February 2010 edition
We have commented in the past about the hypocritical manner in which the international media condemns the ZANU-PF terrorist regime in Zimbabwe , yet acts as an apologist for the ANC terrorist regime in South Africa .
Now, with the coming to power of Jacob Zuma as ANC leader and president of the "new" South Africa , this hypocrisy seems thankfully to be coming to an end. Severe question marks were raised about Zuma even prior to his accession to the presidency by the international media, both because of his overtly pro-terrorism personal anthem "Bring me my machine-gun" and because of his numerous criminal charges (both involving alleged financial corruption and alleged rape). Now comes the revelation that he has fathered a child by woman young enough to be his daughter - this in spite of the fact that he already has THREE wives! (What other nation on earth which claims to be civilised allows any of its citizens - let alone its president - to have more than one spouse?). The ANC's mask has at last slipped off, and the international community seems belatedly to have woken up to reality.
It is not only in relation to Zuma himself where the international media has at last been prepared to expose the true terrorist nature of those behind the ANC regime however. The recent BBC4 docu-drama "Mrs. Mandela" about Winnie Madikizela-Mandela revealed clearly just what a monster this woman is - dating right back to her childhood days - and also was not afraid to remind viewers that far from being "an innocent victim of apartheid" she had actually been charged, found guilty, and then banned under Section 16 of the Terrorism Act (a very lenient sentence for such a serious crime).
But there is one leading ANC figure who the international community still seems reluctant to criticise however, namely Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's one-time husband "Nelson" Mandela. In spite of the fact that Mandela was heavily involved in a number of terrorist actions including the Johannesburg Railway Station bombing in which many innocent people of all races died, and was caught red-handed at Rivonia with enough explosives to blow up half of Johannesburg, the fact that he was found guilty of terrorism and sentenced to life imprisonment (when the death penalty would actually have been more appropriate) is usually overlooked by the international media when discussing this individual. In view of this fact Clint Eastwood's recent nauseating and much-panned film "Invictus" should be roundly condemned for the manner in which it apparently seeks to whitewash the actions of this convicted terrorist, particularly at a time when Western forces are fighting and dying against international terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq .
Recent developments clearly indicate that the tide is turning however, and that eyes are being opened up around the globe to the fact that the ANC regime in South Africa is just as evil as the ZANU-PF regime in Zimbabwe . Hopefully it won't be too long before it is also universally accepted that "Nelson" Mandela himself is just as much of a monster as his mad former wife and his current successor. When that day arrives then the film "Invictus" and the sickening era of appeasement and kow-towing in South Africa which it portrays will be condemned by all.
The 2010 AGM of the Springbok Club/Empire Loyalist Club was held last month and proved a successful occasion, with an expanded six-person Executive Committee was elected for the forthcoming year. The only disappointment concerning this event was that unfortunately technical difficulties prevented the showing of Snowy Smith's CD about the destruction of Durban - but as will be indicated later this omission will shortly be rectified!
The London Branch of the Springbok Club/ELC will be holding an informal "pub gathering" during the evening of Monday 22nd February in the downstairs bar of The Perseverance, 11 Shroton Street, Marylebone, London NW1 6UG. All supporters of the organisation are welcome to attend this get-together, at which - technical difficulties excluded - it is intended to show Snowy Smith's CD about the destruction of Durban . Assemble from 19.00 hrs onwards, and the CD showing will commence at approximately 19.45 hrs.
In March 2010 the Springbok Club/ELC will hopefully be addressed by a prominent British politician. Full details about this event will be given in next month's SCN.
In April 2010 the Springbok Club will be celebrating Van Riebeeck's Day with a special braai, at which there will be appropriate musical entertainment by Mr. Robin Willow.
In May 2010 the Springbok Club/ELC will be celebrating Empire Day with a visit to the RE Museum in Gillingham , where special re-enactments will be taking place.
The Springbok Club/ELC is also planning a visit to Hatfield in order to pay respects at the RLI Troopie Statue situated there during early 2010.
In July 2010 the Springbok Club/ELC will be celebrating Rhodes & Founders Day with a special buffet in central London at which the guest of honour will be someone with very strong historical Rhodesian connections!
The Kent Branch of the Springbok Club/ELC is planning to hold an informal get-together at Canterbury during early March 2010. Full details will be announced in next month's edition of the SCN.
The London Branch of the Springbok Club/ELC is planning a trip to the RAF Museum in Hendon during mid-2010. More precise details will be given in future editions of the SCN.
The Northern Ireland Branch of the Springbok Club/ELC is also planning an informal gathering in Belfast during early 2010.
The Swinton Circle held an extremely successful meeting last month at which the guest speaker was Baroness [Caroline] Cox of Queensbury. There was a packed attendance for this event, and Baroness Cox certainly didn't disappoint, giving a riveting and highly informative PowerPoint illustrated talk about the work of her HART (Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust) organisation among the Armenian people facing an onslaught from the Islamic Azerbaijanis in Nagorno Karabakh, and also among the Karen people confronting genocide from the Burmese military regime. Baroness Cox impressed particularly because she is clearly a "do-er" rather than just a "talker", and we would like to thank her most sincerely for giving such an illuminating address.
The Swinton Circle 's 2010 AGM will be held on Thursday 11th February, and all current members have by now been informed of the precise details. After the business side of the meeting has been concluded Mr. Peter Kirby will be giving an illustrated talk on the subject of global warming and climate change, to which all are invited. Mr. Kirby is extremely knowledgeable and well-read on the subject of alleged global warming and climate change, and has been described by Lord Monckton - no less - as a very well-informed layman.
Louise Joubert of the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary and Trust writes as follows :-
"I am the founder of the SanWild Wildlife Trust. For some time now we have been receiving your newsletter which we always read with great interest. May I ask if you would consider including our news and funding appeals with your newsletters, or alternatively letting us know which of your members may be interested in getting our newsletter that deals with the work we do and also the latest on conservation in South Africa. On this side there is serious problems facing wildlife and the South African government seems to be losing control and a grip on conservation."
We would certainly encourage all our readers to contact Louise and to support her important endeavours in this regard. She can be contacted at:-
or alternatively the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary web-sites can be accessed at :-
www.sanwild.org and www.sanwild.com
We have recently received the following most interesting report from a pro-Falkland Islands circulation list :-
"People might be interested in an interview published yesterday in Argentine newspaper Perfil with Brigadier Lami Dozo, Head of the Argentine Air Force in the 1982 Falklands War, and only survivor of the three man Junta then. He says that Argentina was going to attack Chile next, over the Beagle Channel Dispute, if they prevailed against Britain in the Falklands .
"Lami Dozo also speaks extensively about the crisis between Argentina and Chile in 1978 over the Beagle Channel islands, when the Vatican just managed to stop the Argentines from attacking Chile . He gives some horrifying details about how they were going to attack then, and how it was going to cost a lot of lives, money, time, etc. He speaks in the third person plural indicating that it was "they", ie the hawks in the Argentine military government then, who would have attacked Chile , which he did not agree with.
"Note: This planned Argentine attack on Chile over the Beagle Channel Islands was Argentina 's response to loosing the arbitration over the Islands by a unanimous decision of the judges."
The Rhodesian Light Infantry Regimental Association in the UK (part of the world-wide RLI Regimental Association) has recently had a series of films on a single DVD created which tell the story of the Rhodesian Bush War, as seen through the eyes of the men who fought in it. This is a new set of films which are not in anyway related to those that have been around for a number of years, and the proceeds are to be used to maintain our Troopie statue, smuggled out of Zimbabwe , as well as the creation and maintenance of an RLI museum.
For more details about how to order this DVD please contact Mark Pilbeam at: mark.pilbeam@dsl.pipex.com
The Springbok Club has now established its own page on FaceBook. For all members of FaceBook simply type in "Springbok Club" in the search box on the top right-hand corner of your own FaceBook page, and then the Springbok Club's page should be the first entry to be displayed. "Click" on the logo to enter, and then of course "click" again on the appropriate box to become a fan.
A recent edition of "Project 2010 - Preparing South Africa for the World" (the official circular of the 2010 Soccer World Cup Local Organising Committee) contained two most revealing articles illustrating the serious problems which confront the 2010 Soccer World Cup :-
"The 2010 World Cup has raised the chances of South Africa being targeted by terror attacks at local airports. That's according to Lance Brogden, vice-president of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Africa who addressed an IATA conference in Cape Town on Tuesday. Anwar Gamy, director general at the department of transport, said government and the aviation industry have taken major steps to provide the best possible security. Technology for the rapid screening of large numbers of passengers would speed up travel for the thousands of visitors expected to arrive for the World Cup has been introduced along with equipment for the detection of explosives."
"Fears are mounting over the 'appalling' state of Nelson Mandela Bay 's [sic] public hospitals and the city's critical shortage of doctors with the 2010 World Cup just months away. And despite Eastern Cape Health MEC Phumlo Masualle's promise to urgently initiate improvements at the city's busy Livingstone Hospital after being 'shocked' at its state during a recent surprise visit, reports of the continued absence of doctors on weekend duty at state hospitals have led to calls for immediate action. The Democratic Alliance has warned of a potential hospital crisis during the World Cup."
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana , Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
A recent edition of the "South Africa Bulletin" issued by the Transvaal Agricultural Union contained the following most perceptive article entitled "Rhodesia to Zimbabwe " :-
Forty four years ago on 11 November 1965 , Prime Minister Ian Smith of the then Rhodesia announced a Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Britain . Smith's party the Rhodesian Front knew the pitfalls ahead if they were to succumb to British government pressure for majority rule.
Their predictions of course came true - Zimbabwe became the basket case of Africa . Its leader Robert Mugabe's tyranny, cruelty and barbarism equalled that of Idi Amin, and he ruined what was a superlative example of how a few talented and dedicated men who loved their country could bring plenty where hunger and pestilence had ruled.
It is sobering to look back at the state of agriculture in the old Rhodesia , at what a few farmers achieved in a relatively short time. When we compare then and now, it beggars belief that such successes should have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and a Western need to rid itself of African colonies, come what may.
Dr. Mick Gammon has written the following in the magazine Rhodesians Worldwide and it is good and even necessary to remember what Rhodesia was, and what Zimbabwe is today.
"The Zimbabwe government's campaign to obliterate commercial agriculture, under the guise of agrarian reform but in reality in the interest of retaining power through illegal and violent means, has been largely effective. The tragic suffering of Zimbabwe 's commercial farmers must be documented, lest distortions of the facts become accepted history.
The first white hunters, traders and missionaries who in the 19th century came to the region which was to become Rhodesia and subsequently Zimbabwe , found a land devoid of infrastructure. The wheel was not yet in use. Early travellers recorded travelling often for days without seeing any human habitation. With a population of about a quarter of a million people at the time, indeed most of the land was not occupied.
Commercial farming started in the 1890s on what was for the most part virgin land. There were no roads or railways, there was no electricity or telephone, there were no fences, boreholes, pumps, windmills, dams, irrigation schemes, there were no cattle dips, barns or other farm buildings.
These first farmers had to discover how to contend with predators that killed their livestock plus other animals that consumed their crops; how to control diseases, pests and parasites of livestock and crops that were foreign to them. While some guidance could be drawn from South Africa , knowledge and experience built up over generations in the developed world had limited application, since the local climate, soil and vegetation were vastly different.
From this starting point, fraught with difficulties, agriculture developed faster than it had anywhere else in the world. The agricultural infrastructure was rapidly developed and soon the country became self-sufficient in most agricultural products. In many cases yields per hectare and quality equalled or bettered those in the developed world.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Year Book of 1975 ranked the then Rhodesia second in the world in terms of yields of maize, wheat, soya beans and ground nuts, and third for cotton. In the combined ranking for all these crops, Rhodesia ranked first in the world.
Some of these rankings were, in fact, reached long before 1975. Rhodesia 's Virginia tobacco was rated the best in the world in yield and quality, while maize entries in world championships were consistently placed in the first three slots.
The world's largest single citrus producer was developed early in the country's history.
The highest quality breeding stock of numerous breeds of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were imported. At the same time the indigenous cattle were developed through breeding and selection to highly productive and respected breeds.
Today, foreign aid is considered indispensable for development in the developing world. In Rhodesia agriculture, like other industries, developed with no such aid. Commercial farmers also did not benefit from the free seed, fertilizer, tillage and other inputs currently being dispensed in an effort to induce production from the resettled Zimbabwe farms. Agricultural departments and training colleges set up by the Rhodesian colonial government to service all farming sectors regardless of colour played a crucial part in the development of agriculture. Without the outstanding contributions of the Department of Veterinary Services, the livestock industry could not have developed, and exports of animal products could not have been established.
The Department of Research and Specialist Services and the Tobacco Research Board developed improved crop varieties for local and regional use and these bodies researched optimum crop and livestock nutrition. The Department of Conservation and Extension was established to ensure the land was farmed to the maximum of its potential, and it provided a sophisticated farm planning service, as well as agricultural extension and specialist advisory services. These departments were among the best in the world and the agricultural colleges turned out farmers of the highest calibre.
The benefits accruing to the country from the commercial farming sector extended far beyond the value of agricultural products and employment. The farmers contributed to the leadership and welfare society out of all proportion to their numbers. Each farm was, to a greater or lesser extent, an outpost of civilization. Many farmers established schools for workers' children. Every farm had a clinic and dispensary and ambulance service for the surrounding areas. Farmers provided unpaid help to neighbouring peasant farmers. All these contributions to the growth of the economy and the welfare of the country emanated from fewer than five thousand farmers, on less than half of the country's land.
These farmers bore the brunt of terrorist attacks after 1965 - many farmers and their families were murdered, and yet they continued production. Their worst nightmare came after President Mugabe lost an unrigged election. Power at all costs was his dictum, and the rest is history. Starvation now haunts Zimbabwe , with foreign aid doing little to assuage the hunger now stalking the land. Asking why these farmers were treated so terribly - murdered, harassed, beaten, driven off their farms - is to ask the question about Africa that has no logical answer.
Our comment: It is a tragedy that stories like the above never make it to the mainstream media. Why must the truth be always on the fringe, while pretending takes centre stage?
The following most intriguing article appeared in the December/January edition of Msasa Mail, the official publication of the Flame Lily Foundation of South Africa :-
"Cyril Jackson, an astronomer working at the Transvaal (Union ) Observatory in Johannesburg , discovered Rhodesia in 1931. A minor planet, or asteroid, within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter was found and named 1197 Rhodesia . This information was provided in mid-1998 by Mr. Louis J. Barendse, Chairman of the Pretoria Centre, Astronomical Society of South Africa, and submitted by Philip Garbett on 12 September 2008 , the 119th anniversary of Rhodesia 's celebrated Pioneer Day."
Biltongmakers.Com has, for the last 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and ...... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX , UK .
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX , UK .
[We really want to be able to produce the next edition of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, No.37, as soon as possible, but in order to do this we need to clear our existing stock of back-issues first. Supporters can help us in two ways in this regard, either by making donations which will enable us to distribute more copies, and/or by providing address details of people who might be interesting in receiving copies.]
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe , and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa . It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
"THE BLIGHT OF BLAIRISM" by Francis Bennion
A devastating indictment of the "new" Labour administration. For more details about the book visit: www.francisbennion.com
"WINSTON CHURCHILL BY HIS PERSONAL SECRETARY" recollections of the great man by a woman who worked for him, Elizabeth Nel
Elizabeth Nel served as Winston Churchill’s personal secretary during World War II. The vivid and human details of her experiences, of her impressions and memories of the irascible and loveable war hero, take up the story of Churchill’s life at No. 10 where the BBC’s impressive drama, 'The Gathering Storm', leaves off - when Churchill took over the reins of Government at the outset of the war. Finally, the author, Elizabeth Nel, at 90 years of age and just before she died, looks back across the years.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com/churchill.htm
[You may like to see details with photos regarding the launch of this book, which can be viewed at http://www.diadembooks.com/celiamurray.htm]
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal , 2151, South Africa , e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
For Sale - a number of books and publications dealing with Southern Africa . Send stamped addressed envelope to: Mr. Mark Taha, 93 Venner Road , Sydenham, London SE26 5HU , U.K. [Warning - many not of Springbok Club's persuasion!]
No.135 : Mr. FRED NUTALL and his daughter JANE from Durban .
Fred Nutall was British by birth, but lived in the Umbilo area of Durban where he ran a very successful construction business - his own house in Umbilo having its own jacuzzi! He was a well-known figure in Durban society during the early 1980s, and the fancy dress outfits which he wore to Paul Roper's famous fancy dress birthday parties during this period were always most spectacular - most notably when he came dressed as a caveman in 1982. The following year PR decided not to make his birthday party a fancy dress affair - but this didn't stop Fred turning up wearing a bathrobe and a false nose! His daughter Jane would often comment that rather like Andy Warhol's superstar Viva always saying that her first name was "Andy" because everyone always referred to her as "Andy Warhol's Superstar Viva", so also her own first name always seemed like "Fred" as everyone always referred to her as "Fred Nutall's daughter Jane"! Fred Nutall himself, foreseeing the collapse of civilised rule in South Africa , moved to Canada during the mid-1980s, but it is believed that his daughter Jane married and remained in Durban . It would be interesting to learn where they both are now.
Following the editorial in last month's SCN, in which we analysed the disasters awaiting the 2010 Soccer World Cup if it's allowed to proceed in South Africa, we have been informed by a number of people about a "Boycott 2010 World Cup" campaign and web-site, which can be accessed at :-
I also believe that the church has to carry much blame for the creation of the New South Africa. The genocide will not stop unless the Whites do something about it; fight actively back. The Bush Administration was not perfect, but for Afghanistan and Iraq we can never thank them enough.
Yours etc.,
Heinrich Koch, Pretoria
The SANDF has come under intense scrutiny since they went on the rampage, organised by their union. Now it is admitted that their conditions have been neglected by government, and left to the union to sort out. When the ANC government took over, they said that border fences were inhumane, and relieved the Army from doing border patrols. Hence the current shambles that exists, with refugees entering the country from neighbouring states at will.
Yours etc.,
Jan Geelvink, Pretoria
Many readers will probably remember the problems which we encountered from a certain Michael Keith-Smith (aka Mike "Scruffy" Smith) a couple of years ago. "Scruffy" threatened to sue us for libel twice, though in the end nothing ever resulted from these threats. We were not alone in his litigious antics however, for we heard of several other people who he had also threatened legal action against in the past. As in our own case however, these other unfortunates seemed to be total strangers to him, who he had only encountered via the Internet. Following his defeat in a court case which he initiated against an MEP in February of last year he seems to have totally disappeared however. He closed down his so-called "Conservative Democratic Alliance" outfit (on whose web-site the aim of "smashing" both the Springbok Club and the Swinton Circle was once posted for no apparent reason) towards the end of 2008, and he no longer inhabits any of the Internet discussion forums which he used to spend most of his days posting aggressive messages to. What has happened to this character we therefore wonder? Several people who have suffered at his hands would be very interested to find out.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!