Tuesday, 11 February 2025

February 2025 Edition.


February 2025 Edition

There has surely never been a US Presidency which has begun so speedily and dynamically than the second incumbency of President Donald J. Trump. Even his political enemies have had to admire the non-stop energy of his new administration, and he has proved to be a rarity among politicians by keeping all of the promises made on the campaign-trail so quickly after assuming office with executive order after executive order.

To recap, during the first few days back in office Donald Trump’s administration have: 1) arranged for the expulsion of all criminal illegal immigrants, with pictures of the first wave of them in chains being beamed around the world, 2) imposed potential high trade tariffs on both Mexico and Canada, which were only shelved when these countries agreed to take concrete steps to halt illegal immigration across their borders into the United States, 3) the practically complete closure of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and 4) officially recognising that there are only two genders and banning biological men from competing in women’s sports. It is quite clear therefore that a completely new zeitgeist has suddenly emerged in the United States – and a new zeitgeist which is infinitely better than that which preceded it!

But will this golden new zeitgeist spread to the rest of the Western world? There have already been a number of most optimistic signs in this regard in Britain. It is quite clear that the introduction of the four important changes in US policy as detailed above (or equivalent steps) into UK policy and law would not only be of great benefit to the British nation but would also meet with the approval of the majority of the British people. Over recent months there have been two hopeful developments in the UK which would seem to herald a golden dawn approaching, namely the growing strength of the ReformUK party proving that it is a viable alternative government and the emergence of the GBNews television news channel as a serious rival to the established left-wing biased channels. The policies of repatriating all criminal immigrants (in chains if necessary!), imposing trade tariff pressure on France to stop boats containing alien immigrants crossing the English Channel, the closure of the overseas aid section of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the official recognition that there are only two genders in the UK could therefore shortly no longer just be a pipe-dream!

There is however one important facet about the Trumpian revolution which particularly interests and enthrals us, namely the prominent role played by Elon Musk in Donald Trump’s successful election campaign and now in his government. Elon Musk of course was born in South African of predominantly British ancestry. Not only is he therefore a scion of the British Empire, but he was also the product of the civilised rule which prevailed in South Africa prior to the surrender of the country in the early 1990s, as he completed all his education in South Africa prior to leaving the country for Canada – another part of the British Commonwealth where his mother hailed from in 1989, prior to his onward immigration to the United States. All those responsible for his education in the then civilised-ruled South Africa therefore have every reason to be proud of this genius. Just as we stated in the headline to the editorial of edition No.42 of The Imperial Patriot “Thank You President Trump”, surely now we should say an even greater thank you to that true “Son of Empire” Elon Musk”!



The 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Springbok Club will be held on Saturday 15th February 2025 in the upstairs “Snug” room of The Antelope, 22 Eaton Terrace, Belgravia, London SW1W 8EZ (nearest tube station: Sloane Square), commencing at 15.00 hrs. You are reminded that although all fully paid-up members of the Springbok Club are entitled to attend and to participate in discussions, only Honorary, Life and fully paid-up Full Members will be allowed to vote or to stand for office. Cash membership renewals may however be made on the day.

The agenda will be as follows :-

1) Organiser’s report for 2024. 2) Treasurer’s report for 2024. 3) Election of officers to the Executive Committee and other appointments for 2025. 4) Motions for debate (if any). 5) Any other business, including discussions about plans for activities during 2025.

All nominations for office and motions for debate must be proposed and seconded by Honorary, Life or fully paid-up Full Members of the Springbok Club, and must be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the current Executive Committee at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Following the completion of the business side of proceedings Mr. Gary Vincent will be giving a PowerPoint presentation about the second fleet of ships which sailed to Australia in 1790 containing settlers for the new young country. The captains of some of these ships subsequently travelled on to New Zealand where, inter alia, they founded the New Zealand whaling industry.



The Patriotic Forum extends a warm joint invitation to all its members and supporters to attend the second part of proceedings at the Springbok Club's AGM, as detailed above. The PowerPoint presentation by Gary Vincent will give everyone the opportunity for belated celebrations of both Australia Day and New Zealand Day.

Everyone is reminded that as well as having its own FaceBook page where activities relating to the organisation are detailed, the Patriotic Forum also runs the “Tough Talking from the Right” FaceBook page, where comments and opinions about current affairs are welcome.



As mentioned in last month’s SCN, Patriotic Press is eager to produce the next edition of The Imperial Patriot, No.44, as soon as possible. It is estimated that the printing costs to produce this edition will be approximately £600.00, so we trust therefore that all supporters will do their best to help raise this amount in the very near future. The relevant banking details where donations can be forwarded for this purpose appear at the end of this edition of the SCN.



We have recently received the following most harrowing message from the Animal Survival International organisation. It reads as follows :-

“Please help protect the few remaining African penguins. They face imminent extinction!

“Iconic and charismatic, African penguins have declined in numbers by over 98% in the last century. At their current rate of demise, they could be extinct by 2035.

“Once abundant along their native coast of Southern Africa, the African penguin has declined to just 2% of its original population size, placing it on the brink of demise.

“Today we are asking for your urgent help in protecting the surviving breeding pairs in Gansbaai, South Africa, which are critical to the survival of the species and the health of our oceans at large.

“The steep decline in African penguin populations is deeply alarming. Penguins are dying at a truly terrifying rate.

“Human-driven activities, like overfishing, are obliterating African penguin populations. A horrific, unexpected side effect of overfishing means that seals lose their food sources, so they attack penguins in an attempt to reach the semi-digested fish in their bellies. Surviving penguins are left with horrific injuries and often succumb to these.

“Fishing net entanglement, as penguins hunt for food, further affects their numbers. Oil spills, marine pollution and degradation are other major threats.

“The African penguin population in Southern Africa is in deep, deep trouble; we have a plan to help bolster their populations along with our partner, the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) in Gansbaai.

“APSS works to protect the remaining 1,000 breeding pairs on South Africa’s Dyer Island - a critical breeding ground along the coast and one that has seen its penguin population drop from 26,000 breeding pairs in 1979 to just 1,000 today.

“Most adult females lay a maximum of two eggs per breeding season, and only one-third of all hatched chicks survive to reach their breeding age - which takes three to six years. This underscores the importance of protecting every penguin we can.

“Out of 18 global penguin species the African penguin has been identified as one of three requiring urgent conservation intervention.

“Because it is human activity that has disrupted penguin populations, it is critical that we help intervene and save as many as possible.

“Our partner regularly rescues injured penguins, chicks and other seabird species who would otherwise have no chance of survival. Once successfully rehabilitated, they are released back onto Dyer Island. This rescue, treat and release program has seen Dyer Island’s penguin population stabilize and remain that way for the past three years.

“With your help, human threats to penguins, like fishing net entanglement, can be monitored by the expert team, and swift intervention can occur when a penguin is in trouble.

“Rescued penguins have 89.5% survival rate if they are given the right treatment and care. We really need your help today to save every penguin we can.

“There is a small emergency rehabilitation centre on Dyer Island where emaciated, injured, and sick birds can be immediately cared for and undergo basic surgical operations. There is also a desalination plant used to hydrate penguins with purified water - a literal life-saver for many seabirds.

“But his machine needs urgent maintenance and will not function for much longer. Without it, birds are almost guaranteed to perish after surviving all they have endured on the island.

“If we can raise $7,000 (roughly £5,513), we can repair and refurbish the desalination plant and ensure the team has every piece of equipment they need to save lives. Because of Dyer Island’s remote location and the region’s unpredictable water conditions, trips to the mainland are infrequent, which means the Dyer Island clinic MUST be fully prepared to handle any penguin illness or injury they need to.

“The situation for the African penguin species is critical. Please support our critical rehabilitation efforts by donating now.

“The situation for African penguins is dire; now is the time for action. It is imperative that we take every step necessary to save every penguin life we can - so please donate generously right now.

“Saving animals and the planet,

“Campaign Director, “Animal Survival International

“P.S. The African penguin is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. If the rate of decline continues, the animals will be extinct by 2035. Please donate right away to help us rescue and rehabilitate the African penguins of Dyer Island and pull the species back from the brink of extinction.”

To contact Animal Survival International, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to help save the African penguins, visit their web-site at : https://animalsurvival.org/



It is fairly well known that the Prince of Wales has been a great Aston Villa fan ever since his Eton days. On the whole however he hasn’t been too vocal about his support for Villa in public – which has probably been a good idea as otherwise it might have alienated fans of other clubs – particularly supporters of Birmingham City! – from their loyalty towards the Crown. The Prince of Wales did however make an exception to his discrete support by attending one of Aston Villa’s recent UEFA Champions League matches – but significantly this was not a match against any ordinary opponent, for it was against Celtic! The predictable anti-British and anti-monarchy chants which emanated from the Celtic-supporting pea-brains may have come as a surprise to those not familiar with the affiliations of Glasgow Football, but by spewing out this poison from their mouths these obnoxious Roman Catholic-indoctrinated and IRA-sympathising cretins simply demonstrated to a wider world just what evil characters they are. Perhaps as a result of this disgusting display of primeval hatred all those with any form of human decency – regardless of who main favourite clubs are - should develop a soft-spot for Aston Villa. Aston Villa of course won this match by 4-2!



A supporter from Surrey has recently reminded us of a famous quotation attributed to Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the highly-respected German theologian, organist, musicologist, writer, humanitarian, philosopher, physician and staunch Christian. The quote reads as follows :-

“I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with White men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: we the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a White man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him, and they will destroy all of his work. Let White men from anywhere in the world who would come to Africa remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”

By all accounts many egalitarians have recently been questioning the attributation of this quotation to Dr. Schweitzer, but the fact remains that Dr. Schweitzer has been mainly “cancelled” and air-brushed out of history by these same egalitarians, thus of course tending to suggest that they do believe that these words were truly his!



Geoff Hill, the Africa correspondent for The Spectator and the Washington Times who of course spoke twice at Springbok Club meetings last year, has penned a highly informative article analysing last year’s South African elections entitled “Will South Africa’s Unemployed Rise Up?” which appeared in a recent edition of The Spectator. It can be accessed at :-




We have recently been sent a video publicising a planned petition presentation to be made at the United States Embassy in Pretoria on Saturday 15th February. This petition will detail the appalling situation which has developed in South Africa since the ANC regime was handed power, with tens-of-thousands of people being murdered, most significantly amongst the White farming community, and with a near total collapse of state infrastructure taking place, particularly in the health sector, and asking the newly re-installed Trump administration in the United States to take action to save South Africa. We wish those behind this petition every success in this venture.



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




(This site is for people who have considered emigrating from South Africa, specifically to Uruguay.)



“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasavideos@gmail.com for more information. UK contact telephone: 07865088212.



No.315: Mrs. CYNTHIA HUGHES of Hillcrest.

Following the apparent demise of the estimable Sons of England fraternity we learnt that Mrs. Cynthia Hughes from Hillcrest in Natal had been appointed as “Keeper of Records” for the organisation, and initially made good contact with her. It was our hope of course that we would be able to salvage some assets from the fraternity, with the aim of perhaps being able to re-constitute it, either in South Africa or in Canada where it was founded. Alas, however, more recent correspondence which we have sent to Mrs. Hughes has remained unanswered. We wonder therefore whether anyone knows what has become of her – or indeed if anyone knows whether the Sons of England is still functioning in any way.



The Academy of Ideas is a forum which believes firmly in the ideals of free speech, and which holds annual conferences in order to advance this cause. Its maxim is “Free Minds for a Free Society”, and its web-site can be accessed at :-






I'm sorry that Springbok Cyber Newsletter doesn't have a much wider circulation - Ray Absolom's and Paul Rhodes letters in the May 2024 Edition both deserve to be read a lot more, especially by some Right-wingers who let their obsession with "the Jews" blind them to trivial things like reality!

On a more pleasant note - I wonder if you've seen the current Miss Zimbabwe? Brooke Burk- Johnson reminds me of my idea of a Rhodesian girl - suntanned, blonde and beautiful!

Yours etc.,

Mark Taylor, London, U.K.




May’s Springbok Cyber Newsletter was top dollar. The article about the global warming hoax was excellent, and a brilliant editorial. I have passed this on to several like-minded people. Keep up the excellent work, and many thanks.

Yours etc.,

Ann Lloyd, Norfolk, U.K.




The eco-fascists won't be happy until they have driven us all back to the caves and a hunter-gatherer subsistence.

Their ideology is less than human and has nothing to do with the environment : "We (the UN-IPCC) re-distribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy ......... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore." (Dr. Ottmar Endenhofer, IPCC co-chair of Working Group 3, Nov 2010)

In other words, there is no climate crisis. The policy is to impoverish and destroy the poor so that the rich can survive in a totalitarian society, or what is left of it.

Yours etc.,

“Tony”, Buckinghamshire, U.K.



David “Dave” McCalden was an Ulsterman who graduated from Goldsmith’s College of the University of London. Unusually for someone hailing from Ulster’s Loyalist community he was an avowed atheist (though he was also an avowed animal-lover!). Whilst studying in London he joined the National Front (which at that time was a mainstream political party) in the early 1970s, and through his academic brilliance he quickly made his way up through the party’s ranks. He proved to be an organising genius, and was also a skilled writer, producing some of the party’s most effective publications and leaflets, which helped catapult the party into national prominence.

Alas the infiltration of the National Front by neo-fascist elements during the mid-1970s meant that it started to be demonised in the media and thus increasingly lost support, and as a result Dave McCalden led the more genuinely patriotic members out of the party to form the National Party of the United Kingdom (see S.A.Patriot-in-Exile No.37). At first the NPUK flourished, in no small part due to Dave McCalden’s brilliant administrative and writing skills, though sadly the lack of financial resources and the fact that Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Party had adopted so many of their policies meant the party folded shortly after the 1979 General Election.

Dave McCalden had for long taken a keen interest in the United States of America and its culture, so following the demise of the NPUK he managed to emigrate to the US where he linked up with a number of political and pro-loyalist bodies. Unfortunately, however, he fell under the influence of some unsavoury Holocaust-denying neo-Nazi elements in the US, which came as a great surprise to those who knew him well in the UK where he had always displayed intellectual rigour and true British patriotism. It didn’t take him long to disassociate himself from the most obnoxious of these elements however, and with a small band of supporters established his own publishing and pressure group which, although rejecting all neo-Nazi associations still pushed a ridiculous Holocaust-denying agenda.

In 1990 an astonishing piece of news reached the UK however, for it was reported that Dave McCalden had died, even though he was only 39 years of age and had always been an extremely fit man. Shortly after his reported death two rumours started to circulate among patriotic circles in the UK: firstly that he had faked his own death and had actually moved to Mexico to start a new life with a new identity (his second wife was Mexican), and secondly that shortly before this alleged faked death he had totally renounced all the Holocaust-denying nonsense. Many people doubted these rumours however as copies of Dave’s funeral brochures had been seen, but the rumours were given more weight when it was learnt that his Mexican wife had also allegedly died at a very young age. The mystery continues therefore, but as they Dave and his wife had produced a young daughter if she could be traced then maybe the mystery could be solved one way or another. It would be nice of course to learn that Dave McCalden had survived and had lived a good long life, and it would be particularly pleasing to learn that he had indeed rejected all the Holocaust-denying stupidity.


If you appreciated this edition of the SCN then perhaps you might consider making a donation to Patriotic Press, the publisher of the SCN. Unlike many other cyber-publications we receive no subscription fees or outside funding. All those involved with the publication are unpaid and work entirely voluntarily, but there are inevitable costs associated with running a cyber-newsletter such as this. We depend upon our readers to help us, either with regular or one-off payments. Such contributions can be made by direct bank transfer, our bank account details being :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L

Monday, 6 January 2025

January 2025 Edition.


January 2025 Edition

As was stated in the front-page article of The Imperial Patriot No.43, opinion poll after opinion poll in the UK has shown that the most overriding concern of the British people remains immigration. But two important matters should however be born in mind here: firstly the immigration crisis does not only affect Britain but the whole of the European continent, and secondly that it is not only “illegal” immigration which is the problem but rather all immigration by incompatible aliens.

Unlike Britain, most other European nations are still trapped within the internationalist European Union, and therefore cannot enact their own policies to restrict alien immigration (though the current Hungarian Government is trying its hardest to by-pass the EU hierarchy!). Even so however we believe it important that when a genuinely patriotic UK government comes to power they must try to co-ordinate their anti-immigration policies with other European national governments facing the same problem.

It is furthermore not only important to highlight the fact that all incompatible immigration – not only “illegal” immigration - badly affects the well-being of society and our national identity, but also that stopping further alien immigration alone will not be enough: there must also be a firm and effective programme of repatriation initiated.

But to return to the matter of “illegal” immigration – the notorious and sickening crossings of the English Channel and the Mediterranean by third world parasites in small boats. The RNLI is of course legally obliged by its very constitution to rescue all who are in danger on the high seas around the British Isles, but unfortunately the well-publicised pictures of life-boats picking up immigrants from the sea and then off-loading them on British shores has caused much anger among ordinary British citizens, and as a result donations to this most estimable charity have evidently plummeted, with those who find themselves in difficulties whilst legally being on the high seas potentially suffering fatal consequences. We therefore call upon the authorities to excuse the RNLI from their obligation to rescue those who are illegally on our territorial waters – after all had Germany tried to invade in 1940 would the RNLI have been obliged to rescue those whose landing-craft experienced difficulties?

We would actually go further and advocate that the authorities sanction any actions needed in order to prevent those boats carrying would-be third-world immigrants from landing. After a few dramatic actions the immigrants themselves would soon realise that such attempts are simply not worth the risk, and those behind the vile people-smuggling schemes would quickly go out of business.

To many this idea might sound callous, but where the very future safety and well-being of our nation is at stake we surely should not be squeamish. The Israelis certainly have never been squeamish when it comes to taking the most ruthless measures to protect their country and their people, as their current actions in the Gaza Strip to eliminate the Hamas terrorists well illustrates. Britain – and indeed all European nation-states - should therefore be equally ruthless when it comes to protecting their borders and safeguarding their people.



The Springbok Club commemorated the Day of the Vow last month with a special meeting whereat Mr. Gavin Sandeman read out an essay written by the organisation’s Honorary President, Mr. Peter Fisher (who unfortunately couldn‘t attend in person because of his current frail physical condition), about his life and adventures throughout the British Empire/Commonwealth. This proved to be a fascinating account, and even those who thought that they knew Peter Fisher well were surprised and captivated by the reports of his derring-do activities – especially whilst based in South Africa and the erstwhile Rhodesia. Peter Fisher clearly proved to be a true patriot – both in the British and South African contexts. His active support for the South African and Rhodesian causes confirmed that he was a hero of his adopted countries – though we must hasten to add that there have been many more such unrecognised British heroes who have made similar selfless sacrifices in support of the Empire/Commonwealth and their kith-and-kin around the world in the not too distant past.


The Springbok Club will be holding its 2025 AGM in central London during February, and all current members of the organisation will be informed of the precise details in due course. Following the business side of this meeting an itinerary of events for the rest of 2025 will be discussed and finalised, and then – in a slightly delayed celebration of Australia Day – a PowerPoint presentation about the early colonisation of Australia will be shown. It is hoped of course that all lapsed and would-be members of the organisation will be prepared to pay their 2025 subscriptions prior to this AGM, but regardless of this non-members will be welcome to attend the PowerPoint presentation. For more details please e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk.



The Patriotic Forum extends a warm joint invitation to all its members and supporters to attend the Springbok Club’s delayed celebration of Australia Day after its 2025 AGM on 8th February. The organisation will however be staging its own event to celebrate New Zealand Day later during February, and later during the year will hold meetings to be addressed by a prominent member of the ReformUK party, an acclaimed author and by a leading official of an important patriotic political think-tank. More details will be given in next month’s SCN.



Thanks to some small but generous recent donations practically all copies of Edition No.43 of The Imperial Patriot have now been sent out to all current subscribers. It is now therefore “all systems go” to produce Edition No.44 as soon as possible. The estimated printing cost for this will be £600.00, so we trust therefore that all supporters will do their best to help us obtain this amount in the very near future. Our banking details where such donations can be forwarded appear at the end of this edition of the SCN.



We have recently received the following most worrying e-mail from a supporter still based in the “new” South Africa. It reads as follows:-

“The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) has released a 48-page plan (the Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy) to create integrated “mega landscapes” on land and sea encompassing extensive areas where hunting, bioprospecting and tourism would monetise wild animals and plants for ‘consumptive use’.

“The proposal is to grow areas under conservation — called mega living conservation landscapes — from 20 million hectares to 34 million hectares by 2040, an area equal to seven Kruger National Parks.

“What happens within the new areas, however, would be nothing like Kruger’s wilderness but would involve ‘biodiversity business’.

“The strategy envisages;

an increase in the number of Big Five animals available for fair-chase trophy hunting, an expansion of recreational and traditional hunting, wild meat harvesting and fishing, and the increased use of indigenous plants, and of insects for food.

“’Consumptive use’ of wild animals within these landscapes is predicted by the plan to increase from R4.6-billion to R27.6-billion by 2036, bioprospecting and plant trade from R1.85-billion to R11.6-billion and marine and freshwater exploitation to rise by 10% a year. This represents a massive monetisation of South Africa’s wild ecosystems.”

It goes without saying that such plans are very disturbing as they risk putting an end to South Africa’s proud record of wildlife and nature conservation and wild animal welfare, which was begun by President Paul Kruger of the Transvaal (the South African Republic), whose brainchild the Kruger National Park (which opened in 1898) was, and which was carried on by all South African governments during the era of civilised rule. Hopefully sufficient governments throughout the West will be alerted to these retrograde plans so that they can put pressure on the “new” South African authorities to abandon or at least to modify them.



The winners of the 2024 Peter Dimmock Memorial Awards were as follows :-

British Sports Personality of the Year : KEELY HODGKINSON (Athletics)

British Sports Team of the Year : THE GREAT BRITAIN ROWING EIGHT

Overseas Sports Personality of the Year : LEON MARCHAND (France, Swimming)



The triumph of 17-year-old Luke Littler at this year’s Darts World Championship has caused much increased worldwide interest in Darts – but a long-standing question has again been asked in certain circles: Is Darts a real sport?

Darts originated as a form of practice for Archery during Medieval times, and King Henry VIII actually made weekly practice compulsory in order to maintain the skill of England’s archers. This present writer – who was a keen and not too bad Darts-player when younger – is perhaps a little too biased to comment in too much detail, but the fact remains that Darts has never been an Olympic sport, nor even, strangely in view of the fact that it has always been popular around the Empire/Commonwealth, in the Empire or Commonwealth Games.

Perhaps Darts’ main problem has been its image, with many of the top players appearing at tournaments wearing weird costumes and hairstyles, and looking obviously unfit. If the increased interest in Darts accelerated by Luke Littler’s ascendancy can change this bad image then perhaps it can be accepted by everyone as a real sport, and thereby hopefully achieve Olympic status. After all, it is clearly a more authentic sport than synchronised swimming or break-dancing!



A supporter has recently alerted us to a News24 web-page which reports on the most bizarre action by the ANC regime in threatening to deport all foreigners who open up “spaza shops” (small Black township provision stores) in the “new” South Africa. It can be accessed at :-




Advertisements for the forthcoming Sky TV drama “Lockerbie – A Search for Truth” feature pictures of the lead character played by Colin Firth – but it has been remarked that Firth as this character bears a remarkable resemblance to Sam “the Swerling Dervish” Swerling (see “The Curse of Springbok” in the October 2023 SCN) – complete with an apparently permanent scowl! We wonder therefore whether Firth is being lined-up to play Swerling in a future drama – though heaven forbid that any such drama about this obnoxious character is ever produced!



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




(This site is for people who have considered emigrating from South Africa, specifically to Uruguay.)



“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasavideos@gmail.com for more information. UK contact telephone: 07865088212.



No.314: Mr. TONY WEBBER of Littlehampton.

In last month’s SCN the tail-piece article was titled “Where are they all now?”, and told how sadly many British patriots who were active members of the National Party of the United Kingdom (NPUK) during the 1970s now seemed to be completely inactive. It has since been pointed out to us that one leading member of the NPUK who also sadly seems to have disappeared, but who we didn’t mention in last month’s SCN, was Tony Webber. Tony Webber came from Littlehampton in Sussex, and seemed to be an astute political observer and prophet. He saddened a number of NPUK members with South African connections by predicting the South Africa would surrender to the forces of darkness – something which alas of course did come to pass – but also predicted that things would eventually take a turn for the better in the United States, in other words he seemed to predict the Trumpian revolution! It would therefore be very interesting to learn what became of him.



Rebel News is a Canadian-based on-line news service which is a trusted source for global news and information, and which has been recommended to us by a number of supporters. It can be accessed at :-






I think you and your loyal patriots would be interested in this article I have just come across.

“But while the immigrant entry to this country was an admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend , and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.

They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond all recognition , their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards and discipline and competence required of the native born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them they were now the unwanted”.

This was written by the greatest Prime Minister we sadly never had , Enoch Powell, writing about the then, upcoming Race Relations Act of 1966.

He continued ……..

“a law which cannot, and is not intended to operate to protect them or redress their grievances, is to be enacted to give the stranger (alien), the disgruntled and the agent provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions!”

This is as true today as then. The commonwealth immigrant of Enoch’s day has been superseded by Moslems and so-called refugees from other parts of the world. We see them taking over our country. Their so-called human rights lawyers running rings around our Government. The great challenge, nay battle, will be against the evils of Islam battling our democracy. Who Stands for England!

Yours etc.,

George Fraser, Petersfield, Hampshire, U.K.




Re. the article “Interesting FaceBook Posting – Primitive Humans and Black Africans” in last month’s SCN, these new findings are not always in accord with the prehistory widely believed :-


Yours etc.

Tony Williams, New South Wales, Australia.,




The rioting in Southport and other UK cities has been most unwelcome.

What was the official response?

The rioters have been described as “far right thugs” and drawn the strongest possible condemnation from the government, the mainstream media and the public. Keir Starmer called police chiefs to a meeting in Downing Street to discuss what action should be taken to penalise rioters and set up a nationwide police unit to control it.

What were the rioters complaining about?

In Southport, three young girls were murdered and five more girls and two adults are in a critical condition after allegedly being attacked by a Black youth armed with a knife. Although born in the UK the perpetrator is the son of immigrant parents who came to the UK from Rwanda.

Go back to March 2021. A mob of Moslem men gathered outside school gates in Batley. They were complaining about a schoolteacher. The teacher allegedly received death threats and he, and his family, had to go into hiding to save their lives. They are still in hiding, years after the incident.

What was the official response?

Grovelling apologies from the school and virtually NO action by the police or the government to control demonstrators outside the school, or prosecute the Moslem men involved in making the alleged death threats.

What were the Moslems complaining about?

The teacher showed his class a cartoon!

Donna Jones, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner was absolutely right to suggest that it was time to hold an honest debate about the underlying causes!

Yours etc.,

“Ghost writer”, Salisbury, Wiltshire, U.K.




It was with much sadness that we recently learnt that Michael John “Mike” Procter had died in February 2024. Mike Procter was one of the greatest – if not the greatest – all-round Cricketers ever to play for South Africa, or indeed for any country. With his flowing blond hair and muscular physique he gave every impression of being a Nordic God.

Mike Proctor was born at Durban in 1946. Both his father and an elder brother had played a few matches for Natal, but neither of them reached the heights of excellence which Mike achieved. He was educated at Hilton College where he excelled academically as well as on the sports field. Upon leaving school he embarked immediately upon a career in professional Cricket, and although he never played for the Natal first XI until the 1965/66 season so great were the prodigious talents which he displayed whilst playing for Natal “B” that he was even considered for the South African national team which toured England in 1965.

Both at schoolboy level and during his early professional career he was very close to his team-mate Barry Richards, and during their late teens they shared a flat (believed to be in the “Barcelona” block, a stone’s throw from Durban’s North Beach) together. Although Barry Richards was evidently very staid at this time, Mike Procter was apparently a bit of a hell-raiser, and was once allegedly found travelling up and down in the flats’ lift slumped in a corner whilst in a drunken stupor!

His talents were soon spotted by a number of English professional players who were playing for club sides in South Africa however, and Gloucestershire quickly snapped him up. He joined the Gloucestershire staff in 1965 and remained with the county until 1981. His achievements for Gloucestershire became legendary, scoring 32 first-class centuries and taking 833 wickets. He twice scored a century and took a hat-trick in the same match (a feat never achieved by any other player) and in the semi-final of the 1977 Benson & Hedges Cup match against Hampshire took four wickets in five balls! So outstanding were his contributions for Gloucestershire that the county was commonly nicknamed “Proctershire”!

He loved his time in the UK and developed several other interests in the country, and as a result was often seen travelling between matches in his own car rather than in the team bus. Whilst playing for the county Gloucestershire won the Gillette Cup in 1973 and the Benson & Hedges Cup in 1977.

In total Mike Procter played 401 first-class matches scoring 21,936 runs at an average of 36.01, including 48 centuries and 109 fifties and with a highest score of 254, and took 1,417 wickets at an average of 19.53, taking five wickets in an innings on 70 occasions and ten wickets in a match 15 times. He also played 271 limited-overs matches scoring 6,624 runs at an average of 27.94, including 5 centuries and 36 fifties and with a highest score of 154*, and took 344 wickets at an average of 18.76, taking five wickets in a match 7 times. He played in 10 Test Matches for South Africa and in 3 limited-overs internationals (including against “rebel” touring teams), captaining his country against the 1981/82 English “rebel” team. His greatest achievement however was to score six centuries in consecutive innings, a feat only achieved previously by Sir Don Bradman and by C.B.Fry – illustrious company indeed!

As well as being an outstanding Cricketer, during his playing career Mike Procter also showed himself to be a good patriot – a fact which endeared him to both South African and British patriots. Whereas many leading South African sportsmen of the era used every trick in the book to get out of National Service, Mike Procter eagerly did his time in the Army, even though his posting during this period meant that he had to leave Natal to play for Western Province during the 1969/70 season. During his National Service days he formed good friendships with some of his Rhodesian counterparts however, and as a result once his National Service was over he decided to express his solidarity with his Rhodesian kith-and-kin by moving to play for Rhodesia (who then still competed in the Currie Cup competition) for the 1970/71 season, staying there for six seasons before returning to play for his native Natal. As mentioned, he was a keen and proud member of the South African Test and One-Day International squads who played against the 1981/82 England “rebel” tourists, whereas several left-leaning players of the time expressed misgivings about supporting this tour. Evidently Mike Procter once contemplated taking out UK citizenship (he had full British ancestry) so that he could play for England, but so great was his love for the land of his birth that he eventually decided against this move.

In view of his love for the South Africa of his birth it therefore came as a great surprise and disappointment that following the surrender of the nation to the ANC terrorists he decided not only to remain in the country but even to accept positions in the “new” South African Cricket administration. This only brought him short-term benefits however, for as soon as the “new” South African Cricket authorities had established themselves they soon dropped him, and he took up a position as an ICC international match referee as a result. He therefore became a “forgotten man” as far as South African Cricket was concerned, and his death was hardly reported in the “new” South Africa. He did not disappear down a memory black-hole as far as his former Gloucestershire colleagues were concerned however, for the Gloucestershire CCC authorities ordered their flags to be lowered to half-mast as soon as they heard of his death, and to remain at half-mast until the start of the next season.

Mike Procter married Maryna Godwin, the top South African Lawn Tennis player of her day, in 1969, and they became the leading South African sporting “power couple” of the era. The marriage proved strong and lasting, and they produced three children, Greg, Jessica and Tammy. By all accounts Mike Procter only went into hospital for a routine heart operation, but – as so often seems to be the case in the “new” South Africa – the operation was botched, and he never re-gained consciousness. Our sincere condolences are extended to Maryna and their children.


If you appreciated this edition of the SCN then perhaps you might consider making a donation to Patriotic Press, the publisher of the SCN. Unlike many other cyber-publications we receive no subscription fees or outside funding. All those involved with the publication are unpaid and work entirely voluntarily, but there are inevitable costs associated with running a cyber-newsletter such as this. We depend upon our readers to help us, either with regular or one-off payments. Such contributions can be made by direct bank transfer, our bank account details being :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L

Monday, 9 December 2024

December 2024 Edition.


December 2024 Edition

As we reach the end of 2024 the World is clearly becoming an ever more dangerous and chaotic place. As Peter Lindsay titles his observant in-depth cyber circular, it is a “World Crisis” indeed.

Apart from the two ongoing vicious military conflicts in the Ukraine and on the borders of Israel, there is now chaos in Syria, largescale civil unrest following constitutional crises in Georgia, Romania and the Republic of Korea, and potentially catastrophic Parliamentary uncertainties in Germany, France and perhaps also in Britain. We do not believe in some of the more wacko conspiracy theories, and it is quite clear that not all of these global crises are related – but even so there are certainly some common factors at play here.

The root cause of the current worldwide instability we would argue lies in the abdication of global responsibility by the West, and here we are specifically referring to the destruction of the great European Empires post WW2, with the resulting emergence of numerous incompetent “third world” states (many of them very wealthy as a result of oil and other natural resources) and the accompanying flooding of Western countries by minions from these same “third world” states fleeing from the corruption, anarchy and incompetence in their own countries!

But all is not without hope, for on 20th January 2025 Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States with the avowed aim to “Make America Great Again”, which hopefully in reality means to “Make The West Great Again”! During his first term of office President Trump disappointed a lot of his worldwide supporters by adopting a somewhat isolationist policy and trying to suck-up to the dangerous lunatics of the DPRK, but of course this was nothing compared to the cowardly withdrawalist policies of the Biden Administration which turned Afghanistan once again into a threatening fundamentalist Islamic tyranny. Hopefully as 47th President Donald Trump will not make the same mistakes and will not only end all the unnecessary White bloodshed in the Russian/Ukrainian conflict (in reality a Russian civil war) but will also take a more forthright stance to confront and neutralise those “third world” countries posing dangers to the West.

It is to be hoped furthermore that the Trumpian revolution will spread throughout the West – particularly to the great nation-states of Western Europe. With the current Parliamentary uncertainties in both Germany and France there are strong possibilities of both the Alternative Fúr Deutschland and the Rassemblement National could be catapulted into some form of power – and as Germany and France are the “power-houses” of the EU this could spell the death-knell for this inward-looking institution. The situation is far different in the UK of course because of the continuing two-party dominance, but as recent opinion polls are showing massive increasing support for ReformUK a string of by-election victories for this party could completely change the political landscape here.

If a complete sea-change in these other Western countries could emulate that in the United States then hopefully two important global changes will soon take place. Firstly that these Western nations become as ruthless as Israel in dealing with all those who invade and try to destroy their countries, and secondly that Russia will be accepted as part of the West rather than being viewed as Asian-orientated, so that after a peace agreement is agreed with the Ukrainian separatists (which will hopefully allow them to save a bit of face) the Russian Federation will be welcomed back into the Western fold, and as a result it will realise that Communist China and Islamic Iran are as much of a threat to their own well-being as to the rest of the Western world!



The Springbok Club held a most successful and enlightening meeting in central London last month at which the guest speaker was Mr. Geoff Hill, the co-founder and first editor of Rhodesians Worldwide magazine and the Africa correspondent for The Washington Times and The Spectator. As this speech was given under Chatham House Rules full details about the contents cannot be given, but it can be reported that Geoff Hill informed the audience about many significant developments occurring in Southern Africa at the moment, and the probable implications of the results of the several general elections which have taken place in the sub-continent over recent months, particularly concerning the results and developments in Botswana (Bechuanaland).


The Springbok Club will be holding a special meeting in order to commemorate the Day of the Vow later this month, the details of which are as follows :-

Date : Monday 16th December 2024

Times : Assemble from 14.00 hrs onwards. Talk to start at approximately 16.00 hrs

Venue : THE ANTELOPE (the Snug Room), 22 Eaton Terrace, Belgravia, London SW1W 8EZ. (nearest tube station: Sloane Square - turn right out of the main entrance, then right again into the north side of Sloane Square which becomes Cliveden Place, then finally left into Eaton Terrace where The Antelope is on the left).

At this meeting Springbok Club committee member Mr. Gavin Sandeman will give an informal talk about the life and adventures of his great friend and colleague Mr. Peter Fisher, the Honorary President of the Springbok Club.


In January the Springbok Club will be holding its 2025 AGM at which, inter alia, the itinerary of events for the rest of the year will be discussed and finalised.



The Patriotic Forum will be holding an event in late January 2025 to celebrate both Burns’ Night and Australia Day, and in February will be staging a gathering to celebrate New Zealand Day. Later during the year it will hold meetings to be addressed by a prominent member of the ReformUK party, an acclaimed author and by a leading official of an important patriotic political think-tank. In spite being somewhat dormant as far as gatherings have been concerned for the past few months, the Patriotic Forum has still been issuing regular informative e-mail circulars regarding current national and international developments under the auspices of its Patriotic Forum Circulation Service. To be added to this circulation list simply e-mail: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk.



We have recently received the following most disturbing report from the Animal Survival International organisation about the plight of elephants in “Zimbabwe”. It reads as follows:-

“Two elephants in Zimbabwe are in life-threatening situations as you read this. Each has fallen victim to cruel wire snares - torture devices that cut dangerously deep into the flesh, cause severe tissue damage and likely leave the animal in agony.

“The elephants - members of two separate herds roaming the vast Lake Kariba region - were spotted by our partner, the Bumi Hills Anti-Poaching Unit (BHAPU), and the team they are working with, Kariba Animal Welfare Fund Trust (KAWFT). One of the animals is an eight-year-old female with a snare around her ear and tusk, while the other is a calf - estimated to be just a year old - who has a snare wound tightly around its back leg which is probably causing great pain.

“Already, the snare has caused significant damage to the elder elephant: there is a terrible wound behind her ear where the snare is embedded, affecting its use and causing the ear to collapse forward.

“If these elephants are not rescued and treated SOON, they could suffer life-altering injuries, be captured by predators, or die as a result of infection. We need your help right now - and here is why…

“It is a race against time to help two snared elephants – one still a calf – and your donation right now could make a life-or-death difference.

“To help these animals, our team must dart and tranquilize them first - but the elephants are extremely difficult to target from the ground. They are wild, elusive, and largely hidden in the vast, densely wooded area they are roaming.

“The most effective way to dart them, therefore, will be from above. Our team urgently needs to charter a helicopter and pilot so they can spot the animals from the sky and dart them, but they cannot fund this alone. And this is where we need your help as fast as possible.

“A helicopter approach is the safest way to track and dart the injured skittish elephants. Trying from the ground means being attacked by an irate mother who does not know we are there to help and will kill to help her injured calf. To save the calf, a helicopter is the only option and we need help to hire one.

“Snares act like nooses, slowly cutting into the flesh and causing more damage every day. With each passing moment, these elephants are at great risk of losing body parts, making them vulnerable to predators, infection and even death.

“Your support right now could be the difference between life and death for these snared animals - integral members of their herds. Elephants live in tightly bonded, female-led herds, and the death of this individual would devastate the herd. Elephants have been proven to grieve their dead, and if it is the matriarch who dies, the herd may dissolve.

“If we can come together to raise $12,000 (roughly £9,469) we can hire a helicopter and a pilot to provide the crucial capture kits and supplies needed to undertake the emergency treatment these elephants urgently need. The greater the delay, the greater the risk to their survival.

“We anticipate that the other elephants in the herds will try to protect their kin from human interference, which means our team must execute the rescue with military precision and the highest level of care.

“Once an elephant has been successfully darted from the air, our team will rush in, carefully remove the snare and treat the injury. The sedative drug will then be reversed, and the elephant will be monitored until it is steady on its feet and ready to rejoin its herd.

“Our teams are preparing to mobilize at a moment’s notice and are monitoring both elephants' movements, so they do not lose sight of them. All they need now is the funding to charter the helicopter.

“It is critical that we raise the funds because these badly injured elephants really need our help.

“Saving animals and the planet,

“Campaign Director, “Animal Survival International

“P.S. The Kariba Lake region has been plagued by elephant poaching in the past. Between 2001 and 2014, an estimated 12,000 elephants were slaughtered here for their tusks - a staggering 40% of their population. BHAPU and KAWFT were established to protect the area’s wildlife, and through their hard work, they have not lost a single elephant to poaching in the last six years. We MUST help them maintain this record, and more importantly, we MUST help save these elephants’ lives.”

To contact Animal Survival International, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to help save the elephants of “Zimbabwe”, visit their web-site at : https://animalsurvival.org/



For several years now “Stonewall” (a sinister pressure group which attempts to promote the acceptance of sexual depravity) has been applying pressure on various sporting authorities to display their perverted “rainbow” colour-schemes on various items of sporting equipment and apparel. The Football Association’s Premier League has been one of the most prominent sporting governing bodies to have meekly acquiesced to this pernicious pressure by ordering all the captains of Premier League clubs to wear captain’s armbands in the degenerate “rainbow” colour-scheme for one weekend’s fixtures each season.

Last year the Sheffield United captain, Anel Ahmedhodzic, courageously defied the Premier League’s instruction in this regard, and this year the Ipswich Town captain, Sam Morsy, bravely did likewise, with the Crystal Palace captain, Marc Guehi, defiantly defacing his armband with the words “Jesus Loves You”. Although all three of these brave captains were evidently influenced by their Christian and Muslim religious beliefs, all – or certainly most – of the world’s major religions, both ancient and modern, regard homosexuality as a sin, so why therefore haven’t there been more Premier League captains to have +the courage to refuse to comply with this disgusting instruction?

All sports, particularly Association Football, appeal primarily to the youngest and therefore most susceptible members of society, so therefore the Premier League’s willingness to encourage predatory homosexuals to prey upon them must be regarded as sickening in the extreme. Can they not remember the likes of Barry Bennell!?!



Voting for this year’s Peter Dimmock memorial sports awards will be taking place this month. As in previous years there will be three categories of awards: British Sports Personality of the Year, British Sports Team of the Year, and Overseas Sports Personality of the Year. Simply e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk with your choices for the winners in all three of these categories. The winners will be announced in the January 2025 edition of the SCN, so get your votes in soon!



Even though it is now over two years since Queen Elizabeth died there has still been no plan for an official national statue of her announced, let alone erected! To be sure there have been several local statues unveiled around the country, but no official national statue in the capital. There have however been many mutterings that such a statue should be of an equine form and situated on the long-vacant fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square. This we believe would be a splendid idea, as it would not only emphasise the late Queen’s lifelong love of horses, but would also put an end to the succession of ridiculous – and in many cases offensive – exhibits which have been desecrating the fourth plinth for the past few years. Alas there seems to be no official co-ordinated campaign advocating this step. The Patriotic Forum is more than keen to give its full support to such a campaign if one can be co-ordinated.



We have recently been sent the following most interesting posting from a number of sources on FaceBook :-


“Scientists now believe that up to a fifth of sub-saharan DNA comes from Homo Erectus, a hominin that never invented anything for a million years. After the interbreeding event with homo sapiens 50,000 years ago, the resulting negroid population have never invented anything either, except for the bone harpoon. Even bows and arrows were invented in Europe and Asia, where some of the homo sapiens population had emigrated at the same time as the interbreeding event further south. The northerners may have been helped by limited interbreeding with Neanderthals - Europeans have up to 3% of their DNA - but it looks likely that a high Homo Erectus element in their bloodline is what has held black Africans back.”

This posting seems to be extremely well researched and bears all the hall-marks of scientific authenticity, as well as confirming that which is patently obvious from personal observations. Alas however this posting contains no information about its original source, which therefore makes it very awkward to re-circulate. If anyone could tell us where this extract was first published then we would be most grateful.



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




(This site is for people who have considered emigrating from South Africa, specifically to Uruguay.)



“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.



No.313: Mr. SPENCER SALZMAN of Durban

Spencer Salzman was the younger brother of Jenny Salzman (see May 2007 SCN). He was introduced to Patriotic Forum circles in Durban during the late 1980s by his sister, and became increasingly enthusiastic about the South African patriotic cause. Alas the country fell shortly after he first became involved, and as our movement was forced to re-locate to the UK shortly after this contact with him was unfortunately lost. It would however be very interesting to learn where he is now.



The Our Rhodesian Heritage web-site contains many enthralling articles and fascinating pictures about life in Rhodesia from all of the years of the country’s existence. It can be accessed at :-






The Covid hoax was a reminder that most of the people in government do not know what they are doing. Actually governments are more dangerous than diseases and enemies together.

Yours etc.,

H.Koch, Transvaal, South Africa.




I entirely agree with your March editorial about the dishonourable new MP for Rochdale. May I go on record with my belief that he's the worst mainland MP since the days of D.N.Pritt and Captain Ramsey? The first, for readers' information, was a devout follower of Stalin; the second a paranoid anti-Semite whose actual and planned activities during the war might have made him our Quisling.

Yours etc.,

Mark Taylor, London, U.K.




Australia is so lucky geographically to be surrounded by water. They can stop the boats and the hordes. How tragic it is that the Whites of South Africa are now 4 million in a sea of 60 million non-Whites, yet the former still keep the latter and the whole country afloat.

A book will soon appear showing how and why this occur red, and how liberalism made it all happen. Never underestimate the role played by genetics in human history. Britain’s one and only Jewish prime minister Benjamin Disraeli said that “he who does not understand race does not understand politics”. His sayings are many and very wise.

Britain is now buckling under the racial “demands” for a more “transformative” and “diverse” nursing profession, police force, parliamentary representatives, academics quotas and so forth, ad infinitum. The demands will keep coming make no mistake. Once you capitulate on one front, the rest can’t be far behind. I look at Britain today and wonder if there is such a thing as divine retribution, after what the British government did to the Whites of Southern Africa.

Liberalism is relentless, insistent and non-negotiable. Liberals are infused with a fierce determination to get their way, come what may. Look at Biden and the three million aliens he let in, all to be looked after in “sanctuary cities”. Not in his city of course. His successor lost on the “immigration” issue in the November election - although it’s not immigration, it’s an invasion! Liberals always learn the hard way, and usually there is no going back, at least in South Africa’s situation. We all have to pay the price for the destructive policies of the White “progressives” who helped the ANC to power. We’re all in the quicksand together.

Yours etc.,

“South African Aussie”, Transvaal, South Africa.




I see from the March SCN that Ms.Stevens/Watson/Woodgate – the woman who threatened to shoot you because you circulated an amusing picture concerning the death of the terrorist leader Mandela - has herself now died. How most amusing!

Yours etc.,

Richard Windsor, Kent, U.K.



In edition No.37 of S.A.Patriot-in-Exile (now re-branded as The Imperial Patriot of course) we carried an article about the British political party called the National Party of the United Kingdom (NPUK). In a nutshell this was an authentic patriotic party which had broken away from the National Front at the end of 1975 after the latter had been infiltrated and taken over by a clique of neo-fascists.

Although the NPUK was alas short-lived it did however have a lasting influence on the British political scene, firstly by advocating a policy which it described as “de-nationalisation”, which came to fruition as the policy of “privatisation” under Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government, and secondly by promoting a policy of “neo-Imperialism” (seeking closer relationships with the nations of the old White Commonwealth and re-asserting Britain’s influence in its former colonial possessions) – a policy which of course our movement still advocates today.

Alas a combination of factors – lack of financial resources and the fact that the Thatcher Government had “stolen” so many of their policies! – meant that the party folded in 1980, and although many of its members re-joined the Conservative Party and/or became involved with other political pressure groups, particularly those opposing Britain’s EU membership, the NPUK as such was never revived.

Come the birth of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in the 1990s however many former NPUK members gravitated towards this new similar party, but now, 25 or so years later, after UKIP have been triumphant in ensuring Britain’s exit from the EU (“Brexit”) and has metamorphosised into the ReformUK party, former NPUK activists seem nowhere to be seen! Many of the party’s leading figures, such as leader John Kingsley Read, David “Dave” McCalden, Harry Tuff and Mickey Baker, are now sadly dead of course – but where are the rest of its former leading activists – people such as Richard “Rick” Lawson, Steve Brady, Sam “Charlie” Simpson, David Kerr, Joan Sandland, Paul Kingsley, Syd Porter, Jim Turner, John Challen and Clive Lucas, most of whom were only in their 20s during the 1970s and so are therefore probably still alive today?

With Brexit now secured and ReformUK on the ascendancy their active participation in the party is now surely more needed than ever – particularly to advocate a more forthright neo-Imperialist policy as the country’s destiny! Needless to say, if anyone could enlighten us about the current whereabouts of any of these people we would be most grateful.


If you appreciated this edition of the SCN then perhaps you might consider making a donation to Patriotic Press, the publisher of the SCN. Unlike many other cyber-publications we receive no subscription fees or outside funding. All those involved with the publication are unpaid and work entirely voluntarily, but there are inevitable costs associated with running a cyber-newsletter such as this. We depend upon our readers to help us, either with regular or one-off payments. Such contributions can be made by direct bank transfer, our bank account details being :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L

Monday, 11 November 2024

November 2024 Edition.


November 2024 Edition

When Donald J. Trump won the US Presidential Election in 2016 he won 30 states resulting in 304 Electoral College votes and 46.1% of the popular votes. Even though the precise result of the 2020 US Presidential Election is still disputed because of widescale suspicions of electoral fraud, it is still clear that he didn’t perform quite as well as in 2016. In 2024 however he carried 31 states resulting in 312 Electoral College votes and 50.5% of the popular vote. This was not only a magnificent personal achievement and a vote of confidence in President Trump himself, but it also reflected a massive sea-change in the American and international zeitgeist.

President Trump’s return to power will not only have enormous beneficial effects for the United States – a substantial economic uplift through tariff reforms and the dropping of all the ridiculous “net zero” regulations, and an effective halting of illegal immigration and the repatriation of illegal immigrants already in the country – but will also herald huge positive changes in the international arena. The fratricidal military conflict in the Ukraine will probably swiftly be brought to an end and Israel will be supported far more forthrightly in its battles against Islamic terrorism.

But Donald Trump’s glorious victory in the United States should not be viewed in isolation. Across the West patriotic forces are clearly now on the ascendancy. Patriotic “right of centre” governments are already in place in Hungary and Italy, and the current coalition government in New Zealand is certainly a lot preferable to its predecessor! In the Netherlands both the Partij Voor de Vrijheid and the Boer Burger Beweging now hold prominent positions in government, and in France the Rassemblement National seems to be on the verge of power. Even in the UK, where the “first past the post” electoral system makes advancement for new parties very difficult, ReformUK made a very significant break-through at the recent General Election, and with the ruling Labour Party already in deep trouble and split down the middle (particularly over how to deal with President Trump!) and the Conservative Party seeming to have committed suicide by farcically electing a negress foreigner as leader, it would seem that ReformUK could be far closer to power than was thought possible. The dark despondent era when “wokism” seemed to be entrenched globally from the 1990s until very recently now seems to be drawing to an end therefore, and Donald Trump’s great victory could have an even more encouraging knock-on effect throughout the West in this regard.

Now therefore is a time to rejoice – and to rejoice eagerly – but not for too long nor to the detriment of all else, as there is still much work to be done. Donald Trump’s victory must be an inspiration to all patriots - not to sit back on their laurels, but to re-double their efforts!



Last month the Springbok Club organised the annual "Raising of the Flag" ceremony, which this year took place at Fox Corner near Guildford in Surrey, the place where Frederick Courteney Selous (after whom the Rhodesian Selous Scouts Regiment was of course named) lived for most of his married life. After rendezvousing at the Fox Inn the Springbok Club party assembled outside the near-by house where Frederick Courteney Selous had lived, and here Sgt. Graham Gillmore (ex-Grenadier Guards, RLI and South African Pathfinders Company), the Parade Commander, supervised the ceremony. The Union Flag was raised by Miss Sarah Mort and the Rhodesian Flag by Miss Hannah Mort, after which the current Springbok Club chairman said a few words about the legacy of Frederick Courteney Selous, followed by the singing of both the British and the Rhodesian National Anthems. Toasts in Sandeman's Port were then raised to the King and Queen, the immortal memories of Frederick Courteney Selous and Peter Sladden, and to all those who had fought and died for the Rhodesian cause. The Springbok Club party then returned to the Fox Inn where Mr. Gary Vincent presented the second part of his PowerPoint trilogy about the life and career of Frederick Courteney Selous, and where - surprisingly - they were joined by members of the Cardiff Arms Park Male Voice Choir, who gave some splendid renditions of tradition Welsh hymns and arias at the bar, to round off a truly inspiring and memorable day!


Details of the Springbok Club's important November meeting are as follows :-

Date : Saturday 16th November 2024

Times : Assemble from 14.00 hrs onwards. Meeting to start at 15.00 hrs

Venue : Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (the upstairs "Johnson Room"), 145 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2BP (entrance via the side passageway, Wine Office Court). Nearest tube stations: Chancery Lane and Blackfriars.

Guest Speaker : Mr. Geoff Hill

Geoff Hill was the co-founder and the first editor of Rhodesians Worldwide magazine. For more than two decades Geoff Hill has worked as chief Africa correspondent for The Washington Times, and writes regularly for The Spectator. He was also the first non-American to win a John Steinbeck Award for his work.

Geoff was the guest speaker at the Springbok Club's April meeting when we enjoyed our biggest attendance for a long time, and he certainly didn't disappoint as he gave a "closed door" briefing on events in Southern Africa, which ended with a standing ovation and a volume of questions, all of which he was happy to answer.

A lot has changed since then in Southern Africa, including elections in South Africa, Mozambique and Botswana (which has resulted in a new government).

The future however remains uncertain. Russia and China are playing a long game across the region, and Islamic State seems to be winning the war in northern Mozambique. Britain and the United States are doing their best to keep up, but both have new leaders with little grasp of the region.

Much of what Geoff shared with us in April never makes the news, and so once again Chatham House Rules will apply.

If you want to learn the untold truth about today's Africa then you are warmly invited to attend this Springbok Club meeting. For more details either e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk or 'phone: 07711188430.

[ Geoff's take on Botswana, with some of his personal views about Duma Boko, can be found in his latest article for The Spectator, which can be found at :- https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/a-fragile-democracy-has-bloomed-in-botswana/]


In December the Springbok Club will be holding a special gathering in order to commemorate the Day of the Vow, at which the life and career of the organisation’s Honorary President, Mr. Peter Fisher, will be told and honoured. In January the Springbok Club will be holding its 2025 AGM, and later during the spring of 2025 the organisation will be staging the third in the trilogy of PowerPoint presentations by Mr. Gary Vincent about the life and achievements of Frederick Courteney Selous (which will include a trip to the Natural History Museum) and a weekend’s trip to Bournemouth in order to meet up with a prominent Rhodesian.



The Patriotic Forum will be holding an event in late January 2025 to celebrate both Burns’ Night and Australia Day, and in February will be staging a gathering to celebrate New Zealand Day. Later during the year it will hold meetings to be addressed by a prominent member of the ReformUK party, an acclaimed author and by a leading official of an important patriotic political think-tank.



The following report which we have received from the Animal Survival International organisation about the plight of rhinos in the “new” South Africa causes great worries. It reads as follows:-

“An orphaned rhino calf barely survived an attack by hyenas after losing his mother to poachers. He needs your immediate support for life-saving veterinary care and rehabilitation.

“As the African rhino poaching crisis continues to wipe out animal populations across the country, its latest victim - just 18 months old - is fighting for his life.

“Now named Bavati, the young calf was orphaned when his mother was slaughtered by poachers, effectively leaving him for dead as rhino calves can suckle for up to two years and cannot fend for themselves without their primary caregiver.

“Defenceless and surely confused, he was then pursued by a clan of hyenas who sensed his weakness. Without his mother to protect him, Bavati was attacked, his face and tail badly injured by the pack. It is miraculous that the calf survived the attack, but now, he needs more than a miracle to pull through - he needs YOU,

“The young bull calf was already experiencing unimaginable pain following the traumatic loss of his mother. As if he had not suffered enough, he was then chased and severely injured by hyenas!

“When a mother rhino is poached, her calf will often die soon afterward due to injuries inflicted by poachers, attacks by lions or hyenas, or starvation. This compounds an already escalating crisis as rhino numbers fall and further hampers the regeneration of this widely hunted species.

“As soon as our partner, the Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary (CFW), was alerted to Bavati’s case, they rushed to the scene with a team of wildlife vets. They found that the hyena wounds to his face and tail had become infected, and he was in critical condition. He was given emergency on-site treatment before being carefully loaded into a transportation crate for his journey back to Care for Wild (in an undisclosed location – for his safety).

“Bavati was found alive with a raging infection from his hyena-inflicted wounds and is currently fighting for his life.

“The calf is still extremely vulnerable at this stage and has a long road to recovery ahead of him. With your support right now, we can cover the cost of his urgent veterinary care and long-term rehabilitation. His will be a long road to recovery, and for a species under immense threat from poaching, every life counts.

“Bavati is the latest in a long line of poaching victims in South Africa. Official poaching statistics from South Africa's Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) reveals that 448 rhinos were killed in 2022 alone. Research shows a rhino is killed in South Africa every 20 hours.

“In 2021, you stood with us and helped rush emergency, life-saving funds to CFW following their rescue of FOUR rhino calves orphaned by poaching within just days of each other, including 12-hour-old Daisy, who, thanks to your support, received the care she needed to pull through.

“Right now, Bavati urgently needs the very same support if he is to have a chance of recovery.

“If we can raise $7,000 (£5,650), we can cover Bavati’s costly medical treatment, including wound care, pain relief, antibiotics, and ongoing blood tests to help CFW monitor his health and prolonged recovery.

“With your help, we are determined to give this orphaned and suffering calf the same chance that countless other vulnerable young rhinos (like Daisy!) have received at CFW.

“For the animals,

“Campaign Director, “Animal Survival International

“P.S. Rhino populations are at a tipping point. In the last decade, 9,396 rhinos have been lost to poaching. We must do everything in our power to protect the remaining populations to help their numbers increase. Every single rhino we rescue and rehabilitate is critical to the survival of their entire species.”

To contact Animal Survival International, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to help save rhinos like Bavati, visit their web-site at : https://animalsurvival.org/



According to the United Nations report, "Violence Against Women and Girls in Sports," transgender (i.e. perverted men masquerading as women) athletes have won 890 medals in 29 different women's sports up until March 2024. This disgusting and truly shocking state of affairs – particularly when it involves physical-contact sports – can surely not be allowed to continue, and the various sporting authorities around the world must act to ensure that only those who are indisputably female (i.e. those who do not have a “Y” sex chromosome) are allowed to compete in female-only sporting competitions.

But there is alas something even more insidious affecting much of women’s sport today. There currently seems to be a high proportion of women who identify as lesbians (i.e. women who form unnatural intimate relationships with other women) in leading administrative and playing roles throughout women’s sport. They are of course part of the so-called “LGBT+” movement (where the “L” stands for “lesbian” and the “T” stands for “transgender”), and so therefore seem to be in close liaison with those perverted men who are undermining the very sanctity of the female sports which they are supposed to be safeguarding. Surely young girls around the world deserve to be able to experience the joys of sporting competitions without becoming prey not only for perverted men, but also for these invariably predatory perverted women.



Speaking at the Cheltenham Literature Festival in October Rupert Everett, the award-winning actor, stated “I have a great affection for all the stories of the [British] Empire”, adding that he found “a great romance” in the history of the European empires established worldwide since the 15th century. He then went on to say “The men in my family were all kind of empire-rulers, kind of military, naval, brisk. They loved doing very macho things like mowing and sailing and those things”.

Given that Everett was brought up and educated as a Roman Catholic, and holds some very liberal views on social matters, these patriotic pro-Imperial opinions which he has recently expressed are even more surprising. Perhaps this is therefore yet another example of the way that the wind is blowing!



In the editorial of the August 2020 Edition of the SCN we praised the renowned French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy for his incisive book “The Virus in the Age of Madness”, the crux of which was that the Covid-19 crisis was not so much a “pandemic of a virus” but was rather a “pandemic of fear – a pandemic of panic”.

Now comes news that Bernard-Henri Levi has published another book which has led to further sustained criticism of him by the “woke brigade”. This book, entitled “Israel Alone”, argues forcefully that although many Western countries pay lip-service towards support for Israel in its battles against Islamic terrorism, they only want Israel to survive and not to win the war – and thereby cause huge potential problems for themselves against the same fundamental foe in the future.

We may not agree with every opinion which Bernard-Henri Levi has advocated in the past, but now following his admirable stance regarding the Covid-1984 paranoia as expressed in “The Virus in the Age of Madness” we again find ourselves in full agreement with his views as expressed in “Israel Alone”. The ISBN number for “Israel Alone” is: 9798888457832.



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-






“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.



No.312: Mr. KEITH HULSE of Stoke-on-Trent and Durban

In the tail-piece article of last month’s SCN, “Remembering the Magoo Bar Bombing”, we mentioned Mr. Keith Hulse who had been badly injured in this ANC terrorist atrocity. Keith Hulse was born at Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire where he was a friend of Alan and Peter Mountford (see March 2003 and July 2023 SCNs) and was encouraged by them to emigrate to South Africa, where he settled in Durban and became a keen “member” of the “Roper Set” (see August 2016 SCN and The Imperial Patriot No.40). Like most of those associated with the “Roper Set” he was an avid sportsman, excelling in Marathon Running (he gained silver medals in the Comrades Marathon on several occasions). Alas contact with him ceased when we were forced to re-locate to the UK in 1990, but we would imagine that like most other British immigrants he returned to the UK after the ANC were handed power. It would however be good to be able to hear from him again.



Tucker Carlson hosted a nightly political talk show on Fox News from 2016 until 2023, when he was surprisingly and suddenly dropped by the network. His shows were however somewhat controversial, and were constantly attacked by the “woke brigade”! He has now however established his own on-line podcast site where he has interviewed many international personalities, including Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. This site can be accessed at :-






Having just read the Yahoo News UK report entitled “Hundreds of people in African town confess to eating human flesh” all I can say is that this just shows there has been no advancement in these sub-humans. Utterly revolting!

Yours etc.,

Ann Lloyd, Norfolk, U.K..




According to an International Money Laundering Document a key partner is Piet Greyling, the former Rhodesian Rugby Player. His family farmed tobacco in Mashonaland and Piet left Rhodesia and settled in Bloemfontein where he was director of Industrial Commodity Holdings Johannesburg. He became a Springbok player and captained the Springbok Rugby Union team.

I am the witness, writer and investigator of the document: it is true and factual. For many years this money laundering syndicate involved General Majuru and politicians in Zimbabwe. They illegally exported food such as sugar and cooking oils, leaving a shortage for everyone in Zimbabwe

I am also the writer and official investigator of the South African Genocide case against Zimbabwe.

Yours etc.,

J.Rushton, Shropshire, U.K.




I am sure you would find Andrew Bridgen a most interesting speaker. He has been honest and consistent in standing up for the truth.

As you rightly point out, Reform UK continues to advance. I can see why decent Tories are in a quandary: the Tories are such a broad church that the party really cannot continue in its present form. The divergence which goes back to the 1970s has become a chasm. Half of their MPs would be better off as Lib Dims. There are more than enough other parties catering for people who like woke, mass immigration and being bossed around by big government. If the Tories can't offer a clear alternative suitable to people such as you and me, there is no point to their existence - it's a simple as that. They have only themselves to blame for ReformUK's surge. I still think the final shape of the centre right is impossible to predict. We really need a younger person who can attract the young, like Jordan Bardella in France. If ReformUK could find (and promote) a young person with charisma who was a cross between Geert Wilders, Viktor Orban and Javier Milei, that would be a game changer.

Yours etc.,

J.Petley, Sussex, U.K.




The government’s ‘Prevent’ programme is trying to police our thinking and works in tandem with a real terrorist group Antifa. Antifa together with Hate not Hope uses dirty smear tactics to besmirch individuals it thinks it can bully. Behind which there's a subtle threat of violence used to enforce its 'woke' agenda. By contrast Patriotic Alternative stands for traditional British values such as free speech and free association.

Yours etc.,

M.Woodbridge, Denbighshire, U.K.




BBC = Bunch of Bloody Communists!

Yours etc.,

Peter Watson, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.



Tom Nobbs was a Rhodesian who served in the Selous Scouts Regiment. He was injured during the early years of the Bush War however, and relocated to the U.K. as a result, where he often proudly wore his Selous Scout’s blazer. His patriotic zeal did not desert him once he had settled in his British ancestral homeland however, and he joined and became an active member of the Dartford Branch of the National Front. (It must be emphasised however that this was in the days when the National Front was still a mainstream democratic party, and before it was infiltrated and taken over by a cadre of neo-fascists).

He attended a public meeting of the NF held at Chatham Town Hall in 1975, which – in spite of the fact that the party was still then a democratic mainstream party – was being subjected to protests by an extreme-Leftist mob. Seeing a seemingly more violent section of the mob approaching towards a side-door with the apparent intention of breaking into the meeting Tom picked up a beer bottle and bravely confronted them. The Leftist mob realised that he meant business and fortunately backed away.

After the takeover of the NF by the neo-fascist clique Tom, along with most of the true membership, left in order to join the genuinely patriotic National Party of the United Kingdom. Sadly his poor health as a result of his service on the front-line of the West’s struggle against Communist terrorism caught up with him, and he died a few years later. It is known that Tom was married, but it is not certain whether he had any children. Tom Nobbs was clearly a brave patriot however, and he should not be forgotten. If any reader knows any more detailed information about his life and career in the Selous Scouts then we would of course be very keen to learn about it.


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