Tuesday, 11 February 2025

February 2025 Edition.


February 2025 Edition

There has surely never been a US Presidency which has begun so speedily and dynamically than the second incumbency of President Donald J. Trump. Even his political enemies have had to admire the non-stop energy of his new administration, and he has proved to be a rarity among politicians by keeping all of the promises made on the campaign-trail so quickly after assuming office with executive order after executive order.

To recap, during the first few days back in office Donald Trump’s administration have: 1) arranged for the expulsion of all criminal illegal immigrants, with pictures of the first wave of them in chains being beamed around the world, 2) imposed potential high trade tariffs on both Mexico and Canada, which were only shelved when these countries agreed to take concrete steps to halt illegal immigration across their borders into the United States, 3) the practically complete closure of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and 4) officially recognising that there are only two genders and banning biological men from competing in women’s sports. It is quite clear therefore that a completely new zeitgeist has suddenly emerged in the United States – and a new zeitgeist which is infinitely better than that which preceded it!

But will this golden new zeitgeist spread to the rest of the Western world? There have already been a number of most optimistic signs in this regard in Britain. It is quite clear that the introduction of the four important changes in US policy as detailed above (or equivalent steps) into UK policy and law would not only be of great benefit to the British nation but would also meet with the approval of the majority of the British people. Over recent months there have been two hopeful developments in the UK which would seem to herald a golden dawn approaching, namely the growing strength of the ReformUK party proving that it is a viable alternative government and the emergence of the GBNews television news channel as a serious rival to the established left-wing biased channels. The policies of repatriating all criminal immigrants (in chains if necessary!), imposing trade tariff pressure on France to stop boats containing alien immigrants crossing the English Channel, the closure of the overseas aid section of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the official recognition that there are only two genders in the UK could therefore shortly no longer just be a pipe-dream!

There is however one important facet about the Trumpian revolution which particularly interests and enthrals us, namely the prominent role played by Elon Musk in Donald Trump’s successful election campaign and now in his government. Elon Musk of course was born in South African of predominantly British ancestry. Not only is he therefore a scion of the British Empire, but he was also the product of the civilised rule which prevailed in South Africa prior to the surrender of the country in the early 1990s, as he completed all his education in South Africa prior to leaving the country for Canada – another part of the British Commonwealth where his mother hailed from in 1989, prior to his onward immigration to the United States. All those responsible for his education in the then civilised-ruled South Africa therefore have every reason to be proud of this genius. Just as we stated in the headline to the editorial of edition No.42 of The Imperial Patriot “Thank You President Trump”, surely now we should say an even greater thank you to that true “Son of Empire” Elon Musk”!



The 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Springbok Club will be held on Saturday 15th February 2025 in the upstairs “Snug” room of The Antelope, 22 Eaton Terrace, Belgravia, London SW1W 8EZ (nearest tube station: Sloane Square), commencing at 15.00 hrs. You are reminded that although all fully paid-up members of the Springbok Club are entitled to attend and to participate in discussions, only Honorary, Life and fully paid-up Full Members will be allowed to vote or to stand for office. Cash membership renewals may however be made on the day.

The agenda will be as follows :-

1) Organiser’s report for 2024. 2) Treasurer’s report for 2024. 3) Election of officers to the Executive Committee and other appointments for 2025. 4) Motions for debate (if any). 5) Any other business, including discussions about plans for activities during 2025.

All nominations for office and motions for debate must be proposed and seconded by Honorary, Life or fully paid-up Full Members of the Springbok Club, and must be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the current Executive Committee at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Following the completion of the business side of proceedings Mr. Gary Vincent will be giving a PowerPoint presentation about the second fleet of ships which sailed to Australia in 1790 containing settlers for the new young country. The captains of some of these ships subsequently travelled on to New Zealand where, inter alia, they founded the New Zealand whaling industry.



The Patriotic Forum extends a warm joint invitation to all its members and supporters to attend the second part of proceedings at the Springbok Club's AGM, as detailed above. The PowerPoint presentation by Gary Vincent will give everyone the opportunity for belated celebrations of both Australia Day and New Zealand Day.

Everyone is reminded that as well as having its own FaceBook page where activities relating to the organisation are detailed, the Patriotic Forum also runs the “Tough Talking from the Right” FaceBook page, where comments and opinions about current affairs are welcome.



As mentioned in last month’s SCN, Patriotic Press is eager to produce the next edition of The Imperial Patriot, No.44, as soon as possible. It is estimated that the printing costs to produce this edition will be approximately £600.00, so we trust therefore that all supporters will do their best to help raise this amount in the very near future. The relevant banking details where donations can be forwarded for this purpose appear at the end of this edition of the SCN.



We have recently received the following most harrowing message from the Animal Survival International organisation. It reads as follows :-

“Please help protect the few remaining African penguins. They face imminent extinction!

“Iconic and charismatic, African penguins have declined in numbers by over 98% in the last century. At their current rate of demise, they could be extinct by 2035.

“Once abundant along their native coast of Southern Africa, the African penguin has declined to just 2% of its original population size, placing it on the brink of demise.

“Today we are asking for your urgent help in protecting the surviving breeding pairs in Gansbaai, South Africa, which are critical to the survival of the species and the health of our oceans at large.

“The steep decline in African penguin populations is deeply alarming. Penguins are dying at a truly terrifying rate.

“Human-driven activities, like overfishing, are obliterating African penguin populations. A horrific, unexpected side effect of overfishing means that seals lose their food sources, so they attack penguins in an attempt to reach the semi-digested fish in their bellies. Surviving penguins are left with horrific injuries and often succumb to these.

“Fishing net entanglement, as penguins hunt for food, further affects their numbers. Oil spills, marine pollution and degradation are other major threats.

“The African penguin population in Southern Africa is in deep, deep trouble; we have a plan to help bolster their populations along with our partner, the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) in Gansbaai.

“APSS works to protect the remaining 1,000 breeding pairs on South Africa’s Dyer Island - a critical breeding ground along the coast and one that has seen its penguin population drop from 26,000 breeding pairs in 1979 to just 1,000 today.

“Most adult females lay a maximum of two eggs per breeding season, and only one-third of all hatched chicks survive to reach their breeding age - which takes three to six years. This underscores the importance of protecting every penguin we can.

“Out of 18 global penguin species the African penguin has been identified as one of three requiring urgent conservation intervention.

“Because it is human activity that has disrupted penguin populations, it is critical that we help intervene and save as many as possible.

“Our partner regularly rescues injured penguins, chicks and other seabird species who would otherwise have no chance of survival. Once successfully rehabilitated, they are released back onto Dyer Island. This rescue, treat and release program has seen Dyer Island’s penguin population stabilize and remain that way for the past three years.

“With your help, human threats to penguins, like fishing net entanglement, can be monitored by the expert team, and swift intervention can occur when a penguin is in trouble.

“Rescued penguins have 89.5% survival rate if they are given the right treatment and care. We really need your help today to save every penguin we can.

“There is a small emergency rehabilitation centre on Dyer Island where emaciated, injured, and sick birds can be immediately cared for and undergo basic surgical operations. There is also a desalination plant used to hydrate penguins with purified water - a literal life-saver for many seabirds.

“But his machine needs urgent maintenance and will not function for much longer. Without it, birds are almost guaranteed to perish after surviving all they have endured on the island.

“If we can raise $7,000 (roughly £5,513), we can repair and refurbish the desalination plant and ensure the team has every piece of equipment they need to save lives. Because of Dyer Island’s remote location and the region’s unpredictable water conditions, trips to the mainland are infrequent, which means the Dyer Island clinic MUST be fully prepared to handle any penguin illness or injury they need to.

“The situation for the African penguin species is critical. Please support our critical rehabilitation efforts by donating now.

“The situation for African penguins is dire; now is the time for action. It is imperative that we take every step necessary to save every penguin life we can - so please donate generously right now.

“Saving animals and the planet,

“Campaign Director, “Animal Survival International

“P.S. The African penguin is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. If the rate of decline continues, the animals will be extinct by 2035. Please donate right away to help us rescue and rehabilitate the African penguins of Dyer Island and pull the species back from the brink of extinction.”

To contact Animal Survival International, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to help save the African penguins, visit their web-site at : https://animalsurvival.org/



It is fairly well known that the Prince of Wales has been a great Aston Villa fan ever since his Eton days. On the whole however he hasn’t been too vocal about his support for Villa in public – which has probably been a good idea as otherwise it might have alienated fans of other clubs – particularly supporters of Birmingham City! – from their loyalty towards the Crown. The Prince of Wales did however make an exception to his discrete support by attending one of Aston Villa’s recent UEFA Champions League matches – but significantly this was not a match against any ordinary opponent, for it was against Celtic! The predictable anti-British and anti-monarchy chants which emanated from the Celtic-supporting pea-brains may have come as a surprise to those not familiar with the affiliations of Glasgow Football, but by spewing out this poison from their mouths these obnoxious Roman Catholic-indoctrinated and IRA-sympathising cretins simply demonstrated to a wider world just what evil characters they are. Perhaps as a result of this disgusting display of primeval hatred all those with any form of human decency – regardless of who main favourite clubs are - should develop a soft-spot for Aston Villa. Aston Villa of course won this match by 4-2!



A supporter from Surrey has recently reminded us of a famous quotation attributed to Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the highly-respected German theologian, organist, musicologist, writer, humanitarian, philosopher, physician and staunch Christian. The quote reads as follows :-

“I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with White men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: we the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a White man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him, and they will destroy all of his work. Let White men from anywhere in the world who would come to Africa remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”

By all accounts many egalitarians have recently been questioning the attributation of this quotation to Dr. Schweitzer, but the fact remains that Dr. Schweitzer has been mainly “cancelled” and air-brushed out of history by these same egalitarians, thus of course tending to suggest that they do believe that these words were truly his!



Geoff Hill, the Africa correspondent for The Spectator and the Washington Times who of course spoke twice at Springbok Club meetings last year, has penned a highly informative article analysing last year’s South African elections entitled “Will South Africa’s Unemployed Rise Up?” which appeared in a recent edition of The Spectator. It can be accessed at :-




We have recently been sent a video publicising a planned petition presentation to be made at the United States Embassy in Pretoria on Saturday 15th February. This petition will detail the appalling situation which has developed in South Africa since the ANC regime was handed power, with tens-of-thousands of people being murdered, most significantly amongst the White farming community, and with a near total collapse of state infrastructure taking place, particularly in the health sector, and asking the newly re-installed Trump administration in the United States to take action to save South Africa. We wish those behind this petition every success in this venture.



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




(This site is for people who have considered emigrating from South Africa, specifically to Uruguay.)



“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasavideos@gmail.com for more information. UK contact telephone: 07865088212.



No.315: Mrs. CYNTHIA HUGHES of Hillcrest.

Following the apparent demise of the estimable Sons of England fraternity we learnt that Mrs. Cynthia Hughes from Hillcrest in Natal had been appointed as “Keeper of Records” for the organisation, and initially made good contact with her. It was our hope of course that we would be able to salvage some assets from the fraternity, with the aim of perhaps being able to re-constitute it, either in South Africa or in Canada where it was founded. Alas, however, more recent correspondence which we have sent to Mrs. Hughes has remained unanswered. We wonder therefore whether anyone knows what has become of her – or indeed if anyone knows whether the Sons of England is still functioning in any way.



The Academy of Ideas is a forum which believes firmly in the ideals of free speech, and which holds annual conferences in order to advance this cause. Its maxim is “Free Minds for a Free Society”, and its web-site can be accessed at :-






I'm sorry that Springbok Cyber Newsletter doesn't have a much wider circulation - Ray Absolom's and Paul Rhodes letters in the May 2024 Edition both deserve to be read a lot more, especially by some Right-wingers who let their obsession with "the Jews" blind them to trivial things like reality!

On a more pleasant note - I wonder if you've seen the current Miss Zimbabwe? Brooke Burk- Johnson reminds me of my idea of a Rhodesian girl - suntanned, blonde and beautiful!

Yours etc.,

Mark Taylor, London, U.K.




May’s Springbok Cyber Newsletter was top dollar. The article about the global warming hoax was excellent, and a brilliant editorial. I have passed this on to several like-minded people. Keep up the excellent work, and many thanks.

Yours etc.,

Ann Lloyd, Norfolk, U.K.




The eco-fascists won't be happy until they have driven us all back to the caves and a hunter-gatherer subsistence.

Their ideology is less than human and has nothing to do with the environment : "We (the UN-IPCC) re-distribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy ......... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore." (Dr. Ottmar Endenhofer, IPCC co-chair of Working Group 3, Nov 2010)

In other words, there is no climate crisis. The policy is to impoverish and destroy the poor so that the rich can survive in a totalitarian society, or what is left of it.

Yours etc.,

“Tony”, Buckinghamshire, U.K.



David “Dave” McCalden was an Ulsterman who graduated from Goldsmith’s College of the University of London. Unusually for someone hailing from Ulster’s Loyalist community he was an avowed atheist (though he was also an avowed animal-lover!). Whilst studying in London he joined the National Front (which at that time was a mainstream political party) in the early 1970s, and through his academic brilliance he quickly made his way up through the party’s ranks. He proved to be an organising genius, and was also a skilled writer, producing some of the party’s most effective publications and leaflets, which helped catapult the party into national prominence.

Alas the infiltration of the National Front by neo-fascist elements during the mid-1970s meant that it started to be demonised in the media and thus increasingly lost support, and as a result Dave McCalden led the more genuinely patriotic members out of the party to form the National Party of the United Kingdom (see S.A.Patriot-in-Exile No.37). At first the NPUK flourished, in no small part due to Dave McCalden’s brilliant administrative and writing skills, though sadly the lack of financial resources and the fact that Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Party had adopted so many of their policies meant the party folded shortly after the 1979 General Election.

Dave McCalden had for long taken a keen interest in the United States of America and its culture, so following the demise of the NPUK he managed to emigrate to the US where he linked up with a number of political and pro-loyalist bodies. Unfortunately, however, he fell under the influence of some unsavoury Holocaust-denying neo-Nazi elements in the US, which came as a great surprise to those who knew him well in the UK where he had always displayed intellectual rigour and true British patriotism. It didn’t take him long to disassociate himself from the most obnoxious of these elements however, and with a small band of supporters established his own publishing and pressure group which, although rejecting all neo-Nazi associations still pushed a ridiculous Holocaust-denying agenda.

In 1990 an astonishing piece of news reached the UK however, for it was reported that Dave McCalden had died, even though he was only 39 years of age and had always been an extremely fit man. Shortly after his reported death two rumours started to circulate among patriotic circles in the UK: firstly that he had faked his own death and had actually moved to Mexico to start a new life with a new identity (his second wife was Mexican), and secondly that shortly before this alleged faked death he had totally renounced all the Holocaust-denying nonsense. Many people doubted these rumours however as copies of Dave’s funeral brochures had been seen, but the rumours were given more weight when it was learnt that his Mexican wife had also allegedly died at a very young age. The mystery continues therefore, but as they Dave and his wife had produced a young daughter if she could be traced then maybe the mystery could be solved one way or another. It would be nice of course to learn that Dave McCalden had survived and had lived a good long life, and it would be particularly pleasing to learn that he had indeed rejected all the Holocaust-denying stupidity.


If you appreciated this edition of the SCN then perhaps you might consider making a donation to Patriotic Press, the publisher of the SCN. Unlike many other cyber-publications we receive no subscription fees or outside funding. All those involved with the publication are unpaid and work entirely voluntarily, but there are inevitable costs associated with running a cyber-newsletter such as this. We depend upon our readers to help us, either with regular or one-off payments. Such contributions can be made by direct bank transfer, our bank account details being :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L