January 2023 edition
It is now three years since the global Covid-1984 panic and hysteria began. Throughout most of 2020 and 2021 draconian regulations were in force throughout the Western World – but then quite rapidly all these restrictions were lifted, even though there was no sign of the Covid-19 virus (in reality simply a variant of the influenza virus) being wiped out.
So how can this very strange – though extremely worrying – episode in human history be explained? The answer will probably only emerge in a hundred or so years, but there are undoubtedly a number of very important FACTS which we must bear in mind even now :-
Several countries, specifically Belarus, and, to a slightly lesser extent Sweden, but also Nicaragua and Cambodia, never enforced any of the ludicrous “lockdown” restrictions such as wearing ridiculous facemasks and standing six feet away from your fellow human-beings, yet – surprise, surprise – infection rates in these countries were no higher per percentage of population than in any comparable country.
In spite of the “woke” establishment trying to claim that some 150,000 people in Britain have died “of” Covid, official figures released by a Freedom of Information request showed that between February 2020 and December 2021 only 6182 deaths in England-and-Wales were recorded as being only due to Covid – in other words the balance were deaths “with” Covid rather than “of” Covid, i.e. there were other underlying causes which were undoubtedly the main cause of death. (This figure is of course no higher than the usual death figures for other variants of the influenza virus.)
Even if we were to accept that Covid-19 was as deadly as the “woke” establishment would have us believe, the fact remains that it was caused by a virus (i.e. a single-celled organism) and not a bacteria (i.e. a multi-celled organism), which therefore was so small that the only form of facemask which would prevent its inhalation would have to be so unporous that you wouldn’t be able to breath!
All viruses – including the Covid-19 virus – are small that they have practically no mass, and therefore float around in the atmosphere without restriction, and so can be conveyed from person to person no matter how distant they are to each other
Of course towards the beginning of 2022 the authorities in Britain, closely followed by those in all other Western nations, announced that everyone was going to have to “live with Covid-19”, and therefore abandoned all their draconian regulations. The result of course was that the Covid-19 infection rate and hospitalisations did not increase in any way – indeed they tended to go down! The reason which was given for this by the authorities was that the vaccination campaign had been successful, but there is no evidence that this is true – in fact there seems to have been more people who have suffered from the side-effects of the vaccinations than those who have suffered from Covid-19 itself! One has to ask therefore why if we could “live with Covid-19” in 2022 we couldn’t also “live with it” in 2020!
We are not by nature believers in conspiracy theories, but there have been so many disturbing and unexplained aspects of the whole Covid-19 saga that we cannot help but wondering whether it has been part of a deliberate plan to control and subjugate mankind around the world – just as George Orwell prophesied in his novel 1984. Furthermore, the fact that so many elected Western leaders went along with such ludicrous and unjustified actions simply seems to confirm Disraeli’s famous observation: “The World is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”.
But it is not those in authority who – perhaps as puppets or perhaps as sinister operatives – enforced all the draconian restrictions that our main contempt and anger is reserved for, but rather all those millions of ordinary citizens around the world who voluntarily went long with the lunatic instructions to wear ridiculous facemasks and to stand six feet away from their fellow human-beings, without putting their grey cells into operation. Indeed there still seem to be a few idiots walking around who continue to dress up like Muslim women, even though the de-humanizing mask-wearing regulation has long since been rescinded. Surely these fools should be confronted and told what asinine characters they are!
Happily however not everyone behaved like sheep, and there were many Covid-sceptic and anti-“lockdown” groups which sprung up on social media, such as “End the Lockdown” and “Covid-19 Logic vs Strategy”, which counteracted the Orwellian thought-police – and it is perhaps no exaggeration to state that it was this brave opposition which caused the authorities eventually to abandon all their draconian regulations before they had achieved their full aims of population control. Those behind these groups were therefore the true heroes and heroines of our times, and deserve full praise! They have surely given us all great hope that the sinister international forces which seek to control mankind can be opposed and defeated!
The Springbok Club held its 2023 AGM earlier this month, which proved to be a very successful event. The current Executive Committee was re-elected en bloc, and a new member elected to fill a vacancy, and a most exciting itinerary of events was agreed upon for the early part of 2023. After the business side of proceedings was concluded Mr. Gary Vincent gave an extremely well-researched and very enjoyable PowerPoint presentation about the life and career of Jan Christian Smuts.
We are happy to be able to confirm that Mr. Gavin Sandeman will be addressing the Springbok Club in late February, carrying on from his enthralling talk of November when he read some most fascinating letters and diary entries of his illustrious distant relative Cmd. E.C. “Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe and other prominent members of the Sandeman family. Full details about this event will be given in next month’s edition of the SCN.
In March the Springbok Club will be staging a trip to Chislehurst in order to visit the caves and some sites with interesting historical associations in the area. Again more details will be given in next month’ SCN.
The Patriotic Forum will be holding its annual Burns Night/Australia Day celebration during the evening of Wednesday 25th January at a venue in central London (it will by then be Australia Day in Australia itself!). For more details about this event either e-mail: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk or ‘phone: 07711188430.
The Patriotic Forum will also be celebrating New Zealand Day in early February. Again either e-mail: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk or ‘phone: 07711188430 for more details.
We have recently received the following poignant report from the Network for Animals organisation about the plight of donkeys in Zimbabwe (the erstwhile Southern Rhodesia). It reads as follows :-
“In Zimbabwe, donkeys endure the most horrific abuse every day. They are forced to work when they are too young to do so and made to carry loads far too heavy for their bodies. They work without rest, water or food, and when they weaken, they are beaten or stabbed to force them to continue. Then, when their bodies finally give up, after years of unrelenting abuse, they are abandoned on roadsides.
“When donkeys are no longer of ‘use’ to their callous owners, they are dumped - battered, emaciated and broken - to die.
“Tragically, this was the fate of little Lulu, a tiny four-year-old donkey we recently rescued with our partner, Matabeleland Animal Rescue and Equine Sanctuary (MARES) in Bulawayo. We were with MARES when it received a call from a good Samaritan who had seen an ailing donkey in the dusty, poverty-stricken township of Old Pumula. The donkey was so small and emaciated, the Samaritan thought she was a foal.
”We raced there, and when we arrived, Lulu was in one of the worst states we, and MARES, had ever seen. She had been lying grievously injured for three days, ignored by the authorities who are supposed to help animals in need. The sight of this tortured, broken animal brought every one of us to tears.
“Lulu the donkey had never experienced human kindness in her life - not for one day as she was worked to the bone, and not as she lay dying in the dirt. We could not have known it then, but Lulu’s tragic fate was already sealed.
“Lulu managed to stand up, but because of the extent of her injuries, including a horrifically damaged back leg, she could not walk - not even the ten steps it would have taken her to reach the MARES rescue vehicle. She was carried into the vehicle and simply collapsed. Alan, she was so close to death.
”Later, we discovered that - over and above her other debilitating injuries - Lulu’s back hoof was severely infected all the way up to her fetlock, the hoof pouring with pus and blood.
“It was all just too much for her severely and relentlessly abused body.
“Lulu died five days after being rescued - but we vow to fight for donkeys until tragedies like this stop happening.
“We will NOT stop fighting for the donkeys of Zimbabwe, and we hope you will support us!
“Lulu should never have died. It is a tragedy, but her death cannot be in vain.
“Corruption, ignorance and antipathy rule in Zimbabwe, and the animals suffer because of it. Hardly anyone there cares about the well-being of donkeys, who are simply a means to an end for people eking out a living. The abuse they experience, almost from birth, is beyond all imagining.
”Can you imagine being born into poverty, likely tied up outside as a mere baby, then forced to work grueling hours while being beaten when you felt tired or sore? Imagine that every time a bolt of excruciating pain shot through your overworked legs, you were hit or stabbed in a cruel attempt to force you to go on. Imagine having your body regularly punctured with sharp objects so you would work harder. Imagine being Lulu.
“Sadly, this is not the plot of a horror movie with a happy ending. It is the reality for countless donkeys in Zimbabwe and many other parts of Africa, and it is happening as you read this.
“We work closely with MARES to help rescue, rehabilitate and provide a haven for abused and neglected donkeys in Zimbabwe. MARES does a superhuman job of helping donkeys to overcome the most horrific abuses. Even after years of treatment, many of its animals still bear the deep wounds and scars of cruelty. Many are blind, and many drag their irreparably damaged limbs behind them as they walk. But they are safe, and they are loved, and they will NEVER work again or ever experience an ounce of suffering in their lives.
”MARES is the only haven these animals have in Bulawayo. Abandoned and abused donkeys who are not saved by MARES will either die of their injuries on roadsides, be hit by cars, or be euthanized by the authorities. Those in power don’t care that donkeys are tremendously emotional beings with feelings and a deep loyalty to humans. They adore being rubbed or cuddled - so forgiving, even after experiencing abject cruelty from humans.
“We must continue to support the incredible work that MARES does because there is no other hope for the donkeys of Bulawayo. If we can raise $5,000 (£4,200), we can help fund the rehabilitation of the donkeys pouring into the MARES sanctuary - donkeys just like Lulu who don’t deserve to die. Without the support of animal lovers like you, MARES cannot continue - and if MARES cannot go on, the donkeys will be left in the dirt to die.
“For the animals,
“Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!) - Founders Network for Animals”
For more details about the Network for Animals organisation, or to make a donation, visit their web-site at: https://networkforanimals.org/
The winners of the 2022 Peter Dimmock Memorial Awards were as follows :-
British Sports Personality of the Year : Laura Muir (Athletics)
British Team of the Year : The Great Britain Women’s Curling Team
Overseas Sports Personality of the Year : Dame Flora Duffy (Bermuda, Triathlon)
One of our supporters, who is also a member of the Falkland Islands Association, has recently forwarded us a copy of a most interesting circular which he has received from the organisation, which included the following informative section which will probably be of interest to readers :-
“Below is a copy of an email I received from Harold Briley. I have to agree with Sir Peter de la Billiere, it is a gripping read and has an excellent synopsis of events leading up to the 1982 war and the result of the Liberation to both the Falklands Islands and Argentina. It should be recommended to anyone who questions the history of the Islands or the Islander’s right to determine their own future :-
“I hope my 40th anniversary book Fight for Falklands Freedom which has attracted many comments will go a long way in promoting the Falklands cause with its positive projection of the Islands and the Task Force to both of whom it is dedicated, with any author’s profits being donated to research into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many Falklands veterans I have interviewed suffer from PTSD along with life-long physical wounds. So, I hope it gets wide circulation. Britain’s most decorated modern General, Sir Peter de la Billiere, overall head of the SAS in 1982, has praised it as a ‘gripping read’, saying it should be in every school library.
“Harold Briley”
In an article which appeared in The Daily Telegraph of 30th December 2022 it is revealed that whilst he was UK Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair sought the help of the South African terrorist leader “Nelson” Mandela to ensure the handover of the two Libyan terrorists subsequently convicted of the Lockerbie bombing atrocity, but then branded the terrorist leader as “unhelpful” when he called for the lifting of sanctions against the Libyan state – then ruled by Mandela’s fellow-terrorist Muammar Gaddafi – in return for this handover. One of Sir Tony’s advisers subsequently wrote: “Mandela is, at best, suffering from selective memory and a basic misunderstanding of international law.”.
Sir Tony Blair of course – along with most other Western leaders of his era – always seemed to be oblivious to the fact that Mandela was a convicted terrorist of much the same evil nature as Gaddafi himself. It is good therefore to learn that he subsequently came to have doubts about Mandela’s international image, and it is just a pity that he didn’t became aware of the reality of Mandela’s evil nature far earlier during his career.
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-
“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts.
For more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.
DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.
No.290: Mr. PETER WILLERS of Queensburgh
Peter Willers was an independent councillor in the town of Queensburgh, Natal, during the mid-1980s. He was keen to stand for election to Parliament at the 1987 General Election, and after being turned down by the Conservative Party (of which he was a supporter) approached the HNP to see whether they would adopt him. Alas his emergence on the HNP scene came at the same time as a power-struggle was taking place in the party’s south Natal region, and sadly Peter Willers not only took sides in this unfortunate conflict but furthermore was aggressively antagonistic towards those on the other side. As a result many HNP supporters refused to back his campaign and instead gave their active support to HNP candidates in neighbouring constituencies. The thing which made the whole situation so tragic was that Peter Willers initially impressed greatly as a most friendly, keen and intelligent person (and also a great animal lover!) who all thought was going to be a great asset to the patriotic movement in the greater Durban area. To give him credit, he did subsequently express regret for his part in the conflict, and it also emerged that he was experiencing severe domestic problems at the time, which probably explained for his perhaps unintended factionalism. A lot of water has flown under the bridge since all these unfortunate problems occurred of course, so now is probably a good time for reconciliation. If anyone could inform us how Peter Willers can now be contacted we would therefore be most grateful.
The Australian Monarchist League is a most praise-worthy organisation which campaigns actively for Australia to continue its position as a constitutional monarchy. It runs an estimable web-site which, in the light of the recent sad death of Queen Elizabeth, emphasises the importance of the continuity of the monarchy and the line of descent. It can be accessed at :-
What ancestral affection and connection can such as Badenoch and Sunak have for this country and its people (I mean the 90% or so natives of this land)?
In other words, can they pass Norman Tebbit’s cricket test? Of course not.
Yours etc.,
P.Lindsay, Reigate, Surrey, U.K.
The Chinese Communists are making bio-weapons with the aid of US tax payers’ money. Whether the Covid release was accidental or deliberate remains an unanswered question.
The Covid scare was a big step in the advancement of the “Great Reset”. The AGW [Anthropogenic Global Warming] scare attempt didn’t work (though the “woke” are still using it), but the Covid terror did. There will more such “pandemics”.
Yours etc.,
Jillian Becker, Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.
Having lived and worked in both Moscow and Kyiv a number of years ago I would suggest that the borders between many countries in that part of the world are defective due to the activities of Stalin and other despots over many years. By blundering into a neighbouring country based upon a vague historical pretext is no excuse for the crimes authorised by Putin. Russia could be a prosperous, stable and healthy country given the vast natural resources it has together with the desire of people there to improve their lives. Instead the corrupt and frankly incompetent gangsters in the Kremlin can only think about enriching themselves. I could share with you evidence of a Swedish investment company that had developed a thriving food processing business near Moscow which had assets stolen by criminals backed by a corrupt judge. This is just one illustration why so many educated and ambitious Russians continue to emigrate resulting in a falling population which even Putin conceded is a serious problem.
I do support the aims and objectives of your organisation in Britain. One issue that in my view should receive more attention by the media and politicians is the problem with election fraud, particularly with postal votes. There have been numerous examples in Tower Hamlets over the years where women in the Asian community were coerced to vote for a specific candidate - the current postal vote system is wide open to such abuse. Perhaps we can return to this subject on another occasion.
Yours etc.,
Hugh Counsell, London N2, U.K.
It was with great sadness that we learnt of the recent death of David Duckham, the great Coventry, England and British Lions three-quarters.
Born and educated in Coventry, David Duckham was a “one club man” all his career, playing for Coventry RFC in the days when the leading Coventry-based club was called Coventry! He went on to play 36 times for England (scoring 10 tries), and 17 times for the British Lions (including three Tests), all during the 1971 Tour of New Zealand. He also played several times for the Barbarians, including the famous match against the All Blacks in 1973. In an era when Wales dominated Northern Hemisphere Rugby his talent was so outstanding that he was “coveted” by many Welsh supporters, who tried to discover whether he had Welsh roots and nicknamed him “Dai”! With his blond hair and athletic physique he looked every inch like a Nordic God, something which his prodigious talent tended to confirm!
Although injury alas ruled him out from the famous British Lions Tour of South Africa in 1974 (something which he stated was the biggest regret of his career), he played against South Africa both for England and for the Barbarians during the Springbok Tour of 1969/70, and was a good friend of South Africa throughout his career.
Our sympathies are extended to his widow Jean and to his three daughters.
It was with much sorrow that we learnt of the recent sudden death of Gerhardus Christian “Gerrie” Coetzee, the only South African ever to become Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World.
Gerrie Coetzee was born at Boksburg on the eastern Rand in 1955, and was a proud Afrikaner. His father ran an amateur Boxing club where Gerrie won 185 out of his 192 bouts as an amateur, before turning professional in 1974.
Once professional his career on the South African stage was meteoric, defeating both Mike Schutte (previously considered the greatest Heavyweight who South Africa had ever produced) for the South African Heavyweight title, and Kallie Knoetze (who was also considered a contender for the World title) before losing two WBA World title bids against American opponents. After winning a famous WBA title eliminator against Leon Spinks at Monte Carlo (a bout watched by Prince Rainier of Monaco) he eventually won the World title by defeating Michael Dokes in Ohio in 1983. Alas a serious hand injury, extenuated in his World title win, meant that his career floundered after that, and even though he made two fairly successful comeback attempts he finally hung up the gloves in 1997.
In all Gerrie Coetzee fought 40 professional fights, winning 33 of them (including 21 knock-outs) and scoring one draw. Gerrie Coetzee was not only a great Boxer however, he was also a great South African. Even though he was forced to utter certain “politically correct” statements during his career in order to obtain fights against American negro opponents, he never sucked-up to the ANC terrorist regime like alas his contemporary Kallie Knoetze was prepared to do – indeed he initially moved to the US rather than living under the ANC regime, and it was only pressure from his wife Rina which persuaded him to move back to the “new” South Africa.
Our sincerest condolences are extended to Gerrie Coetzee’s widow Rina and to his three children.
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