December 2013 edition
The recently released film “Captain Phillips” starring Tom Hanks (a cinemagraphic masterpiece incidentally, and well worth seeing) vividly illustrates the anarchic situation prevailing in Somalia, where the rule of local warlords now remains supreme. Although piracy on the high seas (the basic theme of the film) has been curtailed through increased Western naval patrols and the presence of armed personnel on merchant ships, the lawless situation in Somalia itself is the same today as it was in 2009 when the film was set.
Although armed with advanced weaponry and with modern outboard motors to power their traditional boats, everything else about the Somali pirates seemed to hark back to the stone-age – even to the extent of not possessing any shoes, something which (hopefully not giving too much of the plot away!) resulted in misfortune for one of the featured pirates.
Ever since Italy and Britain abandoned their colonial responsibilities over their respective parts of Somaliland in 1960 the country has slipped further and further back into pre-colonial chaos. To be sure, for a while the Imans of fundamental Islam held sway, but within only a decade or so even the relatively advanced structure of this Middle Eastern faith disintegrated was replaced by the disorganized hegemony of bloodthirsty local warlords.
But in the post-colonial African continent Somalia’s misfortune is not unique. Practically every African country has disintegrated into the primitive savagery which existed prior to the enlightened European interventions of the 19th century. The Western media periodically centres upon one African country after another with their shock-stories of civil war, famine and disease. First it was Ethiopia, then Chad, then Angola, then Liberia, then Sierra Leone, then Rwanda etc., etc., etc.. More recently of course it has been Mali, quickly followed by today’s attention being paid to the chaos of the Central African Republic. But what follows after the international media circus moves on to the next African country where runaway violence and/or mass starvation has reached their attention? Does the chaos in the previous country where the world’s media encamped simply disappear? Of course not. It may diminish for a while, but the underlying causes of the catastrophes still remain, only this time away from the gaze of the international media – as is so accurately shown in regard to Somalia in the film “Captain Phillips”.
A few weeks ago Gambia announced that it was leaving the Commonwealth, with its dictator president Yahya Jammeh condemning what he termed the neo-colonial nature of the Commonwealth. Prior to this announcement Gambia had never featured in any of the international media’s shock-reports about chaos in the African continent, but the brief press articles which followed revealed that under Yahya Jammeh’s dictatorial rule violent oppression and social disintegration were just as prevalent as in all the other African failed-states which had previously hit international headlines. In order for the African continent to recover from the catastrophic problems which have made it the planet’s festering abscess it is not less neo-colonialism which is needed as asserted by Yahya Jammeh – it is more of it!
In order to commemorate UDI Day last month the Springbok Club staged a most pleasant and successful meeting, at which it welcomed Mr. Tony Morkel as guest speaker. In his enthralling talk Mr. Morkel told something about how his grandfather had become one of the earliest Rhodesian pioneers and recounted many episodes from his own personal history in Rhodesia, before rounding off by telling how he had established a very successful publishing company Sable Publishing House in the UK, detailing some of the books which he had published.
Sable Publishing House’s web-site can be accessed at : http://www.sable-publishing-house.com
Unfortunately the Springbok Club’s planned Day of the Vow meeting which was to feature a lady activist who campaigns for the rights of Afrikaners as guest speaker has had to be cancelled for reasons beyond our control. It is hoped that this lady campaigner will still be able to address the Springbok Club sometime during 2014 however. As this event unfortunately had to be abandoned at such short notice there alas hasn’t been the opportunity to organize any alternative meeting, so instead the Springbok Club will be holding an informal gathering to mark the Day of the Vow during the evening of Thursday 19th December 2013 at “The Golden Lion”, 25 King Street, St.James’s, London SW1Y 6QY. This get-together will probably be held in the upstairs bar area.
The Springbok Club’s 2014 AGM will be held during mid-January in central London, after which a former Rhodesian resident will be giving a brief account of his experiences in the country, and during February 2014 the Springbok Club will be staging a trip to a top Rugby match in the greater London area at a ground which has strong South African significance. Further details about both these events will be included in next month’s SCN.
The Swinton Circle staged a special “Keep the United Kingdom United” meeting last month, at which the guest speaker was Mr. Dennis Delderfield, the National Chairman of New Britain, who explained why is was so vital for everyone in the United Kingdom to obtain an overwhelming “No” vote in next year’s Scottish constitutional referendum. After this speech the Swinton Circle’s Organiser, Mr. Alan Harvey, gave a report-back on his recent trip to Dublin where he represented the Swinton Circle in a debate staged by the Trinity College Philosophical Society, but then went on to describe how the city of Dublin was still predominantly British in character in spite of 91 years of so-called Irish independence, and how as a result he could see that it was possible in the not too distant future for the 26 lost counties of Ireland to re-join the United Kingdom.
On Saturday 7th December 2013 members of the Swinton Circle joined forces with members of New Britain to support the annual Falkland Islands Battle Day ceremony at the Cenotaph in London which was staged by the Falkland Islands Association, and moreover were most honored to be given a prominent position in the procession to this event.
During late January 2014 the Swinton Circle plans to hold a meeting to be addressed by a leading official of a prominent EuroSceptic pressure group. More details will be given in next month’s SCN.
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be paid via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at:-
New Britain will be holding their annual Australia Day and New Zealand Day commemorations on Saturday 25th January 2014, assembling at the bust of Admiral Arthur Phillip at the rear of St.Paul’s Cathedral.
New Britain’s annual Goldsmith Lecture for 2014 will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2014 at University College London, when a prominent current Conservative MP will be giving the lecture.
For more precise details about both these events please ‘phone New Britain on: 020-72472524.
We have recently received the following important message from the SanWild Wildlife Sactuary, and hope that all our supporters who are in a position to do so will be able to help :-
“Did you know that the number of lions being held in captive breeding projects for hunting and other dubious purposes in South Africa now exceeds 6000? Sadly this industry finds new ways to exploit wildlife on an increasing basis, and although we do what we can to expose or oppose this industry it is sadly not enough to stop it.
“However we continue to provide a safe home for a handful of rescued lions and for us they are the living icons of all that is wrong with the way South Africa is allowing its wild animals; especially lions, to be treated.
“If you would like to learn more about the SanWild lions and the many unethical and cruel practices in our country please visit our blog site at : www.lionexploitation.wordpress.com
“We would once again like to ask for your financial support to feed the SanWild Lions as we have once again totally depleted our funding to care for our lions and need urgent help.
“As we continue to provide a rescue and rehabilitation service for those who cannot speak for themselves, our monthly expenditure continues to grow while the economic situation in South Africa gives us less for our Rands every day, but we are not complaining. However we need your continued support please, as without it there simply would not be a SanWild that can provide a safe haven for rescued wildlife.
“If you would like to ensure that this group of very special lions can continue to live out their lives in their respective prides at SanWild we would really appreciate your urgent support. On-line donations are accepted with PayPal, Payfast or by means of a direct banking transfer into our trust account. You will find full details on our web-site's ‘How you can help page’ at :-
“Please note that all donations in South Africa are fully tax-deductible.”
One of our supporters has requested that we ask all our readers to take a few moments to sign an on-line petition calling for the re-instatement of Florence Nightingale onto the national history curriculum. For some bizarre reason the powers-that-be have seen fit to remove the study of this most iconic of British female heroes from standard history lessons in British schools, thus denying future generations of British schoolchildren of knowledge about this inspiring woman. The on-line petition can be accessed at :-
For many years an entry appeared in the Daily Telegraph “In Memoriam” column on 11th November remembering the Rhodesian nation and the contribution which its people made to the British and Commonwealth war effort during two World Wars. Alas this entry ceased a few years ago, probably because the anonymous inserter had died. This year one of our supporters, Mr. Alexander von Tutschek from Somerset, revived this tradition out of his own expense. His entry read as follows :-
“HEROIC RHODESIA – Fought for us, betrayed by us, never forgotten”
Our congratulations are extended to Mr. von Tutschek for his most praise-worthy initiative in taking up the baton of remembrance.
Although the superbly successful London Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games seem only a short while ago, in just two months time the 2014 Winter Olympic Games will commence at Sochi, Russia – and we of course can’t wait! Seemingly inevitably, however, the kill-joy Leftists with their anti-elitist agenda are doing their best to sabotage these Games – just as they pathetically failed to do with the London Summer Games! Whereas in the case of the London Games the egalitarian Neanderthals cited alleged financial losses and traffic gridlocks in their infantile demands that the Games be moved to Athens (both predictions which of course spectacularly failed to materialize – indeed the Games brought the UK an economic bonanza which resulted in Britain being the first Western nation to come out of recession!), in the case of Sochi they are complaining about Russia’s anti-homosexual legislation. Russia’s attitude towards homosexuality is of course no different to that which existed throughout the West until just a few years ago, and indeed is a state of affairs which most ordinary citizens in the West – particularly the younger generation – wish could be re-instated. The Leftist kill-joys have therefore undoubtedly chosen a loser here, as the chances of them succeeding in their aim of having the 2014 Winter Games cancelled seems remote in the extreme!
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Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"REDNECK P.I." a romantic suspense novel by Trish Jackson.
"Twila's a redneck and proud of it. Harland's a P.I. with a target on his back and a twin brother. An explosive situation!"
Available at www.uncialpress.com in electronic format, and from Amazon.com in print and electronic format.
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the B.S.A. Police in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
"THE SEVEN WATCHMEN" by David Ruppert
A new fascinating novel titled "The Seven Watchmen" by David Ruppert should appeal to South Africans and ex-Rhodesians. It can be ordered from Crest Publishing in South Africa at www.crestpublishing.co.za - or those abroad can buy it directly from David at rupedf72@comcast.net. It's also available on www.Amazon.com
Glenn MacAskill and Michael Bowery of Crest Publishing have also written three books each. Glenn MacAskill is ex-BSAP Special Branch and still working (as Mugabe has denied him any pension) and Michael Bowery is ex-South African Special Forces. Due to the difficulties confronting White writers in the "new" South Africa they launched Crest Publishing to self-publish their own books, and have been doing this since October 2006. Michael Bowery is author of: "Canham's Run", "The Sligo Piper" and "Kill the President", whilst Glenn MacAskill is author of: "King's Gold", "Crime Lords" and "Of Royal Blood". Special discounts to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
For more information, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 97910, Petervale, Transvaal, 2151, South Africa, e-mail: crestbooks@mweb.co.za, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.181 : Ms. LORRAINE FITZGERALD of Durban
Lorraine Fitzgerald was the attractive long-standing girlfriend of Vic Long (see February 2005 SCN). She visited the UK with Vic to follow the Springbok Rugby Tour of 1969/70, and then remained in the UK for a couple of years longer after Vic returned to South Africa. She returned and was reunited with him in Durban during the mid-1970s however, and they remained together until about 1980 when they sadly broke up. Vic subsequently formed another relationship “on the rebound”, but this inevitably did not last. It is believed that Lorraine herself did not form any further lasting relationship however, and she was last seen at the Royal Hotel in Durban in 1984 when her appearance had visibly aged. It would be interesting to learn what eventually happened to her.
The web-site of the American-based conservative web-site “National Review On-Line” has recently been recommended to us. It can be accessed at :-
“Zimbabwe” was self-governed successfully from 1922 as first Southern Rhodesia and then Rhodesia. She should have been given full independence in the early 1950s rather than being subsumed into the idiotic Central African Federation. In addition, Rhodesia's non-racial qualified franchise should have been the role model for the whole of our Empire. A large number of politicians and protestors of the 1960s and 1970s owe Ian Smith an apology.
Yours etc.,
M. Taylor, London, U.K..
The letter “Playing the Enemy’s Game” by “A.K.” (surely not Arthur Kemp, the well-known ANC agent?) in last month’s SCN was very superficial and failed to comprehend the realities of media reporting about today’s South Africa.
Far from criticizing Channel 4 for their programme “South Africa’s Dirty Cops”, the writer instead should have been congratulating the programme makers on daring to break today’s politically correct taboos by exposing the corrupt and brutal nature of the SAPS – nothing more than the ANC’s armed political police force.
Everybody knows about the ongoing genocide campaign against Whites in ANC-ruled South Africa, so there was therefore no need for this programme to reiterate this. What the outside world doesn’t realise so much is that ordinary Blacks suffer just as much – if not more – from the ANC’s brutal misrule than Whites do, and this the programme expertly demonstrated.
Three cheers for Channel 4 I therefore say, for having the guts to defy politically correct convention by exposing the ANC and their police force for the oppressors which they are!
Yours etc.,
H.A.H., exiled in London
[ “A.K.” was definitely not the ANC’s Arthur Kemp. Ed.]
Peter Harry Steve Griffiths, who sadly died aged 85 last month, achieved iconic status within patriotic British circles when he won the Smethwick seat for the Conservative Party completely against the national swing at the 1964 General Election. What was more significant, however, was that totally against the time’s earlier politically-correct mood of the “swinging sixties” he managed to achieve this victory by highlighting the threat to British national identity by the then massive wave of third-world immigration. Indeed Conservative Party workers during the election campaign openly used the slogan “If you want a nigger neighbour vote Labour”.
Once elected Peter Griffiths became a particular hate figure for the incoming socialist prime minister Harold Wilson, who branded him a “Parliamentary leper”, and as a result of the blatant gerrymandering of his Smethwick seat (even the potent name “Smethwick” was dropped on Wilson’s secretive request to the boundaries commission) Griffiths failed to hold the seat at the subsequent 1966 General Election. He subsequently reported, however, that during his first spell in Parliament he was approached by a nameless Labour MP in the lobby who told him that it was a pity that he hadn’t joined the Labour Party “then we could have given the niggers hell”. In spite of losing his seat so quickly Peter Griffiths was to have a significant beneficial effect upon British political life, and it is doubtful if without the courage which he had shown during his Smethwick campaign Enoch Powell would not have dared to raise the subject of immigration so forcefully during the late 1960s, or certainly his speeches wouldn’t have had such a positive effect
Peter Griffiths was born into a working class family from West Bromwich, and proved to be academically brilliant at school. He trained first as a teacher and whilst still working as a teacher (he was appointed head master of a local primary school at the then surprisingly young age of 34) he studied for an economics degree through the University of London. After his brief but courageous spell in Parliament he of course initially found it difficult to obtain employment during the left-dominated environment of the time, but 1967 he was appointed Lecturer in Economics at the Portsmouth College of Technology (subsequently the Portsmouth Polytechnic), where he stayed with distinction for the next 12 years.
He returned to Parliament when elected Conservative MP for Portsmouth North in 1979 however, and although with immigration by then then massively curtailed and no longer a dominant issue, his patriotic zeal continued by concentrating upon Naval issues and being fiercely critical of his own government’s reduction in defence spending.
Peter Griffiths was undoubtedly a true British hero of the latter half of the 20th century, but alas a largely forgotten one. If he had not highlighted the threat of uncontrolled immigration in the mid 1960s then the threat would undoubtedly have become far worse. His life and bravery in defying the detrimental political conventions of the time must always be remembered by all true patriots therefore, and indeed the Swinton Circle observed a minute’s silence in his honour at their November meeting. Our sincerest condolences are extended to his widow Jeannette and to their two children.
General Paul Aussaresses, who died aged 95 earlier this month, was a great military commander and a true French patriot. Born in 1918 in south-west France (so often the crucible for French greatness) Paul Aussaresses was intellectually brilliant, excelling at classics and being fluent in six languages. At the time of the German invasion in 1940 he was serving as an infantryman in Algeria however, but quickly gave his support to the French Resistance, escaping to London in 1942 where he joined the Jedburgh unit of the SOE. He was secretly smuggled back into France twice, in January 1943 and in August 1944, when he joined forces with the Resistance, inter alia helping to free a loyal French general imprisoned by the Vichy regime. In April 1945 he took part in his final operation of WWII when he was parachuted into Germany to make contact with PoW guards in order to ensure the safe release of prisoners – his linguistic skills undoubtedly being of great use.
After WWII Paul Aussaresses joined the French secret services, and was posted to Indochina. Here he witnessed the French forces (weakened considerably of course by the German occupation) being defeated by the Communist terrorists, and vowed to ensure that France was never humiliated in the same way again. His chance soon came when in 1954 he was posted to Algeria where he was eventually promoted to the position of Chief of Intelligence. In this post he supervised the battle against the Islamic FLN terrorist organization, a battle which he undertook with increasing success. Aussaresses realized – unlike alas so many counter-terrorist commanders both at the time and subsequently - that operations against terrorists should not be regarded as domestic police operations where the niceties of civil justice should prevail, but were warfare and should be treated as such. The terrorist FLN were carrying out the most sadistic atrocities against both the French colonial community and those Algerians who were loyal to France, and so the only way to deal with them was to treat operations as warfare in the same way. This Aussaresses managed to do with increasing effectiveness, accounting for many of the main terrorist leaders, until the battle against the FLN was almost won – only then, like all of France, to be betrayed by de Gaulle who decided to surrender all of France’s African colonial Empire, including Algeria.
After the Algeria sell-out Aussaresses worked both with the US Green Berets and with several Latin American security forces, where he imparted his experiences of how to conduct counter-terrorist operations effectively. He was promoted to the rank of full General in the French Army and appointed a Commander of the Legion of Honour upon his retirement. Inevitably, alas, during subsequent years Leftist self-hating elements in France centred on Aussaresses and condemned him for the methods he used to defeat the FLN terrorists. Defiantly however he wrote a no-holds-barred autobiography Services Spéciaux: Algérie 1955-57 towards the end of his life in which he not only described the methods he used in his counter-terrorist operations but also justified them. It is just a pity that there have not been more men with the courage, ability and effectiveness of Paul Aussaresses throughout the West in subsequent wars against terror – particularly in South Africa during the early 1960s.
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See you again next month!