December 2014 edition
Over the past few decades many people around the Western world have become increasing depressed about the future, as Western civilization seemingly goes further and further into decline.
The root cause for this decline, we would argue, has not been the triumph of the Third World minions, but rather the ascendancy of the post-WWII liberal mindset in the West itself. This tragic state of affairs seemed to reach its zenith when even civilized-ruled South Africa succumbed to the liberal worldview and meekly surrendered to the forces of darkness during the early 1990s – though it could be argued that Obama’s victory in the US in 2008 was an even worse low-point.
We believe, however, that the tide of world history turned with the change of the millennium – the election of Obama eight years later notwithstanding. Changes in world dynamics are rather like turns in the tide: they don’t mean that everything suddenly becomes rosy or suddenly becomes pear-shaped, but rather that the direction of the waves changes slowly and gradually.
Recently two major electoral shifts in the West have increased confidence and optimism considerably. Firstly in the United States the GOP made tremendous electoral gains at the mid-term elections, capturing both Houses of Congress. What makes this achievement even more significant is that the changing ethnic demographics of the United States means that the Donkey Party has an increasing advantage – so for the GOP to triumph so emphatically means that more and more Americans from traditional ethnic backgrounds are rejecting liberalism. It is hoped therefore that this dynamic can continue through to the 2016 Presidential election. For the GOP to regain the White House, however, it is essential for them to choose a candidate who is clearly electable, rather than one who is ideologically ideal. This candidate, however, must deep-down we aware of the real challenges facing the US and the West in general, and once in office must therefore be prepared to restrict immigration and initiate a repatriation programme at home, and to take all necessary steps to confront and eliminate the global threat of expansionist Islam abroad. We wish the American people every success in choosing the right candidate.
In the UK recent electoral triumphs by UKIP have similarly been the source of great optimism for the future. To be sure, UKIP is not an ideal party, and some of the more recent statements made by its leader Nigel Farage have left a lot to be desired – to say the least! The important thing is the public’s perception of UKIP however, and this is clearly that it is a patriotic party which will withdraw the UK from the EU, halt immigration and restore Britain’s greatness. Furthermore we know as a fact that most grassroots UKIP supporters are far less liberal in outlook than the party’s current leadership! The UK is not the only Western European nation where the old liberal established parties are suffering electorally however, for in France now that they have jettisoned their Vichy-like image the Front Nationale has firmly established itself as an acceptable and increasingly successful electoral force, and similar advances have been made by patriotic parties in the Netherlands, Denmark and some of the Mediterranean countries so badly effected by EU-initiated economic problems. The possibility of the EU imploding completely is therefore an increasing possibility, and that can only be good news for the West as a whole.
Unfortunately, as many of the Springbok Club’s Kent Branch stalwarts were unwell or had other commitments on the day of last month’s branch get-together, this event therefore turned out to be a very low-key affair. A further branch get-together is being planned for the near future however.
The Springbok Club’s December event will take the form of a trip to the “Gardens and War Exhibition” at the Garden Museum, 9 Lambeth Palace Road, Lambeth, London. All those interested in attending should meet in the Café at the Garden Museum at 12.30 hrs on Saturday 13 December. The museum is housed in the converted St Mary’s Church adjacent to Lambeth Palace and a pleasant walk away from Vauxhall, Westminster, Waterloo or Lambeth North Underground Stations.
The main focus of this trip will be to see the “Gardens and War Exhibition” which reveals the tenacity of those British residents in Germany at the outbreak of WWI who were rounded up by the German authorities and interned on the Ruhleben Racetrack west of Berlin, which was chosen as a convenient spot for an internment camp. Gardening for ornamental pleasure and eating necessity became the internees’ serious pursuit.
Also currently exhibited are pictures showing the interplay of gardening in more recent wars, and Captain Blythe’s grave may also be of interest.
The entrance fees are: £7.50 Adults; £6.50 Senior Citizens; £3.00 Students/Concessions and £3.00 Art Fund Members.
Later in the day the party will proceed to an adjacent pub or to the near-by Thames Boat for a convivial ending to the day’s visit.
Please make every effort to attend, and e-mail springbk@netcomuk.co.uk if more details are required.
In January the Springbok Club will be holding its 2015 AGM. Full details about this event, which will be followed by a “report-back” on this year’s “Raising of the Flag” ceremony in Norfolk, will be circulated to all fully paid-up members of the Springbok Club in due course.
Saracens RFC have given the organization a most generous discount offer for a party to attend their match against the Northern Transvaal Blue Bulls on Sunday 31st January 2015. In order to take advantage of this offer we need to know all those interested in attending as soon as possible, so if you would like to join the party please e-mail springbk@netcomuk.co.uk with your details.
Later during 2015 the Springbok Club plans to hold meetings to be addressed by a prominent ex-Rhodesian and by a visiting South African personality.
The Swinton Circle was most honoured to be able to welcome Mr. Ian Paisley MP (DUP, North Antrim) as guest speaker last month. Mr. Paisley gave a highly informative and articulate speech, starting with a number of amusing anecdotes about his late father, and then explaining how the Troubles in Northern Ireland had been ended whilst ensuring the maintenance of the Union. He also relayed some most interesting facts about the methods of the Blair Labour Government, and how both they and SF/IRA had been forced to lessen their demands by the unity, strength and steadfastness of the DUP majority at Stormont. Prior to the start of this meeting a short moment’s silence was observed in memory of Owen Parvess (see Obituary).
Details of the Swinton Circle's December meeting are as follows :-
Date : Tuesday 9th December 2014
Time : 18.30 hrs for 19.00 hrs.
Venue : The East India Club (the Card Room), 16 St.James’s Square, London SW1Y 4LN (nearest underground stations: Piccadilly Circus and Green Park) *
Guest Speaker : Mr. Marko Gasic B.A. (Hons)
Marko Gasic was born in Britain of Serbian descent, and is a renowned broadcaster and talented writer. He studied and graduated in Modern European History at the University of Sussex.
He has appeared on television and radio worldwide some six hundred times, including on BBC Newsnight, BBC News, Radio 4 Today, BBC World Service, ITV, Channel 4, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBC, Sky, Al-Etejah, Al-Jazeera, MBC, Bloomberg and Reuters, etc.. He has commentated on and has analysed international affairs, both past and present, especially those concerning the former Yugoslavia. During the 1990s he founded the London-based Serbian Information Centre, and has liased with, interpreted and guided the Western media, particularly from the UK, around the relevant war zones.
Despite a history of support for the “politically incorrect” side, the media has grudgingly given him its praise as a voice of choice :-
“Polished and plausible performer … fresh-faced and energetic … the style of a top-flight defence lawyer firmly in control of his brief .” (The Times 3/4/99)
“I could not help but warm to him as he ran rings around James Naughtie on Radio 4″ (Sion Simon, MP, Daily Telegraph, 19/4/99)
“The perfect pundit, having something new and relevant to say and an engaging way of doing so.” (Daily Telegraph, 19/4/99).
In his talk, which will be entitled “Serbia – a nation betrayed?”, he will tell something about modern-day Serbia, and the struggles which the Serbian nation and people have been confronted with over the past 100 years.
* The East India Club is a private members club, and seats will be limited. We would therefore ask all those intending to attend to inform us in advance, either by e-mailing: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk or by ‘phoning: 07711188430. When entering the club you will be asked your purpose, to which you should answer “To attend a Swinton Circle meeting to be addressed by Mr. Marko Gasic”. You will then be asked to sign the register. There is a strict dress code at the club: gentlemen are required to wear jackets, collars and ties, and ladies are asked to dress smartly.
Membership fees and donations to the Swinton Circle can be made via PayPal on the organisation’s web-site home page at www.swintoncircle.co.uk - simply 'click' on the line "PayPal = the safer, easier way to pay online" at the bottom of the home page; if the error message "This content cannot be displayed in a Frame" appears then simply 'click' on the line "Open this Content in a New Window".
Like all sports fans around the Commonwealth we were shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Phillip Hughes.
Phillip Hughes was a great cricketer and, by all accounts, a great human being. He was a credit to Australia both on and off the pitch.
Since his death calls have been made to make the game safer. Certainly improvements to protective equipment should be devised, but we hope that there will not be any fundamental alterations to the laws of cricket as a result of this tragedy. All physical sports – not just cricket – are not for wimps. There must always be a certain degree of danger, as that it what makes sport enjoyable, exhilarating and entertaining. Without risks and dangers in this world then life would simply not be worth living.
Our sincere sympathies are extended to the entire Australian nation. We feel your pain.
We have recently received the following most informative report from the ZCTF :-
“In July 2012, after becoming aware of mining pegs in the ground, Sharon Pincott wrote and spoke on numerous occasions to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment with a plea to halt all mining within the key home-range of the Presidential Elephants. Sharon requested, on behalf of the Presidential Elephants of Zimbabwe, to declare a no mining zone within a sensible radius of the Hwange National Park Main Camp. In 2011, President Mugabe had reaffirmed his commitment to protect Zimbabwe's flagship herd of elephants by way of a Presidential Elephant Decree Reaffirmation certificate. To date, this has still not happened. Now, agreements have been signed in China to commence coal and methane gas mining.
“I was recently in Hwange National Park and I saw the state of Kanondo pan in the grabbed Gwango Elephant Lodge area. With the water now being diverted to this new private and highly controversial lodge - built now under separate ownership on land only a mere couple of kilometres from Hwange Safari Lodge - the animals and elephants are suffering even more now than in past years with the pan looking worse than ever. Water for people and business is taking precedence over water for the wildlife.
“We are also hearing endless complaints from tourists about no longer being able to get on Presidential Elephant game drives as they used to and there would certainly appear to be good reasons why this land claimant, Elisabeth Pasalk-Freeman does not want people seeing this disaster. In addition, talk of hunting in this area persists in the township despite Pasalk-Freeman purporting to be the one chasing off the hunters.
“If Minister Kasukwere refuses to intervene for the wildlife in this ongoing and concerning problem, then we implore the tourism Minister Mzembi to do so urgently. A petition with over 8000 signatures called for the eviction of Elisabeth Pasalk-Freeman and for tourist traffic to be able to return to help keep a close eye on this once important area. That dedicated Presidential Elephant Conservation efforts were halted by this land claimant is also very telling of the calibre and motives of this person who is holding an ‘inherited’ offer letter from government for this land, in an area where an offer letter should never have been issued. This all occured following the correction and withdrawal of Cabinet Minister Orbert Mpofu's offer letter for the same piece of land in 2005. Yet Pasalk-Freeman, defying a 2013 Cabinet Directive to remove her, has so far been allowed to stay put.
“Two poachers were shot dead by National Parks and the police in Zambezi National Park in Victoria Falls on Monday. The commanding police officer confirmed the shooting adding that they were still hunting for the other poachers who had fled.
“The dead poachers have been identified as Christopher Muleya and Isaiah Sibanda.
“On 23rd August, Zimparks rangers found an elephant carcass around Liungu Spring. At 2am the following morning, the rangers and the police were patrolling Liungu Springs and encountered the gang of poachers which ended in a shootout.
“Two Victoria Falls men appeared in court yesterday facing allegations of selling cyanide to kill elephants. Namatani Ndlovu, a hunter and former National Parks ranger and Calvin Murapata, a commuter omnibus driver pleaded not guilty to ‘selling to any person any pesticide or toxic substance that one knows is not registered’. The court was told that the two made a deal to sell cyanide granules weighing 340 grams to Norest Makuyana.
A Zambian poacher who was shot by National Parks rangers in Siamungu, Binga in March was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The poacher, Siamungu Makina admitted to unlawful possession of elephant tusks and to illegally entering and hunting in Zimbabwe. He, however, denied that he was armed, saying that it was his accomplice who was shot down by the rangers who was armed. He claimed that they did not shoot the elephants in Zimbabwe. He said they shot them in Botswana and were just passing through Zimbabwe. When the rangers searched the area, they found 37 tusks valued at $174,000 as well as a rifle, knives and ammunition.
“We have had a report of a helicopter and a Land Rover being auctioned to pay a National Parks Director his termination package. The helicopter was confiscated from a game capture unit and we can't understand why it wasn't used for anti-poaching. It has been reported that the National Parks staff haven't received their salaries for several month so we wonder why the money raised from the auction wasn't used to pay them instead.“
The ZCTF web-site can be accessed at: www.zctfofficialsite.org
Fred Ingram is looking for a couple to run his Freehold Restaurant/Pub near Bradford-on-Avon in Wiltshire (just south of Bath). Full training will be given if required. If interested please contact Fred Ingram by e-mail at frederick_ingram@yahoo.com or ‘phone 01451605000.
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Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :-
"LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.
Trish also writes romantic suspense and romantic comedy fiction. www.trishjaxon.com
ISBN: 978-1-920143-49-7 / paperback / illustrated
Retail price: R250.00, Web-site price: R200.00 + postage
The narrative gives the reader an overview of the history of the White man in southern Africa with detailed emphasis on the Rhodesian story through the life and times of PK van der Byl, one of the major players in a political drama that ended in the accession to power of Robert Mugabe under the auspices of the British government. By his very nature PK was controversial and confrontational. This account is likely to give offence to some because it portrays him as bluntly as he was in real life. Much can be contested about PK van der Byl but few will dispute he was an extremely colourful character with a devilish sense of humour. This memoir covers his life with a full flourish while doing nothing to detract from the seriousness of the international political and military conflict in which he was engaged. The reader will glean new information on a highly controversial subject and emerge with a more sympathetic understanding of what PK van der Byl and his colleagues did and strove for. The human tragedy that has followed the removal from power of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front party will almost certainly force the reader to deal with some uncomfortable conclusions, of value to anyone sincere about grappling with the volatile and deeply troubling challenges that confront all Africans today.
This book and others of interest can be purchased from 30 Degrees South via their web-site: www.30degreessouth.co.za
"BLUE WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne
Rhodesia, in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix" family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists. His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch.
Available from: www.diadembooks.com
The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiastss.
For more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!
"THE SAINTS" - DVD versions of the book about the history of the RLI
Now available from Msasa Enterprises. Contact: msasasa@iafrica.com or UK tel.: 07732 685400.
No.193 : Mr. BILLY HARVEY of Natal.
Billy Harvey was a leading jockey on the Natal racing circuit during the 1970s and 1980s. Perhaps not as successful as he might have been, he was even so a most friendly and engaging fellow. It would be very interesting to learn what became of him.
Unfortunately no videos seem to exist on-line at the moment of the effigies of Alex “pie-eater” Salmond which were burnt by both the Commercial Square BS and the Waterloo BS at the Lewes Bonfire festivities this year, which so upset the tender sensitivities of the poor little nationalists. The Sussex Express does carry an interesting report on their web-site about this controversy however, and also carries a slide-show of images from the Commercial Square BS procession this year. This can be accessed at :-
John Howard was merely stating a fact - if the rights of self-government and self-determination mean anything, they must include the right to say who can enter or remain in one's country after entering and under what circumstances. Every country has the right to base its immigration policy on whatever criteria it sees fit, regardless of any Treaty; that is one reason why Britain should leave the EU.
She should then restrict immigration to those who can read, write and speak fluent English and who have something to offer us. Refugees to be admitted only if it's life or death and there's nowhere else for them to go. Illegal immigrants should be found and removed regardless of what it took, and labour shortages filled by temporary contract workers rather than permanent immigrants. If this means short-term labour shortages, so be it.
Yours etc.,
Mark Taylor, London, U.K.
Accept my sincere congratulations. Today [the day of the Scottish Referendum result] is a great day. We are victorious. Mother Britannia is united.
God bless the Union Jack!
Hurrah! I have drunk liquor for the British nation and for your prosperity.
Yours etc.,
Boris Grig, Kaliningrad, Russia
I have some more information for you about Anthony “Tony” Hancock who was mentioned in last month’s “Rogues Gallery” section.
Not long before his self-inflicted death Tony Hancock was arrested by the Sussex Police for indecent exposure (“flashing”). He received a police caution for this, but mysteriously was never charged. His wife evidently got to hear about this incident however and left him. This then led to his period of self-neglect and decline, as he started living in his print factory, sleeping on the floor.
Yours etc.,
“Sussex Patriot”, Shoreham, Sussex, U.K.
[ The fact that Hancock committed such an obscene act just goes to demonstrate the extreme hypocrisy of the man, as he was someone who was prepared to libel a political opponent by constructing fake pornographic photographs. Ed.]
Labour Party leader Ed Miliband spoke at a New Statesman meeting in Manchester on Saturday 21st September 2014 in front of a backdrop of portraits of Stalin and Lenin. Red Ed's father, Ralph Miliband, was a Marxist immigrant who hated Britain.
See the photo here::-
Yours etc.,
John Walker, Horsham, Sussex, U.K.
What a wonderful voice the lady singer at New Britain's 'Keep the U.K. United Rally' had. I wish I was there.
Reg Watson, Lindisfarne, Tasmania, Australia
[ The YouTube video of this performance can be accessed at:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/tXE0bdBy6mo ]
It was with great sorrow that we recently learnt of the death of Owen Parvess at the age of only 71. We knew Owen well in Durban during the early 1980s, and formed a strong admiration for the man and his family.
Owen Parvess was born at Port Elizabeth, but moved to Rhodesia with his parents when he was four. He became a true and proud Rhodesian, and was educated first at Fort Victoria Junior School and then at Guinea Fowl School near Gwelo. He excelled both academically and on the sports field, becoming a leading school prefect and being awarded the victor ludorum at the age of 11. He proved an outstanding sprinter on the athletics track and represented the Rhodesian Midlands at junior level in Lawn Tennis and Matabeland at under-20 level in both Rugby and Cricket.
After school he immediately joined the Rhodesia Army in which he served for 13 years, firstly in the RLI and subsequently in the RAR, rising to the rank of Major. It was whilst serving in the Rhodesian Army that he married his first love, Phyllis, who was to prove a rock and loyal companion to him throughout the rest of his life. His sporting prowess led naturally to him excelling as an army marksman, and he captained the Rhodesian shooting team which beat their South African counterparts at the Bloemfontein “Bisley” championship.
As soon as he left the army Owen entered the Rhodesian political arena. He strongly opposed what he saw as the weakness of the Rhodesian Front government (though of course this was later revealed as being entirely due to behind-the-scenes pressure by the NP South African government) and joined the Rhodesian Action Party, standing as their candidate in the Bulawayo Hillside Constituency at the 1977 Rhodesian General Election, and came very close to winning the seat. When the total surrender of Rhodesia loomed on the horizon he joined the Rhodesia Movement, a pressure group which campaigned for a federal solution to prevent the complete obliteration of the nation. This present writer first met him in Bulawayo during late 1978 whilst touring Rhodesia on behalf of the Save Rhodesia Campaign in order to campaign for a “No” vote at the forthcoming constitutional referendum, and was immediately impressed by the man.
After the fall of Rhodesia Owen immediately moved to South Africa, settling at Pinetown in Natal. Sensing that South Africa was also on the slippery slope towards sell-out he soon re-entered the political fray in South Africa itself by joining the HNP – a brave decision to make, for at that time the HNP was perceived to be an Afrikaans-only party. As in Rhodesia, he proved to be highly charismatic, popular and politically astute, and quickly made his way up the HNP’s Natal hierarchy. He stood for the party in the Umhlatuzana Constituency (Queensburgh and part of Pinetown) at the 1981 General Election, obtaining a far higher vote for the HNP in southern Natal than most political pundits thought possible. During this campaign he generated considerable press publicity by telegramming Enoch Powell in London asking him to fly out to speak at one of his campaign rallies, and when unsuccessful extended the same invitation to Dr. Ian Paisley. At this time Owen gave a masterful speech to the Durban Point Branch of the HNP, which proved not only extremely well analysed but also greatly inspiring for all who heard it.
Following the foundation of the Conservative Party of S.A. in 1982 Owen was one of the first people in patriotic circles in Natal to realise that it was this party with its wider appeal, not the HNP, which offered the best hope for salvation for South Africa at this most perilous juncture in South African history. (This present writer now freely admits that he made a great mistake at this time by not following Owen’s lead). Alas the factionalism and resulting bitterness which divided HNP and CP supporters in Natal took its toll on Owen’s enthusiasm, and he withdrew from political activism shortly thereafter, devoting his life and many talents to his family, establishing his own highly successful financial services business and – being a staunch Christian – his local Presbyterian Church. He also revealed himself as a fine choral singer, joining the Durban Men’s Choir and touring Europe with them. He also had a lifelong love for animals and wildlife.
Surprisingly Owen did not leave South Africa after the ANC were handed power, even though other members managed to escape to the UK and United States. In 2003 he moved to Jo’burg in order to be nearer to other family members, and once ensconced in his new home resumed his political activism by joining the Democratic Alliance. This was of course a rather surprising move to make in view of his previous political affiliations, but when considering the radically changed political environment it was probably an understandable pragmatic choice to make. To his dying day, however, he did not lose his love of sport, and even on his deathbed was asking about the latest Cricket scores.
Owen Parvess perhaps did not achieve his true destiny, but in his children Cindy, Mike and Stuart his spirit and undoubted talents clearly live on. Our sincerest condolences are extended to them, Phyllis his widow, and to all his grandchildren and other family members.
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
See you again next month!