Wednesday, 12 August 2020

August 2020 Edition.


August 2020 edition

Earlier this month the renowned French philosopher, Bernard-Henri Levy, was interviewed on BBC2’s Newsnight programme about his incisive new book “The Virus in the Age of Madness”. The crux of his argument both in this book and in his interview was that the current Covid-19 crisis was not so much a “pandemic of a virus” but was rather a “pandemic of fear – a pandemic of panic”.

We of course fully agree with this analysis. As we’ve argued consistently in the SCN, the Covid-19 (or as we prefer to call it Wuhan Flu) outbreak has been used in order to induce fear, panic and compliance among the populations of the West. Both the extent and the severity of the epidemic have been greatly exaggerated, and the consequent restrictions placed upon personal liberty and freedoms have been both unnecessary and damaging. In short, the “cure” has been far worse than the disease. There have been constant mutations of the flu virus throughout history, some of which have been more virulent than the Covid-19 variant and others less so – yet never before in human history have such draconian restrictions on human rights and freedoms been imposed. Why?

One supporter who doesn’t entirely agree with our analysis of the situation has criticised us somewhat for not centring upon the place where the “pandemic” originated – China, or more specifically Wuhan in the province of Hupeh/Hubei. Initially we couldn’t care less where the virus had started as we were purely concerned about how its severity had been exaggerated so greatly and why this exaggeration had then been used to wreck the economies and the lives of citizens in so many Western societies. The words of Bernard-Henri Levy then made us think again however. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union China has been the epicentre of international Communism, and it was only because of the effects of the global “lockdown” lunacy that the international Marxist subversion campaign (which began in Minneapolis, then spread across the United States, and then to the entire Western world) was able to achieve such disturbing global success. Could it be that the CCP developed the Covid-19 variant virus not so much to cause a worldwide viral pandemic, but rather to cause a pandemic of fear and panic, and thereby to wreck the economies of all of China’s global competitors, and the international capitalist system as a whole? After all, it was only in Hupeh/Hubei Province that the Chinese authorities imposed a complete “lockdown” of society – and not throughout the whole of their country – and this was then used by the CCP-puppet World Health Authority as a “template” to eradicate the allegedly “deadly” disease throughout the world!

Probably the most insidious manifestation of the whole Wuhan Flu madness has been the legal requirements to wear ridiculous face-masks – which in the UK and many other Western countries has been made compulsory in both public transport and shops and stores. If we are to ignore the fact that the Covid-19 virus is nowhere near as deadly as the medicrat fanatics would have us believe, it is an indisputable fact that viruses (unlike bacteria) are microscopic single-cell organisms, and thereby so small that they pass through any material which also allows oxygen molecules to pass through to breathe. The imposition of compulsory face-mask wearing therefore has nothing to do with stopping the spread of the disease, but is control-freakery gone mad - it is a ploy to remove personal identity and to destroy individuality. In a nutshell these “Big Brother” regulations are exactly what George Orwell predicted in his prophetic novel 1984, and it is encouraging to note that many people are now referring to the virus as Covid-1984 – a term which we will also now be using in future!

But happily this latest piece of draconian insanity is not working out quite the way that the medicrat tyrants intended. Most major shops and stores have stated that it is not their duty to enforce the “law”, and many Police forces have indicated that they have better things to do than to arrest people for such a ludicrous “offence”. Furthermore the authorities have allowed many exemptions to be recognised, one simply being if the wearing of a face-mask causes “severe distress”. This seems to be a “catch all” exemption, which everyone can – and should – use. It is extremely easy to obtain an official exemption card (no specific reason has to be given); simply visit the web-site :-

and then print-out the relevant page and carry it wherever you go – to produce if you’re ever confronted by any “little Hitler”. The larger the mass defiance against this evil regulation the quicker it will be shown to be unenforceable and the sooner it will consigned to the dustbin of history – and then everyone will obtain their freedom and liberty back again!



The Springbok Club is still planning to resume activities with a visit to the Royal Naval War Memorial in Chatham and other historical sites in the locality during late August, which will be followed by an adjournment to a near-by hostelry to take advantage of the “half-price meal” scheme. This visit will be held on Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th or Wednesday 26th August, and all Springbok Club members will be notified of the precise details once arrangements have been finalised. If anyone else would like to attend then simply send an e-mail asking for the details to:

Once all the lunatic “lockdown” restrictions have been lifted the Springbok Club will be re-scheduling its planned meeting to be addressed by Mr. James Lockwood about the Loyal Orders . Fuller details will be given in a future edition of the SCN once the world returns to sanity.



Although the Patriotic Forum hasn’t been able to function properly with regular monthly meetings and other activities ever since the draconian “lockdown” restrictions were introduced, the Patriotic Forum Circulation Service has been expanded and has been re-circulating a series of informative and incisive postings, particularly exposing the misinformation behind the Wuhan Flu/”lockdown” brain-washing and the international Marxist subversion campaign against Western Civilisation. If you would like to receive regular e-mails distributed by the PFCS e-mail: and ask to be added to the list.

The Patriotic Forum is also exploring the possibility of staging some on-line “Zoom” meetings shortly. More details about this possibility will be given in next month’s SCN.



We were of course very concerned when we heard the devastating news that the founder of the esteemed SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary, Louise Joubert, had been killed in a road accident in 2018, as we initially feared for the future of the charity. Happily we have recently received the following message from the SanWild team which announces that a new board of trustees has been appointed, and that the organisation is firmly back on the road again. We wish the new trustees and everyone else involved every success for the future :-

“SanWild has taken a lot of knocks and negative criticism over the past 18 years, but also had a lot of successes, most of them being the animals that were rescued. Most of them are still roaming freely on SanWild and have started their own families, while others have sadly passed on and some of them have been brutally murdered by poachers. Despite this and various disappointments, brand-new trustees and a group of dedicated people that share the same passion and vision, have stepped up and with the support of specialists and the local community, SanWild has been given the opportunity to be as great again as it used to be in its glory days.

“Our dream is to see the SanWild name ‘reborn’ and once again to become one of the best wildlife sanctuaries in South Africa and be home to many wild animals and their offspring for many more years to come. We have a very daunting road ahead of us and it is not going to be easy, but we need to dig our heals in and have faith that there are many honest like-minded people out there with the same passion and strong sense of conservation of nature and wildlife alike, who will support and help us to succeed. “We currently have a brand new Anti-Poaching Unit (APU) on the property which is also attending to the proper perimeter patrolling of the Sanctuary and safeguarding of the animals, as well as the day-to-day duties like feeding the lions, the upkeep of fencing and watering holes. We are however in dire need for funds to pay for the APU’s monthly, diesel and fencing materials to upgrade the lion enclosures. Expenses for the APU are R50,000.00 and diesel is around R30,000.00 per month, which at this stage are a huge expenses on its own.

“The new Trustees have been working around the clock to try and get all the admin’ up to date and getting a monthly budget in place for each department, i.e. APU, diesel, lion feed, repairs and maintenance on especially fencing, trail cameras and batteries, to mention but a few of exactly how much funds are needed to achieve success. The budget will be available on our website, so that everyone can see and understand exactly how much it costs to keep an NPO Wildlife Sanctuary running. This will be done in light of transparency, so people can see exactly where their money is going to, and also to snuff out any more allegations of mismanagement and negative perceptions.

”The Sticky Tongue Tented Camp has been beautifully revamped, but one luxury tent still needs various finishing touches. People have been offering their time and manpower, but again funds for materials are an issue. The other 5 tents are open and ready, and have twice during November and December been booked out completely. There are so many people who want to get involved to help make a difference that we are in the planning stages to bring out a ‘volunteer programme’ on all different aspects of the running of SanWild. ‘TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK’.

“It will be greatly appreciated if you are able and willing to donate towards either the APU or diesel expenses, no matter how small or big. Donations can be made via our PayPal link. Alternatively, you can just click on ‘General’ in our web-site, then the funds will be allocated to where it is needed most.

”We would love to thank each and every one that has stuck with SanWild through the good and bad times, as well as all the newcomers for your support, donations, selfless hard work and most of all believing in us!

”Kind regards ”The SanWild Team”

The SanWild Wildlife Trust can be contacted via their web-site at:



Alas the disgusting support given to the evil international Marxist subversion campaign by certain sportsmen and women and sports administrators around the globe continues. The latest sport that has decided to kow-tow to the evil subversives has been Rugby League. When the sport resumed fixtures in England and France earlier this month the Rugby League officials ordered all players to “take the knee” – a mark of disrespect to the US National Anthem – and sickeningly all players evidently meekly complied. All, that is, except for one: Israel Folau, the Australian-born Tongan.

Folau of course had previously upset the “politically-correct brigade” by posting his opposition to sexual perversion, so he has therefore proved to be a man of great courage and strong morals, and is therefore of great credit to his Tongan ancestry. Britons will remember how the then monarch of Tonga, Queen Sálote, captivated the crowds during the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953, and as a result endeared great affection for Tonga and the Tongan people among the British people. Israel Folau’s brave and honorable actions during recent years have only added to this affection. Although still very early, we believe that there will be nobody more worthy of the BBC’s Overseas Sports Personality of the Year award this year than Israel Folau!

Israel Folau has not been the only sports personality to stand up to the evil Marxist subversives of course, but alas their numbers have been sickeningly small. Kevin Magnussen of Denmark joined the six other decent F1 drivers who refused to be associated with the repulsive action of “taking the knee”, and four English Football League clubs have also honorably refused to enact such an objectionable performance. Even though there seems – so far –to be no sign that the Rugby Union officials will insult their fans in the same way, the Exeter “Chiefs” RFC officials are to be congratulated upon refusing to comply with the bizarre request by the Marxist subversives that they change the club’s nickname!

As we reminded people last month, the kow-towing to the Marxist subversives by so many sportsmen today seems very similar to the kow-towing to the Nazi regime by the England soccer players who gave the Nazi salute prior to the international match against Germany in 1938. Most of the England players concerned subsequently issued abject apologies for their regrettable action. Hopefully it won’t be too long before those current-day idiots who meekly complied with instructions from their treacherous officials issue similar abject apologies for their disgusting actions. Only by so doing can they ever hope to regain the respect of all decent people.

As for the clubs concerned, may we remind them that the main aims of the Marxist AntiFa organisation which is behind the global subversive campaign is to disband Police forces and to destroy the Capitalist system. If they are willing to kow-tow to AntiFa then surely they should also stop engaging Police forces to patrol their matches, and to end all club, shirt, ground and competition sponsorship by Capitalist companies. To do otherwise is surely utter hypocrisy.



Several of our supporters have informed us about two most important campaigns which we encourage all of our readers to support and re-circulate.

The first is a petition calling upon the British government to “Protect all monuments and statues from being taken down”, and can be accessed at :-

The second is an on-line campaign to support Jake Hepple, the heroic patriot who used his initiative to organize the flying of a light aircraft towing a banner reading “White Lives Matter” over the Manchester City ground where the players and officials were displaying a disgusting show of support for the Marxist subversives. This campaign can be accessed at :-



Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.

Please use the search request form at :-

Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :-




Springers Biltong offers a marvellous range of biltong, boerewors and drywors – all of the very highest quality, reasonably priced, and fully registered and licensed with their local authority Their web-site can be accessed at :-




Supporter Bob Vinnicombe from Australia has self-published a book, the reading of which might help while away the hours in this time of "self isolation" due to the Wuhan virus.

The book is “Tales of Imagination and Mystery”, 196 pages, small paperback.

If you like Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery & Imagination or The Twilight Zone you will like these stories.

Price is Aus$25 overseas outside Australia, Aus$15 in Australia. Pay by PayPal to


“LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFRED JAMES TOMLINSON: MEMOIRS OF AN AFRICAN PIONEER AND BSAP OFFICER" is now available at, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar.

Trish also writes romantic suspense and romantic comedy fiction.



The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts.

For more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail:, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks!


"THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI.

DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit or write to for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340.




Several copies of the latest edition of The Imperial Patriot sent to subscribers in Europe have been returned as their postal addresses are evidently no longer recognised. We wonder therefore whether any readers can inform us where they can now be reached. The three people concerned are :-

1) Stále Henriksen of Krokstadelva in Norway 2) Jorgen Nielsen of Aalborg in Denmark 3) Timo Seppala of Hyvinkaa in Finland

In addition two copies sent to organisations have also been returned because addresses are no longer recognised, namely :-

1) Serbian Blood and Honour of Jagodina in Serbia 2) Sieg [magazine] of Lochau in Austria

We hasten to add that none of these people/organisations have any connection with each other, apart from the fact that they have all been subscribers to S.A.Patriot/The Imperial Patriot.



Perhaps the best organised and most active campaign opposing the draconian Wuhan Flu (Covid-1984) “lockdown” measures in the UK is the Keep Britain Free movement. They have initiated legal action calling for a Judicial Review of the controversial “lockdown” regulations, and have also staged massive rallies in Hyde Park, specifically to protest against the imposition of laws making the wearing of hideous face-masks compulsory in certain places (events which have ominously received little publicity in the mainstream media!). Their highly informative web-site can be accessed at :-





Thank you for sending me the latest edition of the SCN. I received it on Friday.

This virus at last is going away. When all this is over this country must change for the better, the way we treat the less well off in society, the Tories’ current attitude towards us working people, and Labour’s treachery of the working class in favour of useless ethnic minorities.

We must walk away from the EU and concentrate on ties with the Commonwealth. Keep the Chinese out of the UK, re-build our manufacturing and our armed forces.

Yours etc.,

Adam Hiley, Upminster, U.K.




Well the madness continues. Making masks compulsory just as the virus is in retreat and almost eradicated! I shall stock up my freezer before 24th July to avoid going into supermarkets. Just as we want businesses to get on their feet and back to normal this will scare even more people from going out.

Yours etc.,

“Mighty Potter”, Norfolk, U.K.




Re: your comment “Blacks could not have organised such criminality on a global-scale themselves, and that other far more sinister forces have been at work” in the June edition of the SCN.

I thought the same of Mandela and the “New” South Africa.

Yours etc.,

Heinrich Koch, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa.




I have no wish to see the NHS privatised for the sake of dogma - made more efficient and less bureaucratic yes, but privatised? Privatisation is greatly over egged. It worked in some like Telecomms (although GPO ‘phone enquiries were free, now (£5!). Didn't work for railways. The whole nigger in the woodpile in this shambles has been Public Health England - £4 billion a year that shambles gets! Any, and I mean any, party proposing free market ultra-privatisation is doomed.

Also it depends on what one means by privatisation. Is Germany private? Spain? France? Or are they hybrids? The public would wear it only if they could be totally convinced it would be free at the point of delivery. Now we all know nothing is 'free', but you get my drift.

Yours etc.,

“Loyalist”, Glasgow, U.K.




I thought the latest edition of The Imperial Patriot was wonderful, just what we need. The article "The Roper Set" was marvellous, I wish I'd been there. What civilised fun you all had. Dare I ask are you the "esteemed umpire"? Keep it going!

Yours etc.,

Paul Armstrong, Surrey, U.K.

[ Yes I was. Surely the bottle of Castle Lager to my left was a dead giveaway!. – Ed.]




How far is this mania for tearing down statues, defacing monuments and renaming things going to go?

Are they going to take all Volkswagens off the road because the Volkswagen ('"Peoples' Car') was inspired by Hitler?

Are the trendy lefties and A-listers in the media and entertainment industry going to trash their Porsches because Ferdinand Porsche was a friend of Hitler?

Are the same trendy A-listers going to stop wearing Coco Chanel perfume because she was an alleged collaborator?

Are they going to rename the Ford Motor Company because Henry Ford was an raving anti-Semite who received a special award from the Nazi Party?

Is the BBC (after wiping the "don't mention the war" episode) going to wipe that episode of Fawlty Towers featuring the Irish builder O'Reilly who knocks down a load-bearing wall and puts a door in the wrong place because he is the stereotype stupid Irishman?

Are they going to rename anything called "Whitlam" because of his racist attempt to stop Vietnamese refugees being let in after the Vietnam War because he knew as they were running away from communism they'd all vote Liberal?

Are they going to ban Jerry Seinfeld, Woody Allen and Larry David because of their holocaust jokes?

Are they going to rename the electorate of Calwell because Arthur Calwell was an enthusiastic supporter of the White Australia Policy?

I could go on ……

Yours etc.,

Bob Vinnicombe, Sefton, N.S.W., Australia.




I expect Southern and Eastern Africa could be a sort of Dominion, because any Dominion by itself, grows, and succeeds, as Canada. “Black lives matter”, that is true, but why is this not in the interest of the rulers in Africa with their own population? Black people in South Africa and in Zimbabwe are poor and they have got Black rulers. With the "White Oppression" they hoped for a better world (which?). Now, that hope has vanished. They, have not, now, any hope. You have to look at the number of suicides in Southern Africa, throwing themselves onto the train tracks. There are Black people who long for the government of Ian Smith. For a Liberal, it is incredible but true.

The British Rule, in Africa, made slavery disappear and contained the adverse effects of the Zulus on other ethnic groups. Real facts, not opinions.

Yours etc.,

Carlos Pintor Extramiana, San Sebastian, Spain




The MCC knee-jerkers were a DISGRACE, and as for that brat driving a Mercedes, just where, what, when has that selfish, greedy, Black F1 driver ever built or donated for any school, hospital or charity for his fellow-Blacks in the UK?

Knowing the bullsh1t-bad BBC, this idiot will get the “Sports Personality of the Year” award for 2020, (stake your bets now!) with Jofra Archer as runner-up!

Yours etc.,

“Every human life matters”, Aberdeenshire, U.K.




It was with great sadness that we learnt of the recent death of the great Rhodesian patriot James Gardner Sives.

James Sives played a significant role in the success of the famous 1976 Rhodesian Tour (see S.A.Patriot-in-Exile No.33). He gave a lift to one member of the Tour Party (the current editor of the SCN) from Messina to Salisbury, and then, together with his parents, ensured that all the Tour Party members enjoyed a splendid time in Salisbury, before giving them much advice for the rest of their journey. Most importantly, however, he provided an introduction to a colleague who worked for RBC which led to the electrifying interview of three members (Neil Farnell, Alan Gresham and Tony Williams) by Harvey Ward on RTV. He will therefore always be fondly remembered by all the Tour Party members, who now consequently grieve his loss greatly.

James Gardner Sives was born at Edinburgh in 1943, the son of George Marshal and Jean Sives. The family emigrated to Southern Rhodesia in 1952, and the family settled in Salisbury where his father, George Marshal Sives, served in the BSAP. He was educated at Allan Wilson High School in Salisbury before joining the Royal Rhodesian Regiment, in which he served as a Regimental Policeman throughout the 1960s. In 1966 he met and married Ann Gould, and they eventually had three children. In the early 1970s he moved to Pietersburg in South Africa, and together with his brother George established the Capricorn Paints paint manufacturing business, and in 1976 diversified by opening the Combined Medical Specialists company in Johannesburg, before moving to Cape Town in 1986 where his businesses were from then onwards based.

In spite of his relocation to South Africa James Sives always remained a die-hard Rhodesian at heart. He joined and became active in the Save Rhodesia Campaign in 1977, helping his brother to establish the campaign’s Pietersburg Branch. He was able to see through the rogue Brendan Willmer who had usurped control of the SRC however, and as a result he never joined Willmer’s subsequent South Africa First Campaign scam after the fall of Rhodesia in 1979, from then onwards concentrating upon his businesses and family life, but instilling in all his extended family members his own abiding love for the Rhodesian nation.

Our sincerest condolences are extended to his wife Ann, his children Alan, Jill and Kate, his brothers George and Maurice, and to his niece Jean and all the other members of his extended family. We should all now remember the defiant words of John Edmond: “Rhodesians Never Die”! 


Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!