Monday, 24 February 2014

February 2014 Edition.


February 2014 edition

It was widely rumoured, and indeed greatly expected, that the death and/or funeral of the ANC terrorist leader “Nelson” Mandela would be the signal for a mass pogrom of Whites in South Africa. The terrorist Mandela died at the end of last year, yet this sadistic apparent wish of his did not come to fruition as he had evidently planned. Why was this we wonder?

It was widely acknowledged in the international media that the wretched Mandela actually died several months prior to when his death was officially announced. The reason for this delay in confirming his death has been the subject of much speculation, with no uniformity of explanation being agreed upon. We believe that these two puzzles are connected however.

Apart from his corruption, lunatic assertion that taking showers can prevent AIDS, and the fact that like Mandela he was a convicted terrorist, it should also be remembered that Jacob Zuma, the current president of the “new” South Africa, is a Zulu - unlike most in the Xhosa-dominated ANC hierarchy. The Zulus have always been seen as a far more martial race than any other Black ethnic groups in southern Africa – and as a consequence have been far more authoritarian in the exercise of power. There has furthermore been a long tradition of respect by Zulus for the White man – provided, that is, that the White man has displayed strength. Could it be that the realities of power have made Zuma and his administration realize that a continued White presence was essential for the survival of their “new” South Africa, and as a result that the planned pogrom of Whites had to be prevented? Could it also be that Zuma’s authoritarian nature ensured that all instruments of state power were mobilized to prevent such a pogrom, and that the death of Mandela was therefore not announced until after such preventive measures had been put in place? If so then Zuma has proved to be an unlikely hero who has stymied Mandela’s bloodthirsty wish.

But the entire history of Black Africa shows that the most ruthless and bloodthirsty leader always rises to the top. How else did Mandela ever gain leadership of the ANC? Already Mandela’s ideological successor, Julius Malema, is flexing his muscles, being the most vocal and vitriolic critic of Zuma – indeed it was probably Malema more than anyone else who was orchestrating plans to fulfill his hero Mandela’s dream of a mass pogrom of Whites which Zuma’s administration eventually managed to prevent. Zuma himself is ruthless of course, as his ANC terrorist background confirms, and it wouldn’t surprise us in the least if he manages to eliminate his rival for power Malema in the near future. Malema does not stand alone however, as he has the weight of the ANC Youth League (now apparently operating under the title of the “Economic Freedom Fighters”) behind him, as well as the backing of Mandela’s second wife, “tyres and matches” Winnie. Even if Zuma is able to eliminate Malema another, perhaps even more ruthless, disciple of Mandela will undoubtedly rise to the surface from within these ranks, similarly hell-bent upon killing all Whites.

The Whites of South Africa may have obtained a stay of execution by Zuma’s unexpected moderation once in power, but the threat definitely hasn’t gone away. Our advice to all Whites still trapped in the “new” South Africa still remains the same therefore. Get out as soon as you can and by whatever means you can.



The Springbok Club staged its 2014 AGM at the end of January, which proved to be a most encouraging and successful event with a healthy turnout. Following reports from both the Organiser and the Treasurer for 2013, the current Executive Committee were then re-elected en bloc for 2014. A general discussion then took place concerning activities and ideas for growth during 2014, with a number of interesting suggestions decided upon. After the conclusion of the business side of affairs Mr. Dennis Delderfield outlined the spectacular itinerary of events being planned by New Britain for 2014, and it was observed that New Britain’s commitment to strengthening links with the Commonwealth realms (particularly Australia, New Zealand and Canada) dovetailed very well with the Springbok Club’s own ideals of remembering and working towards the restoration of civilised rule in southern Africa. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Cliff Moore gave a highly informative and enlightening talk about his own experiences and memories of Rhodesia.

Earlier during the month a contingent of Springbok Club members attended the Saracens v. Natal Sharks friendly rugby match at Allianz Park. This proved to be a most enjoyable event, with Saracens winning by 23 points to 15, and a large number of new supporters being contacted as a result (several of whom we now welcome to the SCN circulation list!). Alas there were also many idiots at this match who chose to carry the hated ANC flag (and even a couple of scumbags who were waving the terrorist ZANU-PF Zimbabwe flag!), so quite obviously the Springbok Club still has a lot of educating to do! Against this it was of course most reassuring to see a number of real South African flags in the crowd – and perhaps even encouraging was the fact that the De la Rey Song was played in the main bar after the match! Officials at Saracens RFC therefore deserve full congratulations upon organising such an exhilarating occasion.



The Kent Branch of the Springbok Club will be organizing a trip to Rochester on Saturday 15th March, at which a visit will be made to the historic Rochester Guildhall which houses many exhibits and artifacts relating to Royal Navy history. Rochester, of course, was the location of the signing of the “Rochester Declaration” in 1994, when supporters of the embryo Springbok Club pledged their determination to work towards the re-establishment of civilized White control of the African continent. All members and supporters of the Springbok Club will be welcome to attend this activity of course, and more precise details about rendezvous time and location will be included in next month’s SCN.

The London Branch of the Springbok Club is planning trips to a special exhibition at the Imperial War Museum and to a London brewery later during the year.



The Swinton Circle has already given its active support to the first three events of New Britain’s splendid itinerary of patriotic activities for 2014, namely their Australia Day celebrations in January and their Goldsmith Lecture and New Zealand Day celebrations in early February, and aim to continue giving support to New Britain events during the rest of the year. More precise details are of course given in the New Britain News column.

Unfortunately, however, one Swinton Circle supporter expressed disappointment that more events weren’t being staged by the Swinton Circle itself at the Goldsmith Lecture. It should be emphasized therefore that the Swinton Circle will be holding a meeting to be addressed by a leading official of a prominent EuroSceptic pressure group towards the end of March. More precise details about this event will be given in the March edition of the SCN.


With the culmination of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games the Swinton Circle will be embarking upon a campaign advocating the inauguration of regular Winter Commonwealth Games. Letters shortly to be sent to various sporting authorities and media outlets will read as follows :-

Dear Sirs,

Just as the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games did, this year’s Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi captivated the attention of the entire nation. Furthermore in a few months time the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow will undoubtedly generate similar massive enthusiasm. Is it not time for a regular cycle of Winter Commonwealth Games also to be established we therefore wonder?

It could be argued that not sufficient Commonwealth countries participate in Winter Sports, but it should be remembered in this regard that the various component parts of the United Kingdom have traditionally compete separately at Commonwealth Games, and that calls have been made for the Australian states to compete separately also. Perhaps the various Canadian provinces could therefore compete individually in these proposed Winter Commonwealth Games.

Yours sincerely,

The Swinton Circle


Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-



New Britain’s exciting itinerary of 2014 events started in January with their annual Australia Day celebrations. Unfortunately the inclement weather meant that this year’s events had to be curtailed somewhat, but even so the wreath-laying ceremony at the statuette of Admiral Arthur Phillip went ahead as planned, with an Australian-themed reception being held afterwards.

This year’s Goldsmith Lecture held in early February proved a great success. This year’s speech was given by Zac Goldsmith MP, the Conservative MP for Richmond Park and the son of the great EuroSceptic activist Sir James Goldsmith, after whom these annual lectures are named. In a wide-ranging and inspiring address Mr. Goldsmith showed that he was continuing with the vital mission embraced by his father, and was also campaigning for more democratic accountability in Parliament.

A few days after the Goldsmith Lecture New Britain staged their annual New Zealand Day celebrations, which consisted of the laying of a wreath at the statue of Captain James Cook in The Mall, followed by a New Zealand-themed reception in the City of London.

New Britain will be staging four events during March, the details of which are as follows :-

1) On Monday 3rd March St.David’s Day will be celebrated, which will consist of a wreath-laying ceremony at the Welsh National War Memorial in Cardiff, to be followed by a reception.

2) On Saturday 8th March a big “Keep the United Kingdom United” Rally will be held at St.Sepulchre’s Church, Holborn, in the City of London. This will feature professional singers from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as musical performances on both harp and bagpipes. There will be a minimal admission charge of only £5.00 for this event.

3) On Monday 10th March New Britain will be supporting the annual Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey, commencing at 15.00 hrs. H.M. The Queen will be attending this event, and New Britain has obtained a limited number of free tickets.

4) On Monday 17th March New Britain will be holding a reception on the City of London in order to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day.

For more precise details about all these events please ‘phone New Britain on: 02072472524.



We have recently received the following report from the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force which follows-up their disturbing report which we included in January’s SCN . It reads as follows :-


“Further to our last report, the number of elephants poisoned by cyanide in Hwange National Park continues to rise daily. Around 100 carcasses have now been found. 3 of the 8 poachers have been sentenced.

“Robert Maphosa (42) has been sentenced to 15 years in prison with labour.
Thabani Zondo (24) was also sentenced to 15 years and was also asked to pay US$600,000 to National Parks by December this year.
Deanie Tsuma (25) was sentenced to 15 years and asked to pay US$200,000 to National Parks by December this year.

“National Parks and Wildlife Authority believe these sentences will be a deterrent to would be poachers.

“The most frightening part of this is that although all the water holes have not yet been tested for cyanide, we do know that at least 2 are contaminated. This means that any animal that drinks from these water holes will die and any carnivores that feed on the carcasses will also die. We are expecting the death toll to keep rising and we will keep everyone informed as we receive the information.


“We have received a report that a rabid hyena in Buhera has bitten 5 people who are now being treated for rabies. The game fences have all been removed and the plains game are escaping. Thus, the carnivores are having trouble finding food and appear to now be attacking humans. Apparently, the local people have now laid poison down to try and kill the rabid animals. This is a big concern because children and domestic animals are also at risk of being poisoned.”



Mark Taylor has recently sent us the following review of the play “Black Jesus” :-

“The new play ‘Black Jesus’ ran at the Finborough Theatre in Earls Court until October 26 of last year, but the script published by Bloomsbury is still available.

“The play is set in 2015, when Zimbabwe has set up a South Africa-style Truth and Justice commission dealing with the atrocities under Mugabe. Idealistic investigator Eunice Ncube is questioning barbaric killer Gabriel Chibamu, known as ‘Black Jesus’ because he'd decided who'd live and die. He's still unrepentant and defiant, but bitter that the top men who gave the orders aren't in jail like him. Eunice is acting under White Zimbabwean Rob Palmer, married to a Black South African and kicked upstairs to be replaced by Government minister Endurance Moyo, an old friend of Eunice's father with doubts about the whole commission, partly for personal reasons. Shall we say that he, Eunice and Chibamu all have skeletons in their closets?

“The play was well acted and seemed relevant and realistic. As it's unlikely that readers will get the chance to see it, the script is well worth reading.”



It was very interesting to see that Tommaso (Tommy) Allan has been playing at fly-half for Italy during the current 6-Nations tournament. Tommaso Allan is the son of William (Billy) Allan and the nephew of John Allan, who played as hooker at international level for both Scotland and South Africa. John and Billy Allan were furthermore both keen members of the Rangers FC Supporters Association Durban Branch (RFCSADB) during the 1980’s, both playing for the branch’s team which competed in the Natal Sunday Soccer League (John played in goal on Sundays after playing hooker for Natal the previous day – something which the Natal RFU were evidently not aware of!). Their father was Ricky Allan, a stalwart of the RFCSADB’s social side, who was also – not surprisingly for a Rangers supporter – a staunch Loyalist. A fantastic man therefore is Ricky Allan, being the father of a Scottish and South African international and the grandfather of an Italian international – and he a firm British Loyalist who lived much of his life in Natal, “The Last Outpost of the British Empire”! Although we would of course have preferred to see Tommaso playing for Scotland rather than Italy, we still naturally wish him well.



The 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games were of course a tough act to follow, with all the efficiency, excitement and national glory which London 2012 produced, but the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi have certainly run them a very close race! In one aspect moreover, namely the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Sochi undoubtedly put on a far better show than the rather facile efforts produced by London. The Russians certainly proved that 25 years after the collapse of repressive Communist rule the strengths of the capitalist free-market system have been fully embraced to the benefit of all their people, and as a result Russia is now a fully integrated part of the West. In one respect the Russian government is undoubtedly even more advanced than most other Western governments, namely its abhorrence of sexual perversions, where its attitude is undoubtedly more in tune with the majority of people in the West rather than their governments. In this respect it was interesting to note that in spite of all the pre-Games bluster by pervert organizations there were no noticeable boycotts, and no meaningful protest demonstrations!

One other aspect of the 2014 Winter Games also struck us however. In spite of 88 countries from around he globe competing, one once significant nation was not able to send any competitors – namely the Republic of South Africa. Although such countries as Togoland, Monaco and the Cayman Islands were able to send participants, the “new” South Africa was notable by its absence. Surely nothing further needs to be said about how far the country has fallen under ANC mis-rule!



In the November 2013 edition of the SCN we commented about how former Swinton Circle Executive Committee member James Lockwood had appeared on the highly-respected BBC TV quiz programme Mastermind, and had made an extremely creditable performance thereon. Alas, in spite of sending congratulatory messages to James both by e-mail and through the post we worryingly have received no response from him. It would appear therefore that he has changed address and contact details within the past couple of years. Does anyone know how he can now be contacted we therefore wonder?

In a subsequent edition of Mastermind a competitor answered questions on the History of Rhodesia from 1965 to 1979 as his specialist subject, and again finished as runner-up in his heat, thereby having a good chance of advancing further. This competitor’s name was Andries van Tonder, and we would very much like to make contact with him if possible. Again if anybody could help with contact details we’d be extremely grateful.



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Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.

Please use the search request form at :-



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The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.

This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site:


"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne

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Available from:



Crest Publishing retails books by Glenn MacAskill (ex-BSAP Special Branch) entitled "King's Gold", "Crime Lords", "Kill Victoria!", "Hunt the Assassin" and "MacKinnon's Diamond", and by the late Michael Bowery including "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" "Kill the President", "Al Qaeda Armageddon" and his autobiography "Shred when Read", as well as novels by David Ruppert entitled "The Seven Watchmen" and "The Greater Glory" - all of which will be of great interest to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians.

For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail:, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!


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No.183 : Mr. SAMMY GOODFELLOW of Durban

Sammy Goodfellow, who hailed originally from Glasgow, was a keen and loyal member of the Rangers F.C. Supporters Association Durban Branch (RFCSADB) during the 1980s. A stocky and friendly character, he constantly seemed to have a smile on his face. We believe that he returned to the UK in the early 1990s however, but it would be nice to know where he is now, if anyone can help.



The Springbok Club has recently established a new FaceBook discussion group entitled “The Truth about the New South Africa”, whereon group members can post news stories and comment upon the real conditions prevailing in South Africa today. It can be accessed at :-





After a few years of independence under Kwame Nkrumah Ghanaians were asking the British to come back. Nkrumah wrecked his country's economy with Marxism and megalomania, basically differed from Hitler and Mussolini solely in his failure to make the trains or anything else run on time, and was of course one of the darlings of the British progressive Left whose concern for civil liberties seemed to come to an end when the oppressors were Black rather than White Africans.

Yours etc.,

M. Taylor, London, U.K..




Our labour laws are such, that employing anyone (Blacks especially) is just not a good idea – we might as well be living in a communist state. It’s worrying because costs are rising and our govermoont keeps inventing new taxes – to pay for their luxuries.

The political scene is somewhat like it was when the ANC was doing their best to make the country ungovernable. Now it’s the ANCYL (the youth league) against the ANC (or at least against Zuma).
The result is that corruption is rife, murder rate rising, violent crime etc, etc. It has been a gradual process, so most do not realise how much living standards have declined. But if one takes a proper and honest assessment of the situation, the lowering of standards is clearly apparent. Filth in the streets, water quality and availability (despite high prices) is dubious, constant electricity failures (and so called load shedding). Apparently 70% of electricity generated is not paid for (the same goes for water).

State hospitals are best avoided, schooling standards have been lowered so that the dumbest are promoted. My daughter’s son went to St Henrys (catholic school nearby) for a short while.
She told me that the big fat Black mamas rolled up with their kids in the morning in their million Rand plus Mercs and BMW s – but these parents paid not a cent for the education of their kids - why? They are classed as “previously disadvantaged”.

Prangs (and I mean those that wipe out 20 or more at a time) are frequent. If you bribe the official in question all sorts are possible – like a passport, an ID card, a driving licence (not just for a car but even a 30 ton semi), a road worthy certificate for your totally stuffed car with no brakes, a university degree – the list go on.

Police are corrupt from the top down. It is said that the army is 70% infected with AIDS. Of the frigates and submariness that costs billions hardly one is operable. Fighter planes are flown full tilt into the side of a mountain by under trained (untrainable?) pilots. Our head of state sets the example, so who is surprised?

I guess I should not complain – I and many others knew what would happen when we yielded to Black rule. Some liberals of course bought the idea that we would all live in paradise with no racial friction – what a joke - anti-White sentiment is promoted ceaselessly by politicians and bureaucrats. In business (if you are White and have Black employees) then you are constantly harassed by upstart and arrogant bureaucrats. For example if one of your employees has a headache and asks for an aspirin you are likely to be charged by the CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration) for improper issuing of drugs.

Otherwise it’s still old Sunny South Africa (its raining at the moment) – but then we need the rain for our new garden! (Jacob Zuma hasn’t taxed the rain – not yet anyway). He has a wonderful new “residential complex” – cost us tax payers around a quarter billion.

Yours etc.,

I. Long, Durban, Natal


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!

See you again next month!