Tuesday 17 September 2024

September 2024 Edition.


September 2024 Edition

There has probably never been a British Prime Minister who has descended so quickly in popularity than Sir Keir Starmer. Even though he came to power with a massive majority and much goodwill barely three months ago, one only has to see the extent of the hatred for him which is so widely expressed on social media to realise just how rapidly and thoroughly his initial approval rating has plummeted.

When other Labour Prime Ministers came to power through General Election victories their popularity remained high for a considerable time, even though they pursued policies which were most detrimental to the well-being of the British nation and people. Clement Attlee never experienced any significant slump in his ratings following his landslide victory in 1945 even though he betrayed the British Empire and enacted the economically ruinous nationalisation programme, and indeed still clung onto power five years later; Harold Wilson, perhaps the most evil character ever to enter 10 Downing Street, greatly increased his majority in the snap General Election which he called 18 months after his initial victory; and Sir Tony Blair managed to win two subsequent General Elections on the trot after his initial landslide of 1997. So why therefore has Sir Keir Starmer’s popularity disintegrated so fast and so catastrophically?

The ”received wisdom” is that this has been because of his decision to discontinue the Winter Fuel Allowance handed out to some pensioners. But pensioners only form a relatively small percentage of the population, and in any case not all of them are affected. Furthermore the Winter Fuel Allowance was only initiated by Gordon Brown during Blair’s New Labour Administration, so therefore isn’t something which has long-standing resonance. No, the rapid decline in Starmer’s popularity has almost certainly been because of something which many people have alas been too frightened even to mention for “politically correct” reasons – namely his draconian reaction to the national uprisings following the savage murder of three innocent young girls in Southport by an immigrant descendent, and other similar recent acts of savagery committed against innocent British citizens by ethnic aliens!

Ever since the first “Race Relations Act” of 1965 was first passed by the Wilson Government – the most hideous curtailment of free speech and choice ever enacted in the UK – the vast bulk of the population seem to have been cowered into silence out of fear of being considered “hateful”, “unchristian” or – dare we say it - “fascist”. To be sure there was limited opposition to this enforced egalitarianism during the 1960s and ‘70s, and indeed even during more recent decades, but the recent murders of the three innocent young girls in Southport seems to have been the final straw which has broken the camel’s back – not so much the actual savage killings themselves but the demonic reactions of the Starmer Government to the protests against them, which have involved the arrests, chargings and even imprisonments of ordinary British citizens, not only for taking part in direct physical demonstrations against the unwanted immigrants, but also even more reprehensively simply for posting critical comments on social media!

But there has been one very hopeful sign emerging from Starmer’s over-reaction, and that has been the revelation of the overwhelming youthfulness of those taking part in the protests – both on the streets and on-line (and there have been reports that some 30 children have been imprisoned merely for posting critical comments on-line!). It is now almost 60 years since the first “Race Relations Act” was passed, but in spite of some two generations of brainwashing, the natural patriotic instincts of today’s youngsters shine out like a beacon to inspire their elder generations! It is not only in Britain where these healthy patriotic instincts are manifesting themselves among the younger generations in spite of 60-odd years of “woke” brainwashing however. The average age of supporters of Donald J. Trump in the United States is far lower than that of Donkey Party activists, and the same is true regarding supporters of the Rassemblement National in France and the AfD in Germany.

Mr. Johnny Rotten, the popular singer, recently stated: "I never thought I'd live to see the day when the right-wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment, and the left-wing becoming the snivelling self-righteous twatty ones going around shaming everyone". Sir Keir Starner should not get too comfy in Downing Street therefore. He is clearly already Yesterday’s Man.



The Springbok Club will be holding an informal gathering during the afternoon of Saturday 21st September at a venue in central London at which there will be a re-showing of Gary Vincent’s PowerPoint presentation about the early life of Frederick Courtney Selous. Following this presentation Susan Gordon will be giving a report-back on a patriotic festival which she attended during July in central London, after which there will be an open discussion about this. All members of the Springbok Club will be informed of the precise details concerning this event very shortly, but if any non-members are interested in attending then please e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk or ‘phone: 07711188430.

In October the Springbok Club will be honouring its pledge to Peter Sladden by maintaining the “Raising of the Flag” celebration, which this year will be held at Guildford in Surrey. This event will therefore combine the “Raising of the Flag” celebration with the second part of the trilogy of visits to sites associated with Frederick Courtney Selous. On Saturday 9th November the Springbok Club will be holding a meeting in central London to celebrate UDI Day, at which the organisation will be welcoming back Mr. Geoff Hill (the Africa correspondent of The Washington Times and The Spectator) who in April gave such an enthralling and illuminating talk about the then forthcoming four important General Elections taking place in Southern Africa, who this time will be giving a report-back on the outcomes and resulting implications of these elections. Full details about both these events will be given in next month’s SCN.



The Patriotic Forum will be resuming regular activities later during the autumn, and already two interesting personalities have accepted invitations to speak for the organisation, full details of which will be given in future editions of the SCN. All friends and supporters are reminded that the annual membership fee for the Patriotic Forum has been increased from £12.00 to £15.00, and it is hoped that both lapsed members and other readers will be prepared to pay this fee in order to join or to renew their membership as soon as possible, thus helping to build up funds in order to assist the growth of the organisation. Once again, payments can be made by direct bank transfer, the relevant bank account details being as follows :-

Bank name: NatWest Bank Ltd., Herne Bay Branch Sort-code: 60 – 10 – 37 Account Name: Patriotic Press Account No.: 54015138



We have recently received the following most concerning report from the Animal Survival International organisation regarding the plight of leopards in the “new” South Africa. It reads as follows:-

“We come to you with an urgent plea for help: a captive wildlife facility in South Africa is shutting down. They have found new locations for most of their animals, but a hand-reared 13-year-old leopard remains. He has just days to be rehomed, which is why our partner, Panthera Africa Big Cat Sanctuary, has turned to us for help.

Panthera Africa, an expert big-cat sanctuary and rehabilitation facility in the Western Cape, has the space for the cat but not the funds to relocate him. Another complication is that the leopard’s transport permit expires in less than a week, so the funds to relocate him must be found immediately.

Panthera Africa’s sanctuary will allow the cat - named Gabriel - to live as close to ‘free’ as possible - something we know every wild animal deserves, but tragically doesn’t always get.

“With your help, we will relocate Gabriel, a 13-year-old hand-reared leopard, from a captive facility in South Africa to a new home where he will finally experience life as close to freedom as possible.

“Gabriel has lived in a small, captive facility for his entire life, and because he was hand-reared as a cub, he can never be released into the wild. Tragically, human interference in this wild animal’s life means he will never be able to hunt or fend for himself.

“A big risk Gabriel faces now is that if he is not transferred to Panthera Africa within the next few days, he could be snapped up by a breeding facility.

“In South Africa, captive breeding facilities exist with their nefarious activities taking place under the radar, all in the name of financial gain. Here, big cats are bred in captivity, and the cubs are removed from their mothers almost immediately, to be used for exhibition purposes, petting zoos, or sold, often to people who have not the faintest idea how to care for a wild animal.

“In the wild, a female leopard will reproduce every two to two-and-a-half years. However, in captive facilities where cubs are removed from their mothers almost immediately, females go into heat much faster, which means they can breed far more often.

“We cannot allow Gabriel to end up at a breeding facility. No wild animal should be kept and bred in captivity, and while we work hard to fight this scourge around the world, sometimes we must focus on one animal at a time - like Gabriel.

“Leopards everywhere are in trouble – and we must do everything we can to help.

“Leopards, the smallest of all big cat species, are in serious trouble. Habitat loss and human activity, such as trophy hunting and the illegal wildlife trade, have caused a significant decline in their numbers in recent decades.

“Around the world, they are exploited by the entertainment industry, forced to perform tricks in circuses, caged in zoos or bred for human ownership or interaction. Wealthy people, often in Middle Eastern countries, buy leopard cubs as pets as a show of their wealth - usually with no knowledge of how to care for them - and it almost always ends in disaster for the animal.

“This is why we must fight to preserve every leopard life we can.

“We have only days remaining to move this beautiful wild cat, and we urgently need your help to make it happen.

“The Panthera Africa sanctuary offers the ideal environment for a wild cat: a spacious 6,500-square-meter, semi-wild enclosure with natural vegetation, hiding places and shelter - in stark comparison to Gabriel’s current home, which is less than a tenth of the size.

“Their expert team is working with a specialist wildlife veterinarian and relocation team to prepare Gabriel for relocation to their sanctuary, 932 miles (1,500 km) away from where he currently is - they hope to relocate him at the end of this week.

“Prior to his relocation, he must have a full health check to determine his current physical state and physiological needs. This includes vaccinations, sterilization, bloodwork and a full body X-ray to check for any abnormalities like arthritis due to his age. He will also have an assessment of an old injury to both front legs, which is causing him to limp.

“If we can raise $4000, (£3,213), we will be able to cover the costs of Gabriel’s relocation, his veterinary care, and the right nutrition to support his health for the first months in his new home.

“Please, help us give Gabriel his freedom and well-being!

Panthera Africa cares for big cats and other wild animals that are emotionally, physically or genetically impaired and cannot be fully rehabilitated and released into the wild. Once at their sanctuary, animals receive expert care for the rest of their lives.

“The sanctuary allows no hands-on interaction and ensures that animals live as close to the wild as possible. This is what Gabriel deserves - and with your help right now, it is what he will have, for the rest of his life.

“Please, help us get Gabriel to freedom by donating now.

“Saving animals and the planet,

“Campaign Director, “Animal Survival International

To contact Animal Survival International, or to make a donation to assist their campaign to help save Gabriel and other leopards, visit their web-site at : https://animalsurvival.org



In spite of being as well organised as ever, and producing some really exciting cycling over some very difficult courses (won of course by Primož Roglič of Slovenia after a gallant and gutsy showing by Ben O’Connor of Australia who eventually finished second), this year’s Vuelta a España was alas marred by masses of objectionable Palestinian flags being waved at the finishes of most stages of the tour. There were no Palestinian teams competing in this year’s tour, and neither were there any Palestinian riders. The presence of these flags was therefore completely anachronistic – but it was also deeply disturbing. We all know of course that this flag is the official flag of the Palestinian authority – but in the present circumstances it is synonymous with the satanic Hamas terrorist attack against innocent Israeli citizens on 7th October 2023. The sight of all these de facto Hamas Palestinian flags was therefore abhorrent not only to all Israelis, but also to all those who oppose international terrorism.

Another very significant fact was that the largest preponderance of these controversial displays seemed to occur when stages ended in or near the Basque lands, and indeed these Palestinian flags were often waved in close juxtaposition with Basque flags. In this regard it should never be forgotten that the main Basque terrorist organisation, ETA, enjoyed close fraternal relations with their fellow terrorists from the Provisional IRA during the 1970s. It was a case of “terrorists of the world unite” then and it seems as if it is still a case of “terrorists of the world unite” today. Be this as it may, the Spanish authorities must be severely criticised for not intervening and removing the offensive de facto Hamas Palestinian flags from display at this year’s Vuelta.



In the June 2021 Edition of the SCN we included an item about The Light freebee newspaper which read as follows :-

“We were recently sent – anonymously – a copy of a most intriguing newspaper entitled The Light. The headline of the issue which was sent to us, No.9, read ‘What Pandemic?’, which clearly indicates that this newspaper does not exactly tow the line of the medicrats who maintain that that Covid-19 virus is the most deadly virus which has ever mutated! …. To be sure this edition also contains a number of articles which are somewhat ‘off message’, but even so this newspaper provides extremely informative reading.”

Recently this present writer came across a man handing out free copies of The Light in the street, and still being interested in the publication took a copy and remarked that although many of the articles in it were excellent there were alas still a few items which were rather cranky. At this the man handing out the copies snapped back “everything in it has been fact-checked”! As a result of this astonishing claim a few investigations were carried out, which revealed that The Light had a most notorious reputation for peddling outrageous conspiracy theories - the most sickening of which being the hinting that the Jewish Holocaust of WW2 never happened. It would seem therefore that we were right in our June 2021 item to add the caveat that some of their articles seemed somewhat “off message”!

There remains one very strange aspect about The Light however, and that is how can they afford to publish such a substantial newspaper on a regular monthly basis with a print-run apparently running into the tens of thousands but with no price and with no commercial advertising? We know only too well how difficult it is to publish even a small 8-page magazine on an irregular basis simply through voluntary donations. Quite clearly therefore The Light must have some source of sinister financial backing! Long-standing South African readers might well remember an equally strange periodical which was published there from the 1960s to the 1980s called South African Observer, which similarly peddled poisonous Holocaust-denying conspiracy theories, and thereby became an acute embarrassment to the patriotic parties fighting against the National Party’s sell-out policies. It subsequently came to light that South African Observer was only kept afloat by financial support emanating from Arab lands, specifically from Jordan. We wonder therefore whether The Light may have a similar source of secret income?



A supporter from Wessex has recently informed us about a most praiseworthy petition initiated by the CitizenGo organisation which calls for the BBC to be defunded (or demonetised as they term it) and for the TV Licence Fee to be abolished. It can be accessed and signed at :-




A supporter from Kent has reminded us that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the fall (or perhaps more accurately surrender) of Lourenço Marques to the FRELIMO terrorists, an event which led directly to independence being granted to Mozambique by the new ultra-Leftist Portuguese regime the following year – with all the problems which this presented to the rest of southern Africa. This whole sell-out was of course precipitated by the Leftist coup in Portugal the previous year, which was clearly engineered by sinister internationalist forces whose primary aim was not so much to overthrow the benevolent Caetano government in metropolitan Portugal itself (though of course the Portuguese people have suffered as a result ever since!) but to destroy Portugal’s overseas provinces, and thereby to destabilise first Rhodesia and South-West Africa and then South Africa itself. As subsequent history has unfortunately shown, this demonic plan worked only too well!



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :-


Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-






“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.



No.310: Ms. ANN FORBES of Bertsham

We first made contact with Ann Forbes from Bertsham (a suburb of Johannesburg) several years ago now when she was producing a small patriotic publication called MEGA-SA, and we agreed a reciprocal exchange agreement with her. Alas we haven’t seen any copies of MEGA-SA for some considerable time now, and correspondence sent to her last known address, a P.O.Box in Bertsham, has been returned to us as the Box is now evidently closed. We wondered for a while whether she could be the same person as Ann-Maria Forbes (see “Where are They Now?” in the November 2012 SCN), but alas an enquiry sent to her last known address in Manchester has remained unanswered. We wonder therefore if anyone knows whether these two Ann Forbes’s are indeed one and the same person, or regardless of whether they are or not if anyone knows where she – or either of them - can now be contacted?



The We Believe in Israel organisation is fully worthy of support as it takes a firm stance in support of Israel’s right of self-defence against Hamas and Hezbollah terrorism. It support-base is in no way restricted to Jews, nor indeed solely to monotheists, but welcomes support from all those who oppose international terrorism. Its web-site can be accessed at :-






Climate Change and "Green Energy": These two subjects came to public attention in the mid 1980's when the UN formed the IPCC. The IPCC hypothesis then, as now, was that "Average global temperatures have been increasing since the mid 1950's and this is almost certainly due to the burning of fossil fuels". "We must dramatically reduce our dependency on coal and oil and invest/switch to wind, solar and biofuels". "We" have had around 36 years experience. What has been "our" experience? What have been the costs, performances, contributions to national grids and subsidies paid out by national governments? No mention at all in the mainstream media here in Canada or in the UK. Why is that? Manufacturers and operators will not commit their investors dollars without contractual guarantees. They will not put their faith in Mother Nature. These are complex subjects, but we/the scientific community have very reliable historic records on the planet's many climate changes. I have worked in many countries - many densely populated countries - that are increasing their dependency on fossil fuels. Canada, say our political class and mainstream media, are committed to net zero. Canada contributes perhaps 1.8% of all GHG's released into the atmosphere. On a global scale it's an irrelevance. Here are a few examples of what is happening in other countries. Not a mention here in the Canadian press. Carbon and environmental taxes have been a godsend to our politicians. Surely no one can object to these taxes, however these massive revenues go into the general pot and help pay the interest on our massive debts and not towards reducing GHG's. Perhaps I'm missing something or just unable to separate out the political rhetoric and bullshit from what will really take place here in Canada. The UK has been considering its nuclear options for over 20 years! Tons of data from the UK on their experiences of wind, solar and bio but ne’er a mention here, why is that?

Yours etc.,

Paul Rhodes, Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada.




Danish renewable energy firm Orsted said it will build the world's single largest off-shore wind farm off Britain's eastern coast. I cannot for the life of me understand the thinking behind the massive wind farm order. This is an intermittent power source, which will demand huge subsidies from UK householders and taxpayers and which will require a reliable back-up power generation system when it is producing little or no electricity. Apart from being unreliable off-shore wind farms are a blight on the landscape and are a massive hazard to bird life. It is also being built by a Danish company which will increase our existing massive total balance of payments deficit with the EU which has already cost us over £2 trillion.

The alternative is to invest heavily in Rolls Royce SMR's, which can be operated continuously (except for maintenance periods) and which are designed and made in the UK by the world renowned UK manufacturer. In addition, SMRs provide the same energy output p.a. at a lower capital cost than wind farms. Also, 370,000 miles of new HV cables and overhead lines, must be installed to connect remote wind and solar farms. The reactors in RN submarines are expected to last for over 30 years, compared with a 20 year typical life span for a wind turbine and 40,000 UK jobs will be created during development and commissioning of SMRs – leaving us independent in spares and back-up. Once these are fully developed and operational they would provide excellent export potential, thereby earning the UK valuable foreign funds.

The only valid reason must be that the former Conservative government had a death wish for UK design and manufacturing. In this it is surely joined by the Labour, Lib Dem and Green parties. So in any future general election please do not vote for suicidal UK policies by voting for any of these parties.

Yours etc.,

“Ghost writer”, Salisbury, Wiltshire, U.K.




Up until nine months ago, I was a writer and foreign teacher in Thailand. I have met many people from North Korea as Thailand and Malaysia have diplomatic relations with the DPRK. I also had some Russian students.

As such, my view of the war is quite unusual. For one, I feel the war in the Ukraine is probably a loss for America and NATO but just will take a while. I have many reasons to say that:

First, Russia has over 6,500 nuclear bombs, is capable of manufacturing their own munitions far quicker that the USA or NATO who have dangerously outsourced much production overseas and who rely on much more complicated weapons. While the weapons in Israel are very different than in the Ukraine, long-term, America won't be able to keep pace with Russia.

For two, when I came back to America, I warned as many Americans as I could that Russia is far more patient. I also cautioned that Russia will eventually step up the war but on their timeline. Most Americans don't understand that while young Russians don't want to fight, most Russians over age 35 or so do. There is a gap related to the fall of the USSR which started in 1986 and ended in 1991's collapse. So, the notion that President Putin has no support is about as wrong as were the stories of his "death from cirrhosis any day now."

Also, America and NATO made the mistake of relying on new technology to win; the same error that Adolf Hitler made and the reverse of WWII philosophy. We only ended the Greater Pacific conflict with two new bombs and, yes, we did also have Alan Turing for code-breaking, but of all secrets military secrets are among the most fleeting. It was inevitable that Russia would start defeating new technology with time, I said so publicly and that's precisely what's happening now.

As long as Russia can rely on simpler and quicker munitions they will either win or there won't be anything left worth having.

Americans also failed to realize that per Dr. Jason Richwine's 2009 (approximately) Harvard Dissertation on race and I.Q., the most reliable aspect of social science, North Koreans have a higher I.Q. on average than does America. From memory, I believe about averages of 106 for Korea and only 98 for American average I.Q.; now declining because of mass importation of foreign nationals from lower I.Q. countries and the decline of Caucasians who broadly invented almost all modern technology.

Koreans are not inventive but they are far smarter so the advancement of their weapons is no surprise, and it is almost certain that Russia will begin a mass transfer of knowledge into Korea as good faith for the support which may quite possibly turn the tide.

Finally, prolonged American and NATO support for a likely Ukrainian victory back-fired with the October 7th Arab attack upon Israel; an ally America must have. Long-term, that causes sustainability problems and further depletes American stock-piles at the worst time.

Because of the American Administration's blunders in the Ukraine and the surprise attack upon Israel, now America is in two prolonged campaigns and, per Sun Tzu, never get bogged down in long campaigns due to increasing risk of new actors and loss; chaos theory.

America now is in two long campaigns, President Biden has all but undone Russia's initial same mistake and the door is now wide open for a conflict in Taiwan. China knows Taiwan is a very hard target and probably won't get all those microchips if they invade, but even lacking the aspect of surprise, after January 13th, 2024, the opportunity has been excellent and ever since the passing of Cai Check and first generation patriots, now Taiwan really is a democracy and no longer a dressed up dictatorship in disguise to please America; a mortal problem on China's backdoor steps.

So, if that happens next, much of N.E. Asia may become a shooting range at a time when America's stock piles are low and production is very slow, up to 13 months sometimes versus only months in Russia and the DPRK.

That's my analysis. It's only a matter of time before Russia wins what they need in the Ukraine. Even if America somehow stops Russia (very unlikely unless Putin loses support or is overthrown), there will be little left of Ukraine but smoking ruin, miscalculation could mean a nuclear exchange, and Taiwan may fall and the next Greater Pacific Conflict may be triggered.

Finally, there is a cause for all of this which most Americans missed but I saw all but on our border: the Tatmadaw Overthrow of Burma's recent democratically elected government only one week after President Trump's last day in D.C.

What Americans don't understand is that Burma's electronic voting machines, and probably some manual voting machines too, were rigged in favour of the Tatmadaw much as they are rigged in South Africa for the ANC; a terrorist government.

The problem was the Tatmadaw was so unpopular they still lost and were both angry, as well as in panic. Once President Biden was in office and the last of Trump’s government was gone, the Tatmadaw gambled Biden would not bomb them and they gambled correctly.

This all starts there, from two nations with suspected voting fraud, and I knew America's enemies were watching. That was a green light and because America allowed the Tatmadaw to get away with that, that leads to Afghanistan, then to the Ukraine, in part to Israel, a very likely internal attack on America's own soil and quite possibly the fall of Taiwan and a hot war I don't think America would want because of massive casualties

That will be Biden's legacy; it's time to start respecting Korea and, in my view, the Ukraine is probably already a loss.

Yours etc.,

Prof. Jason Jellison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.




Thank you for the January Edition of your Springbok Cyber Newsletter with the reference to Israel.

In my fading years of life I still do not understand why South African Jews sided with the ANC. I am now 85, my money lies with the Old Mutual in Cape Town, I am allowed R14,000 a year. Our family grave in Durban has been taken away because it has not been used in the last 25 years. My 46 year old funeral policy is frozen because I live outside South Africa.

I know one thing Israel will never be defeated. My Bible tells me the land was given to the Jews by our Creator.

Yours etc.,

“Xrayman”, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand




As you know, Vladimir Bukovsky told us when he came here from the Gulag in the 1970s. “I have lived in your future”: he could see us going the same way, little by little, as Russia did suddenly in the 1917 Revolution.

He also told us that the so-called “Menshevik” path was the one chosen for the West – gradual, but ending up in the same place – ruin.

Russia eventually got out of that, we are still going in.

Yours etc.,

Peter Lindsay, Surrey, U.K.




It was with much sadness that we recently learnt that Mrs.Thorley Oliver had died at the end of 2021. Thorley had been born in Rhodesia in 1946, and it is believed that she was the daughter of Noel Hunt, the great Rhodesian writer, political analyst and patriot, who wrote expertly-analysed articles inter alia for the original S.A.Patriot (see for example edition No.21). Thorley was married to John Duncan Oliver, an active member of the Rhodesian Action Party who stood as RAP candidate for the Waterfalls Constituency at the vital 1977 Rhodesian General Election. After the fall of Rhodesia in 1979 John and Thorley moved to their ancestral British homeland, settling at Chard in Somerset. They first made contact with the Springbok Club at the 2018 “Raising of the Flag” ceremony which was held at Bath in Somerset, and where Thorley was given the honour of hoisting the Union Flag – an act which John subsequently told us made her “really cuffed”! We thought and hoped that we would establish strong and beneficial contact with them following this event, but alas John died the following year, and as we have now learnt Thorley herself followed him barely two years later. Although we only met them on the one occasion they made a lasting impression on us for their continuing dedication and loyalty to the Rhodesian cause, and their memory will continue to inspire us.



It was with great sorrow that we recently learnt of the death of John Redfern at the end of last year, after battling valiantly against pulmonary fibrosis for several years.

John was born at Plumtree in Rhodesia in 1938, the son of Alan Gardiner Redfern, an Assistant Native Commissioner, who was tragically killed during the Desert Campaign of WW2.

John was educated at Churchill Boys High School, Salisbury, and being inspired by the knowledge of his father’s military exploits he joined the school’s Cadet Corps, volunteering to join the Corp’s bagpipe band wherein he eventually rose to become Pipe Major.

He followed his father into the Army, studying and training at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, and being commissioned in 1958 with high marks and being top of the Rhodesian contingent. After completing two courses for junior officers in the UK he returned to Rhodesia where he joined the Rhodesian African Rifles. His military career in the RAR saw him serving under the command of Maj.Gen. Peter Walls, and seeing active service in concert with his South African and Portuguese military counterparts, before being appointed as Director of Military Intelligence in 1976, a post which he held until the fall of Rhodesia in 1980. He was then invited to join the SADF where he was appointed firstly a Senior Staff Officer in the Military Intelligence Directorate, before becoming Chief Director of Communications in the SADF. He remained in the SADF until 1997, being awarded the Southern Cross Medal and the Medal for Meritorious Service, and was also awarded the Order of the Cloud and Banner (Cravat) by the Republic of China (Taiwan) for his military liaison with their armed forces.

John married Mary Stróm, his Swedish-born fiancée, in 1960 when only 22, having obtained permission from his Rhodesian Army commander to marry so young. It was to prove a long happy and successful marriage, and produced two fine daughters. The other important influence upon John’s life was his strong and enduring Chistian faith.

Undoubtedly however John’s greatest achievement in life was his tireless and unstinting work in keeping the Rhodesian cause, spirit and ideal alive. He was instrumental in re-energising the Rhodesia Association of South Africa and re-branding the organisation the Flame Lily Foundation (FLF) even before he retired from the SADF, being successively the association’s National Chairman and then National Secretary. In these positions – where he was greatly assisted by his wife Mary who proved to be a constant tower-of-strength – he built up the organisation into a vibrant, successful and well-administrated institution, bringing hope and encouragement to all ex-Rhodesians forced into exile in South Africa. He was particularly active in ensuring that pensioners received the pensions which they were due from both the British and the new Zimbabwe authorities, and furthermore ensured that the organisation generated sufficient funds through social events and other fund-raising activities to make sure that destitute Rhodesian pensioners were well looked after. His other great achievement through the FLF was to produce regular publications such as The Flag and Msasa Mail which not only kept ex-Rhodesians and their supporters informed about the activities of the organisation and developments in Zimbabwe, but also reminded them constantly of Rhodesian history and their heritage which had to be preserved.

Following his final retirement from the SADF John studied and qualified as an official National Cultural Tourist Guide in South Africa, but this new occupation never dimmed his energetic activities with the FLF, and indeed the organisation grew in strength. He also maintained good and mutually beneficial contacts with other expat’ Rhodesian organisations, particularly with Rhodesians Worldwide, which performs the same services for ex-Rhodesians in other parts of the world as the FLF performs in South Africa. During a trip to the UK in 2001 John addressed a Springbok Club meeting whereat he gave a masterful speech explaining vividly the then current deteriorating situations throughout southern Africa, and also telling everyone about the work and activities and the aims and objectives of the FLF – a meeting which is still remembered fondly by all those who attended it.

John Redfern died at Cefane near East London at the end of last year just a few days after he and Mary celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary. In the words of the famous Clem Tholet song “Rhodesians Never Die”, and this will certainly be the case with John Redfern, as his memory and inspiration will live on with all those who had the honour and privilege to have known him. His achievements through the FLF were phenomenal, and the ongoing work of this organisation and the publications which it produced will ensure that the achievements of the great nation of Rhodesia will never be forgotten and that this heritage will be passed on to future generations. Our heartfelt sympathies are extended to John’s widow Mary, his daughters Yvonne and Lynette, his grandchildren and all those who have picked up his baton to maintain the fantastic work of the FLF.

[We thank and acknowledge the Rhodesians Worldwide magazine for providing much of the information upon which this obituary is based, from their own obituary to John in their January/March 2024 Edition.]


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