of American society.
There are those who will say that as non-Americans we should not be commenting upon the domestic affairs of that country, but it must be remembered that ever since WWI the United States has been the leading nation in the Free World. It is not just the future of America which is at stake from this impending nightmare therefore, but the security of every Western nation. The State of Israel would indeed seem to be particularly threatened. We might not agree with the precise phraseology used by Klaus Emmerich, the Austrian political commentator, when he expressed grave concern at Obama's election, but his words echoed the dread and trepidation felt by the majority of people throughout the Western world.
But what of the future? Only the American people can now act to save themselves, and this they must clearly do - not only for their own safety and freedom, but also for that of the West as a whole. There are surely many constitutional avenues which can be explored to challenge Obama's election prior to January, not least in view of the widespread rumours about his actual place of birth. Of course the prospect of Joe Biden becoming the 44th President of the United States is not much more appealing - so perhaps, hopefully, legal grounds could be discovered to disqualify the entire ticket?
In the long-term, however, America must return to the ideals of its roots - and by its roots we mean the PRE-revolutionary colonial pioneer era. Means must be found to repatriate all those of unassimilatable origin - be it to Kenya or wherever. Most importantly, however, that largest group of hyphenated Americans, that which so far doesn't seem to have a collective voice - the British-Americans - must reassert themselves. A vibrant movement of Americans of British stock must be established which will ensure that the national humiliation of 4th November 2008 will never happen again. Our own movement, and no doubt others around the British Commonwealth, will of course be eager to co-operate closely with such a movement in order to ensure the ascendancy of our beloved mutual civilisation.
The Springbok Club held a most pleasant and informative meeting in conjunction with the official wing of the London Swinton Circle last month, at which the guest speaker was Mr. Bob Vinnicombe from Sydney in Australia. Mr. Vinnicombe (who spoke previously to a joint London Swinton Circle and Springbok Club meeting in 2006) is a leading NSW official of the Australian One Nation party, and stood as an independent candidate for the Bankstown Municipal Council earlier during the year, receiving a very creditable vote. In his well-received speech Mr. Vinnicombe detailed much about the current Australian political and sociological situation, emphasising specifically the great problems caused by ethnic minorities (particularly Muslim Lebanese) being allowed to enter Australia. He also laid great stress on the importance of Australia remaining a monarchy, and that links between kith and kin from the core Commonwealth should be strengthened.
The Springbok Club will be holding its annual UDI Day celebrations on Monday 17th November, which this year will take the form of a buffet, and which will also be held in conjunction with the official wing of the London Swinton Circle. The guest of honour at this event will be a prominent national security consultant who will be speaking, inter alia, about the international forces which were behind the abandonment of Empire post WWII, which culminated in the betrayal of Rhodesia.
Official invitations to this event have already been posted out to all members of the Springbok Club, and a further circular e-mail giving full details will be sent out to the full SCN circulation list later during the week.
On Sunday 14th December the Springbok Cub/ELC will be marking the Day of the Vow with a special event featuring a display by a Victorian-era military re-enactment society. Further details will be given in next month's edition of the SCN.
The Springbok Club/ELC's 2009 AGM will take place in mid-January 2009.
In early February 2009 the Kent Branch of the Springbok Club/ELC is planning to hold a social get-together, at which a former Rhodesian serviceman will be giving an informal talk about his Bush War experiences.
The Springbok Club/ELC is provisionally planning to organise a trip to Gibraltar in late February 2009 in order to witness the Freedom of the Rock being granted to the Royal Marines. If any supporter is keen to join us for this visit then please e-mail us at: springbok@falklands.org or 'phone: 07711188430.
Alas we have learnt that Mr. Allan Robertson recently held what he termed an "AGM" for his breakaway faction of the London Swinton Circle. Needless to say this so-called "AGM" had absolutely no constitutional validity whatsoever. Two observers were present at this event, and reported that the turnout only numbered one dozen (including Robertson himself and the two observers). Furthermore also allowed to be present were two of the main instigators of the problems which engulfed the last official meeting of the LSC on July 22nd, one of whom being a known member of the neo-fascist BNP (whose membership it had previously been decided would not be allowed to be renewed by the LSC leadership because of his known extremist affiliations), and by all accounts he also brought along two unknown non-members of the LSC with him, both of whom made comments which seemed to suggest that they were also members of the neo-fascist BNP.
As we have stated previously, an official Emergency General Meeting of the LSC will be held in December at which, inter alia, the actions of Mr. Allan Robertson on July 22nd and subsequently will be discussed and appropriate decisions taken. No doubt this latest unilateral action of his will now also be taken into account. Mr. Robertson will of course be given full notification of this EGM, and will be allowed to attend to defend himself and to give explanations regarding all charges which may be made against him.
The following two most interesting reports appeared in a recent edition of "Preparing South Africa for the World" - the official newsletters of the 2010 Soccer World Cup organising committee :-
"More than 30% of people living in the vicinity of Loftus Versfeld [Pretoria] have fallen victim to assault, rape or violent armed robbery. This is according to a 2007 crime survey report released earlier this month. The report, dubbed 'Perceptions on Crime in a South African Metropolis: Tshwane [sic] 2007', saw 1,200 people living and working in Hatfield, Arcadia and Sunnyside being surveyed by the research team. The Pretoria News notes that the report was presented by Professor Andre Horn at the International Geographical Union's Urban Commission cities monitoring conference in Tunisia. According to Horn the aim of the survey was to establish people's personal experiences, opinions and their perceptions of crime in the stadium's vicinity ahead of the 2010 World Cup. 'Of those surveyed, 84% believed that crime was becoming more violent with 72% believing that crime would increase in the build up to the 2010 World Cup,' he said."
"A German man appeared in court last week after allegedly defrauding people of thousands of Rands through a bogus soccer academy. Bernd Wulfen was arrested in Johannesburg in May while allegedly representing a false sports academy, the German International Youth Academy. The Cape Argus reports that he appeared before magistrate Wellington Rixana in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court on a charge of fraud last week, his fourth appearance since May. He is on R2,000 bail. Prosecutor Cecil Engel said the investigations were complete and the case had been postponed to allow Wulfen's 'new lawyer' to get hold of all his statements. When he arrived in South Africa last year, he said the 2010 World Cup offered potential, and he planned to open an academy to unearth 'hidden' young soccer talent."
Imire Safari Ranch are absolutely delighted to announce the capture, prosecution and sentencing of the perpetrators who slaughtered and killed our three rhino - Amber, DJ and Sprinter - and the unborn calf which was due to be born on November 7th 2008.
We would like to thank and congratulate National Parks in particular who have been extremely supportive and persistent in the face of serious adversity to catch the perpetrators.
The perpetrators have been sentenced to 28 years imprisonment. They were responsible for the death of 17 rhino.
Imire would also like to take this opportunity to thank the public both in Zimbabwe and from fields afar for their endless support over that tragic time. The response and concerns to the horror of the deaths of these endangered species was incredible and extremely humbling for us all on Imire.
We cannot thank enough Johnny and Cheryl Rodrigues who are devoted to the plight of the wildlife of Zimbabwe. Johnny and Cheryl have sourced, found and collected the generous donations of skimmed powered milk from South Africa for Tatenda.
Tatenda grows from strength to strength, now 11-months old and Poggle the wart hog is still the love of his life, how blessed and privileged are we to have these wonderful animals weaving their colourful thread into our life's tapestry?
The Argentine newspaper 'Clarin' recently carried an article announcing that Argentina will make a submission to the United Nations to counter the British submission reserving Britain's right to claim sovereignty over seabed resources beyond 200 miles around British claims in Antarctica. The article says that Argentina will also do this to counter an anticipated move by Britain at the UN to extend its marine sovereignty around the Falklands, South Georgia, etc. The article says that all the necessary technical work will be completed by May 2009 which is the deadline for such submissions. It also mentions that Argentina's claim in Antarctica overlaps the Chilean claim there. The article mentions that Britain has just claimed seabed resources around Ascension Island.
We recently received the following most interesting report via the ORAFs' circular e-mail posting of the Rhodesian Air Force Association. We'll report on further developments regarding this venture as we receive them :-
"Arising from a recommendation given by Rev. Terry Mesley-Spong in 2006, Brig. David Heppenstall very recently brought about the establishment of a committee to investigate the desirability and interest for a medal to be known as 'The Rhodesian Independence Commemorative Medal' (RICM).
"Clearly the introduction of an RICM is very late in coming but there is a need to accept that ‘late is better than never’.
"The purpose of the RICM is to give to those who gave services in support of their cherished country the opportunity to declare and expose their pride in having done so. Such service came not from the military alone, but from every walk of life and from Rhodesians of all colours. Each knows where his or her heart and efforts lay through the troubled years in which Rhodesia’s affairs were a focal point between antagonists either side of the Iron Curtain.
"The RICM is not an official, government-approved and gazetted item. It is one being developed by a Rhodesian joint forces committee in UK with associates in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Once available, interested individual Rhodesians will be able to order and pay for his/her own medal. The cost of the RICM and postage is not yet established but it is hoped to keep this as low as possible, without producing a cheap and inferior quality medal.
"There is no limit to who can own and wear an RICM, providing he/she expended efforts to the benefit of Rhodesia’s well being. Consider the farmers and their wives facing perils whilst continuing to uphold the agricultural sector upon which we were all dependent, railway operators, firemen, Red Cross and field catering volunteers, doctors, nurses, hospital workers, civil servants, postmen, electrical maintenance men and water engineers are just a very small cross-section of a society that provided vital inputs to keep our independent country running efficiently for 15 years during which the world at large sought to destroy it.
"Whereas our servicemen gained medals in service and proudly wear them on appropriate occasions, there is nothing for other deserving Rhodesians to show on those same occasions. Consider the wife who upheld her serving husband through the troubled times. Was she awarded for her vital but silent service? No! But maybe she would like to stand next to her be-medalled man when next he wears his gongs and proudly display her own.
"The Committee will keep the various Rhodesian Associations around the world up to date on progress and hope to be in a position to circulate a drawing of the proposed medal, showing both obverse and reverse in the very near future."
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and ...... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, as soon as possible, but in order to do this we need to clear our existing stock of back-issues first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
"WAY OUT OF LINE" by Trisha Jackson
A novel which tells the story of the profound impact that an innocent youthful love affair has on the lives of two young lovers. The plot moves from a cult and a maximum security prison in the US to the savannah grasslands of Mozambique and Zimbabwe - this makes for adventure, suspense and melodrama. Packed with conflict and sexual tension, anyone who loves romance, passion and excitement should enjoy reading this story.
Trisha Jackson was born and grew up in Rhodesia. She immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990. She and her husband live in a unique, rural community in the Tonto National Forest in the eastern mountains of Arizona.
Copies of "Way Out of Line" can be ordered from Amazon.com.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa. It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
"OF RICE AND MEN", by Jimmy Walker
111 pages. Illustrated. With excellent cartoons by Fusilier Norman Lambert, produced whilst in captivity. Soft-back £5.00 (cover price £10.00)
An irreverent, left of centre, look at life as a POW by Jimmy Walker, who was captured by the Japanese following the fall of Singapore in 1942. Jimmy takes us through incarceration at the notorious Changi jail, forced labour on the railroad, and deportation to Japan, where the Japanese exploited the mining skills of the boys from Northumberland. Norman Lambert’s sketches are both amusing and frightening at the same time. Through the bitterness and resentment, and physical trauma of captivity shines the humour and the indomitable spirit of the British soldier. An enjoyable and educational read, with a surprise ending.
Prices include p&p. Payment can be made by credit or debit card. To order on line, log on to www.paypal.com and enter postmaster@gcartwright.demon.co.uk as payment destination.
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"THE THOUSAND STEPS" by Dr Helen Anderson
Dr Anderson spent what she describes as "26 privileged years in Africa, privileged because life was never dull and medical practice never ceased to be truly exciting and fulfilling." It is a personal account of practice, both in Entebbe, Uganda, and the Sudan, Congo and Botswana. She describes her fascinating experiences. She married in Gulu, Uganda, where she ran the local Hospital, dealing with surgical cases never before described in textbooks. She also describes her time in Serowe, Botswana, and the problems with the resident ghost in the Residency.
The book is copiously and superbly illustrated with numerous colour photographs. Available at £20.00 direct from the author at Lake Hawea, R.D.2., Wanaka, 9382, New Zealand, by cheque or money order.
"THE RAPE OF ZIMBABWE" by Ricky Wilson - which tells it like it was (and is)!
Rhodesia was once a prosperous and thriving country, and the story of the author's enterprising and entrepreneurial spirit in that land, followed by his desperate escape from the country when, as Zimbabwe, it became ruled by a tyrant, imparts a realistic perspective of the present desperate plight of many exiles from a country that was once a paradise and the breadbasket for so much of Africa.
You can order this book via http://www.diadembooks.com/zimbabwe.htm
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
"LETTERS FROM AFRICA" by Mandy Retzlaff
A collection of short stories documenting Mandy Retzlaff's extraordinary life in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Her letters are full of hope, despair, extreme courage and a remarkable sense of humour needed to face the everyday difficulties of living in a politically and economically unstable Africa.
For more details visit Mandy's web-site at: www.mandyretzlaff.com
Robert Shipley has many items of memorabilia of special interest to Southern African and other patriots for sale, including :-
An old brochure of Worcester in South Africa for £10.00
A State President's Guard Plaque 1980/81, Lt.Grobler, for £15.00
(postage and packaging included).
For more information or to make orders please 'phone 07527277406, or e-mail: robertshipley1729@yahoo.co.uk
No.120 : Mr. ROGER BROOKENS of Glasgow
Roger Brookens was a staunch Scottish Unionist and Rangers supporter who was one of the earliest subscribers to S.A.Patriot. Although brought up in Glasgow he moved to London during the early 1970s, where he became a keen member of the Rangers F.C. Supporters Association's London Branch. He then moved to Lancashire, and was last known to be based at Darwen near Blackburn, although he evidently no longer lives there. A number of former colleagues would be very keen to make contact with him again.
We have recently been forwarded the following most eye-opening web-cast video featuring the Rev. James David Manning - a Black America clergyman who is firmly opposed to Barrack Obama. This demonstrates conclusively that Black Christians as well as Whites are deeply concerned about what an Obama administration might usher in. It is well worth a view, and can be accessed at :-
I've just received your latest newsletter and read the section about the Argentinians demanding their flag be forced upon Falkland soil after their aggression; imagine the Germans demanding the same in Belgium and France!
I cycled for two months (losing a stone in the process!) throughout England and down around the Ypres Salient and the Somme. I took some pictures of the South African National Memorial and CWGC at Delville Wood (would love to contact the chap who made the South African red ensign to add to my collection!). The statue of Castor and Pollux on the memorial itself represents the bond between South Africa and the UK.
Yours etc.,
Keir Heath, currently working overseas.
Most readers will probably recall the name of young Mr. Arthur Kemp, the former keen supporter and writer for S.A.Patriot and active member of the Conservative Party of South Africa, who subsequently betrayed our movement and indeed circulated a number of hurtful and unsubstantiated smears about us. Although clearly a mainstream Conservative like ourselves during the 1980s, young Mr. Kemp suddenly adopted an overt neo-Nazi image during the mid-1990s, though many observers have speculated that this was only a front in order to discredit the mainstream resistance movement in South Africa by association, and that he was really working for the "new" South African authorities. Suspiciously, however, young Mr. Kemp turned up in the UK on a number of occasions during the late 1990s and 2000s, though without making any effort to contact his former friends. It was also then revealed that he had joined the so-called British National Party, and indeed had gravitated to a leading position within the neo-fascist party - though evidently many BNP underlings were highly suspicious of him, referring to him as "that South African spook". Now comes news that young Mr. Kemp is planning to re-marry an American woman, and to relocate yet again to the United States. Whether this proposed marriage is authentic or whether it's just a wheeze to obtain residence in the United States is uncertain. Any further information would be gratefully received.
Another highly sinister character with a strikingly similar story is Deirdre Fields (nee van Heerden). Ms. Fields is the niece of the late and great Tom Hawkins, who was a staunch supporter of our movement in Durban during the 1980s. Tom Hawkins served with distinction in the South African army during WWII, and was a strong Anglophile with a deep hatred for the Nazis and Nazism. His niece, however, emigrated to the United States during the early 1990s, where she apparently married an American neo-Nazi. Here she evidently obtained employment with a Texan oilman, before being fired after being caught photocopying and distributing anti-Semitic material using office equipment. She then split from her husband who then moved to California, whereas she herself went off to live in a neo-Nazi commune near Pittsburg, where she has evidently set herself up as a self-styled pro-Afrikaner-spokesperson, and continues to circulate her anti-Semitic poison. Undoubtedly dear old Tom Hawkins would be turning in his grave if he was to learn what his niece was now doing. It would be very interested to learn whether young Mr. Kemp and Ms. Fields are in any way connected however. Again any information would be gratefully received.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
London, UK
Sunday, 12 October 2008
October 2008 Edition.
October 2008 edition
Over the past few months we have received three independent reports about the escalating number of South Africans - mainly Whites, but not exclusively - who are trying to escape from the country.
One such report stated openly: "The number of White South Africans who give emigration as the reason for selling their home has shot up in recent months as high crime levels and political and economic uncertainty spur the flight of Whites from the Rainbow Nation [sic]. A survey by South Africa's First National Bank (FNB) showed the proportion of homeowners who said they were putting their homes on the market because they were emigrating had doubled between the last quarter of 2007 and the second quarter of 2008, from 9 percent to 18 percent. Foreign embassies in South Africa report a jump in emigration applications from mainly White South Africans in recent months, amid growing disillusionment over high levels of violent crime and the populist slide within the ruling African National Congress (ANC). A power crisis that has made blackouts a feature of life in a country that prides itself on having first-world infrastructure, and a recent outbreak of xenophobic violence have also added to a sense of doom and gloom fuelling emigration. In South Africa, 50 people are murdered every day and over 130 rape cases reported. South Africa's Institute for Race Relations estimates that around 800,000 Whites emigrated in the decade from 1995 to 2005."
Another more personal report which we received stated: "One of my Afrikaans friends who is planning to leave South Africa told me the following story. She and her husband want to go to Australia or New Zealand. Recently at Midrand (between Johannesburg and Pretoria), there was an exhibition of companies who can assist people to leave the country to go to New Zealand. Various companies like removals companies and agents who can help you to leave the country exhibited at this show. My friend and her husband attended and she said there were thousands of people attending. She told me that almost all of them were White. She saw the odd Coloured (no Blacks) here and there, but the overwhelming majority of people leaving were White. She said there were thousands of people attending the show. Some weeks prior to that, at the same place, they had a show for people wanting to go to Australia. She attended that too and the place was even MORE PACKED. She said you could hardly move and queues were so long that you could easily stand for an hour or two just to get a chance to speak to one of the representatives of the companies at the show."
One report which we received stated that the estimated White population in South Africa now stands at 4.5 million, and another places it as low as 4.3 million. It should be remembered that in 1990, prior to de Klerk's treason and sell-out, the White population was estimated to be 6 million. In other words the White South African population has shrunk by at least ONE QUARTER since the ANC regime came to power - or more accurately since the NP government surrendered to them.
But this reduction in population can't be explained by emigration alone. The catastrophic murder rate of Whites on the platteland and in deprived urban areas should also be taken into account - something which can only really be described as genocide. In addition the rates of suicide among Whites (who have become devastated by the loss of their beloved country) and road and other accidental deaths (caused mainly by the collapse of the South African national infrastructure) have also sky-rocketed since the ANC were handed power.
In spite of the phenomenal reduction in the numbers of Whites still residing in South Africa there are still over 4 million remaining in the country however. Yes, they have been foolish not to get out before now (though to be fair, many have been unable to do so because of age, lack of finances or personal circumstances), and to be sure the majority were probably idiotic enough to vote "Yes" in the 1983 and 1992 constitutional referenda - but they are still our kith and kin, and we must still do our utmost to help them.
One of the main aims and objectives of patriotic expatriate organisations such as the Springbok Club is of course to help such unfortunates. We try our best to provide an overseas infrastructure where expatriate South Africans can liaise and socialise together, and to assist those still living within the disintegrating country to escape by whatever means they can. Alas, however, our attempts in this noble aim are constantly hamstrung by the severe lack of financial resources. We know that many - probably most - of our supporters are not in a position to assist us financially, but others around the world are no doubt able to give. With your support our endeavours to help our kith and kin - both those already forced into exile, and those aiming to leave - can only improve.
The London Branch of the SC/ELC staged a most pleasant and successful gathering last month, at which the guest of honour was Mr. James Constantine. Mr. Constantine, an established Cape Town businessman who escaped from South Africa a couple of years ago, gave a most informative and eye-opening key-note talk in which he told about the harassment and victimisation which he suffered in the "new" South Africa which forced him to leave. Our thanks are extended not only to Mr. Constantine, but also to Peter King, John Pope-de Locksley and Jon Morris for helping to organise this successful event.
The Springbok Club/ELC will be staging an extremely fascinating meeting later this month, at which the guest speaker will be a very prominent visiting overseas supporter of our movement. This event will take place at a very convenient venue in central London on Monday 20th October, with proceedings commencing at 19.00 hrs, and will take the form of a buffet (with the usual nominal charges applying - £6.00 per head for Full Members of the SC/ELC, £8.00 per head for Associate Members and £10.00 per head for non-members).
All members of the SC/ELC will be contacted with precise details of this event during the next few days, but if any other supporters would like to attend then please 'phone 07711188430 or e-mail springbok@falklands.org
Mr. Allan Robertson has recently resigned from the Springbok Club/ELC Executive Committee. The loyalty of Mr. Robertson (whose direct links to southern Africa have always been minimal) towards the movement has seemingly been waning for some time now, and his role in the crisis engulfing our fraternal organisation, the London Swinton Circle, certainly made his position untenable. A replacement for Mr. Robertson on the SC/ELC Executive Committee will be made shortly.
The Springbok Club/ELC will be holding its annual UDI Day celebrations on Monday 17th November, at which the guest speaker will be a renowned international security consultant. Fuller details will be given in next month's SCN.
In December the Springbok Cub/ELC will be marking the Day of the Vow with a special event featuring a display by a Victorian-era military re-enactment society. More details will be given in future editions of the SCN.
The Springbok Club/ELC's 2009 AGM will take place in January 2009.
The Springbok Club/ELC is provisionally planning to organise a trip to Gibraltar in February of next year (precise dates are still to be finalised) in order to witness the Freedom of the Rock being granted to the Royal Marines. If any supporter is keen to join us for this visit then please e-mail us at: springbok@falklands.org or 'phone: 07711188430.
New Britain's second annual Goldsmith Lecture, at which the guest speakers were Mr. Stuart Wheeler and Lord Pearson of Rannoch, proved to be a very good success, with most interesting and informative talks being given by both speakers.
New Britain will be staging its traditional commemorations of Trafalgar Day on Tuesday 21st October. As in previous years, with the approval of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, the National Chairman of New Britain, Mr. Dennis Delderfield, will attend the official Royal Naval service at the tomb of Admiral Viscount Nelson, where he will lay a wreath. Later the same day New Britain will be staging a special Trafalgar Day dinner at the historic Trafalgar Tavern in Greenwich. For more details please contact Dennis Delderfield at: CLDT@btinternet.com or 'phone 020-72472524.
The following extremely revealing reports have appeared in recent editions of "Preparing South Africa for the World" - the official newsletters of the 2010 Soccer World Cup organising committee :-
"Media: Alarming drop in South Africa's media image - South Africa's approval rating in international media has fallen to its worst levels since January 2007. That's according to new research by Media Tenor which notes that concerns over the country's ability to host the 2010 World Cup has impacted on the levels of negativity. Over the past couple of weeks, FIFA's confirmation that that it does have contingency plans in the event that South Africa is unable to fulfil its 2010 obligations, coupled with the announcement that Nelson Mandela Bay [sic] has been scrapped as a venue for the Confederations Cup and the crisis in Zimbabwe have added to concerns about the South Africa's preparations. More than 3,500 reports in 96 opinion-leading media from 15 countries were analysed between January 2007 and May 2008."
"South African soccer icon and former Manchester United and Kaizer Chiefs goalkeeper Gary Bailey has said the major hurdle to South Africa hosting a successful 2010 World Cup was not infrastructure or stadiums, or even Eskom's shaky power supply, but almost exclusively crime. Bailey, who is a respected figure in South African soccer and a Supersport TV presenter, said: 'We will have world-class stadiums, the right transport infrastructure and I'm sure the issue of power and electricity won't be a problem despite the cut-outs we've suffered in the last couple of years. But crime is a different matter. It's a major problem and we can't ignore it. We have to tackle it right now, not three months before the World Cup. Otherwise, fans from around the world aren't going to come to South Africa, which would be a tragedy.'"
"Security: Corrupt cops could target 2010 tourists - Some members of South Africa's poorly paid police force are vulnerable to corruption and could target tourists during the 2010 World Cup for bribes, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) warned. According to a report on the IoL site, President Thabo Mbeki's government has intensified efforts to combat crime ahead of the tournament, and official figures show murders, rapes and other violent crimes have dropped in the past year, although they remain high. But these gains could be eroded by corruption among police, who are not only lowly paid but also highly stressed in a country with one of the highest crime rates in the world, said Andrew Faull, an ISS researcher who specialises in police corruption. 'With 2010 around the corner, some senior metro police managers have expressed concern over a potential escalation in incidents of petty bribery - such as paying money to escape a traffic fine - hitting tourists.'"
Seal Alert-SA Press Release:-
Please write to Prime Minister Nahas Angula of Namibia and urge him to please announce publicly an end to his country's cruel baby seal clubbing policy: nangula@opm.gov.na
Thank you! It just gets better and better: 23rd July, EU officially announces all seal species trade ban!
The 23rd July, is indeed an historic day in the history books for Seal Alert-SA, a one-man seal protection organization that is backed by other like-minded individuals or partners in over 80 countries around the world.
Seal Alert-SA efforts have ensured the protection of 15 million seals in 17 seal species around the globe who are cruelly killed in sealing - once the EU seal ban takes effect.
On the 23rd July 2008, Commissioner Stavros Dimas announced EU's proposal to ban all seal species hunted cruelly around the world. See EU website, for press release: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/biodiversity/animal_welfare/seals/seal_hunting.htm
Francois Hugo of Seal Alert-SA is deeply thankful to EU Commission and Europeans for announcing that this trade ban will now include, 30 species of seals found in the oceans of the globe. Seal hunting occurs year round, but the hunting season varies on the region and the species targeted. Canada, Greenland, and Namibia [South-West Africa] account for about 60% of the 900,000 seals hunted each year. Other countries which hunt seals include Iceland, Norway, Russia, and the United States, and in the European Union Sweden, Finland, and the United Kingdom.
The regulations to ban seal trade will now include 17 species which are hunted with an estimated population of 15 million seals, and which finally includes Cape Fur Seals.
On 23rd July 2008 French movie star Brigitte Bardot, who joins Seal Alert-SA in celebrating, told Associated Press that, "She is happy the proposal includes sea lions, which are killed in Namibia [South-West Africa]. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has assured Bardot that "everything would be done" during the French presidency of the European Union to adopt a law banning imports of seal products in the EU".
Seal Alert-SA would also like to thank De Beers Diamonds for its invaluable support to help bring about this ban, Namibia's largest employer and contributor to Namibia's economy.
What makes this monumental for Seal Alert-SA is that the original written declaration adopted by 473 MEPs throughout Europe on 15 September 2006 originally only included a ban on imports of 2 seals, Harp and Hooded Seals. Seal Alert-SA fought hard, even though this declaration had been adopted, to include all of some 30 species of seal around the world.
To this end, I thank the originator of the written declaration, Caroline Lucas MEP, for agreeing when she wrote to Seal Alert-SA, "We are delighted that the written declaration has been officially adopted by the European Parliament to ban Harp and Hooded Seals. The EU Commission is now charged with drafting legislation that implements the ban. So, although it is not possible to amend the text of the written declaration now that it has been adopted, we can press the European Commission to review the scope of the ban and include Cape Fur Seals, and all species of seals around the world hunted. We are horrified that the Namibian authorities are culling 85,000 seal pups this year - an act of unjustified cruelty. The culls in Canada and Russia have been much publicised, but until this week we were unaware of the plight of the Cape Fur Seals. We agree any European ban must include all seal products and will do all that we can to help bring an end to the unnecessary and inhumane slaughter of seal pups in Namibia".
A year ago to the day, on the 23rd July 2007, the Prime Minister of Namibia [South-West Africa] Nahas Angula could have avoided this EU 27-member country ban by simply agreeing to end its cruel baby seal clubbing policy at our meeting in Namibia [South-West Africa].
The EU now joins the US, which banned Cape Fur Seals imports in 1972 due to its cruelty in clubbing to death seal pups as per the Fishery Sealing Regulations, which contradict the basic Animal Protection Act legislation.
Namibian [South-West African] sealers are presently herding together, separating nursing pup from its mother, and clubbing 80,000 baby seals to death.
Yet still it's a great day for 15 million seals, 30 species of seal - Cape Fur Seals in particular - and Seal Alert-SA.
Please continue to sign our online petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/DPCFS/petition.html
For the Seals
Francois Hugo, Seal Alert-SA
For those who may have missed our special circulation of a few days ago, we would like to draw everyone's attention to an excellent new publication which reports on EU and European matters in general, completely independent of EU funding - EU Reporter. Its web-site can be accessed at :-
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and ...... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, as soon as possible, but in order to do this we must clear our existing stock of back-issues first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
"WAY OUT OF LINE" by Trisha Jackson
A novel which tells the story of the profound impact that an innocent youthful love affair has on the lives of two young lovers. The plot moves from a cult and a maximum security prison in the US to the savannah grasslands of Mozambique and Zimbabwe - this makes for adventure, suspense and melodrama. Packed with conflict and sexual tension, anyone who loves romance, passion and excitement should enjoy reading this story.
Trisha Jackson was born and grew up in Rhodesia. She immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990. She and her husband live in a unique, rural community in the Tonto National Forest in the eastern mountains of Arizona.
Copies of "Way Out of Line" can be ordered from Amazon.com.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa. It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
271 pages, some illustrations. Soft-back £5.00 including p&p. (r.r.p. £10.00)
The compelling story of what really happened in a defeated Japan following the end of World War II. Merchant seaman James Mackay, whilst travelling in the east, started to hear stories of massacres and other atrocities committed by Japanese forces, not just against enemy troops, but against innocent civilian populations. His subsequent investigations revealed reluctance amongst Allied governments to discuss these incidents that seemed to amount almost to a cover-up. Why would the Allies want to overlook the crimes of a former enemy, especially when the leadership of another former enemy was being liquidated at Nuremburg? Using his own research, as well as material prepared by Australian Army war crimes investigator Capt. J.G. Goodwin, Mackay exposes the cover-up and names the guilty. Not only were the Japanese keen to sweep the past under the carpet, but the US government of the time also had its own reasons for preserving the political and industrial elite in Japan. A provocative book, which calls into question the morality of US policy towards Japan after WWII.
Payment can be made by credit or debit card. To order on line, log onto www.paypal.com and enter postmaster@gcartwright.demon.co.uk as payment destination.
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"PALM WINE AND LEOPARD'S WHISKERS" edited by Ronnie Anderson.
Reminiscences of Eastern Nigeria - "The nuts and bolts of African history..." Professor Tony Kirk-Greene CMG, MBE, Emeritus Professor of African Affairs at Oxford University. A unique selection of Nigerian stories, studies/articles on arts, crafts, education riots, oil discovery, court and community development, medical section, Royal visits, Leopard murders, electoral matters, land disputes, an extraordinary spectrum of Nigerian life in post-war era up to Independence. Photographs, sketches and maps.
A small stock of this book, which makes an ideal gift, are still available from : Yesterdays Books, 6 Cecil Avenue, Bournemouth, BH8 9EH, UK at £15.00 - plus £3.50 or £6.50 (airmail) for postage and packing.
"WINSTON CHURCHILL BY HIS PERSONAL SECRETARY" recollections of the great man by a woman who worked for him, Elizabeth Nel
Elizabeth Nel served as Winston Churchill’s personal secretary during World War II. The vivid and human details of her experiences, of her impressions and memories of the irascible and loveable war hero, take up the story of Churchill’s life at No. 10 where the BBC’s impressive drama, 'The Gathering Storm', leaves off — when Churchill took over the reins of Government at the outset of the war. Finally, the author, Elizabeth Nel, at 90 years of age and just before she died, looks back across the years.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com/churchill.htm
[You may like to see details with photos regarding the launch of this book, which can be viewed at http://www.diadembooks.com/celiamurray.htm]
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
"LETTERS FROM AFRICA" by Mandy Retzlaff
A collection of short stories documenting Mandy Retzlaff's extraordinary life in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Her letters are full of hope, despair, extreme courage and a remarkable sense of humour needed to face the everyday difficulties of living in a politically and economically unstable Africa.
For more details visit Mandy's web-site at: www.mandyretzlaff.com
Robert Shipley has many items of memorabilia of special interest to Southern African and other patriots for sale, including :-
An old brochure of Worcester in South Africa for £10.00
A State President's Guard Plaque 1980/81, Lt.Grobler, for £15.00
(postage and packaging included).
For more information or to make orders please 'phone 07527277406, or e-mail: robertshipley1729@yahoo.co.uk
No.119 : Ms. JENNY HUMPHRIES of Port Shepstone
Jenny Humphries was a breath-taking beauty from Port Shepstone on the Natal south coast, who trained to be a nurse at Addington Hospital in Durban during the mid-1970s. It was at this time that she met and formed a close relationship with a visiting British patriot, and indeed visited the UK the following year where the affair flourished. She decided to return to South Africa to complete her nursing qualifications however, where she unfortunately became involved with a trainee gynaecologist by the name of Martin who she evidently married. It is not known, however, whether this marriage lasted. She also had an equally beautiful sister named Helen who was a skilled pottery expert. A supporter would be very keen to learn whatever happened to these two gifted sisters.
It is customary at this time of year to publicise one of the famous Lewes Bonfire Societies. One leading society which we haven't included previously is the Commercial Square B.S. Their excellent web-site can be accessed at :-
Thanks for sending me the "Thought from Susan Gordon". Prayer is good - but what is the SAS for? A quick raid and the whole of the criminal gang in Zimbabwe could be taken out. Ditto Iran.
Yours etc.,
David, Reading, Berkshire, U.K.
Re. the kittens (see July 2008 SCN) - I've always believed that those who are cruel to animals treat humans badly as well. Muslim and Third World countries generally are my evidence.
Yours etc.,
Mike Turner, London, U.K.
We recently received a report about the arrest of an "anti-crime activist" following a protest demonstration outside Pinetown Magistrate's Court in Natal on 20th March 2008, as a result of the appearance there of five Black suspects charged with the rape of a young White woman from Kloof, Jessica Foord. The person arrested is however well-known to us - Gordon "Gherkin" Parkin from Malvern, Queensburgh, Natal.
Gordon Parkin was involved on the fringe of patriotic activity in the greater Durban area during the 1970s and 1980s. An amiable and seemingly sincere person on the surface, he was also alas chronically unreliable. Although he was always quick to criticise others for "doing things wrong", he would never return 'phone calls, would not contribute financially to the local patriotic movement (in spite of owning a highly profitable plumbing business) and would rarely turn up to meetings when promised. Indeed he never even turned up to a joint-birthday party staged in his honour, or to a bonfire celebration to which his young daughters had been specially invited (no, we're not making this up!).
But perhaps we're being slightly unkind towards Mr. Parkin, for he was not alone in this chronic apathy - not by any means alone. Several other prominent Durban-based businessmen who also claimed to hold patriotic conservative sentiments, such as Brian Hurt and Johann Keyser, were always good at pontificating, but were nowhere to be seen when action was called for - and never willing to put their hands in their pockets when needed. Had these 'armchair politicians' (and doubtlessly there were many others around the country) been willing to sponsor, say, S.A.Patriot magazine so that it could appear more regularly, or to give financial backing to grass-roots conservative organisations such as the Patriotic Forum, the BBB, the White Workers' Union and Action White Natal, then maybe - just maybe - the Conservative Party of South Africa would have been able to triumph at the 1987 or 1989 General Elections.
Had this come about then the whole future course of events in South Africa would have been radically different. There would have been no sellout to the ANC, and law and order would not have broken down to the extent which we see today. More specifically, however, Jessica Foord would not have had to endure the terror of being gang-raped, and - dare we say it - Mr. Parkin himself would not have faced arrest.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
October 2008 edition
Over the past few months we have received three independent reports about the escalating number of South Africans - mainly Whites, but not exclusively - who are trying to escape from the country.
One such report stated openly: "The number of White South Africans who give emigration as the reason for selling their home has shot up in recent months as high crime levels and political and economic uncertainty spur the flight of Whites from the Rainbow Nation [sic]. A survey by South Africa's First National Bank (FNB) showed the proportion of homeowners who said they were putting their homes on the market because they were emigrating had doubled between the last quarter of 2007 and the second quarter of 2008, from 9 percent to 18 percent. Foreign embassies in South Africa report a jump in emigration applications from mainly White South Africans in recent months, amid growing disillusionment over high levels of violent crime and the populist slide within the ruling African National Congress (ANC). A power crisis that has made blackouts a feature of life in a country that prides itself on having first-world infrastructure, and a recent outbreak of xenophobic violence have also added to a sense of doom and gloom fuelling emigration. In South Africa, 50 people are murdered every day and over 130 rape cases reported. South Africa's Institute for Race Relations estimates that around 800,000 Whites emigrated in the decade from 1995 to 2005."
Another more personal report which we received stated: "One of my Afrikaans friends who is planning to leave South Africa told me the following story. She and her husband want to go to Australia or New Zealand. Recently at Midrand (between Johannesburg and Pretoria), there was an exhibition of companies who can assist people to leave the country to go to New Zealand. Various companies like removals companies and agents who can help you to leave the country exhibited at this show. My friend and her husband attended and she said there were thousands of people attending. She told me that almost all of them were White. She saw the odd Coloured (no Blacks) here and there, but the overwhelming majority of people leaving were White. She said there were thousands of people attending the show. Some weeks prior to that, at the same place, they had a show for people wanting to go to Australia. She attended that too and the place was even MORE PACKED. She said you could hardly move and queues were so long that you could easily stand for an hour or two just to get a chance to speak to one of the representatives of the companies at the show."
One report which we received stated that the estimated White population in South Africa now stands at 4.5 million, and another places it as low as 4.3 million. It should be remembered that in 1990, prior to de Klerk's treason and sell-out, the White population was estimated to be 6 million. In other words the White South African population has shrunk by at least ONE QUARTER since the ANC regime came to power - or more accurately since the NP government surrendered to them.
But this reduction in population can't be explained by emigration alone. The catastrophic murder rate of Whites on the platteland and in deprived urban areas should also be taken into account - something which can only really be described as genocide. In addition the rates of suicide among Whites (who have become devastated by the loss of their beloved country) and road and other accidental deaths (caused mainly by the collapse of the South African national infrastructure) have also sky-rocketed since the ANC were handed power.
In spite of the phenomenal reduction in the numbers of Whites still residing in South Africa there are still over 4 million remaining in the country however. Yes, they have been foolish not to get out before now (though to be fair, many have been unable to do so because of age, lack of finances or personal circumstances), and to be sure the majority were probably idiotic enough to vote "Yes" in the 1983 and 1992 constitutional referenda - but they are still our kith and kin, and we must still do our utmost to help them.
One of the main aims and objectives of patriotic expatriate organisations such as the Springbok Club is of course to help such unfortunates. We try our best to provide an overseas infrastructure where expatriate South Africans can liaise and socialise together, and to assist those still living within the disintegrating country to escape by whatever means they can. Alas, however, our attempts in this noble aim are constantly hamstrung by the severe lack of financial resources. We know that many - probably most - of our supporters are not in a position to assist us financially, but others around the world are no doubt able to give. With your support our endeavours to help our kith and kin - both those already forced into exile, and those aiming to leave - can only improve.
The London Branch of the SC/ELC staged a most pleasant and successful gathering last month, at which the guest of honour was Mr. James Constantine. Mr. Constantine, an established Cape Town businessman who escaped from South Africa a couple of years ago, gave a most informative and eye-opening key-note talk in which he told about the harassment and victimisation which he suffered in the "new" South Africa which forced him to leave. Our thanks are extended not only to Mr. Constantine, but also to Peter King, John Pope-de Locksley and Jon Morris for helping to organise this successful event.
The Springbok Club/ELC will be staging an extremely fascinating meeting later this month, at which the guest speaker will be a very prominent visiting overseas supporter of our movement. This event will take place at a very convenient venue in central London on Monday 20th October, with proceedings commencing at 19.00 hrs, and will take the form of a buffet (with the usual nominal charges applying - £6.00 per head for Full Members of the SC/ELC, £8.00 per head for Associate Members and £10.00 per head for non-members).
All members of the SC/ELC will be contacted with precise details of this event during the next few days, but if any other supporters would like to attend then please 'phone 07711188430 or e-mail springbok@falklands.org
Mr. Allan Robertson has recently resigned from the Springbok Club/ELC Executive Committee. The loyalty of Mr. Robertson (whose direct links to southern Africa have always been minimal) towards the movement has seemingly been waning for some time now, and his role in the crisis engulfing our fraternal organisation, the London Swinton Circle, certainly made his position untenable. A replacement for Mr. Robertson on the SC/ELC Executive Committee will be made shortly.
The Springbok Club/ELC will be holding its annual UDI Day celebrations on Monday 17th November, at which the guest speaker will be a renowned international security consultant. Fuller details will be given in next month's SCN.
In December the Springbok Cub/ELC will be marking the Day of the Vow with a special event featuring a display by a Victorian-era military re-enactment society. More details will be given in future editions of the SCN.
The Springbok Club/ELC's 2009 AGM will take place in January 2009.
The Springbok Club/ELC is provisionally planning to organise a trip to Gibraltar in February of next year (precise dates are still to be finalised) in order to witness the Freedom of the Rock being granted to the Royal Marines. If any supporter is keen to join us for this visit then please e-mail us at: springbok@falklands.org or 'phone: 07711188430.
New Britain's second annual Goldsmith Lecture, at which the guest speakers were Mr. Stuart Wheeler and Lord Pearson of Rannoch, proved to be a very good success, with most interesting and informative talks being given by both speakers.
New Britain will be staging its traditional commemorations of Trafalgar Day on Tuesday 21st October. As in previous years, with the approval of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, the National Chairman of New Britain, Mr. Dennis Delderfield, will attend the official Royal Naval service at the tomb of Admiral Viscount Nelson, where he will lay a wreath. Later the same day New Britain will be staging a special Trafalgar Day dinner at the historic Trafalgar Tavern in Greenwich. For more details please contact Dennis Delderfield at: CLDT@btinternet.com or 'phone 020-72472524.
The following extremely revealing reports have appeared in recent editions of "Preparing South Africa for the World" - the official newsletters of the 2010 Soccer World Cup organising committee :-
"Media: Alarming drop in South Africa's media image - South Africa's approval rating in international media has fallen to its worst levels since January 2007. That's according to new research by Media Tenor which notes that concerns over the country's ability to host the 2010 World Cup has impacted on the levels of negativity. Over the past couple of weeks, FIFA's confirmation that that it does have contingency plans in the event that South Africa is unable to fulfil its 2010 obligations, coupled with the announcement that Nelson Mandela Bay [sic] has been scrapped as a venue for the Confederations Cup and the crisis in Zimbabwe have added to concerns about the South Africa's preparations. More than 3,500 reports in 96 opinion-leading media from 15 countries were analysed between January 2007 and May 2008."
"South African soccer icon and former Manchester United and Kaizer Chiefs goalkeeper Gary Bailey has said the major hurdle to South Africa hosting a successful 2010 World Cup was not infrastructure or stadiums, or even Eskom's shaky power supply, but almost exclusively crime. Bailey, who is a respected figure in South African soccer and a Supersport TV presenter, said: 'We will have world-class stadiums, the right transport infrastructure and I'm sure the issue of power and electricity won't be a problem despite the cut-outs we've suffered in the last couple of years. But crime is a different matter. It's a major problem and we can't ignore it. We have to tackle it right now, not three months before the World Cup. Otherwise, fans from around the world aren't going to come to South Africa, which would be a tragedy.'"
"Security: Corrupt cops could target 2010 tourists - Some members of South Africa's poorly paid police force are vulnerable to corruption and could target tourists during the 2010 World Cup for bribes, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) warned. According to a report on the IoL site, President Thabo Mbeki's government has intensified efforts to combat crime ahead of the tournament, and official figures show murders, rapes and other violent crimes have dropped in the past year, although they remain high. But these gains could be eroded by corruption among police, who are not only lowly paid but also highly stressed in a country with one of the highest crime rates in the world, said Andrew Faull, an ISS researcher who specialises in police corruption. 'With 2010 around the corner, some senior metro police managers have expressed concern over a potential escalation in incidents of petty bribery - such as paying money to escape a traffic fine - hitting tourists.'"
Seal Alert-SA Press Release:-
Please write to Prime Minister Nahas Angula of Namibia and urge him to please announce publicly an end to his country's cruel baby seal clubbing policy: nangula@opm.gov.na
Thank you! It just gets better and better: 23rd July, EU officially announces all seal species trade ban!
The 23rd July, is indeed an historic day in the history books for Seal Alert-SA, a one-man seal protection organization that is backed by other like-minded individuals or partners in over 80 countries around the world.
Seal Alert-SA efforts have ensured the protection of 15 million seals in 17 seal species around the globe who are cruelly killed in sealing - once the EU seal ban takes effect.
On the 23rd July 2008, Commissioner Stavros Dimas announced EU's proposal to ban all seal species hunted cruelly around the world. See EU website, for press release: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/biodiversity/animal_welfare/seals/seal_hunting.htm
Francois Hugo of Seal Alert-SA is deeply thankful to EU Commission and Europeans for announcing that this trade ban will now include, 30 species of seals found in the oceans of the globe. Seal hunting occurs year round, but the hunting season varies on the region and the species targeted. Canada, Greenland, and Namibia [South-West Africa] account for about 60% of the 900,000 seals hunted each year. Other countries which hunt seals include Iceland, Norway, Russia, and the United States, and in the European Union Sweden, Finland, and the United Kingdom.
The regulations to ban seal trade will now include 17 species which are hunted with an estimated population of 15 million seals, and which finally includes Cape Fur Seals.
On 23rd July 2008 French movie star Brigitte Bardot, who joins Seal Alert-SA in celebrating, told Associated Press that, "She is happy the proposal includes sea lions, which are killed in Namibia [South-West Africa]. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has assured Bardot that "everything would be done" during the French presidency of the European Union to adopt a law banning imports of seal products in the EU".
Seal Alert-SA would also like to thank De Beers Diamonds for its invaluable support to help bring about this ban, Namibia's largest employer and contributor to Namibia's economy.
What makes this monumental for Seal Alert-SA is that the original written declaration adopted by 473 MEPs throughout Europe on 15 September 2006 originally only included a ban on imports of 2 seals, Harp and Hooded Seals. Seal Alert-SA fought hard, even though this declaration had been adopted, to include all of some 30 species of seal around the world.
To this end, I thank the originator of the written declaration, Caroline Lucas MEP, for agreeing when she wrote to Seal Alert-SA, "We are delighted that the written declaration has been officially adopted by the European Parliament to ban Harp and Hooded Seals. The EU Commission is now charged with drafting legislation that implements the ban. So, although it is not possible to amend the text of the written declaration now that it has been adopted, we can press the European Commission to review the scope of the ban and include Cape Fur Seals, and all species of seals around the world hunted. We are horrified that the Namibian authorities are culling 85,000 seal pups this year - an act of unjustified cruelty. The culls in Canada and Russia have been much publicised, but until this week we were unaware of the plight of the Cape Fur Seals. We agree any European ban must include all seal products and will do all that we can to help bring an end to the unnecessary and inhumane slaughter of seal pups in Namibia".
A year ago to the day, on the 23rd July 2007, the Prime Minister of Namibia [South-West Africa] Nahas Angula could have avoided this EU 27-member country ban by simply agreeing to end its cruel baby seal clubbing policy at our meeting in Namibia [South-West Africa].
The EU now joins the US, which banned Cape Fur Seals imports in 1972 due to its cruelty in clubbing to death seal pups as per the Fishery Sealing Regulations, which contradict the basic Animal Protection Act legislation.
Namibian [South-West African] sealers are presently herding together, separating nursing pup from its mother, and clubbing 80,000 baby seals to death.
Yet still it's a great day for 15 million seals, 30 species of seal - Cape Fur Seals in particular - and Seal Alert-SA.
Please continue to sign our online petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/DPCFS/petition.html
For the Seals
Francois Hugo, Seal Alert-SA
For those who may have missed our special circulation of a few days ago, we would like to draw everyone's attention to an excellent new publication which reports on EU and European matters in general, completely independent of EU funding - EU Reporter. Its web-site can be accessed at :-
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and ...... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, as soon as possible, but in order to do this we must clear our existing stock of back-issues first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
"WAY OUT OF LINE" by Trisha Jackson
A novel which tells the story of the profound impact that an innocent youthful love affair has on the lives of two young lovers. The plot moves from a cult and a maximum security prison in the US to the savannah grasslands of Mozambique and Zimbabwe - this makes for adventure, suspense and melodrama. Packed with conflict and sexual tension, anyone who loves romance, passion and excitement should enjoy reading this story.
Trisha Jackson was born and grew up in Rhodesia. She immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990. She and her husband live in a unique, rural community in the Tonto National Forest in the eastern mountains of Arizona.
Copies of "Way Out of Line" can be ordered from Amazon.com.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa. It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
271 pages, some illustrations. Soft-back £5.00 including p&p. (r.r.p. £10.00)
The compelling story of what really happened in a defeated Japan following the end of World War II. Merchant seaman James Mackay, whilst travelling in the east, started to hear stories of massacres and other atrocities committed by Japanese forces, not just against enemy troops, but against innocent civilian populations. His subsequent investigations revealed reluctance amongst Allied governments to discuss these incidents that seemed to amount almost to a cover-up. Why would the Allies want to overlook the crimes of a former enemy, especially when the leadership of another former enemy was being liquidated at Nuremburg? Using his own research, as well as material prepared by Australian Army war crimes investigator Capt. J.G. Goodwin, Mackay exposes the cover-up and names the guilty. Not only were the Japanese keen to sweep the past under the carpet, but the US government of the time also had its own reasons for preserving the political and industrial elite in Japan. A provocative book, which calls into question the morality of US policy towards Japan after WWII.
Payment can be made by credit or debit card. To order on line, log onto www.paypal.com and enter postmaster@gcartwright.demon.co.uk as payment destination.
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"PALM WINE AND LEOPARD'S WHISKERS" edited by Ronnie Anderson.
Reminiscences of Eastern Nigeria - "The nuts and bolts of African history..." Professor Tony Kirk-Greene CMG, MBE, Emeritus Professor of African Affairs at Oxford University. A unique selection of Nigerian stories, studies/articles on arts, crafts, education riots, oil discovery, court and community development, medical section, Royal visits, Leopard murders, electoral matters, land disputes, an extraordinary spectrum of Nigerian life in post-war era up to Independence. Photographs, sketches and maps.
A small stock of this book, which makes an ideal gift, are still available from : Yesterdays Books, 6 Cecil Avenue, Bournemouth, BH8 9EH, UK at £15.00 - plus £3.50 or £6.50 (airmail) for postage and packing.
"WINSTON CHURCHILL BY HIS PERSONAL SECRETARY" recollections of the great man by a woman who worked for him, Elizabeth Nel
Elizabeth Nel served as Winston Churchill’s personal secretary during World War II. The vivid and human details of her experiences, of her impressions and memories of the irascible and loveable war hero, take up the story of Churchill’s life at No. 10 where the BBC’s impressive drama, 'The Gathering Storm', leaves off — when Churchill took over the reins of Government at the outset of the war. Finally, the author, Elizabeth Nel, at 90 years of age and just before she died, looks back across the years.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com/churchill.htm
[You may like to see details with photos regarding the launch of this book, which can be viewed at http://www.diadembooks.com/celiamurray.htm]
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
"LETTERS FROM AFRICA" by Mandy Retzlaff
A collection of short stories documenting Mandy Retzlaff's extraordinary life in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Her letters are full of hope, despair, extreme courage and a remarkable sense of humour needed to face the everyday difficulties of living in a politically and economically unstable Africa.
For more details visit Mandy's web-site at: www.mandyretzlaff.com
Robert Shipley has many items of memorabilia of special interest to Southern African and other patriots for sale, including :-
An old brochure of Worcester in South Africa for £10.00
A State President's Guard Plaque 1980/81, Lt.Grobler, for £15.00
(postage and packaging included).
For more information or to make orders please 'phone 07527277406, or e-mail: robertshipley1729@yahoo.co.uk
No.119 : Ms. JENNY HUMPHRIES of Port Shepstone
Jenny Humphries was a breath-taking beauty from Port Shepstone on the Natal south coast, who trained to be a nurse at Addington Hospital in Durban during the mid-1970s. It was at this time that she met and formed a close relationship with a visiting British patriot, and indeed visited the UK the following year where the affair flourished. She decided to return to South Africa to complete her nursing qualifications however, where she unfortunately became involved with a trainee gynaecologist by the name of Martin who she evidently married. It is not known, however, whether this marriage lasted. She also had an equally beautiful sister named Helen who was a skilled pottery expert. A supporter would be very keen to learn whatever happened to these two gifted sisters.
It is customary at this time of year to publicise one of the famous Lewes Bonfire Societies. One leading society which we haven't included previously is the Commercial Square B.S. Their excellent web-site can be accessed at :-
Thanks for sending me the "Thought from Susan Gordon". Prayer is good - but what is the SAS for? A quick raid and the whole of the criminal gang in Zimbabwe could be taken out. Ditto Iran.
Yours etc.,
David, Reading, Berkshire, U.K.
Re. the kittens (see July 2008 SCN) - I've always believed that those who are cruel to animals treat humans badly as well. Muslim and Third World countries generally are my evidence.
Yours etc.,
Mike Turner, London, U.K.
We recently received a report about the arrest of an "anti-crime activist" following a protest demonstration outside Pinetown Magistrate's Court in Natal on 20th March 2008, as a result of the appearance there of five Black suspects charged with the rape of a young White woman from Kloof, Jessica Foord. The person arrested is however well-known to us - Gordon "Gherkin" Parkin from Malvern, Queensburgh, Natal.
Gordon Parkin was involved on the fringe of patriotic activity in the greater Durban area during the 1970s and 1980s. An amiable and seemingly sincere person on the surface, he was also alas chronically unreliable. Although he was always quick to criticise others for "doing things wrong", he would never return 'phone calls, would not contribute financially to the local patriotic movement (in spite of owning a highly profitable plumbing business) and would rarely turn up to meetings when promised. Indeed he never even turned up to a joint-birthday party staged in his honour, or to a bonfire celebration to which his young daughters had been specially invited (no, we're not making this up!).
But perhaps we're being slightly unkind towards Mr. Parkin, for he was not alone in this chronic apathy - not by any means alone. Several other prominent Durban-based businessmen who also claimed to hold patriotic conservative sentiments, such as Brian Hurt and Johann Keyser, were always good at pontificating, but were nowhere to be seen when action was called for - and never willing to put their hands in their pockets when needed. Had these 'armchair politicians' (and doubtlessly there were many others around the country) been willing to sponsor, say, S.A.Patriot magazine so that it could appear more regularly, or to give financial backing to grass-roots conservative organisations such as the Patriotic Forum, the BBB, the White Workers' Union and Action White Natal, then maybe - just maybe - the Conservative Party of South Africa would have been able to triumph at the 1987 or 1989 General Elections.
Had this come about then the whole future course of events in South Africa would have been radically different. There would have been no sellout to the ANC, and law and order would not have broken down to the extent which we see today. More specifically, however, Jessica Foord would not have had to endure the terror of being gang-raped, and - dare we say it - Mr. Parkin himself would not have faced arrest.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
London, UK
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
September 2008 Edition.
September 2008 edition
Our movement, although of course primarily concerned with Southern African affairs (and particularly with the Southern African expatriate community around the globe) even so takes - indeed must take - a great interest in events which occur in the United States of America. It was after all John Vorster who once stated that as the US President was the leader of the free world then he was our leader also. Furthermore it must also be remembered that although not a member of the Commonwealth nor recognising the Queen as head of state, the United States is still an integral and vital part of the English-speaking world, with those of British ethnic descent still comprising a large majority of the population (with an even higher percentage when those of kindred north-western European ethnic stock are also taken into account). For these reasons we therefore believe that we have every right to comment about the forthcoming US Presidential election, and to lobby for our choice.
Ever since our movement was founded we have always tended to side with the Republican (GOP) candidate, and this year is no exception. The 2008 poll, however, is undoubtedly more vital than ever, for three very essential reasons. Firstly John McCain, with his proven track record both in the theatre of war and in congress, is superbly qualified to become leader of the free world. We identified him as the best and most likely next President as far back as mid-2007, and nothing has made us change our minds since. Like George W. Bush he is a strong Anglophile, and has been a steadfast supporter of the War against Terror - indeed he was one of the earliest advocates of the highly effective Surge in Iraq. He is therefore a man who we can all have full confidence in to defend the West in these current most dangerous times. Secondly his opponent, Barack Hussein Obama, is probably the most disturbing potential President imaginable. His "exotic" origins (rumoured to be even more "exotic" than he admits) must surely make him uniquely unqualified to become leader of the Western World. To be put bluntly, the idea of Obama becoming US President is too ghastly to contemplate, and could herald the end of Western civilisation as we know it. Thirdly all the opinion polls indicate that the election outcome is going to be very tight. Although it would seem inconceivable that any American citizen of European descent would ever wish to vote for the son of a Kenyan goat-herdsman educated at an Indonesian madrassa as their country's leader, there alas appear to be millions of White American's who are so infected by liberal race-guilt that they seem to have a national death-wish. Add to this the current economic crisis effecting the United States - which is widely, and perhaps not entirely without foundation, blamed upon the current GOP administration - and it can be seen that the result in November is no longer by any means certain.
We know that many who supported other candidates in the GOP primaries still regard John McCain with some suspicion and believe that he is not conservative enough for their liking. We know also that others are unconvinced by his choice of VP running-mate, Sarah Palin, particularly because of her apparent support for the teaching of the antediluvian theory of creationism in schools. We would ask all these doubters to put such minor disagreements behind them in November however. It will be a straight-forward choice between a genuine American hero and patriot and somebody embodying a completely alien culture. It will not only be the United States as a nation which will be at stake. It will be the entire Western World.
The London Branch of the SC/ELC will be staging an informal get-together at a venue in the Stepney area of east London during the evening of Monday 29th September. At this event the branch will be welcoming a special guest, a prominent South African historical expert who escaped the country in 2006 and has been living in Britain for the past few months, who will be telling something about the true situation in South Africa and why he was forced to leave. For more details about this event either e-mail springbok@falklands.org or 'phone 07711188430.
Sadly Mr. Paul Armstrong has been forced to resign from the Executive Committee of the Springbok Club/ELC because of ill-health, but we are delighted to be able to announce that Mrs. Susan Gordon has been appointed to take his place on ExCo. We therefore congratulate Mrs. Gordon (who was born in Kenya and lived her early life in Rhodesia) upon this appointment, and are certain that her proven enthusiasm and commitment to the movement will add extra impetus to the future deliberations of the Committee.
In October the Springbok Club/ELC will be staging a joint meeting with the re-constituted London Swinton Circle under the banner of the Patriotic Forum, at which a most prominent personality will be guest speaker. More precise details will be given in next month's SCN.
In November the Springbok Club/ELC will be holding its annual UDI Day celebrations, at which a prominent ex-Rhodesian will be guest of honour. As a result of the request in recent editions of the SCN for views about whether these UDI Day events should revert to taking the form of a sit-down dinner, several supporters have confirmed that they thought this would be a good idea. Unfortunately, however, there doesn't appear to be sufficient time to organise such formalities this year, so next November's celebrations will therefore still take the form of a buffet - but we are confident that we'll be able to organise a more formal dinner once again in 2009.
In December the Springbok Cub/ELC will be marking the Day of the Vow with a special event featuring a display by a Victorian-era military re-enactment society. More details will be given in future editions of the SCN.
The Springbok Club/ELC's 2009 AGM will take place in January 2009.
The Springbok Club/ELC is provisionally planning to organise a trip to Gibraltar in February of next year (precise dates are still to be finalised) in order to witness the Freedom of the Rock being granted to the Royal Marines. If any supporter is keen to join us for this visit then please e-mail us at: springbok@falklands.org or 'phone: 07711188430.
Although the crisis in the London Swinton Circle (as reported in last month's SCN) still hasn't been resolved, we have been very heartened to learn of the extent and depth of support which the Chairman of the LSC has been receiving. Furthermore, it has also been interesting to learn that one prominent member of the LSC had previously resigned from the organisation for precisely the same reason which prompted the Chairman to make his stand - namely the unwelcome presence of certain disruptive elements with known affiliations to extremist parties at LSC meetings. An Emergency General Meeting of the organisation is still planned to be held during the next few months, at which, inter alia, the position of the erstwhile Organiser of the organisation will be discussed in light of his apparent willingness to allow extremists to attend meetings and his subsequent convening of an unconstitutional and invalid kangaroo court. In the meantime all activities of the LSC have been suspended, and all unilateral communications from the appeasement faction emanating from a P.O.Box in South-East London should be ignored.
Regrettably we have been informed that Dr. J.E. Hazlett Lynch went ahead and addressed a small meeting staged by the pro-extremist breakaway faction of the LSC in spite of the fact that he was advised earlier that the meeting which he was to address had been postponed until after the crisis within the organisation was resolved. This sad decision by Dr. Lynch will undoubtedly reflect very badly against him personally and the organisation which he represents, "West Tyrone Voice", in the days ahead. We are however uncertain about precisely what "West Tyrone Voice" stands for, and would be very interested to learn more details about this organisation.
The Essex Branch of New Britain staged a very successful meeting at Ingatestone earlier this month, at which the guest speaker was Sir Teddy Taylor. The branch is planning two more meetings in the near future, and more details can be obtained by 'phoning: 020-72472524.
New Britain's second annual Goldsmith Lecture, at which the guest speakers will be Mr. Stuart Wheeler and Lord Pearson of Rannoch, proved to be a great success, with expert addresses being delivered by both guest speakers.
New Britain will be staging its traditional commemorations of Trafalgar Day on Tuesday 21st October. As in previous years, with the approval of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, the National Chairman of New Britain, Mr. Dennis Delderfield, will attend the official Royal Naval service at the tomb of Admiral Viscount Nelson, where he will lay a wreath. Later the same day New Britain will be staging a special Trafalgar Day dinner at the historic Trafalgar Tavern in Greenwich. Further details will be given in next month's SCN.
The following most revealing reports have appeared in recent editions of "Preparing South Africa for the World" - the official newsletters of the 2010 Soccer World Cup organising committee :-
"Bafana Bafana's 2010 dream appears to be in tatters following its latest hit-and-miss affair, a goalless draw against Sierra Leone. The result is likely to see the 2010 World Cup hosts starting the tournament without having qualified for the African Cup of Nations in Angola. The team needs to win both its remaining matches against Nigeria and Guinea to stand a chance of reaching the next round of the continental showpiece. Former national coach Carlos Queiroz who outlined an eight-year plan aimed towards the World Cup back in 2002, says it is tragic to see how the squad has floundered 'I hope passionately that a miracle materialises in 2010 and Bafana are somehow able to come out of the World Cup with their heads held high.'"
"Tensions are running high at the Mbombela 2010 stadium in Nelspruit where angry workers allegedly burnt a truck, motor bikes and a mobile office on the construction site. More than 500 workers were dismissed on Tuesday following an unprotected strike over night shift wages and bonus disputes. Police reinforcements were reportedly called in by a security company to bring the situation under control."
"FIFA President Sepp Blatter has again stirred a hornet's nest by saying that South Africa could still lose the rights to host the 2010 World Cup in the event of a catastrophe. However, Local Organising Committee CEO Danny Jordaan downplayed the concerns. 'I have spoken to Blatter and he reaffirmed that only God can prevent SA staging the World Cup in 2010,' Jordaan said. 'Blatter has gone out of his way to bring the 2010 World Cup to South Africa. It makes no sense for him to say he has another plan. Obviously FIFA must have a plan if we suffered a major natural catastrophe, but that is all.' Nevertheless, there are growing fears that Zimbabwe's economic and political crisis could impact negatively on the event. This is the warning of analysts who believe the problems could spill into South Africa and the rest of the region, and thus make the situation volatile ahead of the global football fiesta. Zimbabwe Exiles Forum (ZEF) director Gabriel Shumba said the prevailing situation did not augur well for the hosting of a successful event. 'The possibility of a civil war is very high (in Zimbabwe), which can only mean that the Zimbabwe issue will in practice impact massively on the region as a threat to regional peace,' he said. There have also been reports that the US could be a part of FIFA's contingency plan for the 2010 World Cup, should South Africa be declared unable to host the event. According to a Boston.com report, a decision confirming South Africa as the first African country to play host to the World Cup will only be made following the Confederations Cup, next June. It said stadium construction delays and security fears have raised concerns that South Africa might not be capable of hosting the event. 'The World Cup is a logistical challenge and South Africa wants to shows the world it is able to do it,' Blatter was quoted as saying."
It was of course with great sadness and respect that we learnt of the retirement from first-class cricket as from the end of this season of Graeme Hick at the age of 42. We had hoped that he would have been able to emanate the great Wilfred Rhodes by playing well past his 50th birthday!
Graeme Hick was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia, in 1966, but brought up in the Rhodesian Midlands (the Que-Que/Gwelo area) where he learnt his cricketing expertise. Indeed one of our supporters has proudly boasted that he once netted with him at this time! His career records are fantastically impressive - 65 Tests and 120 One Day Internationals for England, and a total of 526 first-class matches (mainly with Worcestershire) with a batting average of 52.23 and a highest score of 405 not out.
Perhaps Graeme Hick's most important act, however, was to turn his back on the possibilities of easier international representation for the repressive Mugabe regime of "Zimbabwe", but rather to seek the harder path to stardom in his ancestral homeland by representing England. It is just a pity that other gifted Rhodesian cricketers didn't try to follow this same honourable path after the ZANU-PF terrorists came to power in the land of their birth.
We have recently received the following report from Johnny Rodrigues of the ZCTF, who can be contacted at: galorand@mweb.co.zw :-
"Many of you will be familiar with the Imire Safari Ranch from the ZCTF reports about the orphaned baby rhino, Tatenda, the warthog, Hogwash, the hyena, Tsotsi and the elephant who thinks she is a buffalo, Nzou.
"Many years ago Imire Safari Ranch was designated by the National Parks Board and the Government of Zimbabwe as a black rhino breeding area, and for this reason it is one of the few places in Zimbabwe that still has wildlife. John and Judy Travers have devoted the best part of their lives to caring for the animals living there, and have played a very important role in the preservation of the endangered black rhino.
"On Sunday 29th June 2008 a group of "war veterans" went to Imire and demanded that John Travers shoot 3 impala for them to eat. When John refused they stated that they would burn the place down. They were extremely aggressive, and John eventually had no option but to shoot the impala. The invaders left with the impala, saying that Imire was at the top of their list and they were going to take it. The next morning John reported the incident to the police, who responded by initiating investigations.
"On Wednesday 2nd July a group of about 16 "war veterans" arrived at Imire and told the Travers's to vacate the property by the next morning, Thursday 3rd July. They were threatened with their lives if they didn't comply. It has been alleged that an army general is leading these eviction thugs.
"It is a foregone conclusion that if the invaders succeed in evicting the Travers's all the animals will be slaughtered within a very short space of time. We have reported the matter to the National Parks Board who have confirmed that Imire is designated as a black rhino breeding area and is therefore not part of the land redistribution programme. They say that the invaders have obviously taken the law into their own hands and they will give the matter their urgent attention.
"We are extremely concerned about all the animals at Imire, but in particular Tatenda, Hogwash, Tsotsi and Nzou, who we have come to know so well. We will circulate an update as soon as we have more news."
The ZCTF web-sites can be accessed at : www.zctf.mweb.co.zw and www.zimbabwe-art.com
[In last month's edition of he SCN we advocated that Francois Hugo of Seal Alert-SA should receive some form of international honour and recognition. We believe that exactly the same is true of Johnny Rodrigues of the ZCTF.]
Lynn Searle has contacted us to ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of Mr. Virgilio Zucca, who was formerly living in the UK but who subsequently returned to South Africa. Anyone who can help Lynn in this regard should contact her at: lynnsearle@dreamriver.co.uk
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and ...... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, very soon, but in order to do this we must clear as much of our existing stock of back-issues as possible first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
"WAY OUT OF LINE" by Trisha Jackson
A novel which tells the story of the profound impact that an innocent youthful love affair has on the lives of two young lovers. The plot moves from a cult and a maximum security prison in the US to the savannah grasslands of Mozambique and Zimbabwe - this makes for adventure, suspense and melodrama. Packed with conflict and sexual tension, anyone who loves romance, passion and excitement should enjoy reading this story.
Trisha Jackson was born and grew up in Rhodesia. She immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990. She and her husband live in a unique, rural community in the Tonto National Forest in the eastern mountains of Arizona.
Copies of "Way Out of Line" can be ordered from Amazon.com.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa. It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
"OF RICE AND MEN", by Jimmy Walker
111 pages. Illustrated. With excellent cartoons by Fusilier Norman Lambert, produced whilst in captivity. Soft-back £5.00 (cover price £10.00)
An irreverent, left of centre, look at life as a POW by Jimmy Walker, who was captured by the Japanese following the fall of Singapore in 1942. Jimmy takes us through incarceration at the notorious Changi jail, forced labour on the railroad, and deportation to Japan, where the Japanese exploited the mining skills of the boys from Northumberland. Norman Lambert’s sketches are both amusing and frightening at the same time. Through the bitterness and resentment, and physical trauma of captivity shines the humour and the indomitable spirit of the British soldier. An enjoyable and educational read, with a surprise ending.
Prices include p&p. Payment can be made by credit or debit card. To order on line, log on to www.paypal.com and enter postmaster@gcartwright.demon.co.uk as payment destination.
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"THE THOUSAND STEPS" by Dr Helen Anderson
Dr Anderson spent what she describes as "26 privileged years in Africa, privileged because life was never dull and medical practice never ceased to be truly exciting and fulfilling." It is a personal account of practice, both in Entebbe, Uganda, and the Sudan, Congo and Botswana. She describes her fascinating experiences. She married in Gulu, Uganda, where she ran the local Hospital, dealing with surgical cases never before described in textbooks. She also describes her time in Serowe, Botswana, and the problems with the resident ghost in the Residency.
The book is copiously and superbly illustrated with numerous colour photographs. Available at £20.00 direct from the author at Lake Hawea, R.D.2., Wanaka, 9382, New Zealand, by cheque or money order.
"THE RAPE OF ZIMBABWE" by Ricky Wilson - which tells it like it was (and is)!
Rhodesia was once a prosperous and thriving country, and the story of the author's enterprising and entrepreneurial spirit in that land, followed by his desperate escape from the country when, as Zimbabwe, it became ruled by a tyrant, imparts a realistic perspective of the present desperate plight of many exiles from a country that was once a paradise and the breadbasket for so much of Africa.
You can order this book via http://www.diadembooks.com/zimbabwe.htm
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
"LETTERS FROM AFRICA" by Mandy Retzlaff
A collection of short stories documenting Mandy Retzlaff's extraordinary life in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Her letters are full of hope, despair, extreme courage and a remarkable sense of humour needed to face the everyday difficulties of living in a politically and economically unstable Africa.
For more details visit Mandy's web-site at: www.mandyretzlaff.com
Robert Shipley has many items of memorabilia of special interest to Southern African and other patriots for sale, including :-
An old brochure of Worcester in South Africa for £10.00
A State President's Guard Plaque 1980/81, Lt.Grobler, for £15.00
(postage and packaging included).
For more information or to make orders please 'phone 07527277406, or e-mail: robertshipley1729@yahoo.co.uk
No.118 : HARRY & HUGH GARSIDE of Durban
Harry and Hugh Garside were identical twins from North Wales, where they both played professional soccer for Caernarvon Town FC. They both subsequently emigrated to South Africa and settled in Durban, where they continued playing soccer - albeit on an amateur level - for Durban Collegians during the 1980s. They were both friendly and fun-loving characters, and much liked by all who knew them, especially at the Durban Collegians Club. It would be very interesting to learn what has become of them.
Many readers will probably remember us advertising last June's "Salute to Israel" parade through London in the May 2008 edition of the SCN. Those who were not able to attend this event, however, might be very interested to view a video which was taken of the culmination of the parade in Trafalgar Square, which can be viewed via the Anglican Friends of Israel web-site at :-
Sorry to get technical, but it was Herbert Morrison, not Ernest Bevin, who made those apposite remarks that to give African colonies independence "was like giving a 12-year-old kid a machine gun and a bank account." [SCN, April 2008].
The visit of Griffin [the leader of the so-called "British National Party"] to Libya was in the late '80s or early '90s, I think.
I suppose you've heard about Peter Hain being interviewed by the police?
Yours etc.,
Mike Turner, London, U.K.
I wonder whether you saw to-day's Daily Telegraph [9th July]? I thought I would forward you my comment to Simon Heffer (see Daily Telegraph page 20). I wrote directly to him as the paper printed a letter from me only two weeks ago, and this wouldn't have stood a chance, for that reason if for no other!
"Dear Mr Heffer,
"Your comment on Ian Smith was most encouraging (Daily Telegraph, July 9th). Even The Daily Telegraph hardly tolerates mention of that great man. I knew him too, although not as well as you did, and only at the end of his life. I also knew Rhodesia and South Africa from 1976. The USA with its race guilt - Red Indians ordered onto Reservations in 1876 and still there - did for both countries in the end. Canada quietly created an apartheid "homeland" for Eskimos in the frozen wilderness of the Northwest Territories about 10 years ago, but world opinion passed on that one. Lesotho, in the news today, was an apartheid creation of London, which was somehow acceptable. Poor Bophuthatswana, which got independence from Pretoria, had to be dismantled at the behest of Mandela."
Yours etc.,
James Lewis, London, U.K.
I see there is a new series of books being published. Some sort of light-hearted humour stuff, but set in the "British Space Empire of the 25th Century". Whilst this may be a plot device, it struck a chord with me for two reasons.
1. Too often the idea of British rule is made to seem as something that only exists in the past. Whilst we remember and cherish the past our primary aim must be the future.
2. The British in popular culture, with perhaps the exception of something like James Bond, are often portrayed as only existing in costume dramas set in the past. It is important that British appear in the future within popular culture to emphasise that we have a future.
I very much doubt this book was published with any ulterior patriotic motive, but I think it is good that the idea of a future British Empire, even if treated in such a flippant way, is promoted within popular culture. And who knows, perhaps it will spark the imagination of some of its readers...
Yours etc.,
D.W.N., London, U.K.
Charlie Dempsey was New Zealand's long-serving president of the Oceania Football Confederation, having held that office from 1982 to 2000. Charlie Dempsey's greatest act, however, was by voting against South Africa but in favour Germany to stage the 2006 Soccer World Cup finals - in spite of intense pressure being exerted against him to vote the other way by third-world nations, and even from his own confederation. He was a brave man indeed to stand up to such pressure, and as a result the 2006 World Cup proved to be a smooth and trouble-free success. Alas, of course, his vote only gave four years grace before the crime-infected "new" South Africa was handed the competition finals. At the time of writing it is still uncertain whether FIFA will ignominiously be forced to change the national venue at short notice, or whether they will pig-headedly proceed towards the disaster which finals staged in the "new" South Africa will undoubtedly prove to be. Whatever the outcome Charlie Dempsey's foresight will unquestionably be proved correct, and his name should always be remembered as a brave man who tried to prevent a sporting catastrophe.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
September 2008 edition
Our movement, although of course primarily concerned with Southern African affairs (and particularly with the Southern African expatriate community around the globe) even so takes - indeed must take - a great interest in events which occur in the United States of America. It was after all John Vorster who once stated that as the US President was the leader of the free world then he was our leader also. Furthermore it must also be remembered that although not a member of the Commonwealth nor recognising the Queen as head of state, the United States is still an integral and vital part of the English-speaking world, with those of British ethnic descent still comprising a large majority of the population (with an even higher percentage when those of kindred north-western European ethnic stock are also taken into account). For these reasons we therefore believe that we have every right to comment about the forthcoming US Presidential election, and to lobby for our choice.
Ever since our movement was founded we have always tended to side with the Republican (GOP) candidate, and this year is no exception. The 2008 poll, however, is undoubtedly more vital than ever, for three very essential reasons. Firstly John McCain, with his proven track record both in the theatre of war and in congress, is superbly qualified to become leader of the free world. We identified him as the best and most likely next President as far back as mid-2007, and nothing has made us change our minds since. Like George W. Bush he is a strong Anglophile, and has been a steadfast supporter of the War against Terror - indeed he was one of the earliest advocates of the highly effective Surge in Iraq. He is therefore a man who we can all have full confidence in to defend the West in these current most dangerous times. Secondly his opponent, Barack Hussein Obama, is probably the most disturbing potential President imaginable. His "exotic" origins (rumoured to be even more "exotic" than he admits) must surely make him uniquely unqualified to become leader of the Western World. To be put bluntly, the idea of Obama becoming US President is too ghastly to contemplate, and could herald the end of Western civilisation as we know it. Thirdly all the opinion polls indicate that the election outcome is going to be very tight. Although it would seem inconceivable that any American citizen of European descent would ever wish to vote for the son of a Kenyan goat-herdsman educated at an Indonesian madrassa as their country's leader, there alas appear to be millions of White American's who are so infected by liberal race-guilt that they seem to have a national death-wish. Add to this the current economic crisis effecting the United States - which is widely, and perhaps not entirely without foundation, blamed upon the current GOP administration - and it can be seen that the result in November is no longer by any means certain.
We know that many who supported other candidates in the GOP primaries still regard John McCain with some suspicion and believe that he is not conservative enough for their liking. We know also that others are unconvinced by his choice of VP running-mate, Sarah Palin, particularly because of her apparent support for the teaching of the antediluvian theory of creationism in schools. We would ask all these doubters to put such minor disagreements behind them in November however. It will be a straight-forward choice between a genuine American hero and patriot and somebody embodying a completely alien culture. It will not only be the United States as a nation which will be at stake. It will be the entire Western World.
The London Branch of the SC/ELC will be staging an informal get-together at a venue in the Stepney area of east London during the evening of Monday 29th September. At this event the branch will be welcoming a special guest, a prominent South African historical expert who escaped the country in 2006 and has been living in Britain for the past few months, who will be telling something about the true situation in South Africa and why he was forced to leave. For more details about this event either e-mail springbok@falklands.org or 'phone 07711188430.
Sadly Mr. Paul Armstrong has been forced to resign from the Executive Committee of the Springbok Club/ELC because of ill-health, but we are delighted to be able to announce that Mrs. Susan Gordon has been appointed to take his place on ExCo. We therefore congratulate Mrs. Gordon (who was born in Kenya and lived her early life in Rhodesia) upon this appointment, and are certain that her proven enthusiasm and commitment to the movement will add extra impetus to the future deliberations of the Committee.
In October the Springbok Club/ELC will be staging a joint meeting with the re-constituted London Swinton Circle under the banner of the Patriotic Forum, at which a most prominent personality will be guest speaker. More precise details will be given in next month's SCN.
In November the Springbok Club/ELC will be holding its annual UDI Day celebrations, at which a prominent ex-Rhodesian will be guest of honour. As a result of the request in recent editions of the SCN for views about whether these UDI Day events should revert to taking the form of a sit-down dinner, several supporters have confirmed that they thought this would be a good idea. Unfortunately, however, there doesn't appear to be sufficient time to organise such formalities this year, so next November's celebrations will therefore still take the form of a buffet - but we are confident that we'll be able to organise a more formal dinner once again in 2009.
In December the Springbok Cub/ELC will be marking the Day of the Vow with a special event featuring a display by a Victorian-era military re-enactment society. More details will be given in future editions of the SCN.
The Springbok Club/ELC's 2009 AGM will take place in January 2009.
The Springbok Club/ELC is provisionally planning to organise a trip to Gibraltar in February of next year (precise dates are still to be finalised) in order to witness the Freedom of the Rock being granted to the Royal Marines. If any supporter is keen to join us for this visit then please e-mail us at: springbok@falklands.org or 'phone: 07711188430.
Although the crisis in the London Swinton Circle (as reported in last month's SCN) still hasn't been resolved, we have been very heartened to learn of the extent and depth of support which the Chairman of the LSC has been receiving. Furthermore, it has also been interesting to learn that one prominent member of the LSC had previously resigned from the organisation for precisely the same reason which prompted the Chairman to make his stand - namely the unwelcome presence of certain disruptive elements with known affiliations to extremist parties at LSC meetings. An Emergency General Meeting of the organisation is still planned to be held during the next few months, at which, inter alia, the position of the erstwhile Organiser of the organisation will be discussed in light of his apparent willingness to allow extremists to attend meetings and his subsequent convening of an unconstitutional and invalid kangaroo court. In the meantime all activities of the LSC have been suspended, and all unilateral communications from the appeasement faction emanating from a P.O.Box in South-East London should be ignored.
Regrettably we have been informed that Dr. J.E. Hazlett Lynch went ahead and addressed a small meeting staged by the pro-extremist breakaway faction of the LSC in spite of the fact that he was advised earlier that the meeting which he was to address had been postponed until after the crisis within the organisation was resolved. This sad decision by Dr. Lynch will undoubtedly reflect very badly against him personally and the organisation which he represents, "West Tyrone Voice", in the days ahead. We are however uncertain about precisely what "West Tyrone Voice" stands for, and would be very interested to learn more details about this organisation.
The Essex Branch of New Britain staged a very successful meeting at Ingatestone earlier this month, at which the guest speaker was Sir Teddy Taylor. The branch is planning two more meetings in the near future, and more details can be obtained by 'phoning: 020-72472524.
New Britain's second annual Goldsmith Lecture, at which the guest speakers will be Mr. Stuart Wheeler and Lord Pearson of Rannoch, proved to be a great success, with expert addresses being delivered by both guest speakers.
New Britain will be staging its traditional commemorations of Trafalgar Day on Tuesday 21st October. As in previous years, with the approval of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, the National Chairman of New Britain, Mr. Dennis Delderfield, will attend the official Royal Naval service at the tomb of Admiral Viscount Nelson, where he will lay a wreath. Later the same day New Britain will be staging a special Trafalgar Day dinner at the historic Trafalgar Tavern in Greenwich. Further details will be given in next month's SCN.
The following most revealing reports have appeared in recent editions of "Preparing South Africa for the World" - the official newsletters of the 2010 Soccer World Cup organising committee :-
"Bafana Bafana's 2010 dream appears to be in tatters following its latest hit-and-miss affair, a goalless draw against Sierra Leone. The result is likely to see the 2010 World Cup hosts starting the tournament without having qualified for the African Cup of Nations in Angola. The team needs to win both its remaining matches against Nigeria and Guinea to stand a chance of reaching the next round of the continental showpiece. Former national coach Carlos Queiroz who outlined an eight-year plan aimed towards the World Cup back in 2002, says it is tragic to see how the squad has floundered 'I hope passionately that a miracle materialises in 2010 and Bafana are somehow able to come out of the World Cup with their heads held high.'"
"Tensions are running high at the Mbombela 2010 stadium in Nelspruit where angry workers allegedly burnt a truck, motor bikes and a mobile office on the construction site. More than 500 workers were dismissed on Tuesday following an unprotected strike over night shift wages and bonus disputes. Police reinforcements were reportedly called in by a security company to bring the situation under control."
"FIFA President Sepp Blatter has again stirred a hornet's nest by saying that South Africa could still lose the rights to host the 2010 World Cup in the event of a catastrophe. However, Local Organising Committee CEO Danny Jordaan downplayed the concerns. 'I have spoken to Blatter and he reaffirmed that only God can prevent SA staging the World Cup in 2010,' Jordaan said. 'Blatter has gone out of his way to bring the 2010 World Cup to South Africa. It makes no sense for him to say he has another plan. Obviously FIFA must have a plan if we suffered a major natural catastrophe, but that is all.' Nevertheless, there are growing fears that Zimbabwe's economic and political crisis could impact negatively on the event. This is the warning of analysts who believe the problems could spill into South Africa and the rest of the region, and thus make the situation volatile ahead of the global football fiesta. Zimbabwe Exiles Forum (ZEF) director Gabriel Shumba said the prevailing situation did not augur well for the hosting of a successful event. 'The possibility of a civil war is very high (in Zimbabwe), which can only mean that the Zimbabwe issue will in practice impact massively on the region as a threat to regional peace,' he said. There have also been reports that the US could be a part of FIFA's contingency plan for the 2010 World Cup, should South Africa be declared unable to host the event. According to a Boston.com report, a decision confirming South Africa as the first African country to play host to the World Cup will only be made following the Confederations Cup, next June. It said stadium construction delays and security fears have raised concerns that South Africa might not be capable of hosting the event. 'The World Cup is a logistical challenge and South Africa wants to shows the world it is able to do it,' Blatter was quoted as saying."
It was of course with great sadness and respect that we learnt of the retirement from first-class cricket as from the end of this season of Graeme Hick at the age of 42. We had hoped that he would have been able to emanate the great Wilfred Rhodes by playing well past his 50th birthday!
Graeme Hick was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia, in 1966, but brought up in the Rhodesian Midlands (the Que-Que/Gwelo area) where he learnt his cricketing expertise. Indeed one of our supporters has proudly boasted that he once netted with him at this time! His career records are fantastically impressive - 65 Tests and 120 One Day Internationals for England, and a total of 526 first-class matches (mainly with Worcestershire) with a batting average of 52.23 and a highest score of 405 not out.
Perhaps Graeme Hick's most important act, however, was to turn his back on the possibilities of easier international representation for the repressive Mugabe regime of "Zimbabwe", but rather to seek the harder path to stardom in his ancestral homeland by representing England. It is just a pity that other gifted Rhodesian cricketers didn't try to follow this same honourable path after the ZANU-PF terrorists came to power in the land of their birth.
We have recently received the following report from Johnny Rodrigues of the ZCTF, who can be contacted at: galorand@mweb.co.zw :-
"Many of you will be familiar with the Imire Safari Ranch from the ZCTF reports about the orphaned baby rhino, Tatenda, the warthog, Hogwash, the hyena, Tsotsi and the elephant who thinks she is a buffalo, Nzou.
"Many years ago Imire Safari Ranch was designated by the National Parks Board and the Government of Zimbabwe as a black rhino breeding area, and for this reason it is one of the few places in Zimbabwe that still has wildlife. John and Judy Travers have devoted the best part of their lives to caring for the animals living there, and have played a very important role in the preservation of the endangered black rhino.
"On Sunday 29th June 2008 a group of "war veterans" went to Imire and demanded that John Travers shoot 3 impala for them to eat. When John refused they stated that they would burn the place down. They were extremely aggressive, and John eventually had no option but to shoot the impala. The invaders left with the impala, saying that Imire was at the top of their list and they were going to take it. The next morning John reported the incident to the police, who responded by initiating investigations.
"On Wednesday 2nd July a group of about 16 "war veterans" arrived at Imire and told the Travers's to vacate the property by the next morning, Thursday 3rd July. They were threatened with their lives if they didn't comply. It has been alleged that an army general is leading these eviction thugs.
"It is a foregone conclusion that if the invaders succeed in evicting the Travers's all the animals will be slaughtered within a very short space of time. We have reported the matter to the National Parks Board who have confirmed that Imire is designated as a black rhino breeding area and is therefore not part of the land redistribution programme. They say that the invaders have obviously taken the law into their own hands and they will give the matter their urgent attention.
"We are extremely concerned about all the animals at Imire, but in particular Tatenda, Hogwash, Tsotsi and Nzou, who we have come to know so well. We will circulate an update as soon as we have more news."
The ZCTF web-sites can be accessed at : www.zctf.mweb.co.zw and www.zimbabwe-art.com
[In last month's edition of he SCN we advocated that Francois Hugo of Seal Alert-SA should receive some form of international honour and recognition. We believe that exactly the same is true of Johnny Rodrigues of the ZCTF.]
Lynn Searle has contacted us to ask whether anyone knows the current whereabouts of Mr. Virgilio Zucca, who was formerly living in the UK but who subsequently returned to South Africa. Anyone who can help Lynn in this regard should contact her at: lynnsearle@dreamriver.co.uk
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
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FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, very soon, but in order to do this we must clear as much of our existing stock of back-issues as possible first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
"WAY OUT OF LINE" by Trisha Jackson
A novel which tells the story of the profound impact that an innocent youthful love affair has on the lives of two young lovers. The plot moves from a cult and a maximum security prison in the US to the savannah grasslands of Mozambique and Zimbabwe - this makes for adventure, suspense and melodrama. Packed with conflict and sexual tension, anyone who loves romance, passion and excitement should enjoy reading this story.
Trisha Jackson was born and grew up in Rhodesia. She immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990. She and her husband live in a unique, rural community in the Tonto National Forest in the eastern mountains of Arizona.
Copies of "Way Out of Line" can be ordered from Amazon.com.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa. It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
"OF RICE AND MEN", by Jimmy Walker
111 pages. Illustrated. With excellent cartoons by Fusilier Norman Lambert, produced whilst in captivity. Soft-back £5.00 (cover price £10.00)
An irreverent, left of centre, look at life as a POW by Jimmy Walker, who was captured by the Japanese following the fall of Singapore in 1942. Jimmy takes us through incarceration at the notorious Changi jail, forced labour on the railroad, and deportation to Japan, where the Japanese exploited the mining skills of the boys from Northumberland. Norman Lambert’s sketches are both amusing and frightening at the same time. Through the bitterness and resentment, and physical trauma of captivity shines the humour and the indomitable spirit of the British soldier. An enjoyable and educational read, with a surprise ending.
Prices include p&p. Payment can be made by credit or debit card. To order on line, log on to www.paypal.com and enter postmaster@gcartwright.demon.co.uk as payment destination.
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"THE THOUSAND STEPS" by Dr Helen Anderson
Dr Anderson spent what she describes as "26 privileged years in Africa, privileged because life was never dull and medical practice never ceased to be truly exciting and fulfilling." It is a personal account of practice, both in Entebbe, Uganda, and the Sudan, Congo and Botswana. She describes her fascinating experiences. She married in Gulu, Uganda, where she ran the local Hospital, dealing with surgical cases never before described in textbooks. She also describes her time in Serowe, Botswana, and the problems with the resident ghost in the Residency.
The book is copiously and superbly illustrated with numerous colour photographs. Available at £20.00 direct from the author at Lake Hawea, R.D.2., Wanaka, 9382, New Zealand, by cheque or money order.
"THE RAPE OF ZIMBABWE" by Ricky Wilson - which tells it like it was (and is)!
Rhodesia was once a prosperous and thriving country, and the story of the author's enterprising and entrepreneurial spirit in that land, followed by his desperate escape from the country when, as Zimbabwe, it became ruled by a tyrant, imparts a realistic perspective of the present desperate plight of many exiles from a country that was once a paradise and the breadbasket for so much of Africa.
You can order this book via http://www.diadembooks.com/zimbabwe.htm
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
"LETTERS FROM AFRICA" by Mandy Retzlaff
A collection of short stories documenting Mandy Retzlaff's extraordinary life in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Her letters are full of hope, despair, extreme courage and a remarkable sense of humour needed to face the everyday difficulties of living in a politically and economically unstable Africa.
For more details visit Mandy's web-site at: www.mandyretzlaff.com
Robert Shipley has many items of memorabilia of special interest to Southern African and other patriots for sale, including :-
An old brochure of Worcester in South Africa for £10.00
A State President's Guard Plaque 1980/81, Lt.Grobler, for £15.00
(postage and packaging included).
For more information or to make orders please 'phone 07527277406, or e-mail: robertshipley1729@yahoo.co.uk
No.118 : HARRY & HUGH GARSIDE of Durban
Harry and Hugh Garside were identical twins from North Wales, where they both played professional soccer for Caernarvon Town FC. They both subsequently emigrated to South Africa and settled in Durban, where they continued playing soccer - albeit on an amateur level - for Durban Collegians during the 1980s. They were both friendly and fun-loving characters, and much liked by all who knew them, especially at the Durban Collegians Club. It would be very interesting to learn what has become of them.
Many readers will probably remember us advertising last June's "Salute to Israel" parade through London in the May 2008 edition of the SCN. Those who were not able to attend this event, however, might be very interested to view a video which was taken of the culmination of the parade in Trafalgar Square, which can be viewed via the Anglican Friends of Israel web-site at :-
Sorry to get technical, but it was Herbert Morrison, not Ernest Bevin, who made those apposite remarks that to give African colonies independence "was like giving a 12-year-old kid a machine gun and a bank account." [SCN, April 2008].
The visit of Griffin [the leader of the so-called "British National Party"] to Libya was in the late '80s or early '90s, I think.
I suppose you've heard about Peter Hain being interviewed by the police?
Yours etc.,
Mike Turner, London, U.K.
I wonder whether you saw to-day's Daily Telegraph [9th July]? I thought I would forward you my comment to Simon Heffer (see Daily Telegraph page 20). I wrote directly to him as the paper printed a letter from me only two weeks ago, and this wouldn't have stood a chance, for that reason if for no other!
"Dear Mr Heffer,
"Your comment on Ian Smith was most encouraging (Daily Telegraph, July 9th). Even The Daily Telegraph hardly tolerates mention of that great man. I knew him too, although not as well as you did, and only at the end of his life. I also knew Rhodesia and South Africa from 1976. The USA with its race guilt - Red Indians ordered onto Reservations in 1876 and still there - did for both countries in the end. Canada quietly created an apartheid "homeland" for Eskimos in the frozen wilderness of the Northwest Territories about 10 years ago, but world opinion passed on that one. Lesotho, in the news today, was an apartheid creation of London, which was somehow acceptable. Poor Bophuthatswana, which got independence from Pretoria, had to be dismantled at the behest of Mandela."
Yours etc.,
James Lewis, London, U.K.
I see there is a new series of books being published. Some sort of light-hearted humour stuff, but set in the "British Space Empire of the 25th Century". Whilst this may be a plot device, it struck a chord with me for two reasons.
1. Too often the idea of British rule is made to seem as something that only exists in the past. Whilst we remember and cherish the past our primary aim must be the future.
2. The British in popular culture, with perhaps the exception of something like James Bond, are often portrayed as only existing in costume dramas set in the past. It is important that British appear in the future within popular culture to emphasise that we have a future.
I very much doubt this book was published with any ulterior patriotic motive, but I think it is good that the idea of a future British Empire, even if treated in such a flippant way, is promoted within popular culture. And who knows, perhaps it will spark the imagination of some of its readers...
Yours etc.,
D.W.N., London, U.K.
Charlie Dempsey was New Zealand's long-serving president of the Oceania Football Confederation, having held that office from 1982 to 2000. Charlie Dempsey's greatest act, however, was by voting against South Africa but in favour Germany to stage the 2006 Soccer World Cup finals - in spite of intense pressure being exerted against him to vote the other way by third-world nations, and even from his own confederation. He was a brave man indeed to stand up to such pressure, and as a result the 2006 World Cup proved to be a smooth and trouble-free success. Alas, of course, his vote only gave four years grace before the crime-infected "new" South Africa was handed the competition finals. At the time of writing it is still uncertain whether FIFA will ignominiously be forced to change the national venue at short notice, or whether they will pig-headedly proceed towards the disaster which finals staged in the "new" South Africa will undoubtedly prove to be. Whatever the outcome Charlie Dempsey's foresight will unquestionably be proved correct, and his name should always be remembered as a brave man who tried to prevent a sporting catastrophe.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
London, UK
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