September 2011 edition
South African news has recently been dominated by the actions and statements of Julius Malema, the firebrand leader of the ANC's Youth League, his subsequent court conviction for "hate speech", and attempts to expel him from the ruling ANC.
In spite of much apparent surprise and condemnation on the part of the South African liberal elite, the emergence of Malema and his significant grassroots support would seem to have been inevitable. Indeed the most surprising aspect is that it has taken so long after the ANC were handed power in the early 1990s for someone as extreme and hate-filled as Malema to emerge.
Malema, with his calls for the seizure of White-owned land and the nationalisation of the mines, is simply echoing Mandela's Marxist-inspired rhetoric - and of course we all know the standing which the convicted terrorist Mandela enjoys among ANC hardliners and their apologists. As we've observed previously in these columns, the succession of Mbeki to Mandela proved to be an unexpected improvement, as he was intelligent enough to realise that it was the capitalist system, not communist ideology, which offered the best means for the improvement in conditions for all of South Africa 's people. This of course is why Mbeki became such a béte noire for the ANC fanatics, and why he therefore had to be removed. Judging from the equally venomous insults currently being levelled towards Zuma by Malema's supporters it would appear that, for all his obnoxious nature, even he hasn't proved extreme enough for the ANC hardcore. The whole history of Black Africa has of course confirmed that right from the beginnings of anti-colonial terrorism it is always the most extreme and the most blood-thirsty leader who emerges to the top. Far longer than expected though it may have been, the emergence of Malema - or perhaps someone even more extreme - has always been just a matter of time.
We have consistently urged all Whites still living in ANC-ruled South Africa to leave the country for the sake of their families and children as soon as possible and by whatever means possible. With almost 4,000 White farmers (let alone a far larger number of White urban dwellers) having been slaughtered in the ANC's de facto genocide campaign, our advice certainly appears to have been well founded - though confirmed in a manner which we never wanted to see. With ZANU-PF style land seizures now looming large there is surely now no excuse whatsoever for Whites who are able to get out of the country to remain in that decaying land.
But apart from the White farming community there is another section of society which has great reason to fear the ascendancy of Malema and his cronies. The threat to nationalise the mines means that the Randlords are now in the sights of the ANC thieves. Often demonised as the "Oppenheimer Empire" by the more conspiratorial-minded, the big mining-houses gave their tacit support to "majority rule" many years ago. Whether this was because of their personal liberal idealism, or whether they naively believed that a Black ANC government would be more malleable is uncertain. All that is clear is that by backing and financing the sell-out NP and the crypto-socialist PP/PFP/DP rather than the pro-capitalist HNP and CP they made a very, very bad long-term business mistake. But of course world affairs are littered by "what may have beens"!
Alas it must be reported that last month's gathering of the Northern Ireland Branch of the Springbok Club proved a very problematic occasion. We have been asked not to name the trouble-maker who wrecked this get-together, but must emphasise that he was not and never has been a member of the Springbok Club. We think it goes without saying that the Springbok Club is by nature far more orientated towards the Unionist section of the Northern Ireland population, and it was certainly initially believed that the individual in question was a staunch Unionist. In the event, however, he turned out to be a Nationalist with an apparent deep-seated hatred for England, and London in particular (which he constantly dismissed as "finished", without ever explaining what he meant by this curious term!). Even more sickening, however, was his irrational opposition to the 2012 London Olympics - his stated reason being the bizarre and totally unsubstantiated claim that all those involved in organising and constructing the Olympic infrastructure were "foreigners"! When told that in view of his apparent obsession with "foreigners" it would probably be best if he was to move to a foreign country he became animated, and a nasty scene ensued. Those in charge of the Northern Ireland Branch of the Springbok Club must ensure that neither this particular jaundiced individual, nor anyone else who doesn't agree with the basic aims and objectives of the movement, are ever invited to branch functions again.
The Springbok Club will be staging its annual Autumn Braai on Saturday 24th September 2011 .
There will be two rendezvous arrangements, either: 1) assemble by the statue to Robert Stevenson outside Euston Station at approx. 12.00 noon, after which there will be a conducted sight-seeing walk to the venue (for part of the way along the banks of the Regent's Canal), or: 2) rendezvous at the venue itself, "The Constitution", 42 St. Pancras Way, Camden, London NW1 0QT, any time from 13.30 hrs onwards.
All food and braaing facilities will be provided at the venue, and the cost will be approx. £6.00 per head.
The Springbok Club anticipates welcoming a special guest speaker in October, and will be holding a special event to mark UDI Day in November, as well as a Day of the Vow commemoration meeting in December. Further details about all these activities will of course be given in future editions of the SCN.
The Kent Branch of the Springbok Club will be holding a special event in east Kent during October.
It is also hoped that a get-together to re-establish the Hampshire Branch of the Springbok Club will be staged shortly.
Full details about both these events, plus any further branch activity, will be appearing in future editions of the SCN.
The Swinton Circle were very honoured to be able to welcome Mr. Brian Danes as guest speaker last month, for a meeting which proved to be a good success. Mr. Danes, a well-known and highly-respected Conservative activist of many years standing, is currently involved in the establishment of the new "343 Group", a grouping that will look after the interests of those Conservatives who do not currently have a Conservative MP. In his speech Mr. Danes outlined something about the thinking and plans behind this new organisation, and the Swinton Circle pledged its full support for this initiative - indeed the Swinton Circle 's September activity will be to help co-ordinate the official launch of this new grouping.
In October the Swinton Circle will be holding its 2011 AGM, which will take the form of a buffet in the City of London . After the business side of the AGM has been concluded the organisation's current Treasurer, Mr. Robin Willow, will be giving a talk entitled "China Today", in which he will outline some of his personal experiences during his recent professional trips to China .
Donations to the Swinton Circle can now be made via PayPal by accessing the organisation's main web-site at: www.swintoncircle.co.uk. The Swinton Circle also now has a presence on Twitter, on which news about the organisation and policy statements are periodically posted. This can be found on Twitter@SwintonCircle.
We have recently been sent the following video recording by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, which illustrates something about the excellent work which the organisation's Marine Mammal Rescue Team is doing at Cape Cod in Massachusetts in responding to hundreds of calls about dolphins in trouble. It seems Cape Cod 's shallow water and extreme tides can be especially difficult for dolphins to navigate.
As this video shows, rescuers are often faced with treacherous conditions: frigid water, whipping wind, and waist-deep mud. The highly trained team has developed strategies to rescue animals in virtually any situation, and their video can be accessed at :-
Kleinfontein is a community of approximately 1000 members of the Afrikaner people. We have established a settlement on property owned, controlled and managed by its members with a view to promote their identity in a safe and economically viable environment. This settlement was established in accordance with certain clauses in the South African constitution which makes provision for a form of territorial self-determination for people who share the same religious, linguistic and cultural values. The development is structured within a non-profit co-operative, is managed by mainly unpaid volunteers, is financed by its own members and consequently receives no financial assistance from the government. In view of the struggle of our people to retain our right to live in a dignified way, and government actions to impoverish our people legally by barring White persons from meaningful access to economic participation, any form of support, especially financial, will be appreciated. More than seventy White squatter camps (mainly Afrikaners) in our vicinity (Pretoria ) are waging a battle to survive. The funds will be used for community upliftment programmes such as the upgrading of facilities at our home for the aged who need medical support, and our Christian primary school. Further information can be acquired at our website: www.kleinfontein.net
We have recently been sent the following interesting videos from "Wolf" in the Transvaal , showing the "Boerevolk Parade" held at Middelburg on 27th April. Further such parades are evidently being planned by the Volkskansel for Krugersdorp, Marble Hall, Messina and Lichtenburg :-
In the opening appearance of this column in last month's SCN we detailed all the "free" events which parties of Springbok Club supporters were planning to watch during the 2012 London Olympics. Since then it's been pointed out that many Springbok Club supporters from elsewhere around the Western world are likely to be in London for the Olympics. If you are one of those supporters who intends to make the trip then please try to contact us as soon as possible, then we will be able to tell you more details about our specific arrangements for viewing the "free" events which we plan to patronise, as well as organising convivial gatherings in the evenings to welcome you to London.
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana , Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Biltongmakers.Com has, for over 10 years, put a smile on many a South African face. No longer do they have to pay exorbitant prices for biltong that in most cases is not even to their liking!
Now you can make your own Biltong at a fraction of the price you pay right now and .... you can make it the way YOU like it!
Please visit www.biltongmakers.com and see all they have available.
You will never be without some REAL South African Biltong again!
FLAGS etc.
The Springbok Club/ELC now retails Union Flag lapel badges and key-rings, price £2.00 each (plus 20% p&p).
Payments should be made to "The Springbok Club" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, UK., or via PayPal on the Springbok Club's web-site at www.springbokclub.org.uk.
Copies of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (editions 30 to 36) are still available price R5.00 or 50p each, as well as batches of 50 copies (including copies of the original S.A.Patriot) price R80.00 or £8.00 (plus 20% for p&p.)
Payments should be made to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: BCM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX , UK .
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format and will soon be available on Amazon in print form.
Details the disasters of Mugabe's Zimbabwe , and illustrates the similarities between Mugabe's rule and that of Mandela/Mbeki in South Africa . It can be ordered on-line at: www.AfricanCrisis.org
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa , e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.154 : Mnr. NIC SLABBER of East London .
Nic Slabber was a leading member of the patriotic movement in East London during the 1980s, and a strong supporter of S.A.Patriot magazine. A friendly and charismatic figure, he managed to persuade several other supporters in the Border region to sponsor the purchase and maintenance of a high-quality photocopying machine, which he then used to produce large volumes of quality bulletins supporting local patriotic candidates and campaigns in the Border area. What has become of him now we wonder?
The Carnivore Research Institute of the Chipangali Wildlife Trust and Orphanage does a superb job under very difficult circumstances in Zimbabwe by protecting the wildlife of the area, particularly the big cats. Their all-encompassing web-site can be accessed at :-
What is often forgotten by the West is when heart transplants are mentioned or discussed, that Dr Christiaan Barnard was the pioneer and Louis Waskanski was his patient. America likes to take the credit for this one. My wife's son was one of his patients and I was a keen reader of the local papers during this period
Yours etc.,
MHGE, Sussex , U.K.
Cecil John Rhodes was a great visionary for our cause. He wanted to rid Africa of all the "useless eaters" and then claim its riches for Great Britain . This man has more than fifty biographies written about him, two countries were named after him as well as a university in South Africa . Beneficiaries of his Scholarship trust were amongst others, Bill Clinton, writer Alain Locke, singer/actor Kris Kristofferson, diplomat Strobe Talbott (Yugoslavia peace negotiator 1999) and many others. This scholarship allows them to study for two years at Oxford University . A great monument was erected to Rhodes at the foot of Table Mountain in Cape Town . So why did he not succeed? See Rhodes ran into some good Christian Whites called Afrikaners up north, who did not understand or agree with his vision. These Afrikaner farmers called "Boers" halted his visionary plans in the most expensive war Britain has ever fought and they would never be forgiven for it. Imagine if Rhodes befriended the Boers and shared his vision with them. Blacks would have only existed in history books today. Africa from Cape to Cairo would have been White.
Yours etc.,
Bill Pride , Montana , U.S.A.
I know that there is not one left of centre journalist, newspaper, talk-radio or TV programme in the West that will give you an opportunity to give a (not necessarily conservative) balanced view of the tragic events happening in South Africa. I would like you to look at this video by this Black preacher in the USA and listen to it in its entirety, comment if you wish :-
Yours etc.,
Ralph Labuschagne , Alberta , Canada .
It was very interesting to see mention of Reg Sweet's two daughters - Pam and Pippa - in your obituary to him in last month's SCN. I knew both Pam and Pippa well through first the National Forum and then the White Rhino Club. Pam had been married four times (twice to the same man!), but when I knew her she was married to a certain Alan Richards, who turned out to be a rather controversial character. Richards was a fantastically wealthy man (rumoured to be a Dollar Millionaire), but the source of his wealth was unknown and he only seemed to operate from a one-man office in Durban's CBD - but significantly he never donated anything substantial to White Rhino Club funds.
Almost immediately that the White Rhino Club was founded in 1980 we became aware there was clearly a spy within our ranks, as detailed information about the formation appeared in the local press. Ian Long had a contact in the SAP special branch who was sympathetic to our aims, and he evidently informed Ian that the spy was Alan Richards. When he heard this Richards threatened to sue Ian's contact, but in the end nothing ever happened. The White Rhino Club of course collapsed less than 18 months after its formation because of serious personality clashes and policy disagreements, and I think it is fair to say that Richards was heavily involved in these.
Nothing further was heard about Richards for several years, until the press reported that "prominent local businessman" Alan Richards had spoken at a meeting of Brendan Willmer's factional "Civic Action League". Willmer, who died of AIDS in 1999, was of course an overt homosexual and an exposed asset of the NP government. Undoubtedly the information provided by Ian Long's contact was therefore correct.
Yours etc.,
"White Rhino", Durban , South Africa .
Gen. Magnus Malan, who died last month, was the one person who could possibly - just maybe - have saved South Africa .
A skilled and distinguished soldier, like all good generals he realised that the availability of logistics was even more important than tactics on the battlefield in order to achieve military success. For this reason he gave great emphasis to the establishment and expansion of Armscor, and through it ensured that South Africa became a military superpower. Under his leadership the SADF crushed the Soviet-backed Cuban forces in Angola , and came within a whisker of taking Luanda - only withdrawing following demands from he Democratic-controlled Congress in the United States and weakness displayed by the South African NP government. Once forced back behind the SWA/Angolan border by political masters, Malan's SADF soon established complete supremacy over the SWAPO terrorists in SWA, so that the ANC terrorists in South Africa itself stood no chance of causing more than the occasional disruption.
In spite of all Malan's brilliance in military strategy, he alas lacked even the most elementary political acumen. He attached himself to sell-out South African State President P.W.Botha like a leech, supporting him in surrender after surrender and sell-out after sell-out - even becoming an NP MP after his retirement from the military, and taking over the Defence portfolio from Botha himself.
It was whilst in this position that he was evidently encouraged by former military colleagues to organise an internal coup to depose the sell-out Botha, but alas, in spite of all his military bravery, he seemed to lack the political courage for such an act of daring. Had he done so then he would undoubtedly have enjoyed the support of not only the parties of the Right, but also significant sections of NP grassroots membership, and also that of ex-Servicemen from all parties (and of all races) who had admired and respected his leadership of the SADF. Had he done so then, with Soviet-backed forces already soundly defeated in Angola and SWAPO on the run in SWA, and with closet sympathetic support from both the US and UK administrations of the time, there is no reason to believe that civilised rule in South Africa could not only have been preserved, but would also have prospered.
As it was Malan's failure to act resulted in dire consequences not only for his country, but also for Malan himself. Following the handover of power to the ANC regime Malan was hauled in front of their tame courts for alleged "war crimes" because of his effective military command during the Total Onslaught against the terrorist threat to the country. Although he was never found guilty of any of the trumped-up charges levelled against him his continuous harassment by the courts undoubtedly had a catastrophic effect upon his health, thus resulting in his premature death.
Malan's failure to act to save his country when he was in a unique position to provide leadership will always remain a complete mystery - and also an absolute tragedy.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!