Tuesday, 14 January 2020

January 2020 Edition.


January 2020 edition

The result of last month’s British General Election of course brought us great joy and excitement. It not only meant that Brexit can now proceed speedily and unhindered, but it also meant that the failed ideology of socialism, which surprisingly re-surfaced under Corbyn’s ascendancy in the Labour Party, had been overwhelmingly rejected by the British people, hopefully never to arise again.

There were however two most worrying aspects which emerged from the General Election, namely the results in both Scotland and Northern Ireland. Although the SNP did not “sweep he board” in Scotland as many commentators inaccurately claimed (they won only 48 of Scotland’s 59 seats), their increase of support from the 2017 General Election when they appeared to be on the wane, was a source of great concern. The SNP’s percentage of the vote was only 45% however, meaning that the combined pro-Unionist vote stood at 55% - in other words the Unionist/Nationalist split in Scotland was almost exactly the same as it was at the 2014 Referendum. In Northern Ireland the result was even more worrying however, as the decline in support for the DUP, caused in large-part because of their “absolutist” attitude towards the Government’s Brexit proposals we believe, has meant that Nationalist parties now hold more seats than Unionist parties, with Sinn Féin/IRA candidates even gaining a seat. A close examination of the voting figures shows that the percentage of votes for the pro-Unionist parties (DUP, UUP and TUV) hasn’t declined all that much, and when it has then it has gone mainly to the wishy-washy appeasing Alliance Party. Quite clearly therefore greater Unionist co-operation is vital in the future, and the Alliance Party must be shown to be the dangerous irrelevancy which they actually are. A subsequent development of great concern has been apparently increasing liaison between the SNP and SF/IRA, in spite of the latter’s clear connections to terrorism. It must therefore be a primary priority of the strengthened Conservative Government to counteract support for these two poisonous parties, and in the long-run to arrange for the abolition of both the Holyrood and Stormont quangos (the latter certainly in its present “power-sharing” form).

But there are many other important matters which the rejuvenated Government of Boris Johnson must address as a matter of urgency as well as taking steps to strengthen the Union. Immigration by those not of British ethnic origin must be halted and steps must be taken to repatriate those already here. Closer links with the core Commonwealth and the United States must be pursued in the post-Brexit environment, and Defence spending must be greatly increased. Environmental safeguards and animal welfare must also be given high priority. Perhaps most importantly, however, the insidious influence of Leftist forces within the media must be tackled, and “political correctness” in general has to be eliminated from national life – and this means that the token non-Whites within the Government must be removed.

The British General Election result hasn’t been the only dramatic development since last month’s SCN was published however. The elimination of the Iranian terrorist commander Qassem Soleimani by US forces has been another event of great significance which can only engender great encouragement and satisfaction around the Western world. In the November 2019 Edition of the SCN we were highly critical of President Trump for withdrawing US troops from Syria and thus causing greater instability in the Middle East which could only result in even more unwanted Asian immigration into Europe. His action in ordering the removal of Qassem Soleimani – which was accompanied by a return of US forces stationed in the area – has more than made up for his earlier mistake however. Just as we were critical of President Trump in November, so now we salute his latest actions.



Alas it must be reported that in spite of great efforts throughout the year the Springbok Club was unable to organise any “Raising of the Flag” ceremony during 2019. This means that we failed to fulfill our promise to Peter Sladden that we would ensure the continuation of this ceremony for posterity, which we made to him before his death in 2017 – though it does mean that we are more determined than ever to ensure that the ceremony is resumed from 2020 onwards! We do now have a potential new venue lined-up for 2020, but in case this does not prove feasible we ask all supporters and readers if they could possibly assist us with finding a new venue? The most important attribute is of course that the venue must have a fixed flag-pole, but ideally it should also have good indoor and outdoor facilities for catering with a fairly large crowd. Any financial assistance which could be given would also be most useful.


The Springbok Club’s 2020 Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 in central London, commencing at 19.00 hrs.

All fully paid-up members of the Springbok Club are entitled to participate at this meeting, though only Honorary, Life and Full members will be allowed to vote or to stand for office. Associate members will however be allowed to attend and to participate in discussions.

The agenda will be as follows :-

1) Organiser’s report for 2019.

2) Treasurer’s report for 2019.

3) Election of officers to the Executive Committee and other appointments for 2020.

4) Motions for debate (if any).

5) Any other business.

All nominations for office and motions for debate must be proposed and seconded by Honorary, Life or fully paid-up Full members, and must be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the current Executive Committee at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Following the business side of proceedings (which should conclude at approximately 20.00 hrs.) there will be a special PowerPoint presentation given by Mr. Gary Vincent in order to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the 1820 Settlers. This presentation will include details about how the Settlers were selected, descriptions of the Settler ships Chapman and Nautilus, and the role played in the colonisation of the Eastern Cape by Sir Rafate Donkin – after whose wife Port Elizabeth was named. [Any supporter who is not a member of the Springbok Club but who would like to attend this section of the meeting should e-mail springbk@netcomuk.co.uk in order to be informed of the precise details.]


An itinerary of Springbok Club events for 2020 will be decided upon at the AGM, but provisionally they will include a museum trip in February, a celebration of van Riebeeck Day with a special South African guest speaker in April, and hopefully the “Raising of the Flag” ceremony in September.



The Patriotic Forum was most honoured to welcome Major John Browne, the former Conservative MP for Winchester, as their guest speaker last month. Unfortunately a combination of the fact that this meeting had to be held on the same day as the General Election and the inclement weather that day meant that the turnout for this event was disappointingly low, but those who did attend certainly had a treat, as Major Browne gave a most captivating speech. In his talk he not only recalled his experiences in Parliament under the premiership of Margaret Thatcher (most particularly during the time of the Falklands War) but also gave his optimistic views about Britain’s future outside the EU, especially regarding the opportunities which this presented for closer UK/US relations and co-operation.


All donations and membership fees to the Patriotic Forum should be made payable to "Patriotic Press" and sent to: Patriotic Press, BM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, U.K. Membership rates currently stand at: £12.00 per annum for Annual Membership and £200.00 for Life Membership. Our bank account details in order to make direct bank transfer payments are available upon request.


The Patriotic Forum will be holding a special meeting in order to celebrate New Zealand Day in February 2020, but rather than celebrating Australia Day as is traditionally done in 2020 the Patriotic Forum will instead hold a special Australia-themed event in April 2020 in order to commemorate the 250th Anniversary of Captain James Cook’s landing at Botany Bay. Further details about both these activities will be given in future editions of the SCN.



We have recently received the following message from the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary :-

“Dear SanWild friends,

“My apologies for being so quiet. Things have been hectic and seeing that we are only a handful of people at SanWild, the workload has been a lot.

“We might have some very exciting news coming along soon, but for now please hold thumbs and send prayers our way! This will secure the future of SanWild and many more animal rescues where animals will find their forever home. All will be revealed in due course.

“As always, I really do not like asking for donations but I am going to admit SanWild is in heavy financial strain at the moment and we would appreciate any help, no donation will be too small. Donations will be allocated to our daily running costs from animal feed to diesel for the pumps to the maintenance of the security fences.

“On Saturday poachers breached our fences (first time in a year) and tried to poison our lions. It seems they only got to one of our lions but with the quick response of the team on the ground a vet could pull her through, so she is fine and not harmed.

“Some more uplifting news is that Mala that came all the way from AERU - African Elephant Research Unit is doing very well and Rebecca and Mala have become inseparable and you can see the love on both faces!

“At SanWild we even cater for the smaller gritters, so meet some new squirrel friends.

“I am really hoping to inform you all of amazing news with the next mail-out. In the interim, we would really appreciate your help, and please remember no donation is too small. Every donation helps.

“Lots of love to everyone, and thank you to everyone who has not given up on SanWild.

“Lizel - Trustee and daughter of the Late Louise Joubert.

“Website: www.sanwild.org
”E-mail: lizel@sanwild.org
”Reservations Office Cell: +27 834594913
”Animal Rescues 24 hours: +27 833103882”



All decent people must surely have been totally sickened by the recent documentary screened by BT Sport entitled "Stop the Tour". This was an account of the extreme left-wing disruptions of the 1969/70 Springbok Rugby Tour to the British Isles and the planned 1970 Springbok Cricket Tour of the UK. The long-term aim of the sinister forces behind these disruptions was not only to prevent friendly sporting contacts between the British and South African people, but rather to overthrow the civilised structure of South African society and to replace it by a terrorist regime. The tactics used by the disrupters themselves could furthermore only be described as quasi-terrorism, featuring as they did the sprinkling of tin-tacks on sports fields, the hi-jacking of a team bus and threats to use firearms to shoot off bails at Cricket matches. Although this programme didn't openly support terrorism, it was however sympathetic towards those who employed these quasi-terrorist tactics, and should therefore be condemned out of hand. Most sickening of all was an interview with a certain Peter Hain, the creature who organised the entire anti-South African subversion. The word "evil" is perhaps often over-used, but there seems to be no other word than "evil" which accurately describes Hain and his aims. He is an individual with apparently no redeeming features whatsoever, and for BT Sport to provide him with a platform to try to justify his violent actions is surely inexcusable. We therefore call upon everyone to protest to BT Sport about the production and screening of this highly offensive documentary. BT Sport should furthermore be severely criticised for hardly mentioning all of the pro-South African counter-demonstrations at the time. Those who took part in these counter-demonstrations can testify that they were far larger in support than the numbers of Hain's disgusting thugs - though alas, as they were peaceful and pro-democratic, they did not receive nearly as much publicity.



Caroline Farrow, the Campaigns Director for the UK and RoI for the CitizenGO pro-morality organisation, is currently facing a criminal prosecution and possible imprisonment as a result of a vicious and vindictive hate campaign being waged against her by pro-perversion activists. A report about her plight which we have received from the CitizenGO organisation reads as follows :-

“Caroline earned the hatred of the transgender lobbies in March of last year when she faced investigation by her local police force after describing the sex-reassignment surgery performed on a 16-year-old boy as ‘castration, mutilation, and child abuse.’

“Caroline was criticizing the decision of Susie Green, the leader of a radical UK transgender lobby group, to have this foolish surgery performed on her son on his sixteenth birthday. Mrs. Green had planned to take her son to Thailand because the surgery was illegal in the UK but, as a result of the publicity, Thai authorities were so shocked that they then banned the procedure for children under 18.

“That was the first time Caroline was dragged into court.

“Even though the police decided to drop the charges against Caroline, another aggressive transgender lobbyist, Stephanie Hayden, decided to target her and directed a campaign of abuse at her across several social media platforms.

“Caroline began to receive a huge volume of aggressive statements across many platforms. Countless blogs were written about her containing violent and sexual threats, which also threatened her family and young children.

“Many of the comments were openly violent, and most were obscene and vulgar.

“But the revenge campaign did not end there.

“Caroline’s family began to receive offline harassment, such as unordered food deliveries coming to her house as many as eight times a day, and online confirmations for goods she hadn’t ordered. Of course, businesses wanted Caroline to pay for it all.

“Then her husband was anonymously reported for "abuse" of their five lovely children. Police and bureaucrats came to the home demanding to interview the young children -- a nightmare for any parent, though it was quickly determined there was no harm being done.

“The activists got hold of her family’s phone numbers and email addresses and caused havoc in their lives, including hints of harm to the children.

Terrified they might carry out their threats, Caroline stood up to her bullies on social media and pleaded with them once again to leave her alone.

“The transgender activist, Stephanie Hayden, then arrived at her house to serve a lawsuit on Caroline for alleged harassment in an attempt to use the legal system to bully her.

“Two days later, after having had little time to find lawyers and prepare a defense, the judge decided to believe Stephanie Hayden, who expressed concern that Caroline had mis-gendered him, which he called offensive. The judge banned Caroline from mentioning this transgender again.

“But lies are part of the enemy’s weapons.

“Stephanie Hayden is suing Caroline for as much as £100,000 and is attempting to set a precedent in case law to make mis-gendering illegal.

“Not content with attempting to financially ruin Caroline’s family, Stephanie Hayden is also attempting to have our Director put in prison, falsely claiming that she has broken the terms of the injunction and is in contempt of court over an innocent joke Caroline made about a pork pie!

“Our brave campaigner, Caroline Farrow, should not suffer this harassment and persecution just because she told the truth.

“But the reality is, she is now facing staggering legal fees just to defend herself from these vicious attacks.”

To help Caroline and/or to express your solidarity with her visit the CitizenGO web-site at: http://www.citizengo.org/en/contact



The current BBC1 serial “The Trial of Christine Keeler” is a most interesting and entertaining drama reminding everyone about the notorious Profumo Scandal of the 1960s, and revealing many hitherto little known aspects about the saga. The serial is however of particular interest for the manner in which it accurately conveyed the commonly held social attitudes towards Negro immigrants at the time. In an early episode a lady passer-by openly shouts out “disgusting” at the whore Christine Keeler when she sees her consorting with a Negro, and characters portraying both a policeman and Keeler’s own mother use forthright terms to express their opposition to the immigrants who they regarded as having invaded their country. Although such attitudes were both natural and widespread at the time, the advent of various pieces of anti-free speech “race relations” legislation by the Wilson Labour Government of the late-1960s meant that people were increasingly cowed into silence rather than being prepared to express their true opinions overtly. Intimidation by the “race relations Gestapo” remained high throughout the 1970s, 80s and the “politically correct” 1990s of course, but increasingly since the turn of the Millennium their dominance seems to be on the wane. This refusal to be intimidated any longer has been clearly shown by escalating vocal opposition to foreign players competing in Soccer matches, fearless criticism of Prince Harry’s unsuitable wife because of her ethnic origins – and of course by this current realistic dialogue in TV dramas.



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.

Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-






Springers Biltong offers a marvellous range of biltong, boerewors and drywors – all of the very highest quality, reasonably priced, and fully registered and licensed with their local authority Their web-site can be accessed at :-




“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.

Trish also writes romantic suspense and romantic comedy fiction. www.trishjaxon.com



The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts.

For more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.



No.254 - Mr. JOE VERMAAK of Durban

Joe Vermaak came from an Afrikaner platteland community, but moved to Durban in order to advance his career. He was a highly skilled computer programmer, and worked for Unilever during the late 1970s. He lived at an Afrikaner hostel whilst staying in Durban, and eagerly joined in their many social activities. He was a quiet man, though with a somewhat impish and self-effacing sense of humour, and was also very much of a ladies’ man – though in the best sense of this term! It would be very interesting to learn where he is now.



A supporter has recently informed us about an excellent YouTube video which features an interview with David Starkey, the eminent historian, about Boris Johnson’s landmark General Election victory. It can be viewed at :-






I live in South Africa and am coming to the UK soon.

The company I worked for has literally been forced to close down as the owner is White. So I’m jobless and wasn’t the best time for me. So struggling

I can only thank God that I have a British Passport, but there are millions of White South Africans struggling. Actually scratch that, there are millions of South Africans struggling. The poorest of the poor are eating sand now. A real case study of how corruption and African tribalism can ruin a democracy, with clear cut Africanist stupidity

Groups must be set up to help White South Africans to enter to the UK. Hardest workers you will ever find

Yours etc.,

N.Smith, South Africa.




Re. the editorial in the October Edition of the SCN - George Soros is not popular ANYWHERE!

Yours etc.,

Heinrich Koch, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa.




To anyone unsure of their gender-look below the waist!

Yours etc.,

Mark Taylor, London, U.K.




The news given in the Transvaal Agricultural Union (S.A.)’s Press Release about the ANC regime’s expropriation without compensation plans is, of course, terrible news. I fear for the lives of Whites in South Africa and, if history in the region is indicative of the future, there will be a blood bath. I pray for the Afrikaners.

Yours etc.,

Stephen Gassaway, Virginia, U.S.A.




So Prince Harry likes a bit of Black. Nothing wrong with that. But you don’t MARRY them!

Yours etc.,

A.Davison, Durban, Natal, South Africa.



Ever since our movement was re-established “in exile” we have been subjected to several attacks and dirty-tricks campaigns aimed at disrupting our activities, but in practically all cases these have been proved to have emanated from the extreme “off the edge” Right of the political spectrum – the most damaging example being of course in 2015 when the two-faced infiltrator Paul Griffin was involved. More recently, however, we have suffered from an infiltration and disruption plot which has clearly been from the extreme Left of the political spectrum.

In mid-2018 we were contacted by an apparent would-be supporter who gave his name as Ben van der Merwe and who claimed to be the great-grandson of Frank Waring, the great South African cabinet minister under Dr. Verwoerd and John Vorster. Whether this relationship was true or whether van der Merwe made it up simply in order to ingratiate himself with us we honestly don't know. He turned up at a Springbok Club event shortly after first making contact and seemed a very decent, friendly and supportive person, though he brought along a colleague with him who a couple of people sensed was a homosexual. Van der Merwe subsequently attended a Springbok Club meeting, and again didn't do or say anything which aroused suspicion, nor which indicated that he was other than fully supportive of our aims and objectives. He then attended the "Raising of the Flag" ceremony at Bath in December 2018, and it was here that the first problems from him were experienced. He again turned up with his colleague, but this time his appearance was even more disturbing and indicated even more strikingly that he was a sexual deviant. Just as the ceremony was about to begin, however, van der Merwe and his colleague mysteriously disappeared, and when everyone returned to the house where the ceremony took place it was discovered that one of the historic Rhodesian flags on display had been stolen! Although this flag was later left at a café in the centre of Bath completely undamaged, the whole unfortunate incident understandably upset the hosts considerably, and they have subsequently asked not to be contacted again - so our movement has therefore lost a very good couple of supporters as a result of the antics of the wretched van der Merwe.

At first we put this whole childish episode down to "student sky-larking", but then it was discovered that there was something far more sinister at play here, for we found that van der Merwe was a leading writer for the Oxford University student magazine Cherwell - and furthermore that the articles which he had written were of a very Left-wing and pro-homosexual nature! Following this it was revealed that van der Merwe wrote for the extreme Left-wing and anti-patriotic organisation "Hope not Hate", an outfit which we have in the past been advised to be very wary of - something which we now can see was very good advice! It is quite clear to us now therefore that we were totally "conned" by van der Merwe, and that his sole intention was to infiltrate our movement in order to discover more information about us and then to write smear articles about us to cause more trouble - as indeed he subsequently did with a very nasty article which he wrote for the "Hope not Hate" web-site attacking us following the Springbok Club’s double-celebration meeting in April of last year, and which was then picked-up by both The Guardian and The Eastern Daily Press who published further smear articles criticising both the guest speaker and the Springbok Club as a whole! If the wretched van der Merwe really is the great-grandson of Frank Waring - a prominent member of the National Party governments of South Africa when the system of separate development was fully in force - then his great-grandfather must now be turning in his grave!

We do not seem to be alone in being the victim of van der Merwe’s infiltration and dirty-tricks campaigns however, for we have recently been alerted to a most interesting exposé of him and his true nature which appears on the following web-site :-



Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!