Monday, 6 January 2025

January 2025 Edition.


January 2025 Edition

As was stated in the front-page article of The Imperial Patriot No.43, opinion poll after opinion poll in the UK has shown that the most overriding concern of the British people remains immigration. But two important matters should however be born in mind here: firstly the immigration crisis does not only affect Britain but the whole of the European continent, and secondly that it is not only “illegal” immigration which is the problem but rather all immigration by incompatible aliens.

Unlike Britain, most other European nations are still trapped within the internationalist European Union, and therefore cannot enact their own policies to restrict alien immigration (though the current Hungarian Government is trying its hardest to by-pass the EU hierarchy!). Even so however we believe it important that when a genuinely patriotic UK government comes to power they must try to co-ordinate their anti-immigration policies with other European national governments facing the same problem.

It is furthermore not only important to highlight the fact that all incompatible immigration – not only “illegal” immigration - badly affects the well-being of society and our national identity, but also that stopping further alien immigration alone will not be enough: there must also be a firm and effective programme of repatriation initiated.

But to return to the matter of “illegal” immigration – the notorious and sickening crossings of the English Channel and the Mediterranean by third world parasites in small boats. The RNLI is of course legally obliged by its very constitution to rescue all who are in danger on the high seas around the British Isles, but unfortunately the well-publicised pictures of life-boats picking up immigrants from the sea and then off-loading them on British shores has caused much anger among ordinary British citizens, and as a result donations to this most estimable charity have evidently plummeted, with those who find themselves in difficulties whilst legally being on the high seas potentially suffering fatal consequences. We therefore call upon the authorities to excuse the RNLI from their obligation to rescue those who are illegally on our territorial waters – after all had Germany tried to invade in 1940 would the RNLI have been obliged to rescue those whose landing-craft experienced difficulties?

We would actually go further and advocate that the authorities sanction any actions needed in order to prevent those boats carrying would-be third-world immigrants from landing. After a few dramatic actions the immigrants themselves would soon realise that such attempts are simply not worth the risk, and those behind the vile people-smuggling schemes would quickly go out of business.

To many this idea might sound callous, but where the very future safety and well-being of our nation is at stake we surely should not be squeamish. The Israelis certainly have never been squeamish when it comes to taking the most ruthless measures to protect their country and their people, as their current actions in the Gaza Strip to eliminate the Hamas terrorists well illustrates. Britain – and indeed all European nation-states - should therefore be equally ruthless when it comes to protecting their borders and safeguarding their people.



The Springbok Club commemorated the Day of the Vow last month with a special meeting whereat Mr. Gavin Sandeman read out an essay written by the organisation’s Honorary President, Mr. Peter Fisher (who unfortunately couldn‘t attend in person because of his current frail physical condition), about his life and adventures throughout the British Empire/Commonwealth. This proved to be a fascinating account, and even those who thought that they knew Peter Fisher well were surprised and captivated by the reports of his derring-do activities – especially whilst based in South Africa and the erstwhile Rhodesia. Peter Fisher clearly proved to be a true patriot – both in the British and South African contexts. His active support for the South African and Rhodesian causes confirmed that he was a hero of his adopted countries – though we must hasten to add that there have been many more such unrecognised British heroes who have made similar selfless sacrifices in support of the Empire/Commonwealth and their kith-and-kin around the world in the not too distant past.


The Springbok Club will be holding its 2025 AGM in central London during February, and all current members of the organisation will be informed of the precise details in due course. Following the business side of this meeting an itinerary of events for the rest of 2025 will be discussed and finalised, and then – in a slightly delayed celebration of Australia Day – a PowerPoint presentation about the early colonisation of Australia will be shown. It is hoped of course that all lapsed and would-be members of the organisation will be prepared to pay their 2025 subscriptions prior to this AGM, but regardless of this non-members will be welcome to attend the PowerPoint presentation. For more details please e-mail:



The Patriotic Forum extends a warm joint invitation to all its members and supporters to attend the Springbok Club’s delayed celebration of Australia Day after its 2025 AGM on 8th February. The organisation will however be staging its own event to celebrate New Zealand Day later during February, and later during the year will hold meetings to be addressed by a prominent member of the ReformUK party, an acclaimed author and by a leading official of an important patriotic political think-tank. More details will be given in next month’s SCN.



Thanks to some small but generous recent donations practically all copies of Edition No.43 of The Imperial Patriot have now been sent out to all current subscribers. It is now therefore “all systems go” to produce Edition No.44 as soon as possible. The estimated printing cost for this will be £600.00, so we trust therefore that all supporters will do their best to help us obtain this amount in the very near future. Our banking details where such donations can be forwarded appear at the end of this edition of the SCN.



We have recently received the following most worrying e-mail from a supporter still based in the “new” South Africa. It reads as follows:-

“The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) has released a 48-page plan (the Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy) to create integrated “mega landscapes” on land and sea encompassing extensive areas where hunting, bioprospecting and tourism would monetise wild animals and plants for ‘consumptive use’.

“The proposal is to grow areas under conservation — called mega living conservation landscapes — from 20 million hectares to 34 million hectares by 2040, an area equal to seven Kruger National Parks.

“What happens within the new areas, however, would be nothing like Kruger’s wilderness but would involve ‘biodiversity business’.

“The strategy envisages;

an increase in the number of Big Five animals available for fair-chase trophy hunting, an expansion of recreational and traditional hunting, wild meat harvesting and fishing, and the increased use of indigenous plants, and of insects for food.

“’Consumptive use’ of wild animals within these landscapes is predicted by the plan to increase from R4.6-billion to R27.6-billion by 2036, bioprospecting and plant trade from R1.85-billion to R11.6-billion and marine and freshwater exploitation to rise by 10% a year. This represents a massive monetisation of South Africa’s wild ecosystems.”

It goes without saying that such plans are very disturbing as they risk putting an end to South Africa’s proud record of wildlife and nature conservation and wild animal welfare, which was begun by President Paul Kruger of the Transvaal (the South African Republic), whose brainchild the Kruger National Park (which opened in 1898) was, and which was carried on by all South African governments during the era of civilised rule. Hopefully sufficient governments throughout the West will be alerted to these retrograde plans so that they can put pressure on the “new” South African authorities to abandon or at least to modify them.



The winners of the 2024 Peter Dimmock Memorial Awards were as follows :-

British Sports Personality of the Year : KEELY HODGKINSON (Athletics)

British Sports Team of the Year : THE GREAT BRITAIN ROWING EIGHT

Overseas Sports Personality of the Year : LEON MARCHAND (France, Swimming)



The triumph of 17-year-old Luke Littler at this year’s Darts World Championship has caused much increased worldwide interest in Darts – but a long-standing question has again been asked in certain circles: Is Darts a real sport?

Darts originated as a form of practice for Archery during Medieval times, and King Henry VIII actually made weekly practice compulsory in order to maintain the skill of England’s archers. This present writer – who was a keen and not too bad Darts-player when younger – is perhaps a little too biased to comment in too much detail, but the fact remains that Darts has never been an Olympic sport, nor even, strangely in view of the fact that it has always been popular around the Empire/Commonwealth, in the Empire or Commonwealth Games.

Perhaps Darts’ main problem has been its image, with many of the top players appearing at tournaments wearing weird costumes and hairstyles, and looking obviously unfit. If the increased interest in Darts accelerated by Luke Littler’s ascendancy can change this bad image then perhaps it can be accepted by everyone as a real sport, and thereby hopefully achieve Olympic status. After all, it is clearly a more authentic sport than synchronised swimming or break-dancing!



A supporter has recently alerted us to a News24 web-page which reports on the most bizarre action by the ANC regime in threatening to deport all foreigners who open up “spaza shops” (small Black township provision stores) in the “new” South Africa. It can be accessed at :-



Advertisements for the forthcoming Sky TV drama “Lockerbie – A Search for Truth” feature pictures of the lead character played by Colin Firth – but it has been remarked that Firth as this character bears a remarkable resemblance to Sam “the Swerling Dervish” Swerling (see “The Curse of Springbok” in the October 2023 SCN) – complete with an apparently permanent scowl! We wonder therefore whether Firth is being lined-up to play Swerling in a future drama – though heaven forbid that any such drama about this obnoxious character is ever produced!



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-

Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-


(This site is for people who have considered emigrating from South Africa, specifically to Uruguay.)



“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit or write to for more information. UK contact telephone: 07865088212.



No.314: Mr. TONY WEBBER of Littlehampton.

In last month’s SCN the tail-piece article was titled “Where are they all now?”, and told how sadly many British patriots who were active members of the National Party of the United Kingdom (NPUK) during the 1970s now seemed to be completely inactive. It has since been pointed out to us that one leading member of the NPUK who also sadly seems to have disappeared, but who we didn’t mention in last month’s SCN, was Tony Webber. Tony Webber came from Littlehampton in Sussex, and seemed to be an astute political observer and prophet. He saddened a number of NPUK members with South African connections by predicting the South Africa would surrender to the forces of darkness – something which alas of course did come to pass – but also predicted that things would eventually take a turn for the better in the United States, in other words he seemed to predict the Trumpian revolution! It would therefore be very interesting to learn what became of him.



Rebel News is a Canadian-based on-line news service which is a trusted source for global news and information, and which has been recommended to us by a number of supporters. It can be accessed at :-





I think you and your loyal patriots would be interested in this article I have just come across.

“But while the immigrant entry to this country was an admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend , and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.

They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond all recognition , their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards and discipline and competence required of the native born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them they were now the unwanted”.

This was written by the greatest Prime Minister we sadly never had , Enoch Powell, writing about the then, upcoming Race Relations Act of 1966.

He continued ……..

“a law which cannot, and is not intended to operate to protect them or redress their grievances, is to be enacted to give the stranger (alien), the disgruntled and the agent provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions!”

This is as true today as then. The commonwealth immigrant of Enoch’s day has been superseded by Moslems and so-called refugees from other parts of the world. We see them taking over our country. Their so-called human rights lawyers running rings around our Government. The great challenge, nay battle, will be against the evils of Islam battling our democracy. Who Stands for England!

Yours etc.,

George Fraser, Petersfield, Hampshire, U.K.




Re. the article “Interesting FaceBook Posting – Primitive Humans and Black Africans” in last month’s SCN, these new findings are not always in accord with the prehistory widely believed :-

Yours etc.

Tony Williams, New South Wales, Australia.,




The rioting in Southport and other UK cities has been most unwelcome.

What was the official response?

The rioters have been described as “far right thugs” and drawn the strongest possible condemnation from the government, the mainstream media and the public. Keir Starmer called police chiefs to a meeting in Downing Street to discuss what action should be taken to penalise rioters and set up a nationwide police unit to control it.

What were the rioters complaining about?

In Southport, three young girls were murdered and five more girls and two adults are in a critical condition after allegedly being attacked by a Black youth armed with a knife. Although born in the UK the perpetrator is the son of immigrant parents who came to the UK from Rwanda.

Go back to March 2021. A mob of Moslem men gathered outside school gates in Batley. They were complaining about a schoolteacher. The teacher allegedly received death threats and he, and his family, had to go into hiding to save their lives. They are still in hiding, years after the incident.

What was the official response?

Grovelling apologies from the school and virtually NO action by the police or the government to control demonstrators outside the school, or prosecute the Moslem men involved in making the alleged death threats.

What were the Moslems complaining about?

The teacher showed his class a cartoon!

Donna Jones, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner was absolutely right to suggest that it was time to hold an honest debate about the underlying causes!

Yours etc.,

“Ghost writer”, Salisbury, Wiltshire, U.K.




It was with much sadness that we recently learnt that Michael John “Mike” Procter had died in February 2024. Mike Procter was one of the greatest – if not the greatest – all-round Cricketers ever to play for South Africa, or indeed for any country. With his flowing blond hair and muscular physique he gave every impression of being a Nordic God.

Mike Proctor was born at Durban in 1946. Both his father and an elder brother had played a few matches for Natal, but neither of them reached the heights of excellence which Mike achieved. He was educated at Hilton College where he excelled academically as well as on the sports field. Upon leaving school he embarked immediately upon a career in professional Cricket, and although he never played for the Natal first XI until the 1965/66 season so great were the prodigious talents which he displayed whilst playing for Natal “B” that he was even considered for the South African national team which toured England in 1965.

Both at schoolboy level and during his early professional career he was very close to his team-mate Barry Richards, and during their late teens they shared a flat (believed to be in the “Barcelona” block, a stone’s throw from Durban’s North Beach) together. Although Barry Richards was evidently very staid at this time, Mike Procter was apparently a bit of a hell-raiser, and was once allegedly found travelling up and down in the flats’ lift slumped in a corner whilst in a drunken stupor!

His talents were soon spotted by a number of English professional players who were playing for club sides in South Africa however, and Gloucestershire quickly snapped him up. He joined the Gloucestershire staff in 1965 and remained with the county until 1981. His achievements for Gloucestershire became legendary, scoring 32 first-class centuries and taking 833 wickets. He twice scored a century and took a hat-trick in the same match (a feat never achieved by any other player) and in the semi-final of the 1977 Benson & Hedges Cup match against Hampshire took four wickets in five balls! So outstanding were his contributions for Gloucestershire that the county was commonly nicknamed “Proctershire”!

He loved his time in the UK and developed several other interests in the country, and as a result was often seen travelling between matches in his own car rather than in the team bus. Whilst playing for the county Gloucestershire won the Gillette Cup in 1973 and the Benson & Hedges Cup in 1977.

In total Mike Procter played 401 first-class matches scoring 21,936 runs at an average of 36.01, including 48 centuries and 109 fifties and with a highest score of 254, and took 1,417 wickets at an average of 19.53, taking five wickets in an innings on 70 occasions and ten wickets in a match 15 times. He also played 271 limited-overs matches scoring 6,624 runs at an average of 27.94, including 5 centuries and 36 fifties and with a highest score of 154*, and took 344 wickets at an average of 18.76, taking five wickets in a match 7 times. He played in 10 Test Matches for South Africa and in 3 limited-overs internationals (including against “rebel” touring teams), captaining his country against the 1981/82 English “rebel” team. His greatest achievement however was to score six centuries in consecutive innings, a feat only achieved previously by Sir Don Bradman and by C.B.Fry – illustrious company indeed!

As well as being an outstanding Cricketer, during his playing career Mike Procter also showed himself to be a good patriot – a fact which endeared him to both South African and British patriots. Whereas many leading South African sportsmen of the era used every trick in the book to get out of National Service, Mike Procter eagerly did his time in the Army, even though his posting during this period meant that he had to leave Natal to play for Western Province during the 1969/70 season. During his National Service days he formed good friendships with some of his Rhodesian counterparts however, and as a result once his National Service was over he decided to express his solidarity with his Rhodesian kith-and-kin by moving to play for Rhodesia (who then still competed in the Currie Cup competition) for the 1970/71 season, staying there for six seasons before returning to play for his native Natal. As mentioned, he was a keen and proud member of the South African Test and One-Day International squads who played against the 1981/82 England “rebel” tourists, whereas several left-leaning players of the time expressed misgivings about supporting this tour. Evidently Mike Procter once contemplated taking out UK citizenship (he had full British ancestry) so that he could play for England, but so great was his love for the land of his birth that he eventually decided against this move.

In view of his love for the South Africa of his birth it therefore came as a great surprise and disappointment that following the surrender of the nation to the ANC terrorists he decided not only to remain in the country but even to accept positions in the “new” South African Cricket administration. This only brought him short-term benefits however, for as soon as the “new” South African Cricket authorities had established themselves they soon dropped him, and he took up a position as an ICC international match referee as a result. He therefore became a “forgotten man” as far as South African Cricket was concerned, and his death was hardly reported in the “new” South Africa. He did not disappear down a memory black-hole as far as his former Gloucestershire colleagues were concerned however, for the Gloucestershire CCC authorities ordered their flags to be lowered to half-mast as soon as they heard of his death, and to remain at half-mast until the start of the next season.

Mike Procter married Maryna Godwin, the top South African Lawn Tennis player of her day, in 1969, and they became the leading South African sporting “power couple” of the era. The marriage proved strong and lasting, and they produced three children, Greg, Jessica and Tammy. By all accounts Mike Procter only went into hospital for a routine heart operation, but – as so often seems to be the case in the “new” South Africa – the operation was botched, and he never re-gained consciousness. Our sincere condolences are extended to Maryna and their children.


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