Tuesday 23 July 2024

July 2024 Edition.


July 2024 Edition

Although the results of this month’s British General Election were mainly predictable and expected, they even so produced a seismic change in Britain’s political landscape, and thereby in the country’s future. Some of the resulting developments have been most encouraging, but others alas have been extremely worrying.

Undoubtedly the most fundamental reason why the Conservative Party suffered such a cataclysmic defeat was because they had insulted the British people by imposing a foreigner, an ethnic alien, as leader and thereby as Prime Minister. This was the “elephant in the room” which all mainstream political commentators seemed frightened to mention. Sir Keir Starmer’s ideology and policies may have been anathema to the majority of British people, but “at least he is British” millions of them thought as they cast their ballots, and the national humiliation of being ruled by a foreigner was eliminated as a result!

The most encouraging outcome of the General Election was of course the emergence of ReformUK (the successor party to UKIP and the Brexit Party) as the undoubted third force in British politics. With over 4.1 million votes representing over 14% of the electorate this was significantly higher than was accomplished by either the far longer-established Liberal Democrat and Green parties. Even though the actual number of seats won by ReformUK, five, was somewhat lower than hoped, it even so marked a significant breakthrough, and something never previously achieved by any party of the patriotic Right.

The third, and perhaps most pleasing outcome of the General Election was the demise, and indeed decimation, of the splittist SNP. Let us hope therefore that this will prove a mortal blow for all those who seek to split the British nation further.

In spite of all these three positive results from the General Election there were alas some far more fundamental negative outcomes. Although it is most pleasing that the foreign-led Conservative Party was defeated, this has consequently meant that the country must now endure at least 5 years of Socialist rule, with all the curtailments of freedom, national decline and economic mismanagement which this will entail. We must simply hope therefore that Sir Keir Starmer’s brand of Socialism proves to be of the more moderate type similar to that of Sir Tony Blair’s, and not of the “red in tooth and claw” variety which the country had to endure under the Attlee and Wilson regimes. But if the situation in Great Britain is worrying then the situation in Northern Ireland presents even greater cause for concern. The fact that Sinn Fein/IRA managed to obtain the highest number of seats in the province was of course highly disturbing – but as Irish Nationalists only comprise about one-third of Northern Ireland’s population this was also extremely sinister. To be sure Unionist infighting and apathy, as well as increasing infection by the virus of liberalism (thus sadly bringing Northern Ireland into line with the rest of the UK in this regard!) played a big part in ensuring the ascendancy of the terrorist-sympathising SF/IRA, but there are also widespread suspicions that whereas new regulations designed to prevent voter-impersonation and electoral fraud were rigorously enforced in Unionist areas, they were not nearly so well enforced in Nationalist areas.

But there were also some very disturbing and indeed quite bizarre results in England. The Green Party has for long enjoyed a fair amount of support in “trendy” and university cities, so their retention of the Brighton Pavilion seat and their long-predicted capture of Bristol Central were therefore not surprising – but their capture of two rural seats – Herefordshire North and Waveney in Suffolk, were not only totally unexpected but were also highly sinister. Even more alarming however were victories by four pro-Hamas Mohammedans in two northern and two midland seats. The constituency with the highest estimated number of Muslims in the country is Birmingham Perry Bar (one of the four seats won by the terrorist-sympathising Islamists) where their numbers are believed to be about 23%, whereas no other constituency is thought to have more than 20% of Mohammedans in their electorate. When it is further considered that the Labour Party (indeed all of the establishment parties!) have been sucking-up to Muslim voters for years then the victories by the Islamic extremists are even more sinister and unbelievable!

We therefore call upon the authorities to investigate fully the possibilities of largescale voter-impersonation and electoral fraud, not only in those seats won by SF/IRA in Northern Ireland, but also in those six seats in England which we have mentioned where the results were totally unexpected and extremely suspicious.



Last month the Springbok Club staged the first in a trilogy of events which have been planned involving visits to sites associated with Frederick Courtney Selous (after whom the Selous Scouts were of course named). This first event involved a trip to Camden, where the site of Frederick Selous’s birth was visited, following a stroll along a near-by canal which he undoubtedly knew as a small boy. Unfortunately confusion at the end of this trip meant that not everyone in attendance was able to see the PowerPoint presentation about the early life of Frederick Selous as planned, but it has been agreed that this PowerPoint presentation will again be shown for those who missed the original showing (and anyone else who might be interested in seeing it) during August, when it is hoped that a long-standing supporter of the Springbok Club will also be telling a little about the current situation in South Africa. If you are interested in attending this August meeting then e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk

In September the Springbok Club will be honouring our pledge to Peter Sladden by maintaining the “Raising of the Flag” celebration. Although it is still hoped that this year’s ceremony will be held in Oxfordshire, close to the site where Cmd. E.C. “Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe (who of course first raised the Union Flag at the site which became Salisbury, Rhodesia, in 1890) was born, delays in finalising arrangements may mean that it will be held in Surrey, at an event combining the “Raising of the Flag” celebration with the second part of the trilogy of visits to sites associated with Frederick Courtney Selous. The 2025 “Raising of the Flag” celebration will then take place in Oxfordshire.

In October the Springbok Club will be welcoming back Mr. Geoff Hill, the Africa correspondent of The Washington Times and The Spectator, who gave the organisation such an enthralling and informative talk about the then forthcoming four important General Elections taking place in Southern Africa in April, who will be giving a report-back on the outcomes and resulting implications of these elections. In November the Springbok Club will be holding its annual UDI Day buffet-meeting, at which a prominent ex-Rhodesian will be the guest speaker. The precise details of all these events will be announced in future editions of the SCN as soon as finalised.



The Patriotic Forum will be resuming regular activities in the autumn, and already two interesting personalities have accepted invitations to speak for the organisation, full details of which will be given in future editions of the SCN. All friends and supporters are reminded that the annual membership fee for the Patriotic Forum has been increased from £12.00 to £15.00, and it is hoped that both lapsed members and other readers will be prepared to pay this fee in order to join or to renew their membership as soon as possible, thus helping to build up funds in order to assist the growth of the organisation. Once again, payments can be made by direct bank transfer, the relevant bank account details being as follows :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138



We have recently received the following most distressing report from the Animal Survival International organisation concerning the plight of hippos in the “new” South Africa. It reads as follows:-

“A few days ago, Lucy, a 12-week-old hippo calf, fell into a six-foot (2 meter) deep dam on a farm in Tzaneen, South Africa, and became trapped. It is suspected she was simply following her mother when the tragedy happened.

“Helpless hippo calf Lucy was stuck in a dam for three days. Her survival now depends on all the help she can get from animal lovers like you.

“Alone and helpless, Lucy quickly became emaciated, dehydrated and exhausted. From the extensive injuries and gaping wounds on her body, it is clear she tried desperately to scramble to safety, but to no avail.

“Lucy was stuck for so long that her mother was forced to abandon her – and algae began growing on her skin.

“Please help us support the rehabilitation and eventual release of this distressed and now orphaned hippo calf.

“Our partner, the Umoya Khulula Wildlife Center, received an emergency call-out and rushed to the scene to save the calf. After an extensive but unsuccessful search of the area to try and reunite her with her mother, the team made the tough decision to bring little Lucy back to their secure, off-site rehabilitation facility.

“Lucy needs long-term rehabilitation and, without her mother, special milk formula for the next 12 to 18 months. Please, will you help her.

“Our goal is to ensure she gets strong enough to be released back into the wild, where she belongs!

“The common hippo is an iconic African species currently listed as ‘Vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Hippos have played a crucial role in African aquatic ecosystems for millions of years, with their dung contributing to the overall health of rivers and lakes.

“Although a pod of hippos resides in Tzaneen’s Groot Letaba River, their extremely territorial nature means the rescued calf would almost certainly have been killed had she been left with them. Right now, Umoya Khulula is her best and ONLY hope.

“Our partner, Umoya Khulula, is a rescue and rehabilitation organization that specializes in the care of orphaned indigenous wildlife. Among the sick and injured wildlife in their care are juvenile antelope, pangolins, mongooses, porcupines and their latest arrival, Lucy the hippo calf.

“There is a long way to go before Lucy can be released into a safe area. Hippo calves drink from their mothers for up to 12 months - and Lucy is just three months old.

“She needs a special milk formula with protein additives and probiotics to ensure that she receives the nutrition necessary for her long-term survival. A product like this is costly and not easily accessible in the area, which is why we are urgently reaching out to you today.

“If we can raise £8,000 we can purchase enough special milk formula to feed Lucy for an entire year and provide medical care to treat her terrible injuries.

“Lucy is experiencing terrible trauma after being separated from her mother and nearly dying alone in a dam - but thanks to the skilled and fast-acting team at Umoya Khulula, she survived and is safe.

“With your support, we can get Lucy the nutrition and treatment she desperately needs to grow, get stronger, and eventually be released back into the wild with a mate or accepting pod of hippos.

“Umoya Khulula has released over 200 different species of animals back into the wild since it opened six years ago. Can we count on you to help give Lucy the hippo calf this same chance?

“Umoya Khulula has the expertise to care for Lucy, but we need YOUR help to ensure she gets it, starting with critical milk formula and medical care. Please donate generously to Animal Survival International today and help us save Lucy’s life.

“Saving animals and the planet,

“Campaign Director, “Animal Survival International

“P.S. Hippos face threats from illegal hunting for their meat and also their teeth, which are made into trinkets. Habitat loss is also a problem - humans encroach on their land and then kill them because they pose a threat. Hippo populations are declining in half of the 29 African countries where they are still found. We must do everything in our power to protect and preserve these magnificent creatures, and right now, lucky Lucy is at the forefront of our efforts. Please donate right now.”

To contact Animal Survival International, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to help save hippos like Lucy, visit their web-site at : https://animalsurvival.org



England’s performance in this year’s UEFA European Football Championship was one of the team’s best achievements for 58 years, even though they failed at the final hurdle with defeat in the final against Spain.

As seems to be perennially the case following the England team’s failure to win a trophy the overwhelming reaction from media and supporters alike seemed to be to blame the manager – in this case Gareth Southgate. Southgate of course resigned almost immediately after the tournament was over, and there didn’t seem to be any great sorrow at his departure. This however was clearly unfair. Southgate had been an outstanding player and the team’s most successful manage since Sir Alf Ramsey. To many however Southgate’s most unforgivable crime was to enforce the Marxist “taking of the knee” gesture onto all members of his team. This action, in completely unacceptable solidarity with negro rioters and looters in the United States, brought shame upon the England Soccer team, and thereby upon England as a whole. It is this which will ensure that Southgate’s name will be remembered with ignominy by future generations, and not because of any perceived failures on the field of play.

But there is another very important aspect concerning the continuing failure of England – and indeed all the British men’s Soccer teams - to win any major international trophy. Britain is the only country in the world which competes as its component parts in international soccer. The reason for this is historical, and in the historic context was perfectly valid - but this reasoning is now long since passed. The sooner that this anomaly can be eliminated and Britain can field one united team then not only will there be a good chance of a British team winning a major global tournament, but it will also ensure greater national unity as a result.



It was with great pleasure that we learnt that Niall Ferguson, the eminent conservative patriotic historian, had received a knighthood in this year’s King’s Honours List. We believe that this accolade was richly deserved, and congratulate Sir Niall upon this high award. When the Rev. Martin Smyth addressed the now sadly dormant Northern Ireland Branch of the Springbok Club in 2004 he quoted extensively from Sir Niall Ferguson’s magnum opus “Empire: How Britain made the Modern World”, a widely-praised work which illustrates clearly just what a positive force for good the British Empire was, and is a book which we can certainly recommend to all our readers.



It was also with great pleasure that we recently learnt that the Springbok Club’s Honorary President, Mr. Peter Fisher, had won a high award in this year’s “Petersfield in Bloom” competition. Peter Fisher, who lives in the town, has for long supervised the upkeep of the gardens and grounds of the Petersfield parish church of St.Mary’s, and so this award was clearly richly deserved.



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-






“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.



No.308: Mr. IAN LONG of Durban.

Ian Long was a loyal and dedicated patriotic activist in Durban during the 1970s and 1980s, being a keen and energetic member of several patriotic organisations such as the National Forum and the White Rhino Club (Mark 1). He owned one of the largest printing businesses in the city, Lithotone, and through this was able to offer even more tangible assistance to the patriotic cause by printing such publication’s as the National Forum’s “Behind the News” and our own “S.A.Patriot”, which of course was founded by the White Rhino Club (Mark 1). Alas factionalism and over-inflated egos within the patriotic movement in Durban meant that support was hopelessly divided during the mid-1980s, with Ian unfortunately choosing the wrong side. Happily contact was re-made with him via the Internet circa 2010, and these by then historic differences were resolved quickly and in a friendly and civilised manner, and indeed he became a strong supporter of the SCN as a result, writing a number of highly informed “Letters to the Editor” to the publication. Alas contact with him seemed to cease a few years again, and worryingly a recent piece of mail sent to his last known address in Durban was returned to us as he was evidently no longer known at that address. We are therefore quite concerned about his well-being, and so if anyone could let us know what has happened to him we would be most grateful.



Following the historic breakthrough by the ReformUK party at the recent British General Election we are delighted to name their web-site as our “Recommended Web-Site of the Month” for this month. It can be accessed at :-






I really appreciate your brilliant command of history. The world is lucky to have you and, yes, people are starting to listen to us. Specifically:

I had many Burmese students at Siam University who I was close to. They are real Buddhists who still observe daily ancient traditions. Now that the Tatmadaw is intentionally torturing their friends, as in abducting Burmese high school students and university students off the street in an organized campaign that no mainstream media will report, sexually abusing them, torturing them in ways that no civilized human being would, and dropping their dead bodies off at their families door, I have directly been told that they would love 'for me to be king' (to paraphrase their words) and put civilized Caucasians in complete charge.

That's quite a compliment, and they mistakenly equate me with British (which is forgivable), but they realize at only 22 years of age that, if I was in charge, I would simply extinguish the savages who have been torturing and raping their own friends, install a legal system based on civil legal tradition, provide free K-U education from professors on par with Victor Davis Hanson, create a secondary lower court system so certain offenses could be tried through their traditions and they could run their daily affairs (I would only govern what they have proven they could not), provide food, shelter and security to all citizens, a legal system that would prevent any ‘Benedict Arnolds’ from returning the Tatmadaw, and return the Muslims to the Islamic Land such that Burma can be when was at its best:

A Buddhist populated country under the loving care of Caucasian rule.

Anyways, I'll close by saying that what's happening in Israel is going to happen here if Trump can't take the country back. My experience with 24 displaced South African students makes me aware of the true goal of lesser breeds and their advocates who put nonsense into my head which was only dispelled in total when I suddenly had over two dozen South African students who told me what really is going on in South Africa.

I pray to God every day for some kind of miracle to open people's eyes here, before we really do have twelve terrorists standing in my loved ones or students’ homes; just like what I hear of Caucasian farmers in South Africa.

...and they say I'm a bad man? Preposterous!!!

Yours etc.,

Prof. Jason Jellison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.




Thank you for the great info’ contained in the December 2023 SCN.

Yours etc.,

G.W.Ballard, California, U.S.A.




Some Catholics believed that Negroes had no souls. When you observe their repulsive lifestyles I can’t help but think they have it right. Black gang crime in London is appalling and mirrors the crime in South Africa.

Yours etc.,

Ann Lloyd, Norfolk, U.K.




President Ronald Reagan stood before the Berlin Wall and said Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”. Kennedy stood before it and said “Heute ich bin ein Berliner” (today I am a Berliner) I would like to see Biden or his successor stand on the border of Communist China and say "Mr Xi, free all the falun gong practitioners, Uyghurs and House Christians from the gaols and concentration camps. Get out of East Turkestan and Tibet. Give the people of Hong Kong back the freedom they had under British Rule. Today I am a Uyghur, a Tibetan and a falun gong practitioner!”.

Yours etc.,

Bob Vinnicombe, Sefton, NSW, Australia.




Canada's federal government will spend over $C40 Billion next year on servicing its ever growing debts. Each province here in Canada carries its own debt, BC now has over $C100 Billion of debt. It means that they spend more on paying down their debts than on, for example, social services (Ontario) or education (Ottawa). Canada of course still has massive mining operations and thriving energy industries, oil and log, forestry less successful these days but still a big player. Meanwhile Canada's population will keep on growing through ever higher levels of immigration and so the demands on all services will grow, in particular all levels of the health service, all levels of social services and social housing. More people than ever are using food banks and more living below the government's own definition of "the poverty line".

Yours etc.,

Paul Rhodes, Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada.



We featured David Overton in the “Where are they now?” section of the March 2011 Edition of the SCN, where we wrote as follows :-

“ David Overton was one of the four original founders of the Save Rhodesia Campaign in Cape Town during the mid 1970s. Alas, following the internal friction which affected the organisation shortly after its formation, when Brendan Willmer staged a coup to eject his fellow-founders Stanley Deane and Bernie Foyle, David Overton initially sided with the wretched Willmer - though this was a decision which he subsequently lived to regret. He was a highly talented and extremely likeable political operative, and acted as a supremely effective press officer for the SRC during the early period of its existence. Once he saw through the phoniness of Willmer, however, he left the organisation, and is believed to have moved to Europe in order to embark upon a writing career. Willmer, and alas Stanley Deane and Bernie Foyle also, are all now dead, but we have no idea of what became of David Overton. Any further information about him would therefore be most appreciated.”

As a result of this we thought that we had located him, and tried to contact him accordingly. We recently heard back from the David Overton who we tried to contact however (several years after our initial attempt to contact him!), only to learn that he was not the same David Overton who we were seeking, but a namesake!

We would still be very keen to make contact with the David Overton from the SRC however, as he was a most friendly and genuine chap who, if still around, might still be able to be of benefit to the wider patriotic cause. We would also be keen to learn from him anything which he might be able to reveal about the wretched Brendan Willmer, who although now long since dead we believe may have been connected to some more recent trouble-makers who have plagued our efforts,


If you appreciated this edition of the SCN then perhaps you might consider making a donation to Patriotic Press, the publisher of the SCN. Unlike many other cyber-publications we receive no subscription fees or outside funding. All those involved with the publication are unpaid and work entirely voluntarily, but there are inevitable costs associated with running a cyber-newsletter such as this. We depend upon our readers to help us, either with regular or one-off payments. Such contributions can be made by direct bank transfer, our bank account details being :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138 IBAN : GB35NWBK60103754015138 IBAN BIC : NWBKGB2L