December 2013 edition
The recently released film “Captain Phillips” starring Tom Hanks (a cinemagraphic masterpiece incidentally, and well worth seeing) vividly illustrates the anarchic situation prevailing in Somalia, where the rule of local warlords now remains supreme. Although piracy on the high seas (the basic theme of the film) has been curtailed through increased Western naval patrols and the presence of armed personnel on merchant ships, the lawless situation in Somalia itself is the same today as it was in 2009 when the film was set.
Although armed with advanced weaponry and with modern outboard motors to power their traditional boats, everything else about the Somali pirates seemed to hark back to the stone-age – even to the extent of not possessing any shoes, something which (hopefully not giving too much of the plot away!) resulted in misfortune for one of the featured pirates.
Ever since Italy and Britain abandoned their colonial responsibilities over their respective parts of Somaliland in 1960 the country has slipped further and further back into pre-colonial chaos. To be sure, for a while the Imans of fundamental Islam held sway, but within only a decade or so even the relatively advanced structure of this Middle Eastern faith disintegrated was replaced by the disorganized hegemony of bloodthirsty local warlords.
But in the post-colonial African continent Somalia’s misfortune is not unique. Practically every African country has disintegrated into the primitive savagery which existed prior to the enlightened European interventions of the 19th century. The Western media periodically centres upon one African country after another with their shock-stories of civil war, famine and disease. First it was Ethiopia, then Chad, then Angola, then Liberia, then Sierra Leone, then Rwanda etc., etc., etc.. More recently of course it has been Mali, quickly followed by today’s attention being paid to the chaos of the Central African Republic. But what follows after the international media circus moves on to the next African country where runaway violence and/or mass starvation has reached their attention? Does the chaos in the previous country where the world’s media encamped simply disappear? Of course not. It may diminish for a while, but the underlying causes of the catastrophes still remain, only this time away from the gaze of the international media – as is so accurately shown in regard to Somalia in the film “Captain Phillips”.
A few weeks ago Gambia announced that it was leaving the Commonwealth, with its dictator president Yahya Jammeh condemning what he termed the neo-colonial nature of the Commonwealth. Prior to this announcement Gambia had never featured in any of the international media’s shock-reports about chaos in the African continent, but the brief press articles which followed revealed that under Yahya Jammeh’s dictatorial rule violent oppression and social disintegration were just as prevalent as in all the other African failed-states which had previously hit international headlines. In order for the African continent to recover from the catastrophic problems which have made it the planet’s festering abscess it is not less neo-colonialism which is needed as asserted by Yahya Jammeh – it is more of it!
In order to commemorate UDI Day last month the Springbok Club staged a most pleasant and successful meeting, at which it welcomed Mr. Tony Morkel as guest speaker. In his enthralling talk Mr. Morkel told something about how his grandfather had become one of the earliest Rhodesian pioneers and recounted many episodes from his own personal history in Rhodesia, before rounding off by telling how he had established a very successful publishing company Sable Publishing House in the UK, detailing some of the books which he had published.
Sable Publishing House’s web-site can be accessed at : http://www.sable-publishing-house.com
Unfortunately the Springbok Club’s planned Day of the Vow meeting which was to feature a lady activist who campaigns for the rights of Afrikaners as guest speaker has had to be cancelled for reasons beyond our control. It is hoped that this lady campaigner will still be able to address the Springbok Club sometime during 2014 however. As this event unfortunately had to be abandoned at such short notice there alas hasn’t been the opportunity to organize any alternative meeting, so instead the Springbok Club will be holding an informal gathering to mark the Day of the Vow during the evening of Thursday 19th December 2013 at “The Golden Lion”, 25 King Street, St.James’s, London SW1Y 6QY. This get-together will probably be held in the upstairs bar area.
The Springbok Club’s 2014 AGM will be held during mid-January in central London, after which a former Rhodesian resident will be giving a brief account of his experiences in the country, and during February 2014 the Springbok Club will be staging a trip to a top Rugby match in the greater London area at a ground which has strong South African significance. Further details about both these events will be included in next month’s SCN.
The Swinton Circle staged a special “Keep the United Kingdom United” meeting last month, at which the guest speaker was Mr. Dennis Delderfield, the National Chairman of New Britain, who explained why is was so vital for everyone in the United Kingdom to obtain an overwhelming “No” vote in next year’s Scottish constitutional referendum. After this speech the Swinton Circle’s Organiser, Mr. Alan Harvey, gave a report-back on his recent trip to Dublin where he represented the Swinton Circle in a debate staged by the Trinity College Philosophical Society, but then went on to describe how the city of Dublin was still predominantly British in character in spite of 91 years of so-called Irish independence, and how as a result he could see that it was possible in the not too distant future for the 26 lost counties of Ireland to re-join the United Kingdom.
On Saturday 7th December 2013 members of the Swinton Circle joined forces with members of New Britain to support the annual Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony at the Cenotaph in London which was staged by the Falkland Islands Association, and moreover were most honored to be given a prominent position in the procession to this event.
During late January 2014 the Swinton Circle plans to hold a meeting to be addressed by a leading official of a prominent EuroSceptic pressure group. More details will be given in next month’s SCN.
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain will be holding their annual Australia Day and New Zealand Day commemorations on Saturday 25th January 2014, assembling at the bust of Admiral Arthur Phillip at the rear of St.Paul’s Cathedral.
New Britain’s annual Goldsmith Lecture for 2014 will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2014 at University College London, when a prominent current Conservative MP will be giving the lecture.
For more precise details about both these events please ‘phone New Britain on: 020-72472524.
We have recently received the following important message from the SanWild Wildlife Sactuary, and hope that all our supporters who are in a position to do so will be able to help :-
“Did you know that the number of lions being held in captive breeding projects for hunting and other dubious purposes in South Africa now exceeds 6000? Sadly this industry finds new ways to exploit wildlife on an increasing basis, and although we do what we can to expose or oppose this industry it is sadly not enough to stop it.
“However we continue to provide a safe home for a handful of rescued lions and for us they are the living icons of all that is wrong with the way South Africa is allowing its wild animals; especially lions, to be treated.
“If you would like to learn more about the SanWild lions and the many unethical and cruel practices in our country please visit our blog site at : www.lionexploitation.wordpress.com
“We would once again like to ask for your financial support to feed the SanWild Lions as we have once again totally depleted our funding to care for our lions and need urgent help.
“As we continue to provide a rescue and rehabilitation service for those who cannot speak for themselves, our monthly expenditure continues to grow while the economic situation in South Africa gives us less for our Rands every day, but we are not complaining. However we need your continued support please, as without it there simply would not be a SanWild that can provide a safe haven for rescued wildlife.
“If you would like to ensure that this group of very special lions can continue to live out their lives in their respective prides at SanWild we would really appreciate your urgent support. On-line donations are accepted with PayPal, Payfast or by means of a direct banking transfer into our trust account. You will find full details on our web-site's ‘How you can help page’ at :-
“Please note that all donations in South Africa are fully tax-deductible.”
One of our supporters has requested that we ask all our readers to take a few moments to sign an on-line petition calling for the re-instatement of Florence Nightingale onto the national history curriculum. For some bizarre reason the powers-that-be have seen fit to remove the study of this most iconic of British female heroes from standard history lessons in British schools, thus denying future generations of British schoolchildren of knowledge about this inspiring woman. The on-line petition can be accessed at :-
For many years an entry appeared in the Daily Telegraph “In Memoriam” column on 11th November remembering the Rhodesian nation and the contribution which its people made to the British and Commonwealth war effort during two World Wars. Alas this entry ceased a few years ago, probably because the anonymous inserter had died. This year one of our supporters, Mr. Alexander von Tutschek from Somerset, revived this tradition out of his own expense. His entry read as follows :-
“HEROIC RHODESIA – Fought for us, betrayed by us, never forgotten”
Our congratulations are extended to Mr. von Tutschek for his most praise-worthy initiative in taking up the baton of remembrance.
Although the superbly successful London Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games seem only a short while ago, in just two months time the 2014 Winter Olympic Games will commence at Sochi, Russia – and we of course can’t wait! Seemingly inevitably, however, the kill-joy Leftists with their anti-elitist agenda are doing their best to sabotage these Games – just as they pathetically failed to do with the London Summer Games! Whereas in the case of the London Games the egalitarian Neanderthals cited alleged financial losses and traffic gridlocks in their infantile demands that the Games be moved to Athens (both predictions which of course spectacularly failed to materialize – indeed the Games brought the UK an economic bonanza which resulted in Britain being the first Western nation to come out of recession!), in the case of Sochi they are complaining about Russia’s anti-homosexual legislation. Russia’s attitude towards homosexuality is of course no different to that which existed throughout the West until just a few years ago, and indeed is a state of affairs which most ordinary citizens in the West – particularly the younger generation – wish could be re-instated. The Leftist kill-joys have therefore undoubtedly chosen a loser here, as the chances of them succeeding in their aim of having the 2014 Winter Games cancelled seems remote in the extreme!
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Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.181 : Ms. LORRAINE FITZGERALD of Durban
Lorraine Fitzgerald was the attractive long-standing girlfriend of Vic Long (see February 2005 SCN). She visited the UK with Vic to follow the Springbok Rugby Tour of 1969/70, and then remained in the UK for a couple of years longer after Vic returned to South Africa. She returned and was reunited with him in Durban during the mid-1970s however, and they remained together until about 1980 when they sadly broke up. Vic subsequently formed another relationship “on the rebound”, but this inevitably did not last. It is believed that Lorraine herself did not form any further lasting relationship however, and she was last seen at the Royal Hotel in Durban in 1984 when her appearance had visibly aged. It would be interesting to learn what eventually happened to her.
The web-site of the American-based conservative web-site “National Review On-Line” has recently been recommended to us. It can be accessed at :-
“Zimbabwe” was self-governed successfully from 1922 as first Southern Rhodesia and then Rhodesia. She should have been given full independence in the early 1950s rather than being subsumed into the idiotic Central African Federation. In addition, Rhodesia's non-racial qualified franchise should have been the role model for the whole of our Empire. A large number of politicians and protestors of the 1960s and 1970s owe Ian Smith an apology.
Yours etc.,
M. Taylor, London, U.K..
The letter “Playing the Enemy’s Game” by “A.K.” (surely not Arthur Kemp, the well-known ANC agent?) in last month’s SCN was very superficial and failed to comprehend the realities of media reporting about today’s South Africa.
Far from criticizing Channel 4 for their programme “South Africa’s Dirty Cops”, the writer instead should have been congratulating the programme makers on daring to break today’s politically correct taboos by exposing the corrupt and brutal nature of the SAPS – nothing more than the ANC’s armed political police force.
Everybody knows about the ongoing genocide campaign against Whites in ANC-ruled South Africa, so there was therefore no need for this programme to reiterate this. What the outside world doesn’t realise so much is that ordinary Blacks suffer just as much – if not more – from the ANC’s brutal misrule than Whites do, and this the programme expertly demonstrated.
Three cheers for Channel 4 I therefore say, for having the guts to defy politically correct convention by exposing the ANC and their police force for the oppressors which they are!
Yours etc.,
H.A.H., exiled in London
[ “A.K.” was definitely not the ANC’s Arthur Kemp. Ed.]
Peter Harry Steve Griffiths, who sadly died aged 85 last month, achieved iconic status within patriotic British circles when he won the Smethwick seat for the Conservative Party completely against the national swing at the 1964 General Election. What was more significant, however, was that totally against the time’s earlier politically-correct mood of the “swinging sixties” he managed to achieve this victory by highlighting the threat to British national identity by the then massive wave of third-world immigration. Indeed Conservative Party workers during the election campaign openly used the slogan “If you want a nigger neighbour vote Labour”.
Once elected Peter Griffiths became a particular hate figure for the incoming socialist prime minister Harold Wilson, who branded him a “Parliamentary leper”, and as a result of the blatant gerrymandering of his Smethwick seat (even the potent name “Smethwick” was dropped on Wilson’s secretive request to the boundaries commission) Griffiths failed to hold the seat at the subsequent 1966 General Election. He subsequently reported, however, that during his first spell in Parliament he was approached by a nameless Labour MP in the lobby who told him that it was a pity that he hadn’t joined the Labour Party “then we could have given the niggers hell”. In spite of losing his seat so quickly Peter Griffiths was to have a significant beneficial effect upon British political life, and it is doubtful if without the courage which he had shown during his Smethwick campaign Enoch Powell would not have dared to raise the subject of immigration so forcefully during the late 1960s, or certainly his speeches wouldn’t have had such a positive effect
Peter Griffiths was born into a working class family from West Bromwich, and proved to be academically brilliant at school. He trained first as a teacher and whilst still working as a teacher (he was appointed head master of a local primary school at the then surprisingly young age of 34) he studied for an economics degree through the University of London. After his brief but courageous spell in Parliament he of course initially found it difficult to obtain employment during the left-dominated environment of the time, but 1967 he was appointed Lecturer in Economics at the Portsmouth College of Technology (subsequently the Portsmouth Polytechnic), where he stayed with distinction for the next 12 years.
He returned to Parliament when elected Conservative MP for Portsmouth North in 1979 however, and although with immigration by then then massively curtailed and no longer a dominant issue, his patriotic zeal continued by concentrating upon Naval issues and being fiercely critical of his own government’s reduction in defence spending.
Peter Griffiths was undoubtedly a true British hero of the latter half of the 20th century, but alas a largely forgotten one. If he had not highlighted the threat of uncontrolled immigration in the mid 1960s then the threat would undoubtedly have become far worse. His life and bravery in defying the detrimental political conventions of the time must always be remembered by all true patriots therefore, and indeed the Swinton Circle observed a minute’s silence in his honour at their November meeting. Our sincerest condolences are extended to his widow Jeannette and to their two children.
General Paul Aussaresses, who died aged 95 earlier this month, was a great military commander and a true French patriot. Born in 1918 in south-west France (so often the crucible for French greatness) Paul Aussaresses was intellectually brilliant, excelling at classics and being fluent in six languages. At the time of the German invasion in 1940 he was serving as an infantryman in Algeria however, but quickly gave his support to the French Resistance, escaping to London in 1942 where he joined the Jedburgh unit of the SOE. He was secretly smuggled back into France twice, in January 1943 and in August 1944, when he joined forces with the Resistance, inter alia helping to free a loyal French general imprisoned by the Vichy regime. In April 1945 he took part in his final operation of WWII when he was parachuted into Germany to make contact with PoW guards in order to ensure the safe release of prisoners – his linguistic skills undoubtedly being of great use.
After WWII Paul Aussaresses joined the French secret services, and was posted to Indochina. Here he witnessed the French forces (weakened considerably of course by the German occupation) being defeated by the Communist terrorists, and vowed to ensure that France was never humiliated in the same way again. His chance soon came when in 1954 he was posted to Algeria where he was eventually promoted to the position of Chief of Intelligence. In this post he supervised the battle against the Islamic FLN terrorist organization, a battle which he undertook with increasing success. Aussaresses realized – unlike alas so many counter-terrorist commanders both at the time and subsequently - that operations against terrorists should not be regarded as domestic police operations where the niceties of civil justice should prevail, but were warfare and should be treated as such. The terrorist FLN were carrying out the most sadistic atrocities against both the French colonial community and those Algerians who were loyal to France, and so the only way to deal with them was to treat operations as warfare in the same way. This Aussaresses managed to do with increasing effectiveness, accounting for many of the main terrorist leaders, until the battle against the FLN was almost won – only then, like all of France, to be betrayed by de Gaulle who decided to surrender all of France’s African colonial Empire, including Algeria.
After the Algeria sell-out Aussaresses worked both with the US Green Berets and with several Latin American security forces, where he imparted his experiences of how to conduct counter-terrorist operations effectively. He was promoted to the rank of full General in the French Army and appointed a Commander of the Legion of Honour upon his retirement. Inevitably, alas, during subsequent years Leftist self-hating elements in France centred on Aussaresses and condemned him for the methods he used to defeat the FLN terrorists. Defiantly however he wrote a no-holds-barred autobiography Services Spéciaux: Algérie 1955-57 towards the end of his life in which he not only described the methods he used in his counter-terrorist operations but also justified them. It is just a pity that there have not been more men with the courage, ability and effectiveness of Paul Aussaresses throughout the West in subsequent wars against terror – particularly in South Africa during the early 1960s.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Sunday, 17 November 2013
November 2013 Edition.
November 2013 edition
A recent development in the Republic of Ireland has received little coverage in the outside world. This was an attempt by the Fine Gael/Labour coalition government to abolish the Upper House of the Irish Parliament, the Senate (Seanad Éireann). Although this proposal had the clear support of most members of both parties in the coalition government, as well as the support of a number of smaller parties, it was defeated in a subsequent national referendum – albeit only by the very slender majority of 51.7% to 48.3%.
We have of course for long argued that Irish “independence” was not only undesirable but was also impractical, and the headlong rush by successive RoI governments into first the EU and then the Euro currency in order to try to reduce the natural links with the rest of the British Isles – with all the disastrous economic and social results which this has produced – only confirms the accuracy of this argument of ours. To us therefore the idea of abolishing the Seanad Éireann would seem to be the ideal “first step” prior to the eventual abolition of the House of Representatives (Dáil Éireann) a generation or so later (once the ideology of Irish Nationalism has declined even further in popularity), so that MPs from the whole of the island of Ireland can once again resume their place where they belong – Westminster.
As we have observed in the past, there have been an increasing number of examples of how the idea of Irish “independence” has been increasingly rejected by the younger generation of those from the 26 lost counties, following 91 years of failure after failure. This is not only because of the endemic corruption of particularly Fianna Fáil politicians and the economic catastrophe caused by rejecting Sterling and joining the Euro zone, but also because of the massive and totally evil sex scandals which have engulfed the once dominant Roman Catholic priestly class. One of the most fundamental outcomes resulting from the RoI’s economic disaster has been the phenomenally high percentage of youngsters who have been forced to leave the 26 counties in order to find employment and a decent career-path – yet where do the majority of these members of the younger generation head, but to other parts of the British Isles! Surely there is no clearer example of the increasing rejection of the ideology of Irish Nationalism than this!
Another most welcome recent development has been the adoption of the Irish sporting anthem “Ireland’s Call” to be played when united Irish teams participate, such as in Rugby (both codes), Cricket and Hockey. Although some of the lyrics in this anthem may not be ideal for Unionists, it has however been almost universally accepted as a compromise by most people in both parts of Ireland. Why therefore, we wonder, does the sectarian and offensive “Soldier’s Song” continue to be played at the Arriva Stadium prior to Ireland’s Rugby Union internationals as well as “Ireland’s Call”? If the authorities insist upon “The Soldier’s Song” being played there then may we suggest that “The Sash” is also played!!!
Details of this year’s Springbok Club’s UDI Day celebration event are as follows :-
Date : Saturday 23rd November 2013
Times : Assemble from 12.30 hrs onwards, main meeting to commence at 14.30 hrs.
Venue : THE TWO CHAIRMEN (the upstairs function room), 1 Warwick House Street, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5AT. (Warwick House Street is a turning off Cockspur Street, which itself leads into Trafalgar Square. Nearest tube station: Charing Cross, from where follow the signs to Cockspur Street. Warwick House Street is just a couple of hundred yards away on the left hand side after emerging from the underground.)
Guest of Honour : Mr. TONY MORKEL
Tony Morkel was born into a Pioneering Colonial Rhodesian family and enjoyed a typical Rhodesian lifestyle. He was educated at St. Andrew’s College in Grahamstown, South Africa and attended the School of Infantry in Gwelo. He has a Diploma in Business Management and Economics and qualified as a pilot in Salisbury and with the Durban Aviation College at Virginia Airport. As was the case with all Rhodesians he served with pride and commitment during the Terrorist War, but at the same time continued farming and entrepreneurial activities. After the Terrorist War he became a divisional CEO of the second largest enterprise quoted on the Zimbabwe stock exchange – The Nedlaw Group of Companies. His entrepreneurial spirit flourished as he created and owned several businesses in Zimbabwe, including furniture manufacture, catering, building and agricultural consultancy.
Together with his wife and their four adult children they relocated to the UK in June 2000 which provided an amazing “second opportunity” to life, as he created and developed his own publishing business, Sable Publishing House. Based in Somerset, they publish books not only on Rhodesiana but also history (particularly local history), medical, scientific and other academic subjects, politics, Christianity and theology.
He was an accomplished Athlete, Squash and Lawn Tennis player in his younger days, and won the Men’s Singles Lawn Tennis title in the Farmer’s League of Malawi whilst briefly based in that country and, together with his wife Alida, also won the Mixed Doubles title. They have four children and four grandchildren who all live within a cycle ride of each other near Wellington in Somerset.
For this event it has been arranged that all attendees should order and pay for their meals individually. The Two Chairmen offers a wide selection of high standard food, and a copy of their menu will be forwarded upon request. Although actual selections may be made upon arrival (food will be served at approximately 13.30 hrs), it would help preparations if choices could be made beforehand either by e-mailing springbk@netcomuk.co.uk or by ‘phoning: 07711188430.
In December the Springbok Club will hold its annual Day of the Vow commemoration which will be addressed by a leading campaigner for Afrikaner rights in Europe, and in January 2014 the Springbok Club will hold its 2014 AGM. Full details about both these events will be given in future editions of the SCN.
The 2013 AGM of the Swinton Circle took place in central London last month. This proved to be a most successful event, with a full Executive Committee for the forthcoming year being elected, including one new member and a re-structuring of the positions held. The motion was also passed that next year the Swinton Circle would start campaigning for the inauguration of a Winter Commonwealth Games. After the business side of the meeting was concluded Mr. Roger Alsop, the acclaimed artist, gave a highly informative talk about the threat posed to the West by expansionist Islam, a subject which he has studied in depth, and this was followed by a very constructive questions-and-answers session.
The Swinton Circle was most honoured to be invited to provide a speaker to oppose the motion “This House believes that the Death Penalty has no place in the Rule of Law” in a debate which was staged by the prestigious Trinity College Philosophical Society at Dublin University last month. By a majority vote the Executive Committee of the Swinton Circle selected the organisation’s then Chairman (now Organiser) Alan Harvey to represent them in this debate. Although, as was undoubtedly anticipated in such a “politically correct” student society, the motion was carried by a substantial majority, it even so proved a very influential platform for the Swinton Circle to advance one of its main policy stances, and furthermore confirmed the growing international reputation and recognition which the Swinton Circle enjoys. Several good new contacts were established with students at Trinity College Dublin as a result of this debate, and we would like to thank not only those who also spoke with us in opposition to the motion, but also our two worthy high-profile opponents Noeline Blackwell and Senator Ivana Bacik, as well as the members of the Trinity College Philosophical Society Committee, all of who – notwithstanding mainly taking an opposite stance in the debate – extended great friendship and hospitality to the Swinton Circle’s representative. This debate was recorded and we understand will be placed on YouTube shortly. The precise details of this will be given in a future edition of the SCN once downloaded.
Later during November the Swinton Circle will be holding a special meeting under the theme of “Keep the United Kingdom United” in order to celebrate St.Andrew’s Day. The details of this event are as follows :-
Date : Friday 29th November 2013
Time : Assemble from 18.30 hrs onwards. Meeting to commence at 19.00 hrs.
Venue : THE TWO CHAIRMEN (the upstairs function room), 1 Warwick House Street, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5AT. (Warwick House Street is a turning off Cockspur Street, which itself leads into Trafalgar Square. Nearest tube station: Charing Cross, from where follow the signs to Cockspur Street. Warwick House Street is just a couple of hundred yards away on the left hand side after emerging from the underground.)
[ N.B. This is not the same venue where the Swinton Circle held its AGM.]
Guest Speaker : Mr. DENNIS DELDERFIELD, the National Chairman of New Britain.
As well as Mr. Delderfield giving a talk about why it is so important to work towards an overwhelming “No” Vote in next year’s Scottish Constitutional Referendum, the Swinton Circle’s Organiser Alan Harvey will also be giving a “report-back” on his recent participation in the debate on the Death Penalty at Trinity College Dublin at this event.
We would like to congratulate former Swinton Circle Executive Committee member James Lockwood on his excellent performance on BBC TV’s Mastermind programme, where he chose as his specialist subject the life and career of that great Unionist politician and British patriot Sir Edward Carson. We believe that there is still a good chance that James Lockwood will reach the runners-up play-off round, and of course wish him every good fortune if he does reach this stage!
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain has again been invited to participate in the Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony, which this year will take place on Saturday 7th December. Those wishing to attend should assemble at the Whitehall end of King Charles Street, London SW1 from 10.30 hrs., prior to the wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph at 11.00 hrs..
New Britain’s annual Goldsmith Lecture for 2014 will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2014 at University College London, when a prominent current Conservative MP will be giving the lecture.
For more precise details about both these events please ‘phone New Britain on: 020-72472524.
We have recently received the following most distressing report from the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. This again illustrates the terrible situation currently prevailing in “Zimbabwe” and why it is essential that a new dispensation can be established in that sorry land as soon as possible. Our admiration for the work carried out by Johnny Rodrigues and others involved with the ZCTF under such appalling condition only intensifies therefore :-
“At the beginning of last week, we received a report from a farmer in Marondera that 2 female elephants were on her farm eating her barley crop. We heard that National Parks intended to shoot the elephants before they injured someone so we asked them to please give us a chance to try and relocate them. They agreed to wait a couple of days so we set about trying to organise the relocation.
“Keith Dutlow and Lisa Marabini of AWARE Trust very kindly offered to dart the elephants, using their own tranquiliser free of charge. They also offered a donation of US$1 000 towards the costs. The next problem was to decide where to take the elephants and we asked Hamish Rudland, who already has 13 elephants in the Umfurudzi, if we could take them there. He agreed and offered us a 30 ton truck to move the elephants.
“We also needed a high-up crane to load the elephant crates and the elephants and a dangler trailer to facilitate the loading. We approached a local crane hire company to ask for a quote to hire their crane. They estimated the cost at around US$4 000 and wanted the money up front. This was a major problem for us because we had intended to do the relocation and then put out an appeal for the funds afterwards. We explained the situation to them but they wouldn't budge which greatly disappointed us. National Parks have their own relocation unit but it seems they only use it to move animals which are to be exported. We managed to find a dangler trailer but it was only available on Tuesday this week.
“We were then informed by Hamish Rudland that he had changed his mind about taking the elephants at Umfurudzi because he didn't want these 2 wild elephants mixing with his domesticated ones. We now had the added problem of a truck to move the elephants. Alro Shipping came forward and offered us a truck free of charge. We are extremely grateful to Alro who have often come forward to help us, never asking for any payment.
“A big thank you to Riley Travers of Imire who spent 4 days continuously tracking an monitoring the elephants. We asked Riley to appeal to Marondera National Parks to give us until Tuesday this week to relocate the elephants. They weren't keen and seemed desperate to shoot them. In view of all the problems we were facing, we felt the best option would be to fire shots into the air to try and force the elephants to go back to the North, where they came from but National Parks refused to do this, stating that it would be too dangerous.
“Sadly, we heard yesterday that the elephants had moved to within 2 km [1.2 miles] of Marondera town and National Parks shot them, fearing that they would hurt someone.
“We are very disappointed in National Parks and in certain Zimbabwean companies who put money before the welfare of our wildlife. We have now lost 2 young elephants who had their whole lives ahead of them.”
The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force relies solely on public donations. Donations can help to preserve the wildlife in Zimbabwe. If you would like to assist, please contact Johnny Rodrigues, the ZCTF Chairman, at :-
Landline: +263 4 339065
Mobile: +263 712 603 213
Email: galorand@mweb.co.zw
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZCTF-Zimbabwe-Conservation-Task-Force/246013052094585
Website: www.zctfofficialsite.org.
Many people have been outraged by “Marine ‘A’” being found guilty of murder and possibly facing a sentence of life imprisonment when the shooting in question took place at the height of the War against Terror and when he and his fellow-troops were facing an insidious irregular enemy who didn’t obey any of the recognized rules of warfare. A FaceBook campaign has now been launched to lobby for Marine ‘A’ to be freed, which we believe many of our readers will be keen to support. It can be accessed at :-
We have recently been contacted by Linda Schultz of the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund and asked to publicise their latest appeal :-
“We have been supporting pensioners in Zimbabwe for the past 11 years and are hoping you could possibly publish a story about us and how this all came about. Over the years the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund has gone from supporting 1 pensioner to currently supporting just over 1600 pensioners with an apple-box filled with non-perishable food in 28 old age homes/organisations throughout Zimbabwe. This is only about 45% or so of the pensioners that need help. We also assist similar organizations called "S.O.A.P" (Support Old Age Pensioners) as well as various kitchens. One of the kitchens we support is the Verity Amm Kitchen in Bulawayo, they supply between 80-100 pensioners with 2 meals a day 4 days a week. As far as we are aware we are the largest non-government organization supporting pensioners still in Zimbabwe who lost everything when the Zimbabwe dollar ceased to exist.
“As such we would like to inform interested persons of the true situation regarding the pensioners in Zimbabwe. Many people are under the impression that since the so-called dollarization of their currency the situation for the pensioners has improved. Wrong! In fact, Zimbabwean pensioners are now worse off than ever before.
“Overnight in January 2010 the reserve bank removed another 12 zeroes and people who had billions of Zimbabwe dollars were paupers the next day. No matter whether they had Zimbabwean dollars in the bank or at home they lost everything and were left with useless pieces of paper. They have never been compensated for the loss and never will be. So even though the currency changed to US dollars what they had in Zimbabwean dollars no longer existed. Pensioners are now at the mercy of Good Samaritans that reach out to them. That is where the Zimbabwe Pensioners Support Fund comes in. The fund was established in 2002 to help a few needy people in an old age home.
“The first thing one needs to understand is that almost 75% of the pensioners do not have a pension or income and those that do receive between US$13 - US$40. They did make adequate provision for their old age and originally retired comfortably. However, as Zimbabwe's inflation went up into the ‘billions’ of percent, the government kept taking off zeroes in an attempt to stabilize the economy. I was recently speaking to a pensioner in Kadoma Ann who was crying and I asked her what the problem was. This is what she had to say. ‘I get a pension of 40 US$ a month from Old Mutual. The bank takes 2 US$ , my rent is 35 US$ so that leaves me with 3 US$ for food’. This is a fairly common situation that I come across. There is of cause the very small percentage of pensioners that are well supported by their children.
“With two large trucks we shift around 18-22 tons of non-perishable food, good second hand clothes and medical aides such as wheelchairs, crutches, walking aids, spectacles and non-scheduled medicines every 8 weeks to our Golden Oldies. Over the past year funds have trickled down and we are battling to make ends meet in our continued goal to support our pensioners. We firmly believe that had it not been for Hannes Botha’s tenacious and ‘Bull Terrier’ like spirit, this years ‘roadblocks and curved balls’ would have ended this project. Yet as he has said many times to us, ‘these people are my life and nothing will stop me from serving them with payback’.
“We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). We rely totally on the generosity of the public to keep our wheels turning.
“Please if you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us.
“Kind Regards
“Linda Schultz - Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund”
(C) 079 6082676
(T) 013 7900934
Fax to Email - 086 267 8499
Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08
NPO Number 096733
Section 18A PBO No 930031642
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Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.180: Mr. & Mrs. Julian Nidd of New Germany
Julian Nidd and his wife lived in New Germany, Natal, and were strong supporters of the Save Rhodesia Campaign and the South Africa First Campaign during the late 1970s. Julian was an intellectual, and studied the works of the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner avidly, and indeed lectured on the subject. Alas his wife remained loyal to the notorious phoney leader of the SRC/SAFC Brendan Willmer long after it was exposed that he was in the pay of the sellout NP government, and as a result they both failed to join the Patriotic Forum after it was founded by the authentic wing of SRC/SAFC members. Good people at heart, but alas sadly naive. It would be interesting to learn whether they eventually realised their mistake, and where they are now.
We have recently been sent an excellent YouTube video entitled “Is Nelson Mandela a role model or a criminal?” featuring Dr. Philip Hammond of the Cape Town-based Frontline Fellowship. It can be accessed at :-
"They are here because we were there" - I've heard that frequently without being impressed. The only thing I have against the British Empire is that we don't have it any more. Its only downside was separating parents and children. The fact that we once ruled a country does not give its citizens the right to come here. Nor do we have any obligation to deprive our own people by giving away overseas aid.
Most of the immigration to Britain in recent years has been from the EU - and I was unaware that we ever had colonies in Eastern Europe. I would only admit people who could read, write and speak fluent English and who had something to offer us. Illegal immigrants, scroungers, criminals and anti-British terrorist supporters should be deported. Yes, I know about our tradition of admitting people fleeing persecution. I also know that we had more room back then. How big a population are we supposed to sustain - 70, 90, 100 million? Genuine refugees should be admitted if it's literally life or death and they've nowhere else to go.
Yours etc.,
M. Taylor, London, U.K..
A programme tonight on Channel 4 called “South Africa's Dirty Cops” detailing the brutality of the police against civilians and the politicising of the force by the ANC.
Why am I not surprised that the programme showed only Black civilians being harshly treated and did not mention once the ongoing genocide of its White population whose de-humanising murders are the very essence of brutality.
A reporter questioned the South African Chief of Police about the estimated 700 plus people who had been tortured and murdered by the police. They even showed us a number of crucifixes that had been placed at the scene of the shooting of Black South African miners. No mention of the near 4000 White farmers murdered since the ANC came to power. No images of the hillside full of crucifixes in memory of them. No mention of genocide-watch who have described South African Whites as being targeted for genocide and at an advanced stage.
The programme also told us about the ANC using the police to settle political problems, but no mention of the deep rooted communism at the heart of the ANC or its anti-White song about killing the Boer.
Once again the media, and the failure of so-called investigative journalists to mention a serious issue threatening Whites in the country shows the agenda behind such reporting. People watching that tonight will have no idea about what is really going on in South Africa, they see a version of South Africa that the media wants them to see, i.e. Blacks being mistreated and killed by their own police but White farmers being slaughtered in their thousands? Not a chance.
The programme will no doubt be available on-line on Channel 4 at some point.
Yours etc.,
A.K., London, U.K.
In the August edition of the SCN we carried an obituary to Mr. Edward Ernest “Ted” Davey, a long-standing supporter of our movement and a subsequent member of the Springbok Club. Readers may however have detected that at the time of writing we had a few misgivings about Mr. Davey’s activities, specifically concerning his apparent connections to extremist organisations both in South Africa and in the UK. We have subsequently been informed by a close colleague of Mr. Davey that these connections with certain extremist organizations were not all that they seemed, and that in fact they were generated by genuine patriotic motivations. We do not think it wise to give the details of this recent information which we have obtained, suffice to say that it proves that Mr. Davey was an even greater patriot than we believed, and that as a result we are now even more honoured to have been able to call him a friend.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
November 2013 edition
A recent development in the Republic of Ireland has received little coverage in the outside world. This was an attempt by the Fine Gael/Labour coalition government to abolish the Upper House of the Irish Parliament, the Senate (Seanad Éireann). Although this proposal had the clear support of most members of both parties in the coalition government, as well as the support of a number of smaller parties, it was defeated in a subsequent national referendum – albeit only by the very slender majority of 51.7% to 48.3%.
We have of course for long argued that Irish “independence” was not only undesirable but was also impractical, and the headlong rush by successive RoI governments into first the EU and then the Euro currency in order to try to reduce the natural links with the rest of the British Isles – with all the disastrous economic and social results which this has produced – only confirms the accuracy of this argument of ours. To us therefore the idea of abolishing the Seanad Éireann would seem to be the ideal “first step” prior to the eventual abolition of the House of Representatives (Dáil Éireann) a generation or so later (once the ideology of Irish Nationalism has declined even further in popularity), so that MPs from the whole of the island of Ireland can once again resume their place where they belong – Westminster.
As we have observed in the past, there have been an increasing number of examples of how the idea of Irish “independence” has been increasingly rejected by the younger generation of those from the 26 lost counties, following 91 years of failure after failure. This is not only because of the endemic corruption of particularly Fianna Fáil politicians and the economic catastrophe caused by rejecting Sterling and joining the Euro zone, but also because of the massive and totally evil sex scandals which have engulfed the once dominant Roman Catholic priestly class. One of the most fundamental outcomes resulting from the RoI’s economic disaster has been the phenomenally high percentage of youngsters who have been forced to leave the 26 counties in order to find employment and a decent career-path – yet where do the majority of these members of the younger generation head, but to other parts of the British Isles! Surely there is no clearer example of the increasing rejection of the ideology of Irish Nationalism than this!
Another most welcome recent development has been the adoption of the Irish sporting anthem “Ireland’s Call” to be played when united Irish teams participate, such as in Rugby (both codes), Cricket and Hockey. Although some of the lyrics in this anthem may not be ideal for Unionists, it has however been almost universally accepted as a compromise by most people in both parts of Ireland. Why therefore, we wonder, does the sectarian and offensive “Soldier’s Song” continue to be played at the Arriva Stadium prior to Ireland’s Rugby Union internationals as well as “Ireland’s Call”? If the authorities insist upon “The Soldier’s Song” being played there then may we suggest that “The Sash” is also played!!!
Details of this year’s Springbok Club’s UDI Day celebration event are as follows :-
Date : Saturday 23rd November 2013
Times : Assemble from 12.30 hrs onwards, main meeting to commence at 14.30 hrs.
Venue : THE TWO CHAIRMEN (the upstairs function room), 1 Warwick House Street, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5AT. (Warwick House Street is a turning off Cockspur Street, which itself leads into Trafalgar Square. Nearest tube station: Charing Cross, from where follow the signs to Cockspur Street. Warwick House Street is just a couple of hundred yards away on the left hand side after emerging from the underground.)
Guest of Honour : Mr. TONY MORKEL
Tony Morkel was born into a Pioneering Colonial Rhodesian family and enjoyed a typical Rhodesian lifestyle. He was educated at St. Andrew’s College in Grahamstown, South Africa and attended the School of Infantry in Gwelo. He has a Diploma in Business Management and Economics and qualified as a pilot in Salisbury and with the Durban Aviation College at Virginia Airport. As was the case with all Rhodesians he served with pride and commitment during the Terrorist War, but at the same time continued farming and entrepreneurial activities. After the Terrorist War he became a divisional CEO of the second largest enterprise quoted on the Zimbabwe stock exchange – The Nedlaw Group of Companies. His entrepreneurial spirit flourished as he created and owned several businesses in Zimbabwe, including furniture manufacture, catering, building and agricultural consultancy.
Together with his wife and their four adult children they relocated to the UK in June 2000 which provided an amazing “second opportunity” to life, as he created and developed his own publishing business, Sable Publishing House. Based in Somerset, they publish books not only on Rhodesiana but also history (particularly local history), medical, scientific and other academic subjects, politics, Christianity and theology.
He was an accomplished Athlete, Squash and Lawn Tennis player in his younger days, and won the Men’s Singles Lawn Tennis title in the Farmer’s League of Malawi whilst briefly based in that country and, together with his wife Alida, also won the Mixed Doubles title. They have four children and four grandchildren who all live within a cycle ride of each other near Wellington in Somerset.
For this event it has been arranged that all attendees should order and pay for their meals individually. The Two Chairmen offers a wide selection of high standard food, and a copy of their menu will be forwarded upon request. Although actual selections may be made upon arrival (food will be served at approximately 13.30 hrs), it would help preparations if choices could be made beforehand either by e-mailing springbk@netcomuk.co.uk or by ‘phoning: 07711188430.
In December the Springbok Club will hold its annual Day of the Vow commemoration which will be addressed by a leading campaigner for Afrikaner rights in Europe, and in January 2014 the Springbok Club will hold its 2014 AGM. Full details about both these events will be given in future editions of the SCN.
The 2013 AGM of the Swinton Circle took place in central London last month. This proved to be a most successful event, with a full Executive Committee for the forthcoming year being elected, including one new member and a re-structuring of the positions held. The motion was also passed that next year the Swinton Circle would start campaigning for the inauguration of a Winter Commonwealth Games. After the business side of the meeting was concluded Mr. Roger Alsop, the acclaimed artist, gave a highly informative talk about the threat posed to the West by expansionist Islam, a subject which he has studied in depth, and this was followed by a very constructive questions-and-answers session.
The Swinton Circle was most honoured to be invited to provide a speaker to oppose the motion “This House believes that the Death Penalty has no place in the Rule of Law” in a debate which was staged by the prestigious Trinity College Philosophical Society at Dublin University last month. By a majority vote the Executive Committee of the Swinton Circle selected the organisation’s then Chairman (now Organiser) Alan Harvey to represent them in this debate. Although, as was undoubtedly anticipated in such a “politically correct” student society, the motion was carried by a substantial majority, it even so proved a very influential platform for the Swinton Circle to advance one of its main policy stances, and furthermore confirmed the growing international reputation and recognition which the Swinton Circle enjoys. Several good new contacts were established with students at Trinity College Dublin as a result of this debate, and we would like to thank not only those who also spoke with us in opposition to the motion, but also our two worthy high-profile opponents Noeline Blackwell and Senator Ivana Bacik, as well as the members of the Trinity College Philosophical Society Committee, all of who – notwithstanding mainly taking an opposite stance in the debate – extended great friendship and hospitality to the Swinton Circle’s representative. This debate was recorded and we understand will be placed on YouTube shortly. The precise details of this will be given in a future edition of the SCN once downloaded.
Later during November the Swinton Circle will be holding a special meeting under the theme of “Keep the United Kingdom United” in order to celebrate St.Andrew’s Day. The details of this event are as follows :-
Date : Friday 29th November 2013
Time : Assemble from 18.30 hrs onwards. Meeting to commence at 19.00 hrs.
Venue : THE TWO CHAIRMEN (the upstairs function room), 1 Warwick House Street, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5AT. (Warwick House Street is a turning off Cockspur Street, which itself leads into Trafalgar Square. Nearest tube station: Charing Cross, from where follow the signs to Cockspur Street. Warwick House Street is just a couple of hundred yards away on the left hand side after emerging from the underground.)
[ N.B. This is not the same venue where the Swinton Circle held its AGM.]
Guest Speaker : Mr. DENNIS DELDERFIELD, the National Chairman of New Britain.
As well as Mr. Delderfield giving a talk about why it is so important to work towards an overwhelming “No” Vote in next year’s Scottish Constitutional Referendum, the Swinton Circle’s Organiser Alan Harvey will also be giving a “report-back” on his recent participation in the debate on the Death Penalty at Trinity College Dublin at this event.
We would like to congratulate former Swinton Circle Executive Committee member James Lockwood on his excellent performance on BBC TV’s Mastermind programme, where he chose as his specialist subject the life and career of that great Unionist politician and British patriot Sir Edward Carson. We believe that there is still a good chance that James Lockwood will reach the runners-up play-off round, and of course wish him every good fortune if he does reach this stage!
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain has again been invited to participate in the Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony, which this year will take place on Saturday 7th December. Those wishing to attend should assemble at the Whitehall end of King Charles Street, London SW1 from 10.30 hrs., prior to the wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph at 11.00 hrs..
New Britain’s annual Goldsmith Lecture for 2014 will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2014 at University College London, when a prominent current Conservative MP will be giving the lecture.
For more precise details about both these events please ‘phone New Britain on: 020-72472524.
We have recently received the following most distressing report from the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. This again illustrates the terrible situation currently prevailing in “Zimbabwe” and why it is essential that a new dispensation can be established in that sorry land as soon as possible. Our admiration for the work carried out by Johnny Rodrigues and others involved with the ZCTF under such appalling condition only intensifies therefore :-
“At the beginning of last week, we received a report from a farmer in Marondera that 2 female elephants were on her farm eating her barley crop. We heard that National Parks intended to shoot the elephants before they injured someone so we asked them to please give us a chance to try and relocate them. They agreed to wait a couple of days so we set about trying to organise the relocation.
“Keith Dutlow and Lisa Marabini of AWARE Trust very kindly offered to dart the elephants, using their own tranquiliser free of charge. They also offered a donation of US$1 000 towards the costs. The next problem was to decide where to take the elephants and we asked Hamish Rudland, who already has 13 elephants in the Umfurudzi, if we could take them there. He agreed and offered us a 30 ton truck to move the elephants.
“We also needed a high-up crane to load the elephant crates and the elephants and a dangler trailer to facilitate the loading. We approached a local crane hire company to ask for a quote to hire their crane. They estimated the cost at around US$4 000 and wanted the money up front. This was a major problem for us because we had intended to do the relocation and then put out an appeal for the funds afterwards. We explained the situation to them but they wouldn't budge which greatly disappointed us. National Parks have their own relocation unit but it seems they only use it to move animals which are to be exported. We managed to find a dangler trailer but it was only available on Tuesday this week.
“We were then informed by Hamish Rudland that he had changed his mind about taking the elephants at Umfurudzi because he didn't want these 2 wild elephants mixing with his domesticated ones. We now had the added problem of a truck to move the elephants. Alro Shipping came forward and offered us a truck free of charge. We are extremely grateful to Alro who have often come forward to help us, never asking for any payment.
“A big thank you to Riley Travers of Imire who spent 4 days continuously tracking an monitoring the elephants. We asked Riley to appeal to Marondera National Parks to give us until Tuesday this week to relocate the elephants. They weren't keen and seemed desperate to shoot them. In view of all the problems we were facing, we felt the best option would be to fire shots into the air to try and force the elephants to go back to the North, where they came from but National Parks refused to do this, stating that it would be too dangerous.
“Sadly, we heard yesterday that the elephants had moved to within 2 km [1.2 miles] of Marondera town and National Parks shot them, fearing that they would hurt someone.
“We are very disappointed in National Parks and in certain Zimbabwean companies who put money before the welfare of our wildlife. We have now lost 2 young elephants who had their whole lives ahead of them.”
The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force relies solely on public donations. Donations can help to preserve the wildlife in Zimbabwe. If you would like to assist, please contact Johnny Rodrigues, the ZCTF Chairman, at :-
Landline: +263 4 339065
Mobile: +263 712 603 213
Email: galorand@mweb.co.zw
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZCTF-Zimbabwe-Conservation-Task-Force/246013052094585
Website: www.zctfofficialsite.org.
Many people have been outraged by “Marine ‘A’” being found guilty of murder and possibly facing a sentence of life imprisonment when the shooting in question took place at the height of the War against Terror and when he and his fellow-troops were facing an insidious irregular enemy who didn’t obey any of the recognized rules of warfare. A FaceBook campaign has now been launched to lobby for Marine ‘A’ to be freed, which we believe many of our readers will be keen to support. It can be accessed at :-
We have recently been contacted by Linda Schultz of the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund and asked to publicise their latest appeal :-
“We have been supporting pensioners in Zimbabwe for the past 11 years and are hoping you could possibly publish a story about us and how this all came about. Over the years the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund has gone from supporting 1 pensioner to currently supporting just over 1600 pensioners with an apple-box filled with non-perishable food in 28 old age homes/organisations throughout Zimbabwe. This is only about 45% or so of the pensioners that need help. We also assist similar organizations called "S.O.A.P" (Support Old Age Pensioners) as well as various kitchens. One of the kitchens we support is the Verity Amm Kitchen in Bulawayo, they supply between 80-100 pensioners with 2 meals a day 4 days a week. As far as we are aware we are the largest non-government organization supporting pensioners still in Zimbabwe who lost everything when the Zimbabwe dollar ceased to exist.
“As such we would like to inform interested persons of the true situation regarding the pensioners in Zimbabwe. Many people are under the impression that since the so-called dollarization of their currency the situation for the pensioners has improved. Wrong! In fact, Zimbabwean pensioners are now worse off than ever before.
“Overnight in January 2010 the reserve bank removed another 12 zeroes and people who had billions of Zimbabwe dollars were paupers the next day. No matter whether they had Zimbabwean dollars in the bank or at home they lost everything and were left with useless pieces of paper. They have never been compensated for the loss and never will be. So even though the currency changed to US dollars what they had in Zimbabwean dollars no longer existed. Pensioners are now at the mercy of Good Samaritans that reach out to them. That is where the Zimbabwe Pensioners Support Fund comes in. The fund was established in 2002 to help a few needy people in an old age home.
“The first thing one needs to understand is that almost 75% of the pensioners do not have a pension or income and those that do receive between US$13 - US$40. They did make adequate provision for their old age and originally retired comfortably. However, as Zimbabwe's inflation went up into the ‘billions’ of percent, the government kept taking off zeroes in an attempt to stabilize the economy. I was recently speaking to a pensioner in Kadoma Ann who was crying and I asked her what the problem was. This is what she had to say. ‘I get a pension of 40 US$ a month from Old Mutual. The bank takes 2 US$ , my rent is 35 US$ so that leaves me with 3 US$ for food’. This is a fairly common situation that I come across. There is of cause the very small percentage of pensioners that are well supported by their children.
“With two large trucks we shift around 18-22 tons of non-perishable food, good second hand clothes and medical aides such as wheelchairs, crutches, walking aids, spectacles and non-scheduled medicines every 8 weeks to our Golden Oldies. Over the past year funds have trickled down and we are battling to make ends meet in our continued goal to support our pensioners. We firmly believe that had it not been for Hannes Botha’s tenacious and ‘Bull Terrier’ like spirit, this years ‘roadblocks and curved balls’ would have ended this project. Yet as he has said many times to us, ‘these people are my life and nothing will stop me from serving them with payback’.
“We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). We rely totally on the generosity of the public to keep our wheels turning.
“Please if you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us.
“Kind Regards
“Linda Schultz - Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund”
(C) 079 6082676
(T) 013 7900934
Fax to Email - 086 267 8499
Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08
NPO Number 096733
Section 18A PBO No 930031642
Slow PC or laptop? Viruses? Computer problems?
Have it resolved instantly, via the internet. Experienced, qualified and reputable IT expert is on standby to fix PC problems while you watch. Anywhere in the world, in the comfort of your own home or office! No fix, no fee, free diagnosis. (Requires working internet connection)
E-mail Bert Oosthuizen of Cybernetix IT Solutions on: berto@cybernetx.co.uk or visit: www.cybernetixit.co.uk for more info.
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.180: Mr. & Mrs. Julian Nidd of New Germany
Julian Nidd and his wife lived in New Germany, Natal, and were strong supporters of the Save Rhodesia Campaign and the South Africa First Campaign during the late 1970s. Julian was an intellectual, and studied the works of the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner avidly, and indeed lectured on the subject. Alas his wife remained loyal to the notorious phoney leader of the SRC/SAFC Brendan Willmer long after it was exposed that he was in the pay of the sellout NP government, and as a result they both failed to join the Patriotic Forum after it was founded by the authentic wing of SRC/SAFC members. Good people at heart, but alas sadly naive. It would be interesting to learn whether they eventually realised their mistake, and where they are now.
We have recently been sent an excellent YouTube video entitled “Is Nelson Mandela a role model or a criminal?” featuring Dr. Philip Hammond of the Cape Town-based Frontline Fellowship. It can be accessed at :-
"They are here because we were there" - I've heard that frequently without being impressed. The only thing I have against the British Empire is that we don't have it any more. Its only downside was separating parents and children. The fact that we once ruled a country does not give its citizens the right to come here. Nor do we have any obligation to deprive our own people by giving away overseas aid.
Most of the immigration to Britain in recent years has been from the EU - and I was unaware that we ever had colonies in Eastern Europe. I would only admit people who could read, write and speak fluent English and who had something to offer us. Illegal immigrants, scroungers, criminals and anti-British terrorist supporters should be deported. Yes, I know about our tradition of admitting people fleeing persecution. I also know that we had more room back then. How big a population are we supposed to sustain - 70, 90, 100 million? Genuine refugees should be admitted if it's literally life or death and they've nowhere else to go.
Yours etc.,
M. Taylor, London, U.K..
A programme tonight on Channel 4 called “South Africa's Dirty Cops” detailing the brutality of the police against civilians and the politicising of the force by the ANC.
Why am I not surprised that the programme showed only Black civilians being harshly treated and did not mention once the ongoing genocide of its White population whose de-humanising murders are the very essence of brutality.
A reporter questioned the South African Chief of Police about the estimated 700 plus people who had been tortured and murdered by the police. They even showed us a number of crucifixes that had been placed at the scene of the shooting of Black South African miners. No mention of the near 4000 White farmers murdered since the ANC came to power. No images of the hillside full of crucifixes in memory of them. No mention of genocide-watch who have described South African Whites as being targeted for genocide and at an advanced stage.
The programme also told us about the ANC using the police to settle political problems, but no mention of the deep rooted communism at the heart of the ANC or its anti-White song about killing the Boer.
Once again the media, and the failure of so-called investigative journalists to mention a serious issue threatening Whites in the country shows the agenda behind such reporting. People watching that tonight will have no idea about what is really going on in South Africa, they see a version of South Africa that the media wants them to see, i.e. Blacks being mistreated and killed by their own police but White farmers being slaughtered in their thousands? Not a chance.
The programme will no doubt be available on-line on Channel 4 at some point.
Yours etc.,
A.K., London, U.K.
In the August edition of the SCN we carried an obituary to Mr. Edward Ernest “Ted” Davey, a long-standing supporter of our movement and a subsequent member of the Springbok Club. Readers may however have detected that at the time of writing we had a few misgivings about Mr. Davey’s activities, specifically concerning his apparent connections to extremist organisations both in South Africa and in the UK. We have subsequently been informed by a close colleague of Mr. Davey that these connections with certain extremist organizations were not all that they seemed, and that in fact they were generated by genuine patriotic motivations. We do not think it wise to give the details of this recent information which we have obtained, suffice to say that it proves that Mr. Davey was an even greater patriot than we believed, and that as a result we are now even more honoured to have been able to call him a friend.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
London, UK
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
October 2013 Edition.
October 2013 edition
As all who have lived for any length of time in southern Africa – or anywhere else in non-Western lands for that matter – will know, non-Whites always tend to admire strength and to have contempt for weakness.
With this knowledge in mind the recent decision by the British House of Commons, something subsequently seized upon by Obama’s US administration in order to justify similar weakness, not to authorize military action against the Assad dictatorship in Syria must be condemned with great concern.
It has been argued that Assad’s regime is the lesser of two evils in the current Syrian civil war, and there is undoubtedly much truth in this observation. But this is not the point. Assad’s regime may be less evil than the more extreme Islamic forces in the Syrian opposition, but it is still Islamic by nature even so – and therefore a potential threat to all of us in the West. By showing weakness towards Assad’s oppressive forces the British House of Commons and the current US administration have not only emboldened Assad’s regime to make further use of WMD poison gas (undoubtedly transferred over the border by Saddam Hussein whilst Hans Blix and Co. were pathetically failing to find what was under their noses!), but will also send all the wrong signals to the rest of the fundamentalist Islamic world.
Already since the cowardly vote in the House of Commons and Obama’s eager seizure upon this to justify his own appeasement towards Assad we have witnessed massacres of Christians in both Pakistan and Egypt, the shopping mall atrocity in Nairobi, and the foiling (thanks to the efficiency of MI5 and the Metropolitan Police) of a Bombay-style shooting massacre in the streets of London. Although it would be a mistake to claim that none of these acts of terrorism would have occurred if the Commons vote had gone differently, the fact remains that Islamic violence and infiltration into Europe has directly increased with the more weakness displayed by the West.
Although Britain and the US must therefore be severely criticized for their appeasement towards Assad’s Syria, one Western nation seems to stand out alone for possessing a backbone – namely France. We never thought that we would ever praise a Socialist government in Europe, but President Hollande has displayed a degree of leadership which has been sorely lacking in most of the rest of the West. Syria of course historically falls under the French sphere of influence, and the sooner the French writ is re-established there the better it will be for all of us.
The fact that Miliband’s Labour Party and a considerable number of yellow-livered Liberal Democrat MPs voted against military action in Syria is not surprising. What is surprising – and contemptible – is that they were joined by a small group of Conservative MPs. These weaklings are of course the heirs of Baldwin and of Chamberlain. Today’s Conservative Party needs more heirs of Churchill and of Thatcher!
On Saturday 5th October Springbok Club members made a trip to Oxford in order to attend a spectacular musical event involving some of the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the highlight of which was the world premier of the work “O Calpe” (in praise of Gibraltar), which was begun by Mozart but only completed in recent years by Springbok Club member Robin Willow. The day in Oxford proved awe-inspiring and highly enjoyable, but the concert itself in the evening proved an event which will live in our minds for ever. Robin Willow himself, who with a group of close and energetic musical colleagues organized the entire event, sung his work “O Calpe” in person – backed by the world famous Amadeus Orchestra and the acclaimed Berkshire Youth Choir. Dressed in appropriate 18th century garb for this rendition Robin Willow gave a masterful performance, which was hailed as a magnificent triumph by all in the massive audience.
A report about this concert appeared in The Times of 5th October, and was also carried on the GBC News web-site, which can be accessed at :-
In November the Springbok Club will be staging its annual UDI Day Dinner/Buffet at which it is hoped that a prominent ex-Rhodesian will be guest of honour, and in December the Springbok Club will hold its annual Day of the Vow commemoration which will be addressed by a leading campaigner for Afrikaner rights in Europe. Full details about both these events will be given in future editions of the SCN
The 2013 AGM of the Swinton Circle will take place in central London on Thursday 17th October, and all current and valid members of the organization should have been informed of the precise details by now. Only current and valid members will be allowed to vote and participate in the business side of proceedings, although membership fees may be paid on the day.
Following the business side of affairs, at approximately 20.00 hrs., Mr. Roger Alsop will give a short talk about the growing threat to the West posed by expansionist Islam. Roger Alsop was born in the West Riding of Yorkshire, but educated and brought up in the Cambridgeshire Fens. He attended Cambridge School of Art for five years and is now an acclaimed water-colour artist who specialises in painting scenes featuring old lorries, old cars and small seaports. Although now retired, for the previous 12 years he worked for the Criminal Justice System in North London, from which vantage point he was able to observe the different (and sometimes surprising) points of view expressed by various Muslim individuals. All supporters, be they members or not, will be welcomed to attend this latter part of the evening’s activities.
[ For more precise details about this meeting please e-mail: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk ]
In November the Swinton Circle hopes to be able to welcome a sitting MEP as guest speaker, and in December will be addressed by a leading member of a traditional British institution. More details about both these events will appear in next month’s SCN.
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain will be organising the following events during the next few months :-
Monday 21st October : Trafalgar Day commemorations at Nelson’s tomb in the crypt of St.Paul’s Cathedral. Alas the precise time of this event has still to be finalised.
Saturday 2nd November : Keep the United Kingdom United Rally. Central London.
Saturday 30th November : St.Andrew’s Day celebrations. Edinburgh.
Saturday 7th December : Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony. The Cenotaph.
More precise details about all these events please ‘phone New Britain on: 020-72472524.
Please help raise funds to locate, rescue and relocate rhinos in trouble
Investing in the conservation of our natural heritage remains a daunting and challenging task, but presented with the numerous challenges facing our natural world and the creatures that live in it; our generation simply has no choice anymore. Those of us who truly do understand the imminent danger of the continued loss of another and yet another plant or animal species realize that we have reached the eleventh hour and that there is simply no more time to waste.
It is one species in particular that needs our urgent support to ensure that future generations too will be able to see these majestic beasts in the wild. They were brought back from the brink of extinction once before, but today we are losing almost three of them each and every day.
They die a brutal and in many instances an agonizing death; some survive the attempts on their lives with their horns hacked from their faces while they are still alive. In such instances the animals are not just left with gaping wounds in their faces; their cornea's are fried by the sun while they are lying down unable to blink or move once an immobilizing drug has been administered. This ordeal leaves them blinded while other rhinos suffer severe tissue damage and internal organ failure. Such animals will not survive even though they are left behind alive.
Something needs to be done to save at least some of these beautiful creatures; the ones wounded, the ones no longer wanted by their owners and the ones who survived while other of their family units were slaughtered. You may not be aware that already there are certain individuals and a small organization working very hard to accomplish exactly this! A rescue service and safe haven for some very lucky rhinos that did survive and that can find safety in an undisclosed location they can call "home".
However for this place of safety to prosper and protect rhinos we need your financial help. We need donations to help us locate, rescue and relocate rhinos in trouble and time is truly of the essence. We will appreciate all donations no matter how large or small; every single cent counts and for every donation we are most appreciative.
Donations can be made via PayPal or Payfast on our website under “HOW YOU CAN HELP” on our web-site at : www.sanwild.org, or a direct transfer into our bank account, the details of which are as follows :-
SanWild Trust Account
ABSA Bank, Account No.: 9111221180, Branch Code: 334349
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ, IBAN Code: ZA632005
There is another way to help SanWild as well! Should you choose not to donate but rather to book a welcome break-away in their luxury Savannah Private Bush Camp they will ensure you get a great deal filled by excellent game viewing opportunities and catering to die for in a splendid Bushveldt setting. Bring not just yourself, but a group of friends to ensure the best stay ever! Do have a look on the SanWild web-site at www.sanwild.org for their accommodation offers at the Savannah Camp for group bookings. The proceeds of your stay in the camp will be allocated to the amazing work done by the SRS. Let your money work for nature in a truly unique way. Please note that all donations are fully tax deductible to all South Africans.
To book your stay or if you need any additional information please contact SanWild at reservations@sanwild.org
The appointment of Mike Gatting as President of the MCC for 2013/14 is to be applauded. Mike Gatting was not only a most gifted batsman for Middlesex and England, but he also brought great credit to the game of Cricket. Two particular events confirm that Mike Gatting was never prepared to kow-tow to the “politically correct” brigade. In 1987 he was prepared to stand up to the controversial Pakistani umpire Shakoor Rana, when lesser men would probably have meekly accepted his clearly biased decisions. Even more praiseworthy was his decision to lead a “rebel” tour of English players to South Africa in 1990 at a time when the country still enjoyed civilized rule, and furthermore was not afraid to state that he was not totally opposed to the system which was then in place in South Africa, an act which inevitably made him the bête noire of the liberal chattering classes! Mike Gatting is therefore precisely the type of person who we need in leading positions in world sport today, who are prepared to stand up against the often corrupt and bribable “third world” officials. We congratulate him and wish him well in his term of office therefore, and also congratulate those who appointed him!
Slow PC or laptop? Viruses? Computer problems?
Have it resolved instantly, via the internet. Experienced, qualified and reputable IT expert is on standby to fix PC problems while you watch. Anywhere in the world, in the comfort of your own home or office! No fix, no fee, free diagnosis. (Requires working internet connection)
E-mail Bert Oosthuizen of Cybernetix IT Solutions on: berto@cybernetx.co.uk or visit: www.cybernetixit.co.uk for more info.
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.179: Mr. Theo Scheepers of Welwyn Garden City
Theo Scheepers, a South African expatriate who was then living in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, made contact with us a couple of years ago and expressed great interest in the work of the Springbok Club. Unfortunately the latest few circulars sent to his last known e-mail address of tradesman2005@hotmail.co.uk have all been returned to us as it is evidently no longer operative. If anyone could therefore let us know how we can re-make contact with Mr. Scheepers then we would be most grateful.
Several supporters have recently contacted us to ask for more information proving the terrorist background of the former ANC leader “Nelson” Mandela. As well as our own “Terrorist Watch” web-page which can be accessed at :-
we would also like to recommend a FaceBook group entitled “The Truth about the ANC’s Mandela”, which can be accessed at :-
This FaceBook group will of course not only provide details about Mandela’s terrorist nature, but will also provide a forum for supporters to provide even more documented information.
I would advise Ronnie Kasrils to have a good look north at the results of radical policies in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Indeed, Samora Machel of the latter learned from his mistakes and advised Mugabe not to drive out the Whites. I would also advise Mr.Kasrils to read R.W.Johnson, former ANC supporter, on the fate of post-apartheid South Africa. To put it bluntly, racial reconciler Mandela did a better job than President Mandela.
I know that Julius Malema, late of the ANC, is launching a new political party in South Africa and suspect that Mr.Kasrils might be worried about its taking ANC votes. I have had letters in print defending Mr. Malema's right to free speech but still believe that his anti-White, anti-capitalist policies would be an unmitigated disaster.
Yours etc.,
M. Taylor, London, U.K..
We in New Zealand never sing "God Save the Queen", only our own national anthem now.......but when the Lions come we sing it then - and at orchestral concerts like the Royal Albert, and with gusto!
The southern Irish do not sing “God Save the Queen”, but the Northern Irish do! The Irish are not united - one being for GOD [the Almighty] and the other for ROME [a man]!
There could be another reason why “God Save the Queen” was not played at Lions matches in Australia too - both Rudd and Gillard did NOT take the oath to the Queen at their inauguration as Prime Minister! They are not of that persuasion, desiring a republic now, if not sooner! Their visits to the Palace are a farce and are only done to placate the greater people.
Now you have the winning of Wimbledon with Andy Murray! The Nation must be buzzing! What a wonderful win!
Yours etc.,
“Bara”, New Zealand
The death of Nelson Mandela is expected daily. There will then be a deluge of pro-Mandela reminiscences. Does anyone know of a trustworthy account of his part in the offences for which he was imprisoned on Robben Island? I know only a small part of the story, as follows :-
In his statement from the dock at the opening of the defence case in the Rivonia Trial (Pretoria Supreme Court, 20 April 1964) Mandela said :-
“In my youth in the Transkei I listened to the elders of my tribe telling stories of the old days. Amongst the tales they related to me were those of wars fought by our ancestors in defence of the fatherland. The names of Dingane and Bambata, Hintsa and Makana, Squngthi and Dalasile, Moshoeshoe and Sekhukhuni, were praised as the glory of the entire African nation . . . I do not, however, deny that I planned sabotage . . . I admit immediately that I was one of the persons who helped to form Umkhonto we Sizwe, and that I played a prominent role in its affairs until I was arrested in August 1962 . . . Firstly, we believed that as a result of Government policy, violence by the African people had become inevitable . . . Secondly, we felt that without violence there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy. All lawful modes of expressing opposition to this principle had been closed by legislation, and we were placed in a position in which we had either to accept a permanent state of inferiority, or to defy the Government. We chose to defy the law . . . At the beginning of June 1961, after a long and anxious assessment of the South African situation, I, and some colleagues, came to the conclusion that as violence in this country was inevitable, it would be unrealistic and wrong for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence.”
The Springbok Cyber-Newsletter - September 2003 – reported :-
The crimes of Mandela which led to his sentence of life imprisonment in 1963 are well documented - his direct involvement in the Johannesburg Railway Station bombing which resulted in the killing and maiming of dozens of innocent people, and being caught red-handed at Rivonia with (to use his own words) “enough explosives to blow up half of Johannesburg”.
One who suffered from the Johannesburg Railway Station bombing was a little girl named Josephone Burley. In an email to me Josephine described what happened when the bomb went off.
‘It was the busiest time of the day, and commuters were all rushing to catch trains home for the week end . . . I leapt up at the loudest noise one could imagine, along with a massive flash and then fire - fire everywhere. I saw window panes flying and falling. My first thought was “electric” what else could it be? The flames were suddenly everywhere - beneath me, above me, and all around me. I thought with a sadness, that all the loonies were right “the world will end in fire”. I screamed for my mother as any child does, then, convinced that this was a general state of affairs, I yelled for God to save me. I felt myself sinking, almost disappearing . . . spiralling down, my body and my clothes aflame.’
Yours etc.,
Francis Bennion MA (Hons, Oxon), Barrister of the Middle Temple
Long-standing readers will undoubtedly recall all the problems which we have encountered from a certain Mr. Arthur Kemp over the years, and how it had been revealed that in spite of his apparent Right-wing persona Mr. Kemp was actually an asset of the ANC regime. We know that there have been some who have been somewhat doubtful about this exposé in spite of the fact that speculation that he was working for the SAP Special Branch charged with spying on the White opposition goes all the way back to the 1980s, and the fact that even his own first wife has confirmed details about his involvement. Now however a supporter has informed us about a piece of evidence written by Kemp’s own hand which clearly shows where his true loyalties lie.
On the Arthur Kemp blog there appears an entry dated Sunday 30th June 2013 entitled “Nelson Mandela: A Nationalist Reappraisal, or, Where Would You Have Stood as a Black Person in Pre-1994 South Africa?”. Far from being a condemnation of Mandela’s terrorist activities and his anti-White fanaticism as would have been expected from any authentic Right-winger (or “Nationalist” as Kemp’s other persona would undoubtedly call it), Kemp actually acts as an apologist for the unreconstructed terrorist Mandela in this article, and seeks to whitewash (if that is the right word!) his evil nature. In this article appear such gems as “Mandela personally did not kill anyone”, “it was just another lie of apartheid”, “From Mandela’s perspective therefore, it can be argued that the resort to ‘armed struggle’ was a reaction to the state’s violence”, “if I had been a Black in the pre-1994 era, I would have supported the ANC and the armed struggle as well”, “The truth is that any objective observer cannot ‘blame’ Africans for wanting to rule themselves, not be ruled by Whites and for eventually taking up arms to achieve this goal”, “the true meaning of Mandela is that here was a man, fully committed to the liberation of his people”, “pro-European activists should accept that it was wrong for Europeans to colonize the Third World” and “’Right-wingers should give up the old, tired and failed rhetoric, and instead be looking for a ‘European Nelson Mandela’”! Surely after reading all these sick and twisted quotations from Kemp there cannot be anyone who still believes that his Right-wing persona is anything other than as phony as a Nine Rand note!
There has however been another even more disturbing recent development. Shortly before Robin Willow’s magnificent concert in Oxford all the other parties involved in this event were sent a despicable smear e-mail trying to persuade them to pull out (happily nobody took any notice of this pathetic attempted act of sabotage). Although this e-mail bore the name of the mysterious Tony Malski (the name used when somebody contacted a member of the Swinton Circle Committee a couple of months ago offering to speak for the organization out of the blue – see SCN September 2013) the style of writing and the accurate grammar and spelling certainly didn’t match that which would be expected from an eastern European neo-Nazi extremist which this Malski character was subsequently discovered to be. The writing style and excellent grammar however bore all the hallmarks of the style of Arthur Kemp. This evil attempted sabotage campaign whose only intention was to spoil the enjoyment of hundreds of others can only be compared to the anti-Springbok sporting kill-joy campaigns carried out by Mandela-supporters during the 1970s. Whoever sent these vindictive smear e-mails – be it Kemp or whoever – must therefore be considered as vermin on a par with the wretched Peter Hain.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
October 2013 edition
As all who have lived for any length of time in southern Africa – or anywhere else in non-Western lands for that matter – will know, non-Whites always tend to admire strength and to have contempt for weakness.
With this knowledge in mind the recent decision by the British House of Commons, something subsequently seized upon by Obama’s US administration in order to justify similar weakness, not to authorize military action against the Assad dictatorship in Syria must be condemned with great concern.
It has been argued that Assad’s regime is the lesser of two evils in the current Syrian civil war, and there is undoubtedly much truth in this observation. But this is not the point. Assad’s regime may be less evil than the more extreme Islamic forces in the Syrian opposition, but it is still Islamic by nature even so – and therefore a potential threat to all of us in the West. By showing weakness towards Assad’s oppressive forces the British House of Commons and the current US administration have not only emboldened Assad’s regime to make further use of WMD poison gas (undoubtedly transferred over the border by Saddam Hussein whilst Hans Blix and Co. were pathetically failing to find what was under their noses!), but will also send all the wrong signals to the rest of the fundamentalist Islamic world.
Already since the cowardly vote in the House of Commons and Obama’s eager seizure upon this to justify his own appeasement towards Assad we have witnessed massacres of Christians in both Pakistan and Egypt, the shopping mall atrocity in Nairobi, and the foiling (thanks to the efficiency of MI5 and the Metropolitan Police) of a Bombay-style shooting massacre in the streets of London. Although it would be a mistake to claim that none of these acts of terrorism would have occurred if the Commons vote had gone differently, the fact remains that Islamic violence and infiltration into Europe has directly increased with the more weakness displayed by the West.
Although Britain and the US must therefore be severely criticized for their appeasement towards Assad’s Syria, one Western nation seems to stand out alone for possessing a backbone – namely France. We never thought that we would ever praise a Socialist government in Europe, but President Hollande has displayed a degree of leadership which has been sorely lacking in most of the rest of the West. Syria of course historically falls under the French sphere of influence, and the sooner the French writ is re-established there the better it will be for all of us.
The fact that Miliband’s Labour Party and a considerable number of yellow-livered Liberal Democrat MPs voted against military action in Syria is not surprising. What is surprising – and contemptible – is that they were joined by a small group of Conservative MPs. These weaklings are of course the heirs of Baldwin and of Chamberlain. Today’s Conservative Party needs more heirs of Churchill and of Thatcher!
On Saturday 5th October Springbok Club members made a trip to Oxford in order to attend a spectacular musical event involving some of the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the highlight of which was the world premier of the work “O Calpe” (in praise of Gibraltar), which was begun by Mozart but only completed in recent years by Springbok Club member Robin Willow. The day in Oxford proved awe-inspiring and highly enjoyable, but the concert itself in the evening proved an event which will live in our minds for ever. Robin Willow himself, who with a group of close and energetic musical colleagues organized the entire event, sung his work “O Calpe” in person – backed by the world famous Amadeus Orchestra and the acclaimed Berkshire Youth Choir. Dressed in appropriate 18th century garb for this rendition Robin Willow gave a masterful performance, which was hailed as a magnificent triumph by all in the massive audience.
A report about this concert appeared in The Times of 5th October, and was also carried on the GBC News web-site, which can be accessed at :-
In November the Springbok Club will be staging its annual UDI Day Dinner/Buffet at which it is hoped that a prominent ex-Rhodesian will be guest of honour, and in December the Springbok Club will hold its annual Day of the Vow commemoration which will be addressed by a leading campaigner for Afrikaner rights in Europe. Full details about both these events will be given in future editions of the SCN
The 2013 AGM of the Swinton Circle will take place in central London on Thursday 17th October, and all current and valid members of the organization should have been informed of the precise details by now. Only current and valid members will be allowed to vote and participate in the business side of proceedings, although membership fees may be paid on the day.
Following the business side of affairs, at approximately 20.00 hrs., Mr. Roger Alsop will give a short talk about the growing threat to the West posed by expansionist Islam. Roger Alsop was born in the West Riding of Yorkshire, but educated and brought up in the Cambridgeshire Fens. He attended Cambridge School of Art for five years and is now an acclaimed water-colour artist who specialises in painting scenes featuring old lorries, old cars and small seaports. Although now retired, for the previous 12 years he worked for the Criminal Justice System in North London, from which vantage point he was able to observe the different (and sometimes surprising) points of view expressed by various Muslim individuals. All supporters, be they members or not, will be welcomed to attend this latter part of the evening’s activities.
[ For more precise details about this meeting please e-mail: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk ]
In November the Swinton Circle hopes to be able to welcome a sitting MEP as guest speaker, and in December will be addressed by a leading member of a traditional British institution. More details about both these events will appear in next month’s SCN.
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain will be organising the following events during the next few months :-
Monday 21st October : Trafalgar Day commemorations at Nelson’s tomb in the crypt of St.Paul’s Cathedral. Alas the precise time of this event has still to be finalised.
Saturday 2nd November : Keep the United Kingdom United Rally. Central London.
Saturday 30th November : St.Andrew’s Day celebrations. Edinburgh.
Saturday 7th December : Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony. The Cenotaph.
More precise details about all these events please ‘phone New Britain on: 020-72472524.
Please help raise funds to locate, rescue and relocate rhinos in trouble
Investing in the conservation of our natural heritage remains a daunting and challenging task, but presented with the numerous challenges facing our natural world and the creatures that live in it; our generation simply has no choice anymore. Those of us who truly do understand the imminent danger of the continued loss of another and yet another plant or animal species realize that we have reached the eleventh hour and that there is simply no more time to waste.
It is one species in particular that needs our urgent support to ensure that future generations too will be able to see these majestic beasts in the wild. They were brought back from the brink of extinction once before, but today we are losing almost three of them each and every day.
They die a brutal and in many instances an agonizing death; some survive the attempts on their lives with their horns hacked from their faces while they are still alive. In such instances the animals are not just left with gaping wounds in their faces; their cornea's are fried by the sun while they are lying down unable to blink or move once an immobilizing drug has been administered. This ordeal leaves them blinded while other rhinos suffer severe tissue damage and internal organ failure. Such animals will not survive even though they are left behind alive.
Something needs to be done to save at least some of these beautiful creatures; the ones wounded, the ones no longer wanted by their owners and the ones who survived while other of their family units were slaughtered. You may not be aware that already there are certain individuals and a small organization working very hard to accomplish exactly this! A rescue service and safe haven for some very lucky rhinos that did survive and that can find safety in an undisclosed location they can call "home".
However for this place of safety to prosper and protect rhinos we need your financial help. We need donations to help us locate, rescue and relocate rhinos in trouble and time is truly of the essence. We will appreciate all donations no matter how large or small; every single cent counts and for every donation we are most appreciative.
Donations can be made via PayPal or Payfast on our website under “HOW YOU CAN HELP” on our web-site at : www.sanwild.org, or a direct transfer into our bank account, the details of which are as follows :-
SanWild Trust Account
ABSA Bank, Account No.: 9111221180, Branch Code: 334349
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ, IBAN Code: ZA632005
There is another way to help SanWild as well! Should you choose not to donate but rather to book a welcome break-away in their luxury Savannah Private Bush Camp they will ensure you get a great deal filled by excellent game viewing opportunities and catering to die for in a splendid Bushveldt setting. Bring not just yourself, but a group of friends to ensure the best stay ever! Do have a look on the SanWild web-site at www.sanwild.org for their accommodation offers at the Savannah Camp for group bookings. The proceeds of your stay in the camp will be allocated to the amazing work done by the SRS. Let your money work for nature in a truly unique way. Please note that all donations are fully tax deductible to all South Africans.
To book your stay or if you need any additional information please contact SanWild at reservations@sanwild.org
The appointment of Mike Gatting as President of the MCC for 2013/14 is to be applauded. Mike Gatting was not only a most gifted batsman for Middlesex and England, but he also brought great credit to the game of Cricket. Two particular events confirm that Mike Gatting was never prepared to kow-tow to the “politically correct” brigade. In 1987 he was prepared to stand up to the controversial Pakistani umpire Shakoor Rana, when lesser men would probably have meekly accepted his clearly biased decisions. Even more praiseworthy was his decision to lead a “rebel” tour of English players to South Africa in 1990 at a time when the country still enjoyed civilized rule, and furthermore was not afraid to state that he was not totally opposed to the system which was then in place in South Africa, an act which inevitably made him the bête noire of the liberal chattering classes! Mike Gatting is therefore precisely the type of person who we need in leading positions in world sport today, who are prepared to stand up against the often corrupt and bribable “third world” officials. We congratulate him and wish him well in his term of office therefore, and also congratulate those who appointed him!
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E-mail Bert Oosthuizen of Cybernetix IT Solutions on: berto@cybernetx.co.uk or visit: www.cybernetixit.co.uk for more info.
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.179: Mr. Theo Scheepers of Welwyn Garden City
Theo Scheepers, a South African expatriate who was then living in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, made contact with us a couple of years ago and expressed great interest in the work of the Springbok Club. Unfortunately the latest few circulars sent to his last known e-mail address of tradesman2005@hotmail.co.uk have all been returned to us as it is evidently no longer operative. If anyone could therefore let us know how we can re-make contact with Mr. Scheepers then we would be most grateful.
Several supporters have recently contacted us to ask for more information proving the terrorist background of the former ANC leader “Nelson” Mandela. As well as our own “Terrorist Watch” web-page which can be accessed at :-
we would also like to recommend a FaceBook group entitled “The Truth about the ANC’s Mandela”, which can be accessed at :-
This FaceBook group will of course not only provide details about Mandela’s terrorist nature, but will also provide a forum for supporters to provide even more documented information.
I would advise Ronnie Kasrils to have a good look north at the results of radical policies in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Indeed, Samora Machel of the latter learned from his mistakes and advised Mugabe not to drive out the Whites. I would also advise Mr.Kasrils to read R.W.Johnson, former ANC supporter, on the fate of post-apartheid South Africa. To put it bluntly, racial reconciler Mandela did a better job than President Mandela.
I know that Julius Malema, late of the ANC, is launching a new political party in South Africa and suspect that Mr.Kasrils might be worried about its taking ANC votes. I have had letters in print defending Mr. Malema's right to free speech but still believe that his anti-White, anti-capitalist policies would be an unmitigated disaster.
Yours etc.,
M. Taylor, London, U.K..
We in New Zealand never sing "God Save the Queen", only our own national anthem now.......but when the Lions come we sing it then - and at orchestral concerts like the Royal Albert, and with gusto!
The southern Irish do not sing “God Save the Queen”, but the Northern Irish do! The Irish are not united - one being for GOD [the Almighty] and the other for ROME [a man]!
There could be another reason why “God Save the Queen” was not played at Lions matches in Australia too - both Rudd and Gillard did NOT take the oath to the Queen at their inauguration as Prime Minister! They are not of that persuasion, desiring a republic now, if not sooner! Their visits to the Palace are a farce and are only done to placate the greater people.
Now you have the winning of Wimbledon with Andy Murray! The Nation must be buzzing! What a wonderful win!
Yours etc.,
“Bara”, New Zealand
The death of Nelson Mandela is expected daily. There will then be a deluge of pro-Mandela reminiscences. Does anyone know of a trustworthy account of his part in the offences for which he was imprisoned on Robben Island? I know only a small part of the story, as follows :-
In his statement from the dock at the opening of the defence case in the Rivonia Trial (Pretoria Supreme Court, 20 April 1964) Mandela said :-
“In my youth in the Transkei I listened to the elders of my tribe telling stories of the old days. Amongst the tales they related to me were those of wars fought by our ancestors in defence of the fatherland. The names of Dingane and Bambata, Hintsa and Makana, Squngthi and Dalasile, Moshoeshoe and Sekhukhuni, were praised as the glory of the entire African nation . . . I do not, however, deny that I planned sabotage . . . I admit immediately that I was one of the persons who helped to form Umkhonto we Sizwe, and that I played a prominent role in its affairs until I was arrested in August 1962 . . . Firstly, we believed that as a result of Government policy, violence by the African people had become inevitable . . . Secondly, we felt that without violence there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy. All lawful modes of expressing opposition to this principle had been closed by legislation, and we were placed in a position in which we had either to accept a permanent state of inferiority, or to defy the Government. We chose to defy the law . . . At the beginning of June 1961, after a long and anxious assessment of the South African situation, I, and some colleagues, came to the conclusion that as violence in this country was inevitable, it would be unrealistic and wrong for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence.”
The Springbok Cyber-Newsletter - September 2003 – reported :-
The crimes of Mandela which led to his sentence of life imprisonment in 1963 are well documented - his direct involvement in the Johannesburg Railway Station bombing which resulted in the killing and maiming of dozens of innocent people, and being caught red-handed at Rivonia with (to use his own words) “enough explosives to blow up half of Johannesburg”.
One who suffered from the Johannesburg Railway Station bombing was a little girl named Josephone Burley. In an email to me Josephine described what happened when the bomb went off.
‘It was the busiest time of the day, and commuters were all rushing to catch trains home for the week end . . . I leapt up at the loudest noise one could imagine, along with a massive flash and then fire - fire everywhere. I saw window panes flying and falling. My first thought was “electric” what else could it be? The flames were suddenly everywhere - beneath me, above me, and all around me. I thought with a sadness, that all the loonies were right “the world will end in fire”. I screamed for my mother as any child does, then, convinced that this was a general state of affairs, I yelled for God to save me. I felt myself sinking, almost disappearing . . . spiralling down, my body and my clothes aflame.’
Yours etc.,
Francis Bennion MA (Hons, Oxon), Barrister of the Middle Temple
Long-standing readers will undoubtedly recall all the problems which we have encountered from a certain Mr. Arthur Kemp over the years, and how it had been revealed that in spite of his apparent Right-wing persona Mr. Kemp was actually an asset of the ANC regime. We know that there have been some who have been somewhat doubtful about this exposé in spite of the fact that speculation that he was working for the SAP Special Branch charged with spying on the White opposition goes all the way back to the 1980s, and the fact that even his own first wife has confirmed details about his involvement. Now however a supporter has informed us about a piece of evidence written by Kemp’s own hand which clearly shows where his true loyalties lie.
On the Arthur Kemp blog there appears an entry dated Sunday 30th June 2013 entitled “Nelson Mandela: A Nationalist Reappraisal, or, Where Would You Have Stood as a Black Person in Pre-1994 South Africa?”. Far from being a condemnation of Mandela’s terrorist activities and his anti-White fanaticism as would have been expected from any authentic Right-winger (or “Nationalist” as Kemp’s other persona would undoubtedly call it), Kemp actually acts as an apologist for the unreconstructed terrorist Mandela in this article, and seeks to whitewash (if that is the right word!) his evil nature. In this article appear such gems as “Mandela personally did not kill anyone”, “it was just another lie of apartheid”, “From Mandela’s perspective therefore, it can be argued that the resort to ‘armed struggle’ was a reaction to the state’s violence”, “if I had been a Black in the pre-1994 era, I would have supported the ANC and the armed struggle as well”, “The truth is that any objective observer cannot ‘blame’ Africans for wanting to rule themselves, not be ruled by Whites and for eventually taking up arms to achieve this goal”, “the true meaning of Mandela is that here was a man, fully committed to the liberation of his people”, “pro-European activists should accept that it was wrong for Europeans to colonize the Third World” and “’Right-wingers should give up the old, tired and failed rhetoric, and instead be looking for a ‘European Nelson Mandela’”! Surely after reading all these sick and twisted quotations from Kemp there cannot be anyone who still believes that his Right-wing persona is anything other than as phony as a Nine Rand note!
There has however been another even more disturbing recent development. Shortly before Robin Willow’s magnificent concert in Oxford all the other parties involved in this event were sent a despicable smear e-mail trying to persuade them to pull out (happily nobody took any notice of this pathetic attempted act of sabotage). Although this e-mail bore the name of the mysterious Tony Malski (the name used when somebody contacted a member of the Swinton Circle Committee a couple of months ago offering to speak for the organization out of the blue – see SCN September 2013) the style of writing and the accurate grammar and spelling certainly didn’t match that which would be expected from an eastern European neo-Nazi extremist which this Malski character was subsequently discovered to be. The writing style and excellent grammar however bore all the hallmarks of the style of Arthur Kemp. This evil attempted sabotage campaign whose only intention was to spoil the enjoyment of hundreds of others can only be compared to the anti-Springbok sporting kill-joy campaigns carried out by Mandela-supporters during the 1970s. Whoever sent these vindictive smear e-mails – be it Kemp or whoever – must therefore be considered as vermin on a par with the wretched Peter Hain.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
London, UK
Monday, 23 September 2013
September 2013 Edition.
September 2013 edition
The past few months have witnessed a host of high-profile global sporting competitions, many of them with strong South African connections – and not without a fair amount of controversies!
At the World Swimming Championships held in Barcelona the South African Chad le Clos won both the Mens 100 metres and 200 metres Butterfly gold medals. Alas, like so many top White South African sportsmen, Durban-born le Clos has chosen to represent the terrorist regime which currently rules that unhappy country and to bear its colours and symbols, rather than relocating to a land of their ethnic roots. In le Clos’s case the situation is slightly different however, for he is inevitably accompanied by his Eugene Terre’Blanche-lookalike father Bert, who is equally inevitably interviewed by the overseas media who seem fascinated by his clownish performances. During the recent World Championships le Clos senior turned up wearing a shirt made of the ANC regime’s flag. Didn’t this buffoon realize just how offensive such an appearance was to all true South African patriots?
Compare le Clos’s decision to give aid and comfort to the terrorist regime currently ruling his country to the decisions of an increasing number of South African sportsmen who have chosen to relocate to the lands of their ethnic origins. Kevin Pieterson is of course just one of this growing band, and it was intriguing to see during the recent Test series against Australia that he had what looked remarkably like the old Conservative Party of South Africa’s “KP” logo on the back of his bat. Was this just a coincidence we wonder, or was he trying to send a subliminal message? Regardless of the answer it is those like Pieterson who we most admire, whereas the likes of the le Clos’s we hold in contempt.
The reason why Pieterson and his fellow South Africans are so welcomed by British sporting fans is because they have ancestral roots in the country. This however does not apply to those overseas sportsmen who have been allowed to wear British colours without any such ethnic qualifications, who are commonly referred to contemptuously as “plastic Brits”. The most famous of these of course is the long-distance runner “Mo” Farah. Farah is undoubtedly a great athlete – as his victories in both the 5000 metres and 10000 metres at the recent World Athletics Championship in Moscow confirmed – and judging from his appearances on television he is also a most pleasant and jolly person. He is liked by British athletics fans, but they cannot fully identify with him, for Farah is a Somali who has cruelly rejected his war-torn country which is so badly in need of morale-boosting sporting glory.
Again a comparison is necessary. At the World Swimming Championships Ruta Meilutyte of Lithuania won gold in the Womens 100 metre Breatstroke. Although Lithuanian by birth Meilutyte now lives, trains and is coached in Plymouth – yet she still competes internationally for Lithuania. Meilutyte is probably as much liked by British swimming fans as Farah is liked by British athletic fans – but by remaining true to her nationality of birth she manages to achieve something which Farah competing in colours of convenience never can. She is admired.
During August the Springbok Club staged a trip to the beautiful 5-acre garden in Surrey owned by David and Virginia Lardner-Burke, the son and daughter-in-law son of the highly-respected former Rhodesian Cabinet Minister the Rt.Hon. Desmond Lardner-Burke. This trip proved a revelation, for although it was staged as part of the garden’s bi-annual open days (and indeed most of those present seemed to be horticulturalists who were primarily interested in the botanical aspects of the garden), many aspects of the Rhodesian Ideal still shone through. It was not only the expertly-maintained plant-life, well-manicured lawns and inland lake which impressed, but also the presence of an open-air swimming pool and Lawn Tennis court. It was just as if a little part of Rhodesia from the halcyon days had been transplanted to the present day Home Counties. Several good new contacts were established as a result of this visit, and it is hoped that a further visit will be made next year.
As regular readers will know, it was planned that the Springbok Club would make an official visit to the annual “Hoisting of the Flag Ceremony” in Norfolk earlier during September. Unfortunately we learnt shortly before this event that we had been misinformed about the precise nature of this ceremony, as it was actually organized on an invitation-only basis. Although a last minute invitation was extended to the organization it was felt that in order not to “rock the boat” it would be best not to attend as an organization in 2013, but rather to establish closer contacts with those involved so that specific invitations could be extended to all Springbok Club members and supporters who wished to attend for the 2014 ceremony. Several individual supporters of the Springbok Club did attend the 2013 event however, and reported that in spite of the unseasonably bad weather it still proved a most successful and inspiring ceremony.
In October the Springbok Club will be making a trip to Oxford in order to attend a special musical concert involving some of the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the highlight of which will be the world premier of the work “O Calpe” (in praise of Gibraltar), which was begun by Mozart but only completed in recent years by Springbok Club member Robin Willow – who will be performing the work himself. Details of this concert are as follows :-
Venue : The Sheldonian Theatre, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3AZ
Date : Saturday 5th October 2013
Time : 19.30 hrs
Tickets : Priced £37, £26, £18 and £10 - although tickets will be available on the day and it is unlikely that this event will be a complete sell-out, tickets can still be purchased in advance at :-
In November the Springbok Club will be staging its annual UDI Day Dinner/Buffet at which it is hoped that a prominent ex-Rhodesian will be guest of honour, and in December the Springbok Club will hold its annual Day of the Vow commemoration which will be addressed by a leading campaigner for Afrikaner rights in Europe. Full details about both these events will be given in future editions of the SCN
Although the Swinton Circle didn’t stage any specific event of its own during September, it did even so give its full support to New Britain’s big Gibraltar Day celebration at the beginning of the month, at which two leading officials of the Swinton Circle made prominent contributions. Further details about this event appear in the New Britain News section below.
The 2013 AGM of the Swinton Circle will take place in central London on Thursday 17th October, and all current and valid members of the organization will be informed of the precise details in due course. Following the business side of this meeting a leading expert on the Islamic threat to the West will be giving a talk about his knowledge of the subject, which will be followed by an extensive questions-and answers session. All supporters, be they members or not, will be welcomed to attend this latter part of the evening’s activities.
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain staged its annual Gibraltar Day celebrations with a big meeting at St.Sepulchre's Church in the City of London earlier this month. Swinton Circle Committee member Robin Willow gave an emotional pre-premiere rendition of his new musical work "O Calpe" (in celebration of Gibraltar) at this event, and Alan Harvey (the current Chairman of the Swinton Circle) gave a very well-received and warmly-applauded talk about his own experiences of the Rock, its history and how the current problems caused by Spain would be resisted and defeated by the Gibraltarian people. A letter of support and solidarity with Gibraltar and its people addressed to the Government of Gibraltar was circulated and signed with enthusiasm by all those present.
New Britain will be organising the following events during the next few months :-
Monday 21st October : Trafalgar Day commemorations. St.Paul’s Cathedral.
Saturday 2nd November : Keep the United Kingdom United Rally. Central London.
Saturday 30th November : St.Andrew’s Day celebrations. Edinburgh.
Saturday 7th December : Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony. The Cenotaph.
More precise details about all these events will of course be given in future editions of the SCN.
We have recently received the following eye-opening report about the plight of rhinos in South Africa from Frontline Fellowship, a Christian organization based in Cape Town. Although written from a Christian perspective we believe that the information which this reports contains is of interest to all, and urge everyone to make these facts known as widely as possible. Frontline Fellowship can be contacted at : www.frontline.org.za :-
In 1900, there were over 500,000 rhino in Africa. Today, only 5% are left.
"How long will the land lie parched and the grass in every field be withered? Because those who live in it are wicked, the animals and birds have perished." Jeremiah 12:4
Last Stand in South Africa
As South Africa is home to most of the world's surviving rhino population, this war against organised crime is mostly being fought in our game reserves. Of the 20,405 white rhino in the world, over 18,780 are in South Africa. 12,000 of those are in the Kruger National Park.
Kruger in the Frontline
In 2012, Kruger National Park lost 425 of its rhino to poachers. As Kruger National Park has a 300km open border with Mozambique, it is particularly vulnerable to poachers. When the fence was taken down, many conservationists warned that this would not increase the grazing area of the animals in the Kruger National Park, as much as enlarge the killing fields of the poachers who were, and are, endemic to Mozambique.
Disastrous Developments
In 2012, 668 rhino were killed for their horn in South Africa. Already, almost 400 have been killed in 2013, so far. Rhino poaching has increased over 400% in the last 10 years.
I Will Be Your Voice
On Saturday, 8 June, Cape Town based singer, songwriter, author, and motivational speaker, Rozanne Visagie, gathered concerned citizens under the: I Will Be Your Voice campaign.
Danger of Desensitisation
Dr. Will Fowlds, Wildlife Vetenarian, Animal Planet personality and Trustee of the Chipembere Rhino Foundation, warned of the danger of de-sensitisation to the disastrous destruction of this iconic creature, who is in danger of extinction. "We need to tell the world what these animals are going through!"
A Challenge to Compassion
Dr. Fowlds challenged all to have compassion for God's creatures. We need to mobilise the corporate world, rotary clubs, celebrities, journalists, pastors and politicians to stand up and speak out against the destruction of God's creatures. He warned that the battle will not be won on the frontline, where game rangers are involved in a life and death struggle against extremely well-equipped, sophisticated, organised crime syndicates, using helicopters, night sights, automatic weapons, ruthlessly targeting rhinos and those who seek to protect them. "This battle will be won on the social media and in schools..." He spoke of the need to change attitudes about conservation. This is as much about education as legislation.
The Asian Market
One of the key battlefields in this war to protect the rhinos from extinction is Asia. The drastic surge in rhino poaching is being driven by an insane demand in Asia for rhino horn. In Vietnam and China, people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for just a sliver of rhino horn. It is considered a miracle drug and an aphrodisiac. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this bizarre belief, rhino horn can fetch tens-of-thousands of dollars per kilo on the black market.
Organised Crime
Rhino poaching is an over R150 Billion industry annually. Rhino poaching is now listed as the third most lucrative criminal trade in the world - behind drugs and human trafficking.
Individuals Making a Difference
Dr. Fowlds shared some encouraging testimonies of small, but significant, victories in this battle. A rhino called Thandi survived being shot by poachers and having her horn hacked off. Thandi is fully rehabilitated and back in the wild again. Julia, a young 12-year-old girl in Hong Kong, has raised over R90,000 for the Chipembere Rhino Foundation.
The China Connection
He showed video clips of key celebrities in Asia, including a Chinese Olympic athlete, who carried the national flag at the Olympics, who has become a prominent voice against rhino poaching in China. "When the buying stops. The killing will stop." Dr. Fowlds concluded: "We need to tell the world what these animals are going through! We all have the opportunity to make a difference!"
"A good man is kind to his animals, but the wicked are cruel to theirs." Proverbs 12:10
The Failure of the Criminal Justice System
During the evening, specialists that I spoke to expressed their frustration with the failure of the criminal justice system to effectively prosecute the violent and ruthless criminals involved in this industry of poaching rhino horn. On numerous occasions, the prosecutors have failed to do their duty. On other occasions, judges have let culprits off lightly.
A Brutal War
Several of those involved in the protection of rhinos mentioned how it is a brutal and ruthless war. The poachers are extremely well armed and tend to shoot game rangers on sight. Everyone agreed that it is essential that a multi-faceted, comprehensive approach be developed to deal with this threat. This includes legislation, education, law enforcement, the prosecutors and the judges, journalists, filmmakers, teachers, people from all walks of life.
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless." Proverbs 31:8
Creation Mandate
In the light of the Creation Mandate, we must recognise that the welfare and protection of animals is an essential part of our Christian responsibility. Let us be thankful to God for His magnificent creation, for His creatures, including the rhinos. Let us pray for the game rangers and law enforcement personnel, the conservationists and activists who are speaking up and mobilising public opinion against rhino poaching. Let us pray for more sponsors and partners, journalists and politicians who will stand up and speak out, protect and preserve our wildlife heritage.
"For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by Him. Each one will receive what he deserves, according to everything he has done, good, or bad, in his bodily life." 2 Corinthians 5:10
We Will Give an Account
All animals belong to God (Psalm 24:1). We are answerable to God for how we treat His Creation.
You Can Make a Difference
Invite conservation speakers to your school, congregation, or college. Visit www.thebibleandanimals.org website: view the Rhinos, Poaching and Conservation PowerPoint, Marvels of Creation and Science and Will Animals be in Heaven? PowerPoints on Slideshare. These presentations are also available as audio CDs.
Support the Chipembere Rhino Foundation at : www.chipembere.org and other initiatives caring for God's Creation.
In the centre of Bedford there stands a statuette-bust to “Bishop” Trevor Huddleston. Furthermore there is a quotation on the plinth of this memorial from the terrorist leader Mandela to the effect that Huddleston was regarded as the best White friend of the terrorist ANC, and even sickeningly there is the revelation that the unspeakable Mandela once visited Bedford in order to “pay his respects” at this statuette-bust of Huddleston.
For readers who are unaware, Huddleston not only worked tirelessly whilst based in South Africa to destroy civilized rule in the country (which of course benefitted all races) and to replace it with the crypto-Communist (i.e. anti-Christian) ANC regime, but he was also an exposed and acknowledged paedophile – as can be confirmed at: http://historymatters.co.za/it-was-different-then/ and on other respected web-sites. Huddleston was protected by the Wilson/Callaghan governments in much the same way as they protected the paedophile Liberal MP Cyril Smith, but the Church of England hierarchy removed Huddleston from his position as Bishop of Stepney and posted him to the remote and powerless position of Bishop of Mauritius because of the scandal.
Both Huddleston and the convicted terrorist Mandela were of course pure evil, and the presence of this memorial in Bedford – the town of such great Christian thinkers as John Bunyan and Mabel “Octovia” Barltrop – is an insult to the people of he town and an affront to all innocent victims of paedophilia and terrorism. We call upon all readers to contact Bedford Borough Council and the local Bedford newspapers to demand the removal of this statuette-bust therefore.
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Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.178: Mr. Glenn de Witt of Natal
Glenn de Witt played Rugby for Natal during the late 1970s, and after his retirement from the game established his own highly successful accountancy company near to Amanzimtoti. A very friendly and well-organised person, his wife was sadly taken seriously ill during the mid-1980s, though happily she survived. It is believed that he became involved in Rugby administration in later years, but it is uncertain whether he continued running his accountancy business. It would be very interesting to learn more about what became of him, and how his wife has fared.
We have recently been informed about a most interesting and fascinating blogspot called “Our Rhodesian Heritage”. We don’t know who is behind this venture, but it is certainly well worth a visit by all who take an interest in Rhodesian history and the preservation of the Rhodesian ideal. It can be accessed at :-
Yes, Nick Maine died earlier this year [see June 2013 SCN]. You are right that no-one really trusted him as he couldn’t make up his mind which party he supported and got associated with a lot of wacko ideas. As a result he obtained the nickname of “Nick the Prick”!
Yours etc.,
B.V.F.B., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
[ The epithet “Nick the Prick” was evidently also the nickname given to Nick Man (the former Swinton Circle member who caused trouble at the organisation’s December 2010 meeting) when he worked in the recruitment business. We know how Nick Maine obtained this epithet, but have no idea why Nick Man did! – Ed.]
Clem Suntner was one of those “speakers” whom we had to listen to all those years talking about how the new South Africa would be a success IF this and IF that. He was no different from all the others.
All of them to a man are now complaining about our demise. Yet we who told South Africa 25 to 30 years ago what would happen are simply ignored. It seems as if you were dead wrong, and now see the error of your ways, people will listen to you instead of heeding the warnings of those WHO WERE RIGHT AT THE OUTSET!
South Africa is wall to wall with these commentators these days! I’ve got plenty of Clem Suntner’s old articles, and he was dead wrong. Hindsight is always 20/20 vision. So what?
We warned them years ago, and we were called right wing nuts, fascists, racists, Nazis – you name it.
They make me sick!
Yours etc.,
G.O.K.E., Transvaal, South Africa.
The Swinton Circle was recently asked to provide a speaker to address an academic institution. The Swinton Circle Committee discussed who would be the best member to send in this regard, but one Committee member stated that someone named Tony Malski had evidently expressed an interest in speaking on behalf of the organization. This surprised other Committee members greatly, as not only was there nobody by the name of Tony Malski on the Swinton Circle’s membership list, but nobody else had ever heard of him!
The Committee member who had mentioned the name was then asked for more information about this mysterious figure, only to produce an ancient cutting from an anti-fascist publication which revealed that during the 1980s this Malski character had been involved in building what he termed a “revolutionary army” as part of his sinisterly named “National Socialist Action Party” (“National Socialist” was actually the full name of the Nazi Party!).
The Swinton Circle would therefore like to place on record that it has no connection whatsoever with anyone named Tony Malski, and that nobody by that name has ever been asked to speak on behalf of the organization. Furthermore, if this person ever applies to join the Swinton Circle then he will have to provide some concrete evidence that he has totally repudiated all the disturbing allegations which were made against him during the 1980s.
It was of course with great shock and sadness that we recently learnt of the sudden death of Sir David Frost at the age of only 74.
This present writer had close family connections to Sir David, and followed his career closely right from its beginnings in the early 1960s. Sir David Frost was undoubtedly one of the greatest men of his age, and someone who brought great pride and glory to Britain. Born with boundless energy (something which he inherited from both his parents!) it is no exaggeration to say that no one person in the entire world made television the medium which it is today more than he did.
His talents were phenomenal and eclectic, stretching from news reporting and hosting light entertainments programmes such as Let’s Twist on the Riviera for Anglia Television, through the satire boom of That Was The Week That Was and Not so much a Programme more a Way of Life and the lighter comedy of The Frost Report with the BBC, to the establishment of his own television companies, firstly LWT with its host of programmes which he presented (an unexpected mixture of serious political interviews and light-hearted comedy sketches), and subsequently TVAM, which pioneered morning television. His fame and popularity was not restricted to the UK however, for he also became a leading and much sought-after TV host in both the United States and Australia, with his famous twice-weekly flights across the Atlantic in order to present regular programmes on two continents being the stuff which legends are based upon.
It was of course his seminal interviews with Richard Nixon in 1977 which established him as undoubtedly the greatest media interviewer of all time however. A universally acknowledged triumph, these interviews achieved success by a mixture of painstaking research (something which was actually Sir David’s hallmark), a friendly demeanour and a quick-thinking ability to listen and to seize every opportunity to respond. After this landmark of broadcasting history Sir David concentrated more and more on serious political interviews, returning to the BBC for his iconic Sunday morning programmes whereon he seemed to interview everyone who was anyone in the world today.
Sir David wasn’t without his critics of course – though most of them were undoubtedly motivated by jealousy. Undoubtedly his over-aggressive interviewing of Enoch Powell in 1969 lost him many friends, as also did his unacceptable interview with Margaret Thatcher following the Falklands War when he seemed obsessed by the minutiae of the movements of the threatening Argentine ship the General Belgrano. Against this however should be set his groundbreaking interview of the Sri Lankan fraudster Emil Savundra (something which broke all the “politically-correct” taboos of the time) and his triumphant determination to interview Ian Douglas Smith and to give him the opportunity to present his case in the face of intimidating opposition from the Wilson Government. It should also not be forgotten that after his unfortunate interview with Margaret Thatcher he subsequent became firm personal friends with both Margaret and Sir Dennis Thatcher.
Sir David Frost brought joy and pleasure to billions of people around the world, and it is no exaggeration to say that the world is now a far better place than it would have been without him. He never stopped working, and indeed had fully mastered all the latest technological developments and innovations of the electronic media at the time of his untimely death. Although 74 years old he still had a tremendous amount to offer, and that is the tragedy of his death.
Our sincere condolences are extended to his widow Lady Carina and to his sons Wilfred, Miles and George.
It was also with much sadness that we learnt of the recent death of Cliff Morgan.
Cliff Morgan was born in the Rhonda Valley in 1930 and played fly-half for Cardiff RFC, Wales and the British Lions. He was selected for the British Lions squad who toured South Africa in 1955, and refused to be intimidated by the anti-South African trouble-makers who even in those days tried to persuade players to withdraw from the tour. Morgan proved a most important member of the side which became the first to avoid a series defeat. He scored a try in the First Test at Ellis Park, and captained the side which won the Third Test at Loftus Versfeld. Like so many Welshmen Cliff Morgan was also an accomplished choral singer, and he won many friends by joining an impromptu choir which sang in Afrikaans when leaving from Jan Smuts Airport.
After his playing career was over Cliff Morgan obtained probably even more fame by becoming a BBC Rugby commentator and then Head of BBC Outside Broadcasting. His voice was probably the most recognizable and captivating on television, and his commentary of the 1973 Barbarians v. All Blacks match at Cardiff Arms Park probably produced the most memorable description of the greatest try ever scored.
Cliff Morgan was always a proud Welshman, but more significantly he was also a proud Briton – as his eager appearances for the British Lions and work for the BBC confirms, and indeed he died on the Isle of Wight where he is now buried.
Cliff Morgan will always be remembered fondly by all those who love Rugby and broadcasting excellence. Our sincere condolences are offered to his widow Pat and his two children.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!
September 2013 edition
The past few months have witnessed a host of high-profile global sporting competitions, many of them with strong South African connections – and not without a fair amount of controversies!
At the World Swimming Championships held in Barcelona the South African Chad le Clos won both the Mens 100 metres and 200 metres Butterfly gold medals. Alas, like so many top White South African sportsmen, Durban-born le Clos has chosen to represent the terrorist regime which currently rules that unhappy country and to bear its colours and symbols, rather than relocating to a land of their ethnic roots. In le Clos’s case the situation is slightly different however, for he is inevitably accompanied by his Eugene Terre’Blanche-lookalike father Bert, who is equally inevitably interviewed by the overseas media who seem fascinated by his clownish performances. During the recent World Championships le Clos senior turned up wearing a shirt made of the ANC regime’s flag. Didn’t this buffoon realize just how offensive such an appearance was to all true South African patriots?
Compare le Clos’s decision to give aid and comfort to the terrorist regime currently ruling his country to the decisions of an increasing number of South African sportsmen who have chosen to relocate to the lands of their ethnic origins. Kevin Pieterson is of course just one of this growing band, and it was intriguing to see during the recent Test series against Australia that he had what looked remarkably like the old Conservative Party of South Africa’s “KP” logo on the back of his bat. Was this just a coincidence we wonder, or was he trying to send a subliminal message? Regardless of the answer it is those like Pieterson who we most admire, whereas the likes of the le Clos’s we hold in contempt.
The reason why Pieterson and his fellow South Africans are so welcomed by British sporting fans is because they have ancestral roots in the country. This however does not apply to those overseas sportsmen who have been allowed to wear British colours without any such ethnic qualifications, who are commonly referred to contemptuously as “plastic Brits”. The most famous of these of course is the long-distance runner “Mo” Farah. Farah is undoubtedly a great athlete – as his victories in both the 5000 metres and 10000 metres at the recent World Athletics Championship in Moscow confirmed – and judging from his appearances on television he is also a most pleasant and jolly person. He is liked by British athletics fans, but they cannot fully identify with him, for Farah is a Somali who has cruelly rejected his war-torn country which is so badly in need of morale-boosting sporting glory.
Again a comparison is necessary. At the World Swimming Championships Ruta Meilutyte of Lithuania won gold in the Womens 100 metre Breatstroke. Although Lithuanian by birth Meilutyte now lives, trains and is coached in Plymouth – yet she still competes internationally for Lithuania. Meilutyte is probably as much liked by British swimming fans as Farah is liked by British athletic fans – but by remaining true to her nationality of birth she manages to achieve something which Farah competing in colours of convenience never can. She is admired.
During August the Springbok Club staged a trip to the beautiful 5-acre garden in Surrey owned by David and Virginia Lardner-Burke, the son and daughter-in-law son of the highly-respected former Rhodesian Cabinet Minister the Rt.Hon. Desmond Lardner-Burke. This trip proved a revelation, for although it was staged as part of the garden’s bi-annual open days (and indeed most of those present seemed to be horticulturalists who were primarily interested in the botanical aspects of the garden), many aspects of the Rhodesian Ideal still shone through. It was not only the expertly-maintained plant-life, well-manicured lawns and inland lake which impressed, but also the presence of an open-air swimming pool and Lawn Tennis court. It was just as if a little part of Rhodesia from the halcyon days had been transplanted to the present day Home Counties. Several good new contacts were established as a result of this visit, and it is hoped that a further visit will be made next year.
As regular readers will know, it was planned that the Springbok Club would make an official visit to the annual “Hoisting of the Flag Ceremony” in Norfolk earlier during September. Unfortunately we learnt shortly before this event that we had been misinformed about the precise nature of this ceremony, as it was actually organized on an invitation-only basis. Although a last minute invitation was extended to the organization it was felt that in order not to “rock the boat” it would be best not to attend as an organization in 2013, but rather to establish closer contacts with those involved so that specific invitations could be extended to all Springbok Club members and supporters who wished to attend for the 2014 ceremony. Several individual supporters of the Springbok Club did attend the 2013 event however, and reported that in spite of the unseasonably bad weather it still proved a most successful and inspiring ceremony.
In October the Springbok Club will be making a trip to Oxford in order to attend a special musical concert involving some of the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the highlight of which will be the world premier of the work “O Calpe” (in praise of Gibraltar), which was begun by Mozart but only completed in recent years by Springbok Club member Robin Willow – who will be performing the work himself. Details of this concert are as follows :-
Venue : The Sheldonian Theatre, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3AZ
Date : Saturday 5th October 2013
Time : 19.30 hrs
Tickets : Priced £37, £26, £18 and £10 - although tickets will be available on the day and it is unlikely that this event will be a complete sell-out, tickets can still be purchased in advance at :-
In November the Springbok Club will be staging its annual UDI Day Dinner/Buffet at which it is hoped that a prominent ex-Rhodesian will be guest of honour, and in December the Springbok Club will hold its annual Day of the Vow commemoration which will be addressed by a leading campaigner for Afrikaner rights in Europe. Full details about both these events will be given in future editions of the SCN
Although the Swinton Circle didn’t stage any specific event of its own during September, it did even so give its full support to New Britain’s big Gibraltar Day celebration at the beginning of the month, at which two leading officials of the Swinton Circle made prominent contributions. Further details about this event appear in the New Britain News section below.
The 2013 AGM of the Swinton Circle will take place in central London on Thursday 17th October, and all current and valid members of the organization will be informed of the precise details in due course. Following the business side of this meeting a leading expert on the Islamic threat to the West will be giving a talk about his knowledge of the subject, which will be followed by an extensive questions-and answers session. All supporters, be they members or not, will be welcomed to attend this latter part of the evening’s activities.
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain staged its annual Gibraltar Day celebrations with a big meeting at St.Sepulchre's Church in the City of London earlier this month. Swinton Circle Committee member Robin Willow gave an emotional pre-premiere rendition of his new musical work "O Calpe" (in celebration of Gibraltar) at this event, and Alan Harvey (the current Chairman of the Swinton Circle) gave a very well-received and warmly-applauded talk about his own experiences of the Rock, its history and how the current problems caused by Spain would be resisted and defeated by the Gibraltarian people. A letter of support and solidarity with Gibraltar and its people addressed to the Government of Gibraltar was circulated and signed with enthusiasm by all those present.
New Britain will be organising the following events during the next few months :-
Monday 21st October : Trafalgar Day commemorations. St.Paul’s Cathedral.
Saturday 2nd November : Keep the United Kingdom United Rally. Central London.
Saturday 30th November : St.Andrew’s Day celebrations. Edinburgh.
Saturday 7th December : Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony. The Cenotaph.
More precise details about all these events will of course be given in future editions of the SCN.
We have recently received the following eye-opening report about the plight of rhinos in South Africa from Frontline Fellowship, a Christian organization based in Cape Town. Although written from a Christian perspective we believe that the information which this reports contains is of interest to all, and urge everyone to make these facts known as widely as possible. Frontline Fellowship can be contacted at : www.frontline.org.za :-
In 1900, there were over 500,000 rhino in Africa. Today, only 5% are left.
"How long will the land lie parched and the grass in every field be withered? Because those who live in it are wicked, the animals and birds have perished." Jeremiah 12:4
Last Stand in South Africa
As South Africa is home to most of the world's surviving rhino population, this war against organised crime is mostly being fought in our game reserves. Of the 20,405 white rhino in the world, over 18,780 are in South Africa. 12,000 of those are in the Kruger National Park.
Kruger in the Frontline
In 2012, Kruger National Park lost 425 of its rhino to poachers. As Kruger National Park has a 300km open border with Mozambique, it is particularly vulnerable to poachers. When the fence was taken down, many conservationists warned that this would not increase the grazing area of the animals in the Kruger National Park, as much as enlarge the killing fields of the poachers who were, and are, endemic to Mozambique.
Disastrous Developments
In 2012, 668 rhino were killed for their horn in South Africa. Already, almost 400 have been killed in 2013, so far. Rhino poaching has increased over 400% in the last 10 years.
I Will Be Your Voice
On Saturday, 8 June, Cape Town based singer, songwriter, author, and motivational speaker, Rozanne Visagie, gathered concerned citizens under the: I Will Be Your Voice campaign.
Danger of Desensitisation
Dr. Will Fowlds, Wildlife Vetenarian, Animal Planet personality and Trustee of the Chipembere Rhino Foundation, warned of the danger of de-sensitisation to the disastrous destruction of this iconic creature, who is in danger of extinction. "We need to tell the world what these animals are going through!"
A Challenge to Compassion
Dr. Fowlds challenged all to have compassion for God's creatures. We need to mobilise the corporate world, rotary clubs, celebrities, journalists, pastors and politicians to stand up and speak out against the destruction of God's creatures. He warned that the battle will not be won on the frontline, where game rangers are involved in a life and death struggle against extremely well-equipped, sophisticated, organised crime syndicates, using helicopters, night sights, automatic weapons, ruthlessly targeting rhinos and those who seek to protect them. "This battle will be won on the social media and in schools..." He spoke of the need to change attitudes about conservation. This is as much about education as legislation.
The Asian Market
One of the key battlefields in this war to protect the rhinos from extinction is Asia. The drastic surge in rhino poaching is being driven by an insane demand in Asia for rhino horn. In Vietnam and China, people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for just a sliver of rhino horn. It is considered a miracle drug and an aphrodisiac. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this bizarre belief, rhino horn can fetch tens-of-thousands of dollars per kilo on the black market.
Organised Crime
Rhino poaching is an over R150 Billion industry annually. Rhino poaching is now listed as the third most lucrative criminal trade in the world - behind drugs and human trafficking.
Individuals Making a Difference
Dr. Fowlds shared some encouraging testimonies of small, but significant, victories in this battle. A rhino called Thandi survived being shot by poachers and having her horn hacked off. Thandi is fully rehabilitated and back in the wild again. Julia, a young 12-year-old girl in Hong Kong, has raised over R90,000 for the Chipembere Rhino Foundation.
The China Connection
He showed video clips of key celebrities in Asia, including a Chinese Olympic athlete, who carried the national flag at the Olympics, who has become a prominent voice against rhino poaching in China. "When the buying stops. The killing will stop." Dr. Fowlds concluded: "We need to tell the world what these animals are going through! We all have the opportunity to make a difference!"
"A good man is kind to his animals, but the wicked are cruel to theirs." Proverbs 12:10
The Failure of the Criminal Justice System
During the evening, specialists that I spoke to expressed their frustration with the failure of the criminal justice system to effectively prosecute the violent and ruthless criminals involved in this industry of poaching rhino horn. On numerous occasions, the prosecutors have failed to do their duty. On other occasions, judges have let culprits off lightly.
A Brutal War
Several of those involved in the protection of rhinos mentioned how it is a brutal and ruthless war. The poachers are extremely well armed and tend to shoot game rangers on sight. Everyone agreed that it is essential that a multi-faceted, comprehensive approach be developed to deal with this threat. This includes legislation, education, law enforcement, the prosecutors and the judges, journalists, filmmakers, teachers, people from all walks of life.
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless." Proverbs 31:8
Creation Mandate
In the light of the Creation Mandate, we must recognise that the welfare and protection of animals is an essential part of our Christian responsibility. Let us be thankful to God for His magnificent creation, for His creatures, including the rhinos. Let us pray for the game rangers and law enforcement personnel, the conservationists and activists who are speaking up and mobilising public opinion against rhino poaching. Let us pray for more sponsors and partners, journalists and politicians who will stand up and speak out, protect and preserve our wildlife heritage.
"For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by Him. Each one will receive what he deserves, according to everything he has done, good, or bad, in his bodily life." 2 Corinthians 5:10
We Will Give an Account
All animals belong to God (Psalm 24:1). We are answerable to God for how we treat His Creation.
You Can Make a Difference
Invite conservation speakers to your school, congregation, or college. Visit www.thebibleandanimals.org website: view the Rhinos, Poaching and Conservation PowerPoint, Marvels of Creation and Science and Will Animals be in Heaven? PowerPoints on Slideshare. These presentations are also available as audio CDs.
Support the Chipembere Rhino Foundation at : www.chipembere.org and other initiatives caring for God's Creation.
In the centre of Bedford there stands a statuette-bust to “Bishop” Trevor Huddleston. Furthermore there is a quotation on the plinth of this memorial from the terrorist leader Mandela to the effect that Huddleston was regarded as the best White friend of the terrorist ANC, and even sickeningly there is the revelation that the unspeakable Mandela once visited Bedford in order to “pay his respects” at this statuette-bust of Huddleston.
For readers who are unaware, Huddleston not only worked tirelessly whilst based in South Africa to destroy civilized rule in the country (which of course benefitted all races) and to replace it with the crypto-Communist (i.e. anti-Christian) ANC regime, but he was also an exposed and acknowledged paedophile – as can be confirmed at: http://historymatters.co.za/it-was-different-then/ and on other respected web-sites. Huddleston was protected by the Wilson/Callaghan governments in much the same way as they protected the paedophile Liberal MP Cyril Smith, but the Church of England hierarchy removed Huddleston from his position as Bishop of Stepney and posted him to the remote and powerless position of Bishop of Mauritius because of the scandal.
Both Huddleston and the convicted terrorist Mandela were of course pure evil, and the presence of this memorial in Bedford – the town of such great Christian thinkers as John Bunyan and Mabel “Octovia” Barltrop – is an insult to the people of he town and an affront to all innocent victims of paedophilia and terrorism. We call upon all readers to contact Bedford Borough Council and the local Bedford newspapers to demand the removal of this statuette-bust therefore.
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Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.178: Mr. Glenn de Witt of Natal
Glenn de Witt played Rugby for Natal during the late 1970s, and after his retirement from the game established his own highly successful accountancy company near to Amanzimtoti. A very friendly and well-organised person, his wife was sadly taken seriously ill during the mid-1980s, though happily she survived. It is believed that he became involved in Rugby administration in later years, but it is uncertain whether he continued running his accountancy business. It would be very interesting to learn more about what became of him, and how his wife has fared.
We have recently been informed about a most interesting and fascinating blogspot called “Our Rhodesian Heritage”. We don’t know who is behind this venture, but it is certainly well worth a visit by all who take an interest in Rhodesian history and the preservation of the Rhodesian ideal. It can be accessed at :-
Yes, Nick Maine died earlier this year [see June 2013 SCN]. You are right that no-one really trusted him as he couldn’t make up his mind which party he supported and got associated with a lot of wacko ideas. As a result he obtained the nickname of “Nick the Prick”!
Yours etc.,
B.V.F.B., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
[ The epithet “Nick the Prick” was evidently also the nickname given to Nick Man (the former Swinton Circle member who caused trouble at the organisation’s December 2010 meeting) when he worked in the recruitment business. We know how Nick Maine obtained this epithet, but have no idea why Nick Man did! – Ed.]
Clem Suntner was one of those “speakers” whom we had to listen to all those years talking about how the new South Africa would be a success IF this and IF that. He was no different from all the others.
All of them to a man are now complaining about our demise. Yet we who told South Africa 25 to 30 years ago what would happen are simply ignored. It seems as if you were dead wrong, and now see the error of your ways, people will listen to you instead of heeding the warnings of those WHO WERE RIGHT AT THE OUTSET!
South Africa is wall to wall with these commentators these days! I’ve got plenty of Clem Suntner’s old articles, and he was dead wrong. Hindsight is always 20/20 vision. So what?
We warned them years ago, and we were called right wing nuts, fascists, racists, Nazis – you name it.
They make me sick!
Yours etc.,
G.O.K.E., Transvaal, South Africa.
The Swinton Circle was recently asked to provide a speaker to address an academic institution. The Swinton Circle Committee discussed who would be the best member to send in this regard, but one Committee member stated that someone named Tony Malski had evidently expressed an interest in speaking on behalf of the organization. This surprised other Committee members greatly, as not only was there nobody by the name of Tony Malski on the Swinton Circle’s membership list, but nobody else had ever heard of him!
The Committee member who had mentioned the name was then asked for more information about this mysterious figure, only to produce an ancient cutting from an anti-fascist publication which revealed that during the 1980s this Malski character had been involved in building what he termed a “revolutionary army” as part of his sinisterly named “National Socialist Action Party” (“National Socialist” was actually the full name of the Nazi Party!).
The Swinton Circle would therefore like to place on record that it has no connection whatsoever with anyone named Tony Malski, and that nobody by that name has ever been asked to speak on behalf of the organization. Furthermore, if this person ever applies to join the Swinton Circle then he will have to provide some concrete evidence that he has totally repudiated all the disturbing allegations which were made against him during the 1980s.
It was of course with great shock and sadness that we recently learnt of the sudden death of Sir David Frost at the age of only 74.
This present writer had close family connections to Sir David, and followed his career closely right from its beginnings in the early 1960s. Sir David Frost was undoubtedly one of the greatest men of his age, and someone who brought great pride and glory to Britain. Born with boundless energy (something which he inherited from both his parents!) it is no exaggeration to say that no one person in the entire world made television the medium which it is today more than he did.
His talents were phenomenal and eclectic, stretching from news reporting and hosting light entertainments programmes such as Let’s Twist on the Riviera for Anglia Television, through the satire boom of That Was The Week That Was and Not so much a Programme more a Way of Life and the lighter comedy of The Frost Report with the BBC, to the establishment of his own television companies, firstly LWT with its host of programmes which he presented (an unexpected mixture of serious political interviews and light-hearted comedy sketches), and subsequently TVAM, which pioneered morning television. His fame and popularity was not restricted to the UK however, for he also became a leading and much sought-after TV host in both the United States and Australia, with his famous twice-weekly flights across the Atlantic in order to present regular programmes on two continents being the stuff which legends are based upon.
It was of course his seminal interviews with Richard Nixon in 1977 which established him as undoubtedly the greatest media interviewer of all time however. A universally acknowledged triumph, these interviews achieved success by a mixture of painstaking research (something which was actually Sir David’s hallmark), a friendly demeanour and a quick-thinking ability to listen and to seize every opportunity to respond. After this landmark of broadcasting history Sir David concentrated more and more on serious political interviews, returning to the BBC for his iconic Sunday morning programmes whereon he seemed to interview everyone who was anyone in the world today.
Sir David wasn’t without his critics of course – though most of them were undoubtedly motivated by jealousy. Undoubtedly his over-aggressive interviewing of Enoch Powell in 1969 lost him many friends, as also did his unacceptable interview with Margaret Thatcher following the Falklands War when he seemed obsessed by the minutiae of the movements of the threatening Argentine ship the General Belgrano. Against this however should be set his groundbreaking interview of the Sri Lankan fraudster Emil Savundra (something which broke all the “politically-correct” taboos of the time) and his triumphant determination to interview Ian Douglas Smith and to give him the opportunity to present his case in the face of intimidating opposition from the Wilson Government. It should also not be forgotten that after his unfortunate interview with Margaret Thatcher he subsequent became firm personal friends with both Margaret and Sir Dennis Thatcher.
Sir David Frost brought joy and pleasure to billions of people around the world, and it is no exaggeration to say that the world is now a far better place than it would have been without him. He never stopped working, and indeed had fully mastered all the latest technological developments and innovations of the electronic media at the time of his untimely death. Although 74 years old he still had a tremendous amount to offer, and that is the tragedy of his death.
Our sincere condolences are extended to his widow Lady Carina and to his sons Wilfred, Miles and George.
It was also with much sadness that we learnt of the recent death of Cliff Morgan.
Cliff Morgan was born in the Rhonda Valley in 1930 and played fly-half for Cardiff RFC, Wales and the British Lions. He was selected for the British Lions squad who toured South Africa in 1955, and refused to be intimidated by the anti-South African trouble-makers who even in those days tried to persuade players to withdraw from the tour. Morgan proved a most important member of the side which became the first to avoid a series defeat. He scored a try in the First Test at Ellis Park, and captained the side which won the Third Test at Loftus Versfeld. Like so many Welshmen Cliff Morgan was also an accomplished choral singer, and he won many friends by joining an impromptu choir which sang in Afrikaans when leaving from Jan Smuts Airport.
After his playing career was over Cliff Morgan obtained probably even more fame by becoming a BBC Rugby commentator and then Head of BBC Outside Broadcasting. His voice was probably the most recognizable and captivating on television, and his commentary of the 1973 Barbarians v. All Blacks match at Cardiff Arms Park probably produced the most memorable description of the greatest try ever scored.
Cliff Morgan was always a proud Welshman, but more significantly he was also a proud Briton – as his eager appearances for the British Lions and work for the BBC confirms, and indeed he died on the Isle of Wight where he is now buried.
Cliff Morgan will always be remembered fondly by all those who love Rugby and broadcasting excellence. Our sincere condolences are offered to his widow Pat and his two children.
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See you again next month!
London, UK
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